Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1923)
L IV T h is Trade Hark appears on T HAT m ea n s th a t th e repairs having th is trade m ark w ere m a d e in th e factory w here th e o rigin al m a c h in e ca m e from . It also m e a n s t h a t th ese repair parts w ere m a d e by th e sam e w ork m en w h o m ad e sim ila r p arts for new m achines' a n d th a t th e y are m ad e o f th e cam e m aterials. G en u in e I H C R epairs fit closer, wear b etter an d la st lon ger th a n “ W ill-F it” or “ M ade-For” su b sti tu te s . A m a ch in e th a t is part g en u in e and p a rt im ita tio n is a hybrid, a m on grel. C om e to u s a n d g et g e n u in e I H C repairs, an d y o u w ill also get th e M cC orm ick-D eering repair service, w h ich is w o rth w fcdU - Eder Hdwe. Company McCORMICK-DEERING LINE ^O U O I 30E 30C A fter Studying the Sparrow. We spend considerable time observ ing the English sparrow s and study ing their character and have about reached the conclusion that, even It that well meaning hot misguided B rit ish cousin had had sense enough no! to bring them over, they wtffld have got hero somehow anyway.—Ohl# S tate Journal. ,0 = 301 GOOD SHOES We carry the Bergman line of shoes, the beat shoe on the market for service. The public is invited to call and look them over.. FULL LINE CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES. It Pays to Get the Best NYSSA SHOE SHOP. IOBOC X 0E30E IN BRIEF C al i > M M I I M H M I H I » » » » » * i t4 o n lij N ature’s Busy W orverr In the great office of nature there f r e Innum erable departm ents with endless work going on. and the fine flower that you behold there, gaudily attired and scented like a dandy, Is by no m eans w hat It appears to be, but ra th e r la like a laborer tolling Tn the aun and shower, who has to subm it a clear account of his work and has M breathing space to enjoy himself In a playful frolic. 300011 A rth u r Cook is con stru ctin g a w ash H erb Phillips ia home from Boise, w here he hue b e - it tending buaineai house n e a r his residence, which will g re a tly fa c ilita te the job of g e ttin g collets. out the fam ily wash. I have c lo v tr s e c t for s - l- . Nick Mrs. H elen Hoxie M artin o f Boise SiuiJt, Ar:..4'a. visited her p a ren ts. Mr. and Mrs. W. M ar»:.-' R .b e r »er re tu rn e d tire first B. H oxie, th is week. o f the w eek from Idaho Falla, whare Mrs. H s ttia G a rre tt and d au g h ter ha sp e n t several days v isitr-g w ith a •o a. lie s ta te s th a t crops a re looking Helen re tu rn e d W ednesday from New good In th a t section, although not as Meadows, w here they sp e n t the sum m er. fa r advanced aa around N yssa, F rank Ram baud le ft on No. 19 T ues Mr. and Mrs. Ford Purdy w ere in N yssa W ednesday, having stopped off day ev en in g for P ortland, w here ha for a brief visit w ith N yasa friends will v isit h is siste r Ruby for 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. L ackey a re in while en route to Boise. Since leaving here about a y e ar ago Ms. P urdy has th e Blue m ountains this w aek enjoying been in the govarnasat service a t an outing. G lacier N ational park. A s tra n g e man has c rea te d some P o ta to digging ia on in full bleat this e x citem en t in the no rth end of tow n week and will continue unabatad for this w eek by slipping up to houses and a n o th e r w eek or te n days, (t is ex peaking In doors and windows. He pected th a t by th e laat o f n e x t w eek visited a num ber of houses W ednes th e bulk of the crop will be m arketed. day b u t be fo re ha could be apprehended Several ears are b eing load and shipped m ade his g e t away. daily. The quality of the product is The N yssa Packing Co. shipped a high grade, m ueh of it p a stin g aa U. c a i of h ogs to the P o rtlan d m a rk e t S. No 1. G row ers a re receiving around m ark e t Monday. )1 25 f. o. b. N yssa, which leaves them Al and G eorge G reen a ad Cliff Till a little m argin of profit above coat of man m ade a trip to B aker City Sunday production. by au to tru sk to haul M rs.S arah Evans Miss G race W arren has re tu rn e d household goods. Mrs. E vans will from a visit to P o rtlan d and the W il m ake h e r hom e there la m e tte valley. Mias M yrtle Sm ith re tu rn e d Sunday