rite} >f clovi the fal up DO' ■r. big package ■A -1 t i f f tZ&fl V FROM T1Î2 FACTORY a l a : Ei »V ROLL YOUR O WN WITH ML LA CHOIX KJUbÂii..—. 3 GATE CITY J0ÜRNAI Published every Friday at The Girls Reserve east Msnday te return« their a etivl'ies fo r the winter. They have planned many in terest!»« events 'o r the w inter months. The Drat ana ta to be a Mather end Daugh- >-r banquet to be «¡van early in No yen her. The father« are te do the serving so th »t ail mothers will be frr# to set s t the bayiquat table. The grade school corps meets immediately t ter school Monday Tbs high school corps insets s t 7 p. as same day. The Y oung People’ s Seciety o f the community church will go to Parma 'unday evening to visit tbs Christian Gndsavor o f the Parma Community church. ï eport N /asa H. F. BROW N Entered at the PostofF.ee at Ily.ian- Oregon, a» aocr.ntl-clcss snail m *teT Pet t t.t. It . , it le u ch , , !■_«•-- i Sto well. Leake Entertain­ ers Delight Audience NO G R A D S R A T E S: D j > P iy.-en, Qor I) ie year, in advance.........- ....... $L50 don Tessa! a. - months, in advance........._... .7» TH IRD G R ..D E I' AD V E R T ISIN G RATES Display advertising.......25c per inch Readers First Insert!-'!!................19c per lin? Subsequ' :_t in sertion s...... 5c per lire 5 Casapbell, Claudena Craw The Leake Entertainers pre­ ibson, Psrntby Cosher*, sented a varied number of vocal Grace Wlison, Mary es5i» Hatfit d, Carlotta and instrumental selections, in- Chapman, Francis Han r(.-apersed with humor and nov­ Y o o n . , Max Schweizer, e l t y stunts, and proved to be nv. Cu; ilo * It win. more than the Chautauqua FOURTH G RADE. 1 Press Comment Fisher’ .* Index report shows a drop in prices. VV ' an h ai a nin drep hut wa didn’ t hear that Little R o.i: Ar kansas Gazette. Fete P sB oar How rd i . ■ r, M i-nie Goodrich, Glenn | ir», iiu oert Lauck, Ida Phippes, Roderick Stobbs. FIFTH G RADE 2 If - ill* Í 1 ' h Í V 1 \ Added Percentafles. A fiO per cent Increase for an artleta that costs SI would mnka It cost Sl.fift But for the article thnt ha* double* In price the uevv price ts 200 per eeol at tbe old. 1 1 <1 # . / These cars can be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. C H V T Z C *OF PAfiSFTH I » rt1'' I»«!'« >m.l mamma r S * T R A C T O R S Chiropractors Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver method. Consultation and exam ina­ tion free Ten years auccessful prac­ tice in the state o f Oregon. Special rates given for 00 days. First door west of Bank o f Nyssa, Nysaa, Or. BANK dam ages in tbs ev«at Uti bidder fails to pay feruku in tan days after ths a»in der shall ha required t« P" approving legal oplniss, iMi| are made subject tetkthl said issue, and confirm* I proceedings o f said Distrist. I The Board reserve« tht«* je c t any and all hide. By order o f tbs Bosrd i! I ors o f tha Valley Vis* NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION trlet. Department o f the interier, PE A R L CRANi,»* Land Office at Vale, Oregon, D ated this 6th day •< ] Septem ber 25, 1922. Notice is hereby given that Tom 6. 1923. j Ordeman, o f 200 Third St. Portland, Date o f first pubi'«»ti«». f* | Oregon, who. on April 17, 1998. made Date o f last publioetis». 0« 43c for under 35 test. BOISE «• Ù N TIC A lb I EhiiiH ( sealid bids will hi reetm«J ley View Diali ng* office in Ontario, Miluem Oregon, until the ho« o ’ clock P. M , en km 8th day o f October, ) immediately thereafter pubis by the Board of Sapsni tbe Valley View Dr«io«g« H tha purchase of bonds of is in the sum o f $10,COO 00, uki be in denomination« of «oil $100.00 nor more than $500,11 date July 1st, 1023, ini t serially in annual aeesnbtn approxim ate^ equal prompt terest, and to matur« «■ July 1st, 192k. and endisi i 1989, said bonds to bear hla per ren t per annua, pips annually on the first day« i, and July, pripaipsl ssd ill able at the office ol tht urer o f Malheur Coant), at the fiscal agency sf tbt Oregon in New Yerk Cil) ii tion o f the bolder. Said bids must hs »«cns(a aertified check lot 5 psr et amount thereotf, the ««at t . f.ite d to the district it t, over 35 teat link ’ s asr “ No," he replied, “ 1 m id ’ Au ro- volrj*" Boston Transcript ils »* 1 i We 1 47c for Batteria J q u ^ S * anxiously. “Tn^the «Trttement AWAY BUT Y OUTH IS PE>»CNNIAI ..............; i-r I.