/ has for years been though the site of a prehistoric city. In its depths of five years. It was pointed out are walls, rising in geometric pre by representatives of the district cisión, which bisect the lake bed, , Continuad from first page) that the bonds which they sought to ^ and investigation has just been set Malheur County Keal Estate Trans have certified incuded $235,000, cov­ increased to $35,000,009 if to it were afoot to learn whether their origin fera Recorded During ering the contract for construction addod loss of wages, labor turnover, is from a natural cause o f the work Soon after 1 as colled upon to act doctor's bills, and administration of of man in years gone by Week of Oct- 6 to 13. work, $70,000 to meet outstanding obligationa, $30.000 for contingencies as Secretary of the Interior, in the law. Statistics of the United and $65,000 for improvements not in March, 1923, my attention was States Department of Labor show U. S. A. to John F. Warn-SEVU' particularly directed to conditions re­ that the rate of accidents in the E14 Sec. 21; g W K S W tt Sec-. 22, set out in the tentative agreement iron and steel industry during a lating to the reclamation projects and N ftN E tt Sec. 28-32-40. 2.4-10. entered into between the contractors period of eight years was highest Present indications point to a ris­ constructed or being constructed by among the non-English speaking ing tide in farming cosditions al! U. S. A. to Bella E. Warn-SEU-N and the district. Wi4, and SWIANE'A Sec. 28|32|4t>. the Department in the western miners alone amounts to $2, 1 90,000. over the United States, according to It was explained by Morrison and 3.26-19. States and among which I have On the same basts it is estimated A B. Cordley, dean o f the school of John F. Warn et ux to Vern O. Knudyson, contractors, with head­ that the excess of non-English agriculture. Warn-SEV4SE*4 Sec. 21; SW14SVV quarters at Boise, Idaho, that they lived for thirty five years. s(leaking miners injured each year Although 10 leading agricultural Through complaints from organi­ amounts to 69,750 men. this is a . % Sec. 22; NHNEVk, SEVkNWU. had missed their bid on rock bot. colleges of the country report an av. and SWV4NEV4 Sec. 28-32-46. 9.17- tom prices for materials and labor zations of water users, individual loss in wages alone of $1,743,750. erage decrease of 28 per cent in de 23. $1.00. and had agreed to accept in payment water users, resorts of agents, in­ Taking the excess of deaths and in­ gree students in agreiulture, Dean Sheriff H. Lee Noe to F. H. Betts spectors, otlicial records of the De­ juries together due to non-English Cordley sees no need for alarm over NW14SEV4 Sec. 30-18.43. 10-6-23. for their work bonds of the district partment and Congress, it appeared speaking foreigners the economic the situation. The agricultural de­ at 90 cents on the dollar. $50.00. that nearly ail of the projects were loss each year reaches $4.533,750. pression of the last two years, the Edwin G. Wilson et ux to James Although members of the commis­ This is entirely aside from the othr M. Coin et ux-WVkEhSE%, and EVfc sion expressed the opinion that the in such condition that some radical costs to the industry in production continued propaganda to the effect reforms or improvements must be lhat the farmer is the “ under dog” WV4SE14, Sec. 2-18.46. 9,22123. $10. state is under a moral obligation to have caused this condition he be­ U. S. A. to Milton B. Sexton- assist in the completion of the Jor­ had if they were to be saved, farm­ cost.” lieves. Lota 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9, Sec. 7-24.39. dan Valley irrigation district, it was ers protected from loss of their homes, and the return o f the money “ Farming conditions are surely on 3|8|20. generally agreed that the values of JUNTURA the upward trend,” says Dean Cord, “ France Fears Trouble”— headline. the land would not justify certifica­ advanced by the Government for their constructoin and maintenance Mrs. Louis Delsole left Monday 'or ley. “ The nation has passed the low Well, who doesn’t? tion of bonds in the amount of was to be secured. A change in weather is as hard $410,000. Payette, Idaho where she will spend mint in agricultural depression, and prices for farm products are rising The