all tki Trans;. T he G ate C ity J ournal NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1*23. 14 ^NKTlfj CHINESE PHEASANT SEASON IS EXTENDED WEEK LONCER State Market JONES APPOINTEDjI TEMPORARY SEC. $1.50 PER YEAR OWYHEE ‘(WEEK TO BE OBSERVED Mrs. Wm. McEwan and children are vistiing the former's sister at Riverside. ---- By G E. Spence----- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse K ygar have ORDER G IVES M A L H E U R C O U N ­ rented John Rust’s ranch near Mitch­ T Y T W O W E E K S ' SEASO N. It is indeed an extraordinary ell Butte fo r a term o f five years economic condition that wages and and w ill take possession soon. Mr. all living expenses should steadily and Mrs. Lou DeGoede w ill live on R evers«» Special Order Made By advance, month after month, while It STUKI the ranch now occupied by the Ky- the products o f the farm, on which the Commission Early gars. rtA1K uyj millions depend fo r food, are so loiv L v n r ™ « __________ Last Spring. S. D. Bigelow purchased a half that the most of them bring lessl^"^ EC IS l N IH IK M P L A N S A N D ___ bring (OU) t j j dozen feeder pigs from F. L. De- than the cost o f production to the RECORDS W IL L BE AD O PTE D Bord Monday. growers. A T T H IS M EETING. By a special order o f the state Carl Sehweizer le ft Sunday for A ll industries except agriculture game commission, the season on Boise where he will take up his are generally prosperous; there is Chinese pheasants iu Malheur couu work as Senior in the high school. Thos. Jones, former register of ty Las been extended one week, nation-wide demand for labor, and Evelyn De Bord went to Wm. wages in most industries are high. the United States land office at givin g an open season o f two weeks. Farm ing alone seems to have col­ Vale, has been appointed temporary Beam’s Sunday where she will board BUS A R E TO BE T A K E N Th opeu season will be from the lapsed. Wheat at $1 a bushel, with and attend the Nyssa high school. JUDGE D A V IS IS C H A IR M A N OF secretary o f the Malheur county second Sunday o f October to the Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glascock and fe lt D ISTR IC TS IN BOTH dther farm products at present tax supervision C O M M ITTE E TO A R R A N G E and conservation little daughters went to Ontario Sun­ fourth Sunday in October, both prices, would be all right fo r pro­ commission and hus apened an o f­ ■OREGON A N D ID AH O dates inclusive. F IT T IN G O B SE R V AN C E ducers if other products were in pro­ fice in the court house. He is busy day to visit in the Newbill home. “ This order was adopted by the portion. As the unjust situation compiling such data and informa­ They brought the other two daugh­ commission at the request o f farm ­ 01‘ATUl now is, the grow er gets less than it tion about taxes and indebtedness ters back with them. Yom Malheur Enterprise In conformity with its announced ers and sportsmen o f Malheur coun­ Louis De Bord came up from the thing which 1 most want to ty on account of the numerous sup­ costs him to produce wheat, beef, as the commission will need when it Road Lands Saturday to help Bob purpose, “ to re-establish the Con­ apples, small fruits and muny other is ready to start its work. the attention o f the farmers ply o f birds in that county,” says stitution o f the United States and Elliott during hdying. IUCT The commission is waiting until ated land in Southern Ore- Chief Deputy Oame Warden F. M. products, while he has to pay near­ the principles and ideals o f our Gov­ T. M. Lowe, Wm. Glenn and R. R. ly double fo r implements and other after the state conference which has to all other interested peo- Brown, ernment in the minds and hearts o f Overstreet are in Vale on jury duty working and living necessities. been called by Governor Pierce be­ this week. t the 1923 convention o f the the people,” the eitiznship committee This order reverses an action of A binder that costs the fanner fore it makes any definite plans, Irrigation congress is that the commission last April. A t that American Bar Association has Mr. and Mrs. J P. McGinnis and | lions are not restricted to time the opeu season here was for $175 in 1914 now costs $26U, accord­ according to William Jones, chair- chudreBt Mr. and Mrs. Alv()n M(.oin plannd a nation-wide observance of ing to the statistics o f Charles T. s only but are open to the two weeks and in other eastern Ore­ ... , ., I nis and son James, Mr. and Mrs. “ Constitution Week,” during Septem­ Michaels; a sulky plow that was $35 m®!