G. L. M urray le ft W ednesday for from a tw o-w eeks w ith friends a t New Boise, w here he will visit fo r a few Plym outh. days and will then go to P ocatello to B o r n - T o Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Din join hie wife widdie, on W edneaday, A ugust 22, a The wind Tuesday evening blew in a baby d a u g h te r. p late glass window a t Wilson Bros, Mrs. J . W. Fogle and d a u g h te r Pau store. The glass w as w eakened by a crack received som e tim e ago and line re tu rn e d F riday from a visit to could not w ith stan d the heavy pres P rairie City, su re of the wind. G eorge G reen and fam ily retu rn e d Miss G eorgia Dennis re tu rn e d the S a tu 'd a y from a trip to F eatherville. lirs t of th e w eek from N am pa, w here Idaho, re tu rn in g hy Boise. she sp e n t p a rt of h e r vacation, and ia Mrs. M ary Giles is visiting her again on duty a t the telephone office parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Law Miss Louise V. K ennedy arriv ed laat rence, a t th e Gibson ranch. F riday from M anhattan Beach, n ear Los A ngeles, and is busy g e ttin g Mr. and Mrs. 0 . H. P re tty m a n and thing» in readiness for the opening of d a u g h te r M axine m ade an auto tr ip to school, which will be on S eptem ber 10. E m m e tt and the Black Canyon dam We hope n e x t w eek to be able to give Sunday. a com plete list of the faculty, to g eth e r Mrs, Will Beam and d a u g h te r R ita w ith the grades ta u g h t by each teacher. nre in H untington this week visiting J . W. Wills w ent to P a y e tte Monday to join M rs. W ills, who has been Visit ing a t the home of her d a u g h te r, Mrs. O. D. Cole, fo r sev eral weeks. Gilder W atson, a fo rm er N yssa boy who stra y ed awav to C alifornia several y e ars ago, has retu rn ed . Don Davis, who is trav e lin g re p re se n ta tiv e of a som m ercial house with h e ad q u arters a t S e a ttle, arrived in j N yssa T uesday and ia visiting a t the home of his p a ren ts, Mr. and Mrs. R. J . Davis. Miss Cooley of th e Extension de p a rtm a n t of th e 0 . A. C. is in N yssa th is week giving a th ree day course of [in stru ctio n in the m illinery a rt. The O B O t lessons are given a t the school house and are well a tte n d e d by the ladies of Nyssa. We are agents for the Miss Ruby Minton has aaeeptad a position a s bookkeeper a t the Eder H ardw are. FORD Andy Robinson of the Independent M eat M arket of O ntario was in N yssa T hursday on business. the Universal Car We do all kinds of repair work Acetylene Welding Ignition parts for all cars Jim K akabevke, Pud Long and Chas. Newbill are the cham pion spud pickers of th is section One day th is week they picked 601 sacks of tubers on the [ Chas. G arrison ranch, which is a rec ord th a t will m ake ’em go some to b eat Service Garage Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA OREGON. Gate Cic Community Picnic SEIBERLIN TIRES Parker’s Tire Shop O. A. I*. Your Next Goal Income Tax Payers Class Picnic THE REGISTRAR O regon We Print But ter wraps — of course not. MALHEUR GO. BANK Capital.................«28.000 00 Surplus............. $25,000.00 ^ , i r ' w i i - n - r : ~n ‘ (• liege School time will soon be here and the girls will need a new Gingham Dress or blouse—the boys a new Waist or or Shirt—made of ginghams that will v jar well and keep its color. When v/ashed nicely and done up properly they look fresh and new. We have this line in 27-inch «.r.d 32-inch wide at very moderate prices. BEFORE BUYING S E E O U R L I N E No bank’s service is perfect because human brings render it. And as soon as we attain to what we presently think is “perfection” we see other “perfections” ahtau to be worked for. Yet our customers do not hetsi ,;te to rec- ommead this bank to their friend -, for they know that we are constantly striving to make our serviee as nearly ‘ perfect” as we possibly can. In fact, three-fourths of all our depositors came here as a result of such recommenda tions. * , x - g ricu ltu ral Corvallis GINGHAMS PERFECT? KNOCKER er MAKE a We We F i x Wm A big com m unity picnic ia planned A re the first p ractically uniform tire s fo r n e x t Friday by th e N yssa Com 1 ever saw in my e s g h t ye trs e f tire m unity Sunday school. T he picnic factory and re p a ir shop i xperience, will be held in B u tle r’s grove on the and we are outselling any brand in On Boulevard a bout five m iles n o rth . The tario today m ore th an 2 t > 1. We e n tire com m unity ia i ir ’ited and urg ed don’t know long th ese price» will IrBt to come. See th a t th e kiddies g e t —so you b e tte r h u rry . All ires pent th ere and have a goon tim e. This ia P. P. prepaid. T ires b est p r de. fo r everybody and th e local eom m ittea 80x3 fa b ric __________ - 9.00 30x8$ f a b r i c ...... 