d w ert lend ,,,try „ •nd L ot. 2 . mi», 1# South, Ran,, « ' ^ 1 Meridian, k - . j ^ J '* 'I any other day.—Alexander Campbell. NEW BIG PACKAGE FROM THE FACTORY ROI L YOUK OW N WITH in u c io a nuns ¿ m a » tsnght than the Golden Rule.— Warren G. Harding. I f you cannot reason or persuade a man into the truth, never attempt to Nyssa, force a man into it. I f love will not compel him to come, leave him to Gad, the judge o f all.—John Wesley. GATE CITY JOURNAL Published »very Friday at Oregon, by H. F. BRO W N Leave tbs matter s f religion to the family slu e, the church, and the pri vate school, supported entirely by pri­ vate contribution. Keep the church -nd state forever separate - U . S. Grant Every man who eondacto himself as a good citiaen, ia accountable to God alone for hie religioua faith, and should be protected in werebiping God ac­ cording to the dictatea of his owo con science.— George Washington. When religion ie good it will take tare o f itaelf; when it ia not abla to take oare o f itaelf, and God does not aee fit to taka car* of it, re that it haa to appeal to the civil power for eup port, it ie evidence te my mind that i s cause is a bad one. —Benjamin Franklin. Alm ighty God hath created the mind fre e ; and all attempta to influ­ ence it by temporal puniahmenta or burdena, er by civil incapacitations, tend only to begat habita o f hypocracy and meanness, and are a departure from the plan o f the holy authoi of our religion.—Thomaa Jefferson. As to getting the 'aw o f tha land (o touch our religion, we earnestly cry, hands off! leave ns alone! ’ Your Sun­ day bill and all other forma of act-of- parliament religion retm to me to be all wrong. Give me a fair field and no favor, and our faith haB no cause Religion is essentially distinct from government, and exempt from 'ts cog to fe a r.—Charles Spurgeon. nizance; and a connection between them is injurious to both. —James Madison. Our defense is in the spirit which prises liberty as the heiritage o f all Entered at the Postoffieo at Nyasa, men. in all lands everywhere. Destroy th s spirit and you have planttd the Oregon, as second-class mail matter seeds o f despotism at your own door. —Abraham Lincoln RELIGIOU S FREEDOM Apropos of the efforts o f the Lord ’s Day Alliance and other religious or* ganications to secure observance of Sunday as the Sabbath by national and There is not a precept in the New state laws we print the following quo­ tations from prominent statesmen and Testament to compel, by civil law, a lv man who is not a Christian to pay ministers: There never was a greater lesson regard to the Lord’s day more than (o L et the Lighting Company to make final proof, t, andar th. third M» rch «. ISIS. |„ sen bed, before ll«g,,u ,M,l « 8 Lam, U f f i J * j the 3rd day of N o »»,/ * 1« Claimant r.aniet u » , * W H DoolittI», E * Pinne,. »II of OnUm ' Glann, of Nyssa, ^ GEu. W. 11 NOTH E for pUBl| Departmental lk, U. 8 . Land Office it v*,l Notice is hereby Franks, of Watson, January 28. 1920, m’afc” try No C607C for Lot 9 w. SEJ Sec. 17, Lot. 2 ’, ¡1 Lot 2. Sec 29. To» *1.1 '* ; I Range 44 hast, Wills has (lied notice of final three year proof . claim to the land «te*c’( fore Register and g. Land Office, at Vale d ll day o f October, toy. Claimant iiamvi at »u,x Wilmer If. Shaver, bagtfl Stephen Ward, Lawr,netJ all o f Watson, Oregon, Deo. W. | Chan*« loured in the new Ford Sedan make it a b e..