}‘ ‘ 1 believe Governor Pierce’s idea Henry glip and gon8i , nd Mr and ber 16 to 22. blic,” said James M. Kyle gon counties only one week. no llln fv rho uritro i l. it i 1 1 «, 4.. ___ _ is now $54; a wagon that retailed in calling the state conference is to This nation-wide program w ill be t of the Congress, who was Mrs Andrew McGinnis left this week for $80 before the war now costs start all o f the counties out along More Gold m Malheur Hills this week attending the for an outing in the mountains near fittin gly observed in Malheur coun­ $135 and labor that cost the farmer the same lines and have all of the ty according to the plans laid out by jetting of the executive com- The follow ing letter appeared in Austin. commissions keep the Robert E. ior to the convention. The Tuesday’s Portlund Oregonian. Mr. $1.50 per day now comes at double different Mr. and Mrs. W alter Pinkston and the nutionul committee. that scale. same kind of records,” said Mr. ¡on will open at Vale the Abbott has probably forgotten M al­ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith return­ Smith, presdient o f the Lumbermens Wheat at 90 cents per bushel to Jones. “ W e do not want to rush o f October 3 and continue heur county was formed out o f Ba­ ed the last o f the week from a ten Trust Company bnnk o f Portland as the farmer, when freight is deduct­ into asything here in Malheur coun­ [the rest of that week, ker and is mixed up in the source of duys ramping trip to the mountains state chairman has appointed Judge ed, is 1V 4 cents per pound, while ty and then have the worok to do in the vicitnity o f Austin, fishing Geo. E. Davis, o f Vale, chairman of purpose o f the Oregon Irri- the Eldorado mining ditch which the county committee and H. B. ongress is to assist in every came out o f Burnt R iver and nut the wholesale price on middlings over again. I realize that this will was good but no deer was found. ($38 at this writing, $36 at the make us very late in starting the $sible irrigation and drainage Malheur Lake. W. E. Mears, recently o f Hillsboro, Cock rum and Judge W. W. Woods, m ill) is nearly two cents per pound work. It will be impossible to give Ore., but now o f Payette, where h.- o f Ontario, as committeemen. R. W. [state. This year we ha\e Olympia, Wash. Aug. 26.— 'T o the up the best program ever a 3 - E ditor.)— The recent discovery o f a — a higher price than tlje grower attention to the budgets this year with his fam ily are visiting his Swagler, o f Ontario, E. M. Blodgett gets fo r his whole wheat. While at the time specified by law and 1 mother pending location there, vis­ o f Nyssa und Charles K. Crandall, It has worked out even rich vein o f quartz in the old mining the grower gets hut 1V 4 cents for am sure that lthe commission will ited n the Peutz home Wednesday. o f Vale, have been ailded to the com­ [than our fondest dreams and town o f Malheur City, in Baker wheat the price for flour is nearly recognize this fact in receiving the * pie who attend the sessions county, Oregon brings to my mind Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cantrell and mittee. Constitution Week will begin In |y will hear lectures which the fact that when a boy during the four cents per pound and the price estimates from the various taxing daughter, Dottie Bell and Miss Mary OLUVEI! o f bread from seven to nine cents. districts.” m worth much to them. Take year 1872 I visited that town with McGinnis returned recently from a Malheur county by fittin g sermons The obvious cause of this unusual Other counties in Eastern Oregon trip to the mountains. •I* itila f, on Sunday evening in all o f the ance one lecture to be given my father, M. H. Abbott, it being condition o f values is that nearly seem to be doing the same as Mal­ A. Shepherd, o f Jerome, Idc- then a lively placer mining camp August Tueleson, who purchased churches o f the county. Schools of r. Shepherd is known all situated on the backbone of a bald all industries o f the country are so heur, that is, waiting until after the Wm. Peutz’s sheep some time ago, the county will have appropriate they can fix state conference to organize. A c ­ called Wednesday K ic irrigated world as one o f mountain along which were situated strongly organized at the Peutz studies and exercises and on Mon H s t successful managers o f an also the towns o f Eldorado and and maintain selling prices, and cording to visitors in Vale nit her home. He has the sheep on the di­ day evening, in the county court KS AT Ul on district. W e feel more Am elia .and near by the towns of labor likewise through organization Harney nor Crook county commis­ vide near the snow line In Colorado house at Vale, the county exercises can demand and obtain high wages. sioners have started their work yet. rtunate in securing Mr. Shep- Clarks Creek and B ridgeport The and states that there has been an will be held under the auspices of r the program and I consider Eldorado ditch .something near 100 Only