complaints and criticisms several days visiting rlatives. on a beautiful complexion as a lack Appraiser Fixes Value while the cost of farm commodities o f change is on the »ocketbook. The appraiser in his report to the cover a variety of points, too num­ Pat Gallagher of Ontario was in is falling. The student who does not When selecting hair shampoo re commission fixed the values o f the erous to be described here, but in ­ Juntura Saturday. allow his future to be influenced too member you use it in the eyes as lands included in the project at cluded charges that in many oí the Helen Gall and her brother Jot well as on the hair. $561,000. Under the existing laws projects the original estimates under McReynolds returned Tuesday from much by present conditions is mak­ ing a good investment in common Walking under a ladder isnt as the land must be worth twice the which settlers were induced to gu uPon the projects were from 50 to Indittn creek where they visited their ense, because agriculture is a basic good a sign of bad luck as falling amount of the certification. unci a few days. industry, and in the long run it must o ff one. At the suggestion of Governor 100 per cent too low, and that the Mrs. Sizemore and her grandson be profitable. We are approaching New Jersey dog bit 35 people. Be­ Pierce, who said he would not vote actual cost has been so great that it ing crazy, the poor poup must have to certify bonds in the amount ask. is impossible for the farmers to pay Douglas Dodge moved to their ranch i period of agricultural prosperity, thought he was a mosquito. ed by the district, the commission out within the time and manner fix ­ at Beulah this week where they will and when it comes, it will bring in­ Blots are being nipped in Europe agreed to have the state engineer ed by law, or even at all; that mis- spend the winter. creased opportunities and demand daily. A few more plot nippers go into the engineering features of taes, engineering andother wise, had Dan Gallagher spent a few days for trained leaders.” might help in this country. A statement made this week by the project, and if possible eliminate been made, which added materially in Ontario this week. Murrican hit Bermuda. Much costs which will reduce the certifi­ to the cost o f constructed projects; Johnny Muir and wife left this Senator Arthur Capper, wheat belt damage done. May have gotten on­ cation to $300,000. If this is done, that others had been undertaken week for Burns where they will ouhlisher and chief o f the senate ions in potatoes eyes. farm bloc, corroboraates Dean Cord- the governor intimated that he would that should never have been started make their future home. Milton B. Sexton et ux to Dave join with other members o f the com­ that the overhead costs of the ser­ Deana Carter of Jonesboro arriv­ 'ey’s belief as to the upward ten. vice and many o f the individual Rogers-Lots 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9, Sec. mission in certifying the bonds. The income ed Tuesday to attend school here dency of agriculture. 7|24,39. $9-4.23. $1.00. The engineer also will as possible projects, all borne by water users, this winter. She is staying at the farmers this year will be a billion Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Martin to sell the bonds of the district at a were burdensome and excessive. Inllars over last, the senator Pre­ Wallace Skiens home. Hansen-Lots 3 and 4. and SW14NW price in excess of 90 cents on the dicts, and although conditions are Under the system used in the Re­ Services ere held Sunday by (4 Sec. 4-19.44. 7|9|23. $8,372.16. dollar and by so doing place the dis­ clamation Service 1 have been unable still not what they should be, pro­ William MacMaster et ux to M al­ trict In a position to award its con. to get figures that appear to be Father O’Connor. He as a guest at gress is i 1 'tally being made, and the heur County-Road right of way. struction contract on a cash basis. dependable as to the cost of indiv­ the Dan Gallagher home a few days. vast majority of farmers are feel, Smith Crane of Omaho, formerly 9.18-23. $300.00. Such an agreement, members o f the idual projects or the total money ex­ ing better. of Juntura was a business visitor F. B. Glenn et ux to Harry Howe- commission said, probably would pended on all projects. here this week. Lot 23, Block 3, Riverside Add to have the effect of obtaining more The ideal fat lamb weighs about It is represented, taken from the Mrs. Lou Hess visited her mother, Ontario. 