« look- ing, roomier car. A high« radiator with a rim upnm at its lose '^ d s dignity b d S T . cloved car. The higiu: he ;d and enlarged cowl curving gracefully to the dash give a sty!.,!, sweep to its l dy lines, and aflord additional lv* room for occupants of the front •eat A ll body fittings—window :..;ulatoi- door grips, door latch levers, door lo?k, dome light-arc hubhed m » « W - The upholstery carries a fine da A lira on a soft brown background that does not easily show dost or dir.. Silk v indow curtains to harmonize lor the three rear w -lows enhance the styleof the car and add to the couilort c< i s pawengci a See the new f a l L and other new Ford body style, at our showroom. These cars can be obtained through the Ford W e e k ly Purchase Plan. Home Coming Day WIil Be big Event i NOTICE OF HONDsJ LET VIEW LIU Oregon Agricultural College, Cor district , | vallis, Oct. 14.—Beavers vs Washing t N 'T IC E I i.Liihuii ton University “ Sundf ,s .ho s all d bio v. ,1 Li ... ¡j b g bill that will be puc on for t ie ley Vi. w D i - ii O.j co. lege alumni, rie'-spsper men and C A R .S otlice in Ontario, kui, other attendants at homecoming Sat­ Oregon, until the h urday, November X. The Rook Soph o ’clock P. M., en bag rush, varsity * O ” procession, 8 th day of October, cafeteria lunch and annual ball are immediately thereafter pi other events already scheduled. E. M BLODGETT by the Board of St| The Beavers are credited by L R. the Valley View Drimi*, 1 Gregory, Oregon sports writer who Attorney and Counsellor at Law Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver visited the campus snd gave the team Practice in all courts method. Consultation and examine tha purchase of bond of i the once over, winh being unusually tion free Ten years successful prac­ in the sum of $10,100 00 ,. Nyssa - - Oregon tice in the state of Oregon Special be in denomination! of i strong in the line end very hard to rates given for 60 days. First door $100.00 nor mote than | ■core on. R. B. Rutharford, eoach, ia west of Bank of Nyssa, Nyssa, Or. date July 1st, 1923, inti putting in hard licks just now to de velop a fast, hard-hitting back field. serially in annual aaouolitl I f the raw material davslops according The opening number of the lyeeum IN THE CO U NTY C O URT OF T H E approximate^ equal to promis# the Bavera should have a ceurte will be given next Tuesday eve­ STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E terest, and to matort i slight adge oa their riyale. A ll hands ning, with the Leake Orchestral En­ 1 COUNTY OF M A L H E U R . July 1st, 1928. and eridii(I agree it will be a pretty game, well tertainers as the attraction. Thu In the Matter of the Estate o f Syl- 1939, said bonds to beu i worth going far to see. per rent per annum, company comes aplendldly recommend­ vina E. Ward, Deceased. Oregon aditors hava been specially 1 ed and they attract large audiences annually on the tint days i The undersigned, having been ap­ invited by C a 'I Lodcll, manager e f whareever they perform. Ttaeir re and July, principal and i pointed by the County Court o f the student activitiea and Sigma Delta erteire ranges from the siaple me I State o f Oregon, for Mslheur County, able at the office of the I Chi journalistic fraternity, to ba odles which everyone loves, to the executor of the estate o f Sylvina E. urer o f Malheur Count), I guests e f the college for the day. A t highest classical muaio— something to at the fiscal agency of tk| Ward, deceased, and having qualified, Oregon in New York City i homecoming last year nearly 100 Ore­ suit everybody. This number of the notice is hereby given to the creditors I tion o f the holder. gon newspaper writers and publishers course will andoobtedly be a hit and of, and all persons having claims gathered te see the sporte and look no ena shoald miss it. Remembev tha I Said bids must be an against the estate o f said deceased, to the college over. ' certified check for 5 peri time snd place—Tuesday, October 23, present them, duly verified, as required