« M- ...... Bfi Ei M We pay m OLD Mini' ah D1STKK T. I The undersigned, having bsen ap­ pointed by the County Court o f the State o f Oregon, for Malheur County, executor o f the estate o f Sylvina E. Ward, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hersby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against the estate o f said deceased, to | present them, duly verified, as required by law, within six months a fter the ¡date o f the first publieation o f this no- | tice, to said exeeutsr, at his rssidenss near Nyssa, Oregon, or at the office o f E. M. Blodgett, in Nysaa. Malheur County, Oregon. H. J. W ARD, Executor o f tha Estate o f Sylvina E. Ward, Deceased. Date o f first pabilication Sept. 28, 1923 Date o f last pubiisation Oct. 26, 1923 at Journal Ofiice lu ti s. Wilmor H. St.aver, hcgha] Stephen Ward, Lawrence all o f Watson, Uragor,, Gso. W. LEY VIEW LRAlJt In the Matter o f the Estate o f Syl- vina E. Ward, Deeeased. School Supplies l a s t lc CUiinaot ti •in s u» wi.» ¡.i NOTICE OF BONDS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TH E STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E COUNTY OF M ALH EU R . » % , I V. B. Staples, Ontario, Oregon The School Board of District No. 39 will sell to the best cash Leak Entertainers, Tuesday, bidder what is known as the “ old Warren School House,” October 23. sealed bids to be tiled with the clerk before 8 o’ clock Saturday eve, October 13 The Board re- serves the right to reject any or LINK’S BUSINESS TRAINING all bids and no bid under $176 i within the reach o f nearly every yeuag person will be considered. Signed TH E BEST TR A IN IN G IN TH E W ORLD Frank Anderson. President of the Board. Send for Free Catalogue Mrs. J. B. Smith, Clerk Í i s*Ptt«Wti Nntics is hereby g i„0 Franks, o f W » f ■ n, Or«.*'' January 28, 1920, mad« ^ try No. 16U7G fjr Lot 9 j - , SKI Sec. 17. Li ta 2, 3, A 7,1 Lot 2, Sue 29, T.i*ruhi|,j| Range -A Fa-1, Will«nH|)| haa died notice ,,f intentioa ti ial three ) e ar proof, to- claim o the la. d a ovc (¡„.J fore R.'giat, r , Lard Office, a Vale, o , 31t day o f Gctot er, UWj) All body fittings—window regulators, door grips, door latch £vcrs door R k V dome light-are finished in nickel. The unhol'stprv carries a fine dark line on a solt brown background dial does not casfiy show dust or dirt. co harmonize lor the three rear windows enhance the style ol the car and add to the comlort ol its passengers. See the new and other new Ford body styles at our showroom. For Sale H I D -partm ento, tbs U . S LnnJ Offies m y ,f * Chan*«, leamred in dw new Ford Sedan make k a better look- ing, roomier car. A hiiiher radiator with a trim apron at its base lends dignity car. The higher hood and enlarged cow curvmg grucelully to the dssh give a stylish sweep to to I sty hoes, Ad afiord additional leg room lor occupant» ol the iront claimed. Mr. and Mrs. Leake and a violinist make up the com­ C A R S - TRUCK pany and each is an artist. Sax­ ophones, Zylophones, whistling, readings and a little of every­ thing else in the novelty line is E. M BLODGETT Mr. Leake’ s specialty. Mrs. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Leake is a vocalist witn a rare Practica in all courts quality in her voice and is also a Oregon Nysaa pianist, The violinist, also a Leake Entertainers Tuesday, saxophonist, did splendid work.— Wisconsin Evening Jouraal. October 23. Walters, Low sll Baxter, Danny Diven, All men are born free and equal but Don Honks. some o f thorn grew up and g et mar­ EIGHTH G RAD E ried.—Nashville Tsnncssean. Houston Dan way, Leo Hanks, Ma­ rion Klinksnbsrg, Frank Usrabaud, The bosk o f etiquette doesn’ t men- ] Orville fitewell, Donald Sherwood, tien it, hut it is oensidered good form i Iva Walters, Roy James. to return the bask e f etiquette you H IG H SCHOOL b orrow .—Psttsvilie Journal. Vondeda Baxter, Hazel Beam, Rita Beam, Jaanita Bigelow, Orville Bige The average man now Ilyas 19 years low, Marje Crwins, Otis Crooker, lenger than he did in 1800. He has to George Davis, Evelyn DeBord, Louis in order to get his taxes paid.