Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1923)
the former's sister, Mrs. C. A. Van Natta. OREGON SLOPE R. E. Shay and James Atterbury On account of painting ami kal- were among the guests at the party somininir the school house, Sunday given by Miss Gertrude Skow of school was not held on Sunday of Ontario, Saturday evening. last week. Sunray school at the Mr. and Mrs. C. A. VanNatta and usual time, 11 a. m., next Sunday. family returned Sunday from Pay Park and Pioneer schools will ette Lakes, where they have spent open Monday, September 10th. the past week. Miss Maude Culp entertained at Mrs. Fogle has been employed for the high room and Miss Cof fur dinner Sunday in -honor o f the birthday anniversary of her sister, the lower grades at Park. Covers were Misses Gertrude Boats and Louise Mrs. Mason Clough. Davis and George Davis were among laid for Mrs. Margaret Conner, the guests at the lawn party given Mary and Pearl Conner, Cecil and by Ethelyn Corneilson of North John Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Payette, at her home Tuesduy even Clough, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Conner of Weiser. ing o f last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben McVicker anil Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karst and daughter Evaline, Gertrude Boals children, J. M. McVicker and daugh and Miriam Davis motored to Boi.;e ter, Mary, are guests at the C. C. Friday morning and visited friends McVicker home this week. in the capital city. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karst, Mr. Mrs. J. A. Mattison is spending a and Mrs. Mason Clough, Mr. and few days with her daughter, Mrs Mrs. P. M Boals, Gordon, Gertrude Ben Bacus of Emmett. an d Mary Boals motored to Brogan Mrs. George Sullens was called to Monday for a day's outing. Baker Saturday, owing to the seri Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McVicker en ous illness of her father. tertained Sunday evening in honor James Atterbury, accompanied by of their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. his brother, Frank Atterbury, spent Ben McVicker, J. McVicker and Sunday and Monday at Payette daughter, Mary. Lakes. Frank Atterbury is spending a Rev. Hall, wife and daughter, few days with his parents, Mr. and Patty Ann, of Payette, were dinner guests Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. M. Atterbury- A bad break in the middle line Otto Meili. canal occurred Friday night and was Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker of not discovered until daylight, when Payette visited Mrs. Baker’s brother C. A. VanNatta and family Monday. the road in front of the Boals resi F. B. lfrilcox was a Boise visitor dence was badly flooded. The road will be repaired as speedily as pos several days last week. George Jones transacted business sible. Carl and Duford Meek returned in Baker Thursday and Friday. Mrs. R. D. Rogers was the guest to their home in Portland this week of her mother, Mrs. Lias, Saturday. after having spent the summer with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vincent, Mrs. their uncle, Walter Rudd. Mrs. Nerrick and sons Wayne and Otto Miller, L. L. and I. I. Culbert son were among the guests at the Orville and Mrs. Walter Griffith of Caldwell were party given Thursday evening by and children Mrs. S. E. Chapman of Payette. guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Mil Mrs. Chapman entertained in honor ton Lauer. o f the birthday anniversary o f Mr. Mrs. Fred Lang o f Ontario, Mrs. Chapman also in honor of L. I,. Ingersoll and Mrs. Meacham ol Culbertson, who left that evening Glenn’s Ferry were guests Sunday for Rupert. of Mr. and Mrs. C. Welcher. Miss Leah Watson of Fruitland is One of the largest dinner parties the house guest of her uunt, Mrs. of the season was given Sunday by J. A.Mattison. Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost. Covers Mr. and Mrs. John Tatterson mo were laid for J. M. McVicker and tored to Nyssa Sunday and spent daughter Mary, and Mrs. Ben Mc the day with the latter’s uncle, A. Vicker and two children o f Beatrice, H. Keck, and family. Neb., Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown and L. L. Culbertson left Thursday family, Mr. and Mrs. C C. Mc evening for Rupert, Idaho, where he Vicker and daughter, and Mr. and willteach history and civics in the Mrs. Stanley Brown and sons. high school. The new honeymoon cars made by Constance and Anita Johnson were guests Thursday and Friday the Pullman Company insure day time as well as nighttime privacy of Reva and Maxine Miller. Mrs. D. R. Rogers returned home to passengers. The cars already art- Friday evening after having spent in operation on most of the trans the summer with relatives in Boise. continental roads. When the berths Miss Leila Bartshe visited friends are made up, a new style partition going from the seat to the ceiling in Ontario several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bowers of gives the occupants absolute seclu Fruitland were guests Sunday of sion. mentary knowledge of the nature believe that Just as the ‘‘ Minute Man and principles of this Government of the Revolution’’ was ready upon The shibboleth the American Bar i must be generally diffused among a moment’s notice to defend his Association has adopted in e s t a b -j^ great mass uf its citizens. 1 lights aganist foreign usurpation, it lishing a national Constitution Week is my duty as u patriotic citizen to should be deeply impressed upon the therefore believe it to he my -duty U- u “ Minute Man o f the Constitu- minds of every citizen o f Malheur to inform myself on American his ready at all times to defend Call county and particularly every boy tory, the foundations o f our Govern the long established and cherished ment as embodied in the United and girl in the public schools o f the our Government States Constitution, and the applica institutions o f county. tion of the principles therein con against attacks, either from within or without, and to do my part in “ To re-establish the Constitution tained to present-day problems. preserving the blessings o f liberty of the United States and the prin 2. Since ours is a government of, for which my Revolutionary fore ciples ami ideals of our Government | fath|>rt fou(rllt and died, in the minds and hearts of the peo for and by the people, it is by FHONl* very same token a government of (. , M je v e that as ., ^ Ameri ple.” hiid by public opinion. It is, " n||] 0¡t¡zen J must maintain continu- This is the thought we are urged fore, my duly as a good Amedean ously a civic consciousness and con to hold during the next week. Let citizen to help form public opinion science; that my country needs my every adult citizen of the county in the community in which I li e in active service in times o f peace no give it to at least one public school order that all citizens may hold in less than in war; that patriotism student. If it is remembered and telligent, just, and humane views on must be a constituent part of my re observed it will mean upholding the governmental questions and endeav ligion; that no prouder boast cun , , constitution in the daily life and ac or to have such views embodied in emanate from my lips than truly to | | tivities o f the nation. our laws. declare, “ 1 am an American citizen,” ¡ , . C1U.IÄ 3. Since popular government is and that as an American citizen the [ ; It is significant that a few days "*• before Constitution Week a giganic shaped in the first instance by the Constitution of the United States HHAVIN u , hah , and insiduous plan to overthrow the exercise of suffrage, it is one of my ought to be as actual a part o f my constitution and government of the primary duties us a good American life and o f my religion as the Ser HOT *N|> O dia United States by the Soviet govern citizen to cast my ballot in all local, mon on the Mount. L. B. HA state and national elections and to ment of Russia was revealed. ^ N r»«. N o sane man or woman in our urge iny fellow-citizens to do the Alaska is capable o f laising every country wants to see the constitution same 4. Since ours is “ a government pound of beef, every sort o f vege-j replaced by the chaotic order of law table, and every pound uf butter or' or