unorganized labor has a low unusual amount o f rain there lately. the Malheur county Bar Association. scale. Werner Peutz Is the proud owner Every citizen of the county is invited lecture alone w ill be well miles in length and a marvel o f en­ And the manifest remedy fo r the o f a new bicycle which he purchased to be present at the Monday evening w o rtS the time and expense anyone gineering, which was brought in deflated and desperate condition the recently in Nampa with funds earn­ program which will be as follows: interkted in irrigation will be put to from Malheur lake. When I was in farmers are in, is to follow the Cities of West W ill Advertise A d ­ ed during the summer vacation. Music, by Vale Band. to attend the convention. And in Malheur City they were placer min­ vantages. rule o f big business industries and Invocation, Rev. J. J. Fleming, of speaking o f Mr. Shepherd I am not ing under the houses on Main street, big labor organizations and refuse Nyssa. ■lighting the rest o f the program as they had been built right over Portland, Or., Sept. 7.— “ Six m il­ to take the deflation o f the whole Music by Mole Quartett, John P. which is on a par. There will lie the channel, and the valley just bo- lion dollars fo r advertising the Pa­ nation. Houston, Robert D Lytle, Ross Park­ such Ban II known men as Franx low or south o f Malheur City was cific Coast” is the title o f a folder Farmers can just as well regu­ inson and Jie G williams. being mailed by the Oregon State Brown, Burton C. French, Addison T. literally alive w ith men taking out Wooden props fo r holding up ov­ late their production and determine Speech, R. W. Swagler, o f Ontario. Smith and a host o f others whose gold in a prim itive way. Chamber o f Commerce today to 8000 a fa ir price fo r their goods as the representative business men of the erloaded fru it tree branches are less Music, Violin Solo, W. D. Kinder. names are fam iliar to those interest­ I spent 25 years o f my life in reliable than masts and wiring as Speech, Judge Dalton Higgs, o f Vale. shoe manufacturer, the implement ed in i rrigation.” state. Baker county and have probably they may get out o f position or factory, the oil combinations, the Community Singing, “ Am erica" The bulletin points out that every ^ ^ ^ ■ K y l c and William Stewart, visited every section o f it one way fall. I f limbs are loaded to the lead by B. W. Mulkey. sugar trust or uny other of the ? chaHttinn o f the executive commit­ or another— by this I mean by w a­ large city on the Pacific Coast has breaking point some sort o f support of the country’s Music, by Vale Band. tee met with the Vale committee gon, on foot, on horseback or by price controllers raised a fund for the exploitation of is essentiaL Forked sapling are It is hoped that every community on Jgrnngements Monday evening taking a pack horse and walking. I necessities. the potential resources o f their ter­ cheapest but call for great care to in the county, no matter how small, But there is a limit to the price and rounded out the different plans. always carried m y trusty gun, look­ ritory, and that all the rail lines keep from wounding the branches. will observe Constitution Week, as­ Both .o f the visiting officials ex­ ing fo r game and gold, quartz or that any combination may exact— serving the west are spending liter­ there is a limit to what the public ally millions in national advertising. serts the local oemmittee. This ob­ pressed themselves as well pleased placer. Rotation o f crops costs little in di­ will stand. Nearly all combinations with 3ttie plans which Chairman “ This is Oregon’s opportunity to versified districts and is usually servance will quicken the knowledge It is no surprise to me that gold o f capital recognize a dead-line and ._H arry C nnard has put into op ­ has again been found cash in,” says a message to the profitable on the soils. It permits o f the citizens generally regarding in Malheur the basic law and the nature and eration to make the Vale convention There must be a fountain head, for fear a public buyers’ strike. business men o f the State, “ When A ll over the United States farm ­ you support the Oregon State Cham­ increase o f humus and nitrogen by ideals o f the government o f the to bs remembered in the the supply o f gold that is scattered renewed ers are taking up the one remedy ber of Commerce you are helping to turning under clover and other crops Unit«-«! States and incite o f th Oregon Irrigation con along Burnt river, upper W illow residues. On the experiment station loyalty to this government. that seems w ill g iv e ,, them relief creek, Rye valley and Mormon basin. from the present unbalanced and un­ take advantage of the greatest ail- farm the average net