8|10|22. $25.00. satisfactory bids from hontractors records of the bureau, that the Gov­ ghty pounds. Lambs that are Mrs. Charlie Cranmer, at Drewse Charles T. Follett to Locey Bros- engaged in the construction of irri­ ernment’s total investment to June much he t , will not bring as good Sunday. Lot 1, N E 'A N W *. W ‘A NEW, SEV* gation works. a price on the market as the smaller 30, 1923, in round numbers is $181,- “ Martyrs of the Alamo” was the NE14 Sec. r8; SW 'ANW'A, NMiSW North Side Bonds Approved 'anths and when they get up to 000,000 and its total receipts about % Sec. 17-13.40. 6|7|22. $1,200.00. The commission voted unanimous­ $40,000,000 leaving a balance invest­ movie given last week and w;;. I ninety or a hundred pounds the cut greatly enjoyed by a large audienc« State o f Oregon to Frank Davis- ly to certify to$30,000 o f bonds ed and unpaid of $135,000,000. in price is vcr. heavy regardless of The radio talk by Marie Gough ami All Sec. 36-27.41. 9|21|23. $1,600.00. voted by the north side irrigation h condition and uality. The Reclamation Service, for which the vaudeville sketch bv Billy Dun Clara E. Jones to W. W. Jones, M. district, which adjoins the Jordan Feeding one pour ds o f grain a this Department is responsible, ap can were also entertaining. D.-part o f Lot 2, Block 7. Pioneer Valley project in Malheur county. day and all the alfalfa hay they The ytle home was saddened Sn' Add. to Jordan Valley. 10|10|23. $10. Governor Pierce explainer! that the parently requires reorganization. An­ i will eat, lambs should gain a quar- Sheriff H. Lee Noe to Earle F. north side Project had the necessary nual reports on some projects indi­ urday by the death of their infan of a pound a day. The lambs Cranston-Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and values and that the state stood no cate their insolvency and pending daughter. hould he fat and weigh eighty to 8, Sec. 22.18-47; EVfeSW'ANEkl, W chance o f financial loss. Much of failure. Out o f the 28 projects only A pleasing Columbus Day program | 'ghty.five pounds when sold. &SE14, and SW tt Sec. 5-19-47. 8| the land in the north side district one has met its obligations as they wsa given at the school house Fti 27j23. $8.515.23. (Certificate of sale.) was said to be owned by residents fell due. Long extensions of time day afternoon by the primary grad»» riy plowing up old strawberry for payments due being urged in­ and was well attended of the Jordan valley project. eilds of three years o f age or more dividually and by projects. The or Marriage Licenses Issued Mr. and Mrs. Billy Robertson o The commission refused to extend iginal tweny-year period for pay­ ■ uw borer and root weevil infesta- Lewis Hyde and Mary Locey. 10. state guarantee of interest of $12,- ment is expiring on certain projects Otis were guests at th" Donald M is m can be remedied, according to i terson home one day th;s week V L. Lovett, entomologist o f the Complaints Filed in Circuit Court 00 of bonds authorized by the Side and an additional twentyyear ex­ Baker Bail of Ontario was a httsi ■regon experiment station. The Geo. W. Hayes vs. D. F. Boggs. irrigation district because o f the o f. tension is being asked. In one in­ 1 ness visitor a few days this week. ground should Ire worked well ana 10-9-23. Recovery of money. $198.50 ficials o f the project failed to file stance, such extension is to be pre Harry Brown, the eandv man fror " Practical planted to fall grain. John Kierman vs Jordan Valley thpir apnlication before October 1. ceeded by a five-year moratorium. Boise, was in town Tuesday. Certification of bonds was ap­ cvv strawberry fields should occupy Cattle Co. et al. 10-10.23. In junc­ Reclamation of arid lands by ir­ Mrs. Al Masterson returned fro, proved by the commission following other soil not recently in straw- tion. rigation from Government funds, as Boise this week where she has her John A. Oliver vs. Jordan Valley consideration of applications sub­ i) •: ties. They will produce p rof, heretofore pacticed, is failing on a the past two weeks with