lack o f law, now being practiced of laws and not of men,” and sinee other dairy product that her people an orderly government can exist on in Russia. Yet it is ignorance o f the ly through laws justly administered will need till the white population constitution and its ideals that has and impartially enforced, 1 declare it increases to 200 times its present p r o f e ssio n permitted this insiduous propaganda to be my duty as a good citizen to number. to get the hold it has in this coun try. It is only by keeping a clear serve as a juror whenever summon Grass is _ growing luxuriantly on ed, and to use my influence in every • wr BOT« vision of our form o f government proper way to the end that lawyers.; the tops of thousands of freight before the people at all times that it judges and jurors so conduct the ad -1 cars lying idle in the railroad yards can be thwarted. ministration of justice as to entitle j of the Ruhr Valley. Most of thorn DK. HARRIig, Following is your and my creed. the law and the courts to popular ¡are filled with merchandise and Let every one of us impress it upon approval and support. | have not turned a wheel since the iJateopaUtIa our minds and hearts: 5. I believe that we Americans Belgians and French marched into onurla, have the best government that has , the industrial urc?a last January, Our Citizenship Creed Ofrica: VUUoa ever been created— the freest and ~ 1- I am ------------n living under a government most just for 1 (III all the people -and Girl of 11 swam the Mississippi T V * m ill 111, the VIH- IIM I.-H JU .11/ 1U III« 1« .. ... . --------- and am myself a part of such gov- that it is my duty to uphold and de- Not long ago girls of that age coulu Tnment— wherein at least an ele fond this Government at all times. I not even spell it.. w. & Constitution Week For Quick tyyssa : Nyssa Barber. Fourteenth Annual MALHEUR COUNTY PROMPT I Rcasenikb I PHONI lil THE © ® © © ■ © ® © © © ® Ontario, Oregon BeauiyDay, Sept. 20th RULES OF CONTEST BIG D A IR Y SHOW Attormaj H il boom* U H WlUoa ait Ontario F A IR 5 Five prises will be given : First prize $50.00, Second prize $40.00; 3rd, $30.00; 4th. $20.00; 5th. $10.00. 0 Five disinterested parties will uct as judyts. Barbecues, Wild Horse Haces, bucking Contests Races and All Sorts o f Sports m oo ■t of GROUNDS Everybody Come ! Let’s Go ! i Abaarb Tbit; l*v \ V w «| n p e r tty n d lr e t* ) », iu . ur qulred anxiously. “In the excitement rrttement of lenvtng did yon say gooil-hy Otl-hj J tC pn|>ii and minimal” “ No,” he replied, "I anh^ ‘Au re- « ■ FREE BARBECUE on Opening Dav » © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © © ^ (s ^ i^ -J I * . ♦♦♦♦ M M ! » ♦ ♦♦+ >+■»+♦++*++++->--{-? O LD A O F F A B S f T H A W A Y B U T Y O U T H IS P C R E N N I A I SNAPPY, PEPPY PROGRAM— $2,000 IN PREMIUMS; 13,000 IN POIZES Band Concerts Daily. Novel Evening Entertain ments Down Town. rid,n" Bring the Family to Three Days o f Real Joy. Big Dances and Street Shows in Eveninff i. * f ; ^ , mm BANK OF NYSSA The formation o f a drainagr ' Ifrict under the provision, of ^ « * ° r , ,y at Anpo-'- ‘ Addri ty Ag Cornty “ a : Addr Idaho, “ i: Diseñe aim _ i; Don t Fail to Attend the Big Fair j; | Anana I I M. Kyle. ^^■rrig.-i 6 Winners will be chosen Sept. 20th, Thursday after noon, at Fair (¡rounds. 7 Respor io president. gee. ONTARIO 4 Three girls from eaeli town will be chosen by photo - • > graph and must appear in person on Heauty Day. C. M. Oran Stale t. A Big and Varied Program— Something Different Every Day 1 Mail your Photo, with name and add rent, to Lela Oxman, Manager Heauty Content, Ontario, Oregon. Further information by writing to manager. Contest clones Sept. 15th, 6 p. m. It. W. HWAliLBB BABY SHO Cowboy Relay Races, Milking Contests Field and t rack Contests, Horse Races Boys’ and Girls’ Club Contests All girls eligible from 16 to 60! Nyaaa, COWBOY SPORTS Sept. 19, 20, 21st »», : K, M. BLOW Attoraay j l aud and l’robate Mil Automobile Races-Motorcycle Paces-Trick Riding 8 Malheur County Fair 3 ATTI « KMC Y lì il © The Beauty Show BEAUTY SHOW 2 Uellt CITY DBAÍ C. FEATURING $150 PRIZE ■itoi Houil ad Usai Lm