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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1923)
NEW BIG PACKAGE GATE CITY JOURNAL Published every Friday Oregon, by at »>¡4 to be one public employe for every 12 taxpayer!. Twelve useful eitisans out of IS la a very comforting Nyssa ratio.—New York Evening Poat. H. F. BROWN Enter"d at the Postoffiee at Nyssa Oregon, as second-class mail matto SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, in advance________ $l. 6 f .• months, in advance..................7f ed foreign group*. •Can America grow ap aad »till keep the epirit of her youth? Can ahe endure the peaaing of he» frontier end •ti'l retain the line f*aita which that frontier produced—democracy, liberty, religioua freedom, American!»* Only If ahe »an replace material facta with •piritual. If America eau build upon the apirit of her godly foundere and riae today to a great apirit of generous good will, of tolerance, of »elf control, of aervice and unaelflshneaa; if »he can undergird her ideal* with auoh a spiritual foundation, then they are eafe. Otherwise, within a century, America will »ink into the same claaa- ridden, intollerant, quarrelsome, gov ernment-burdened condition In which • see the nations of the old world to day. Democracy, liberty, religious freedom, Americanism, will have pissed as mere incidents of oar na tio.ial youth.” On the Way. Ttia time seems to be coming when oee who Indulge tu luxury and *oU HI ha regarded with quite as much Jazi mnsic seems to be improving. lepiclon and contempt as was for- At a jazz band performance the other marly directed toward tboas »’ho night it was so quiet that the audience haunted the doors of chicken coops could almost have heard a pistol fired. after dark.—Ctiea Observer. -Punch. A professor of geology says that primeval deposits of fish are the sourer of al< oil wells. Now the modern fish are buying atock in the wells. The millennium is waiting patiently Will the time cornea when reform will Display advertising.......26c per inch bsgin where charity dora. Readers First Insertion____ ___ 10c per lint Rev. Jt sae Baird on Religious Subsequent insertions....... 6 c per lint THE JO U R N A L $1.50 per year Liberty. Thera is a world of pood sense In the advice given by Rev. Jessa H. Baird, oa-^tor of the First Presbyterian Is it really the care.oris itfcnly aco urch of Boise, in bis address before incidence that Italy has seemed a bit tii j Idaho State Federation ol more tractable since Ireland joined the Women’s cclubs, at its racent meet League o f Nations. —Kansas City Star. ing in the capital city, thinks the Twin Fails Times. Speaking of re If Canadians and Fnglishmt n won’ t ligious liberty and work of American help Uncle Sam enforce prohibition, izition, Rev. Baird said: ‘Unless we can maintain tha old he might, as a lest resort, appeal to Americans—Fort Smith ; Ark.jTunes frontier spirit of fair play and of square dealing, without laws to en- Record. | force them, our liberties are doomed. | “ Religious liberty is becoming bard They . . . . . s * * * ™ Te 19 ,n , ,ncre»p* in er as we become more c-owded to- chlid labor. We say it isn’ t noticeable , , . , .. gether, as the other mans creed be around the home.—Columbia record. , . , , ... . , • gins to interfere with the free exar cise of mine. Religious war and strife, It is getting to where a public offi- like that which cursed Europe and cial, every time he c'oas his duty, is Asia through all tbs centuries, is accused of soaking publicity. — San threatening America. Can religioua Diego Tribune liberty in America outlive the daya ot our national youth? Only if we car. It is said there will be little change back it up with a great spirit o f toler in women’ s clothes this year. Then an e and generous fair play. The de perhaps there will he a little more velopment of true Americanism, the change in men’s.—Am< rican Lumber- amalgamation of the foreigner, was man- easy when there was lots of roam be " ■ yond the frontier. We sent him out Mexico has refused to enter the the,,e to wear off his foreign traits and League o f Nations. In same quartera ' laas- Then when he was thoroughly this is regarded as a moral victory far Americanised we brought him back the League. into our midst and liked him flrstrate Today that foreigner mast ba Amerl canised by our aids. Wa don’ t like Oklahoma discovered the other day him and we tend to let him know it. how to make reluctant eitisans go to tha polls. All you have to do is pro Aa soon as that spirit is manifest the hibit people from voting snd leave prooess of Americanisation ceases human nature to do the rest.—New There already arises tha peril and Ike fear of America becoming, instead of Evening Post. a nation, a collection of unamalgamst- P«es 5 Comment LOST! •nd Lot. ianrfV VV5» l » W h . Range Meridian, h . H|*j J « ' to make final pro#i . »Uder the third March 4. m s , •«.bad, bafore R , " U 8 UandOfflcs, „■ the 3id day of Nov, VA Claimant ram#, , w H Doolittle, E g Pinney, allot Ontsii. dann, of Ny,lt> 0 1 GEO. w work mares, one dark NOTICE FOR PUb- weight about 1600 lbs. U partmsnt 01 ik. U. S Land OflLs i; * . lap Notice ia hereby Franks, of Watson Or January 28. 