— Ath GarrEoa, Franets Klinkenberg, Gilbert ens (Ueorgi ) News K linkenberg, Be ter Klinkenberg, Charles Leuek, Mildred Long, Mary Mathenn, Juanita Temple, Russell J Ah, well, when the church«» discover , Verna Thompson, Thelma they can’ t su cassfully com pete with Thompson, Mary Toom bs, Abram the theater, perhaps they will try re Vaughan, Lrot.a Zitterci b. ligisn again.—Baltimore Evening Sun. The percentage o f attendanae in the varh us rooms was found to he as fol When the rreek inhsirit the earth lews: they will r ime into possession o f a lot '..rs. Benson’ s room _________________ 97 o f problems no mack man can ha idle. Miss duc t ’ s room __________________ 97 — Eugene Daily Guard. b rs . Payne’e room __________________ 99 vlrs. C rooker’ s room .. _____________ 90 An Cklahoato bandit talked politics Miss Lackey’ s room ................ - ......... -96 97 while he robbed a train W e have Mr. P ip p e ra ’ s room _________ _______ ___________ 96 known the same thing to happen when those on the Honor Poll in the High it was net a train that was being rob­ i col (H at is, these having no grade bed.—Cleveland Times. I 'W tr than T ,” ) are: Juanita Bige­ low, Annette B ledgttt, Glaeys Garri­ " I do not wish to usnermine the son, Louis Garrison, Mary Matheny, constitution, ” says Marquis Estella, Jas&ita Temple, Mary Toombs. a fter kicking rut tbe cabinst. sanding the eortes (parliament) home, exiling 81 o f hla political enemies, and consti- After Studying thy Sparrow. twting himself the head o f the Spanish We spend considerable time observ­ government, thus demonstrating that the Spaniards ar« not entirsly devoid ing the English sparrows and study­ ing their i-haraeter and have about o f a ssuse o f hum or,—New York Call. reached the «inclusion that, even If that well meaning hnt misguided Brit­ ish cousin had Tirxt - nse enough nod to bring them over they would have got her« smoeiiow anyway.— Ohla State Journal. < NOTICE Ft M P U B M cJ Jlmy okdan Ci te \. ar.e I'u-U r, Beulah Soater, Eve! n S ch ut z.r, Betty Tvnsea, Agathy W .Ikcr, Lona Young, William In an industrial controversy, the p o diaii ore, Edward», Wiillae» Good pie nevor are asked to say how r , h they would like to he soaked Attento rieh Wayne Hoeker, W ayns Lowe, Richard Shaoiakcr. Conetitution. SIX TH G RAD E A maqatina w riter rays we need f Ainakia I'oB orr, Onal Mucker, >4ar- fw raligioa. But let’ s not do any IWrsncs, Katherine Leuck, Erins | thing rash until we try the old on e.— ’ open, Lois Vogts, June Zink, John Brittain Herald Ke oiguiow, Max Dunaway, Ray Garri . »v illa Leqak, Melvin Sehneiter, W.r do not blame W iihilm for re Delbert Sooter, Glenn Zink. w riting the Bible. It contains some SEVENTH G R AD E passages that m ist worry him consid­ R a ts Cunningham, listen Garrat, erably.—New Orleans Times Pieayane. Doris Grcvn, Margaret llanafin, Grace i tile 9 d day ol November iya | C laim an t. «mas as » , A f W H Dot li’ I., £. j( 'H' L P in n e), all of OnlarU n /? | Glenn, o f Nysaa, ' r»g„’n litiu. W. MtHyJ t fl The Girls Reserve will beve «barge in«#1* e i September »he • w jre i-eUh»r absent o f the evening service Sunday eveoing, O ctober 21. They will give a play va- tiited. “ A Girl R eserve.” There w II ÎT G RADE ! Mary BoydeP, be special music end « short te k by lb, El ■ Martin, Har- oae o f the advisors Watch tor com j ,, . holten, T ien a T -n - p ete program and cart o f cbaractera '.'T.iinC r in, FreJ i.i next w eek 's paper. Oretron, by SUBSCRIPTION Young People’s Doings , . r, N|( — " l and Lots 2 « , i ;t. S . « t Z j * l 19 South, R o g s m Meridian, h » Hl.„ to make tina! proof, .0 „ Uh* f u.'dsr the Ik .. “"“ I cb <. 191", [„ n, u aor bed, helor. He, , U S l and Office, yl|t j | The Junior Boy Scouts will organise next Saturday morniag A m eeting is ailed for ell the boys from the ages < f ,v m -to 12 Saturday. Meet at the par­ sonage at 1U o ’ eluck a. m T O B A & VJ ~7»l - t VJ-lJ , ' :t c I' id ! desert '.«„,1 OF NTS Try Ui I Nyssa Packing BURBIDGE & RAY, Prop. *• McConnoHs Products Home Rea.edre* Pure Extras* of 8p4»es Toilet Aratelos V o ta r m e » Rem«rtiee Poultry Compounds .SO LD BY J. H. HUNTER STAR HOTBJ. ^ NY9SA, OR. _ P r o m p t a tto n tiu a g iv e n $ . *a*| | * **. Nyssa Realty 0 J. BOYDELL Licensed and Bonded Real Estate Broken and G** atirante. NYSSA OR1 N1