her dto’ gl Cattle Co. et al. 10-10-23. Injunc. mitted by the following distrihts: itably for three years when they majority o f Projects as a business ter, Hope Fleener. who is attendin' Dee irrigation district, Hood Riv­ tion. hould he plowed up again and fol­ procedure and must be promptly re­ business college there. William Weber vs. Jordan Valley er, $10,000; Horse Fly irrigation lowed by a three year rotation of adjusted as to methods o f reim­ district, Klamath county, $300,00; Irrigation District et als. 10|13|23. crops. tA least one of these should bursement for funds appropriated Gerald B. Greeley vs. North Side Pine Grove irrigation district, Klam. CRESTON a cultivated crop. Plowing up and for the purpose of securing to Irrigation District et al. 10|13|23. ath county, $100,000; Sharta View !,™ s to be the only remedy for the settler a permanent home. irrigation district, Klamath county. Ed Blaylock of Riverside was Foreclosure of Lien. $238.30. >wn borer and root weevil infesta­ $100,000; Snow Creek irrigation dis­ Your committee is requested to sur­ Creston for a load of grain I tion. trict, Deschutes cohnty, $45,000, and vey the whole subject in its entire­ week. Malin irrigation district, Klamath ty; give to the bureau your opin­ C. A.Stout Purchased a herd i i assist in bringing about eondi_ ions concerning our operating meth­ cattle from Mr. Shumway. codnty, $125,000. lions that will make it possible for ods that we may avoid errors, and Extension Is Considered The Creston country is looking I he Oregon farmer to realize from Application for extension o f state finally your recommendations which fine. After the heavy tains flu his labor and investment returns guarantee of interest on bonds voted Congress may study and which is starting again. that are commensurate with those Mr. and Mrs. Guy Shumway made reived in other lines of endeavor, Despite the fact that the Jordan by the Silver lake irrigation district, should ultimately preserve the sanct­ the Extension service of the Oregon valley irrigation district recently was laid on the table pending the ity of contract, secure to farmers i business trip to Riverside safety for their investments already the weekend. Agricultural college has made a de- authorized the issuance of bonds in next meeting of the commission. Extension o f state guarantee of made and insure a return of invest­ Bert Avery is working on the tailed study of agriculture in thi 3 the amount of $700,000 for develop­ ed funds. I want to improve and interest on bonds of the Grants Pass Shumway ranch. state and will soon publish this in- ment work, actual construction on insure a return of invested funds. Miss Hazel Stewart was a pansru formation in bulletin form under the project will be delayed until irrigation district was approved. I want to improve and extend the Miss Eva Richards, for several Rhea Lu»er. state engineer, can ^ i V o l sta*e Saturday- lh" title ‘ An Agricultural Program Ralph Shumway underwent an < ,i for Oregon.” make a thorough investigation ot years employed in the offices of the service in evry way possible, and solicit your suggestions and recom­ ¿ration in Ontario, having his ton I , ---------- the engineering features with a state engineer, was elected secretary sils removed. ! t'his study points out what crop, view of reducing materially the pro­ o f the state irrigation and drainage mendations. Miss Scott and the Misses Beers livestock and f ruit products are be. Government reclamation has ac posed costs entering into the under, securities commission to succeed Robert SimPson who has resigned.— complished much. There is a great visited Mrs. E. Rogers the weeko.i i }n.K grown, where and in what quan- taking. Kenneth Wall was in town S a te I a"d how this production harm- field for its future. Reclamation in A decision to defer definite ac­ Portland Oregonian. ! onizes with consumption demands. the West by private enterprise was day. tion pending further investigation Ovetto» t i p Uggì of Aar SI**. Sunday school was held at th»' j Account is taken of both the ability begun thirty years before the Gov­ of the project by the state engineer For Ingenious villa in}, the cuckoo ernment began this wor and has Shumway home last Sunday and n Ito p>'"«luce and the possibility oi