profit o f ro­ vertising and publicity movement in tation for seven years was $8.82. |es the regular sessions o f the These camps have been producing just conditions that is-’ forced upon the history o f the nation.” and lectures by specialists placer gold now fo r more than 50 them— Cooperation. If they will line o f irrigation and drain- years that I know of, and no doubt Phosphate is available in acid use this group organization to help ire will be a field demonstra- ed on the divide between upper phosphate, ground raw rock phos­ Malheur County Real Estate Trans­ consumers as well as themselves, drainnge methods as worked Burnt river and upper W illow creek. phate and steamed bone meal. The fers Recorded During they will have wonderfully helped the Oregon Agricultural E x­ I am positive it is there. acid form also contains about 7 Week Sept 1 to 8 the prosperity o f the country as Assessment Equalization to Be Made it station at Vale and a dem- M. D .ABBOTT. pounds o f sulfur per hundred, as at Later Date. well. I f they use the combination Surah Murrey et v ir to Ida M. (on o f sluicing the drainage I t is The county board of equalization well as available phosphate. power for the sole purpose of What Kansas Is Thinking About Hummer et al-5.71 acres in N E M which has been invented bj best fo r immediate results. adjourned its regular meeting the L. J. Thompson o f Sedgwick Coun­ forcing a higher price for products, Sec. 31-19-47. 2-12-23. $1.00 (Q . C. Johnston and Percy Purvis, first of this week until a later date W inter protection fo r the bee col­ Deed) gram will also include a half ty was hauling wheat to market one without working to reform the dis­ because County Judge E. H. Test onies will mean more honey next W. F. Homan, Trustee, et al to inspection o f irrigatel farm- day when his w ife asked him to tributing system, they will have ac­ was unable to be present. little fo r permanent spring. Painting the hives w ill pre­ Ontario National Bank-North 20 ft. Malheur county and in Cen- bring some bread from town. The complished vent cracks that otherwise are like­ of lot 5, and south 5 ft. o f L ot 4, Payette counties in Idaho, wheat he was hauling was high- good. There is far too great a spread ly to form in the hard weather and Block 6, Ontario. 9-4-23. $1.00. ■biles furnished by Vale peo- grade Kansas red, and he got nine­ cause the bees to work fillin g them J. W. M illigan et ux to Malheur For the between the producer and consumer. ________ take the visitors on this in­ ty-one cents a bushel. s p e c t». bread he paid ten cents a loaf. The Farm co-operators have a great op­ Was Formerly N ight Operator at with wax next summer when they County-road right o f way across portunity in their organizations to would otherwise be making honey. Ontario Station. Sec. 19-18-47. 7|2|23. $1.00 baker told Thompson that a bushel and ex­ Harry Williams, aged 49, a ranch­ Elizabeth M. M cLaren Admx. to Your Children W ill Fight the Next o f such wheat as he was selling reorganize the wasteful Where powder is used to blast a pensive system. Consumers have er living betwt*n Vale and Ontario, James F. Owen-Lots 1, 2, and 8, should make sixty-four one pound World War large green oak stump from firm equal opportunity to co-operate was arrested last Friday by Sheriff Block 1, Juntura. 8-28-23. $1.00. He learned that born fifteen to twenty loaves o f bread. and come half H. Lee Noe on a statutory charge. soil the hole is placed diagonally Bernard Haas et ux to S. I » ■ [ ^ ■ P ’orn now on will have to figh t the m iller takes out about fifteen with the growers under the main part with other w ay fo r the products. With the He waived his preliminary examina­ Creem-SE%SE>4 Sec. 31-16-47; also :t war. In two centuries pounds o f m ill feed, leaving forty- holes under the heavy brace rootp two-thirds middle expenses between tion for the justice o f the peace. Lot 1, Sec. 6|16|47. 6|22|23. $1.00. The baker ouis X IV and Marlborough, fiv e pounds o f flour. have not announced The center hole is loaded heavily Geo. Eldredge et ux to R. M. Car- and the world civilization adds shortennig, sweetening, yeast them cut to the barest necessary The officers and the others more lightly. The expense, and with perhaps pro­ whether he will be examined by lile -N E 'A N E 'A , N *S E t4 S E > 4 Sec. inters around it has blown up and water, so the flour makes sixty- set is fired with electric blasting ducers and consumers being their alienists or his case brought to the 20-18-45; also Lots 1 and 2, Block a liirty-fiv e or forty years. The four loaves. Thompson fished caps. own middle men between the grow- attention o f the grand jury. 1; Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8, Block 2; period 1871 to 1914 