19a), m, d, try No. 16076 fJr Lot 9 SEf Sec. 17, LoU 2 Lot 2 , Sac 29, Range 44 East, WHI.Z has filed notice of int(i, final three >«»r proof, claim to the land »to»,’ , fore Register » 1,4 Land Office, at Vale, 31t diiy of October, _ Claimant names as wi Wilmer H. Shaver, Burt Stephen Ward, Luv>rirtI| all of Watson, Oregon, Cao. W. V1 flee-bitten grey, weight about 1500 lbs., both branded X on left shoulder. Last seen above Vale July 17. Liberal reward will be paid for noti fying ADVERTISING RATES desert NOTICE FOB PUILJ t r a d e m ark* nn<I copyright» obtained or 1.0 fe*. Send model, «ketches or photos and t»e- I nerfption for F R E E S E A R C H »nd »»port | on putt nubility. Think reference». P A T E N T S B U IL D F O R T U N E « for you. Our five booklet* tell how, what to Invent I Hitdswvoyo? ror.ey Write today. D. SWIFT & CO. 1303 Seventh St., Washington, D. 6.J PATb'fJT LAWYERS, The Mail I Goe* In tWhil* tb, SU mzmd W i W e c a n fu rn ish y o u th e la n d e l p rin te d sa les letter* a n d circu lar* o n H A M M E R M 1 L L B O N O th at w ill g e t y o u r m e s s a c e in th e righ t w a y to th o m a n w h o ca n b u y your good*. 11 , . 1 . ,. U s o m o r e p r in te d *ale *n » n »h|p. A sk u a. Department of the Land Office at VaR. 0 e! Notice is hereby M. Davidson, AssigBM g Miller, of Nampa, April 17 1908, mid* detnt N YSSA, OREGON N# 0785, for NE} Saetioo • hip 22 South, Rang« 46 [- ette Meridian, has filed E. M B L O D G E T T tention tu make finsl proof, Attorney and Ceunstllor at Law Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver lish claim under the third Practice in all courts method. Consultation and examina o f Act of March 4, 1915, , tion free Ten years successful prac above described, before Nyssa - • Oregon tice in the state of Oregon Special Receiver, U. 8 Lsnd Offia, rates given for 60 days. First dm ^Oregon oil tha 4th aay tf west of Bank of Nyssa, Nyssa, Or. Nature’s Busy Workers. In th* great office of nature there Claimant names ae w t ire Innumerable departments with Anson Bennett, of Boik, ■nrtle*« work going on. and the fine Hiller, of Nampa, Idaho; lower thst you behold there, gaudily vison, of Parrra, Idaho; t. ittlred and scented like 1 dandy. Is by of Homedalo, Idaho. no means what It appears to be, but rather Is tike ■ laborer tolling In the Geo. W McKnigh*, sun sod shower, who has to submit • rlear account of hla work and has aa breathing space to enjoy himself la • NOTI j E FO PUB1.1CA, playful froUc. Department of their U. S Land Office it Vug Quoer Little Ist«. Octoief Th e smallest dependency of r n s a Notice is hereby given Ik I Is the He (THoedle, situated at tha H. Davison, Assignee of Cow east of Bella Isle. Its population is of Nampa, Ideho, who ir i 288. They do not spoak Fronoh. hat 19.8, made desert landeitn! ositie. They .r * provide* m m for NW1, NJSW1, Section 1 St an Inn managed by tho women. l%s ' he» no streets. ship 22 South. Range 46 Eu: etto Meridian, has filed *~ tention to make final jroof, lish claim uodst th* third n of ast of March 4, 1911, to abov* described, before Receiver. U. 8 , Lsnd 09a Oregon, on th* 4lk day of I J.N. SHELTON Chiropractors 1921. Claimant names as wiinrn I Anson Bennett, of Baal Ed Hilller, of Nampa, Idibo; T NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Davison, of Parau, Ids» I Department of the Interior, Napton, of Hsmekalt, (dak* Las* Office at Vale, Oregon, Geo. W. Mr Knight I September 26, 1983. Notice ia hereby given that Tom 8 . Ordeman. of 200 Third St. Portland, Thirty aheats typewrit« f Oragon, who. on April 17, 1908, mad* 6 * at Journal office. W e pay Tlewtboupc A n entirely new body design lends distinction in appcarance.sdds measurably to individual comfort, and provides greater convenience in the new Ford C oupe School Supplies at Journal Ofiice a 4gc for Butteri Streamline body, windshield visor, and nickeled fittings make this new C oupe highly attractive Deeply cushioned seats,improved interior arrunge- ment,and cowl ventilator provideincreased comfort. Nyssa PackingC W id e doors th at open forward, revolving type w indow lifters, enlarged rear compartment and a recess shelf for parcels, back of the seat make for greater convenience. U U R B ID G E A R A Y , P ro s» Set the nrw Ford Coupe and other body type» at your Nearest Ford Dealer's showroom. Nyssa Realty C V. B . STAPLES J. BOTDELL L«en*ed and Bonded Real Eatate Broken and • m a t*. j OLD AOtT PA8SFTH AWAY BUT YOUTH IS PEBSNNIAI f * l l>. M V . W ip , p er ’ly-1.1 , t- > qulred snx nf tenvtag dbt you pnpn nnd mamma Y' “ No.” he n'plled, ”1 snld voir P Huston TransirlpL N YSSA _ , I»- W. 8w Act.PR ^ ^ ■ T h e formation o f a desman"' Attor* lt r - _ * F ,r ’ct under the provisions of Hooma 1 . * . Ï ipter 340 o f the General Laws of WlUoa nid’r ** tgon for 1915, under the nrmii.J n m , . . la* OREG 0