was reached after a lengthy discus­ sion by members of the state irri­ ■olds the prize ainoiiv! birds. It lays largely redeemed the West. Govern­ good attendance is reported. gation and drainage securities com. eggs In the nests of oilier birds; then, ment reclamation should make a Joaquin Miller on Poetry. mission, receipt of statistical infor­ us soon ss the youitK cuckoos hutch, comparable showing relieved as it Why, I he true pot-try is nothing but mation from prominent residents of it lifts the other nestling* on Its tmek is, from interest charges, which is to 783,000 in 1920 and that the the irrigation district, and explana­ Hud throws them froui the nest or rotta the basis o f calculation in all en- l.e common sense Truth, beauty anti “ win truth—the right heart! No ' I UC ° f farm property has increas. tions by the prospectvei contractors them of the foqd brought hack tiy their terprises employing private capital . . irom 5 m>U‘on dollars to 818 wtih relation to the character of the itarenta. The cuckoo »cenia to have I am anxious that a policy may be pert cun create or destroy one psrtl- of truth or beeuty or improvements and the cost of the the ulilllty to lay eggs of the same size developed that will safeguard the various items entering into the de­ sa Illuse already In ilo- neat, whether future o f Government reclamation sense, acy more than he can create t^eless’ only 8.2 per cent o f the I hey are large or amidi which is my only concern in this in­ ■ ir ilestroy a particle of gold. He can velopment. only give It a oew form, garment It quiry. Formal Application« Made with splendor, and set It In a sew Pale Pink Hai» is Out Favorite. The district, through its formal ¡IghC—Joaquin Miller. London paper -Tile bridesmaids bcrUkCncu. application filed with the irrigation It Is well to dust furniture before securities commission, requested ccr. wore frocks ot ,-i-wiler blue georgette tification o f bonds in the amount of trimmed with girdl;« and sprays of applying furniture polish. Otherwise, $410,090 and state guarantee of in­ pale pink rosea vitti hair to match. little particles of dust may result in scratches when they nre rtihhed over. terest on the securities for a Period —Boston Transcript. COUNTY STATISTICS SECRETARY OF INTERIOR lLLITERACYJO BLAME REVIEWS : . . . . . . F o r Q uick Call tkt X XI. J FARM POINTERS JORDAN VALLEY PROJECT DELAYED WONT YOB BUY TH'* CIQARÍTTP HOLDER POg 8 WRIT CHARITYS III N y «a Barber C’lU.VR : I SBAVINO. ;; HOT stori HAI« ANI» WU) L- & BAMAKO, i Ny— . PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATH) I 'R H ARRIET I (Jateo pattile Ontario, Ont* I Wllaoa Bldg t<(| Office: INCE a [STATES W- B. H 0CI j Bonded Reel hut, ■ INHFRAKqi Office at Residence. Id i Airea a« Nysea. CITY BRAY C. blink PROMPT DE Reasonable Rua I PHONE li ATTORNEY«! ITI K. M. BLOW« Attorney - Ut Land and Probate «ori i f Nysaa, Oreyn K. W. S WALLER Attoraey et lAI ! ¡oorne 1| U, M Wllaoa Bill O ntario H eyThf How about your Ictta billheads, statemolt lopes, cards, etc. D oK until they are ail fl then ask us to null A in a hurry for you. Got require es In Ku In Uri By Or piicy is no citizensh the ind Ivancemen pal resow education nd, water [lie idle red by at scy is co of dollar; ane, stir the draft [that if ti an illitei a day tl pan or wo ling $825,0 acy could aratively [ a net bal of nationa the intell ry for th Accurately puld read o Jfore they fctive servie le gave to In who w baft—men ■ Union and $le- an act [ and write. this test |hat of 1,56 who wei Jderstand r letters hor cent. Wt Nat at the obably 20 I o n could Pguage as Vn or expi SOUTH FORK Saturd Fas give louse v ceeds a I schoc fWcstfal looting, board it ¡the Sou Emison the ere iy. Powers 1 [fire whi foolen b was ibly by wers ar ■ Robinso (from sj | whole before 0 leave |lnd Mr.' visitor Wcdni kevv-3 of ■Id of 1 was many Robinson ' residents last Satu [ittle. Jose left Th I commui p ’en 80C J o f Iror (house ? id to c and ev attendini 111 be fin pr a pri schools i Powers I Arment E. 0. n. Lofti Pratt for On ¡for C. R iderable Jn Elmer finished ptial hon . Pratt for a Lofton, of his beef ca of hay in the heavy ra hprofitable t< pon Dickson hitting o f hi Cape and lu g cattle o pmison. (cCleod mo OLD AOF PA8SFTH BUT Y O U T H IS 1« h* Zt.«» ’Otre V.