was the stubby pencil out o f his hip pocket Williams was formerly night tel­ Lot 4, Block 4; L ot 2, Block 17; in modern times. The last and set down a fe w figures on a ed and the retailer, then price-con-1 Peach Blight Threatens Havoc it deeper and was followed by i bit o f wrapping paper. Those sixty- trol on the part o f the farmer to egraph operator at the Ontario sta­ Peach blight is likely to play! Lot* 3 and 4, Block 21, all in El- L disturbing settlement than! four loaves brought $6.40. The mill the extent o f a fa ir return for his tion. havoc in Oregon peach o re hards ; dredges Add. to V ale; also Lota 1 its predecessors. The histor-! feed brought an additional quarter, labor, would not add to the high re­ this fa ll and winter where growers to 10 inclusive, Block 1; Lots 1 to prices, against which the Block 2; and North mces, then, are that the pres- total, $6.65. His mind shot back to tail do not spray their trees immediate­ 16 inclusive, in i will hardly last a genera- the year’s operations he had given homes are now protesting. ly after picking with Bordeaux m ix­ 'A of Lot 17 in Block 2, all in ________ ger. That means a world that bushel o f wheat and to the Wanted on Warrant Issued by Har­ ture 6-6-50 as a preventive o f tw 'g Smiths Add. to Vale. 8-4-23. $2,500. Q U A K E A T C ALC U TTA. Jerome Long et ux to Jeremiah later than 1955-60. Its com- fact that o f the $6.65 he got 91 and bud infections, sure to begin ney Count/. London.— F ifty persons are re­ *nR. ^•1® matter of public opinion, of cents. And that, in essence is what Lester Pipton and “ Mexican Pete” with the first fall rains, reports the Sfearns-Lots 6 and 6, Block 7, Pio- national habit and governmental Knnsas is thinking about.— C olliei’s ported killed or injured in an earth­ were arrested by Deputy Sheriff plant pathologist at the Oregon E x ­ oneer Addition to Jordan V alley; quake which shook Calcutta Mon­ pohcy*.An eminent Frenchman in Weekly. Charls Glenn last Saturday morning periment station. Blight is respons­ also N ^ N E 'A , N EV4N W % Sec. 14; day, says an Exchange Telegranh the w a te nl Nations Secretariat near W illow Springs, a few miles ible fo r more damage to Oregon Et&E'A Sec. 11-30-46. 7|10l23. $10 dispatch from that British Indian Peanut oil is one o f the prime ne­ has B i d ,‘Over here we’re like a M ary A. Chidsey to M attie S. from Vale on a warrant issued in peach orchards than any other dis­ city. The reported casualties oc­ cessities o f the average Chinese in lot oft delirious patients in a hospi- Harney county for horse stealing. ease, and because o f conditions pre Hess-Lot 3, Sec. 5-22-38; W H S W % curred in the Nymensigh district, South China. As a cooking oil and ^ p h in g our fists at each other, Sec. 32-21-88. 8-9-23. Sheriff Goodman of that county vailing this season a more serious S E K S W 'A but unable to strike a blow. And foodstuff it means to the Chinese where many houses collapsed. was in Vale after the rustlers and attack may be expected this fa ll Love and affection. when w. get well enough to fight what- olive oil does to the Ralph I-acey et als to Charles P. took them back to Burns to face than usual. Directions fo r the pro­ 1,000 was — the delirium will tie over.” or Italian and lard to the 17, 18, 19, and 20, per preparations o f Bordeaux m ix­ Iaukey-Lots trial. [ on her W e hope so. but that delirium is Large stocks o f peanut o; Both are well known in this part ture can be had on request from the Rlock 32, Ontario. 5|-|23. $2,000. ■gures is- o f hard boiled greed and hate which ways maintained in Hongk. of Malheur county, where they have the agricultural college. M arriage Licenses homed ■•eipts oi« is to bo cured, not by time, but by o f the local oil is crushed worked for different stockmen. Both James D. Faull and Florence E. Mew York the net i e, organize«! good will of grown in the colony, Soi Bordeaux Controls Anthrarnose o f them rode in the Rodeo at Vale _______ find those Apple tree anthrocnose has been Blevins. 9-8-23. men. ( T h e job ahead for world and in North China. last. Fourth o f July. |cted orchards This is too late to avoid the early ' k* iMcklnce in Faris. Could have lost lie should chines o f temporarily impoverished in these districts are likely to ex^ fall infections from which the most Detroit robber was a coll serious damage results. more than that at home. périmes very serious infections thin sportsmen. uate, but they caught him. PRES WORTH MUCH SAYS PRESIDENT KYLE Agent News TAX COMMISSION WAITING UNTIL AFTER CONFERENCE CONSTITUTION MADE STUDY SEPT. 16-22 OF IN S P E C T IO N HOLD COUNTY MEETING 'N al J to s p e n d j ig ' sum FARM POINTERS COUNTY STATISTICS BOARDADJOURNED A R R E SfM E D lA R M E R HORSE THIJVES CAUGHT