amount thereotf, the tint l at Liberty Theater. by law, within six months a fter the felted to the district date of the first publication o f this no­ Leake Entertainers Tuesday, > damages in the event tal tice, to said exeouter, at his residence October 23. Leake Entertainers—Nuf sed. near Nyssa, Oregon, or at the office of bidder fails to pay foruk^ E. M. Blodgett, in Nyssa, Malheur 1 in ten days after the a dor shall ba required Ie | County, Oregon. approving legal epinles, ul H. J. W A RD . are made subject to the It Executor of the Estate of Sylvina E. said issue, and confirm« Ward, Deceased. proceedings of said DuM Date of first publication Sept. 28, 1923 The Board reservei the q Date of last publication Oct. 26, 1923 ject any and all bids. By order of the Board (t ors of tha Valley View NOTICE FOR P U B L IC A T IO N trict. Department of the interior, P E A R L CRANi, Laad Office at Vale, Oregon, Dated this 6th day »1 September 26, 1983. Notice is hereby given that Tom C. 1923. Ordeman, of 200 Third St. Portland, Date o f first publication, Oregon, who. on April 17, 1908, made Date of last publication, ft TRUCKS • T R A C T O R S V. 15. Staples, Ontario, Oregon P ay Y ou Chiropractors First Lyceam Number O n Y o u r Savings You worked hard for your money. Now make IT work work fo r you. Make the dollars you have saved earn Borne extra dollars for you by investing in shares o f Idaho Power Company Preferred Stock, It is not something new, untried and untested. This stock P A Y S D IV ID E N D S—pays them in CASH every three months! on Feb. 1, May 1, Aug. 1, and Nov. 1. and div­ idends have been paid regularly and prorr ptly every 3 months, without a break, ever since the first shares were issued over 64 years ago Your dividends- would amount to $70.00 a year if you had only 10 shares of IDAHO POW ER CO M PANY 7 PER CENT PREFERRED STOCK Note these special advantages for local people: ( 7)Supervision by the Public Utilities Commission of Idaho and thf» Public Service Commission of Oregon serves to protect the interests alike of Customers, In­ vestors and the Company. { ? ) This Stock is Cumula­ tive, therefore Company must pay the dividends in full before one penny e f dividends can be'paid on the Com­ mon Stoek. (.J) The Cempany mains a re-sale mar­ ket for the benefit o f loeal shareholders who may wish to sell their shares. (Jy) Money invested in this Stock is free from the State Personal Tax in Idaho and Ore­ gon. (<5) The dividends are exempt from the present normal Federal Income Tax. T * s stock is fully *ald and non-assessable. V, f ¿ w , y share o f this stock has full voting rights. n« We pay 48c for Butteri School Supplies over 35 test W e want a car o f fat hogs Fri at Journal Ofiice t alì ns u p und let iw know what you have. Nyssa PackingC Invest your savings in IDAHO POWER CO M PANY BURBIDGE & R A Y , Prop. 7 per cent Preferred Stock It pays 7 per cent on your money and it's SAFE- -nevar forget that Nyssa Realty C F R I I BOOKLET COUPON (W ithout Obligation) ID A H O PO W E R C O M P A N Y Gen'l Offices, Boise. Id iho P lea ie send me illustrated benklet containing More Informa tlen about your Praferred Stark and Details o f Easr Pav- ment Flaw. J. BOYDELL Licensed «nd Bonded Real Estate Broker, and surance. Nam# Address OLD AQE P A S S E T H A W A Y BUT YOUTH IS PERENNI At (

t»v w.” ’t*»*-«’ rtyndwt!* t f • quin*«! anxiously. o f Irovlw- did yon pnpn and mamma ?" “ No." he replied, “ 1 wild voir!” ’- Ruaton Transcript. NYSSA OREGO R- W. HYVAfil.n An r » B AN K OF NV 8. The formation o f a drainage ! A tto r.-, H'strict under the provisions o f! Kooma r o p i e r 340 o f the General Laws of W|U Oregon for 1915, under the provia-i Ontario * a» * lo . ' *• B,