10 00 ia planning to have a g re a t tim e. 80x3 a o rd ........... ............ 10,0« The sp o rts will begin a t 10 a. m. 80x3$ eo rd ..... 11.50 H era is a p a rtia l schedule o f the d a y ’s 32x4 oord ._.......... .. . 21 00 sp o rts: 33x4 cord ............ ......... 22 00 34x4 c o rd ......................... 22.50 25 yards for fa t men only. 25-yard race for thin women only. WE STOCK FOR ALL CARS The w inners of th ese tw o ra ce s to B rake lining, fnn I e ltt, ra d ia to r hose com pete fo r th e big prize. W atch or caps, biob lugs. etc. them go Races for all the biddies. Volley ball gam e hy picked sides. Auto Accesaories. B aseball gam e, boys vs g irls The - O ntario, Oregon girls to be th e w inners, m aybe. T h ere Phone 177 will be lots of p e an u ts and popcorn on Mrs B eam ’s siste r, Mrs Plughoff. • The sp irit of pro g ress w hich is so the ground and all the pink lem onade p re v alen t in N yssa at p re sen t hit W al Mr. and Mrs. A lbert H insch le f t by you can drink. A b a r it l of it .i d i t ’s te r A lfred a solar plexus blow th is auto W ednesday m orning for P rairie free. Make it a holiday and everybody week and as a consequeuce he ia build- City, w here Mr. Hinsch has ex tensive go. , ing a commodious addition tn his re s pro p erty in te re sts. idence in the south part of fuwn. From a 58-acre field o f w heat T est & G reig threshed 328# bushels of COMMUNITY CHURCH w heat, or a little over 60 bushels per Sunday m orning the su b je ct to r the acre. They have shipped tw o carloads serm on will be “ C o o p e ra tio n .” We a t $1.35 p e r cw t, and will sto re the haven’t reached t h a ' 150 m ark yet in rem ain d er in a g ran ary on the place the Sunday school. Oome out next to w ait for a b e tte r m a rk e t A p a rt junday m orning and h ip ub climb. of th is w h e at was w h a t is known as Y oung P e o p le's m eeting a t 7 p. n . F ederation w heat, a new v a rie ty prop Vilas Dora Thompson is th e leader, a g ated by the H arney county e x p eri the Will have a real tr e a t fo r all who You have finished high m ent atation, and will be saved for itte n d this m eeting school and, like all wide aw ake grad u ates, are seed. A t presen t prices the crop “ The Man W ithut God” ia the tu b looking to college. would re p re se n t a value of about $50 ject for the evening serm on. A cor The S ta te of Oreg. n par acre. dial in vitation is 'e x t e d .d all to a t offers you the hest* ef tend. train in g and a college d egree in the leading p ursuits and p ro fes sions, aa follows: Clyde G. H u”tly, collector of in te r Engineering. A g ricu ltu re, nal revenue, has m ailed the postm as. The Senior class of 1922 N vssa high Commerce, Forestry, Home ter* of the s ta ts a ty p e w ritte n list of t ■ 100 hisld a picnic supper a t the A r c a Economics, Military Srienee, the th e nam es of every individual who d ia school house Sunday evening A and Taction Mining, Phar filed a federal income ta x re tu rn fur m ost enjoya le evening was sp en t and macy. Vocational Education the calendar y ear 1922, residing in the lifte r the ever.t w as over th e p arty and Music. respective p o stm a s te r’s locality. By i intored to U ntariu before re tu rn in g S tudent life a t the C o l a requirem ent of th e revenue law me. lege is rich in opportun these lists will be posted by the p o st Those in the p arty w ere: Misses itie s fo r leadership and m a s te r fo r inspection by the general i-.ju'se V. Kennedy. T re-aie L ackey, personal culture public. A n n e tte B lodgett, Ruth B a rre tt, Lillio FALL TERM OPENS May H unt, Bliss C a rte r; M ssrs. F rank SEPTEMBER 28. 1923 lia b e rg e r, Clyde Beam. P aul Davis. F or inform ation writ- to Pud Long. Nyssa, Oregon Flies are getting very bad. have the ■ 1 ■■■ — v ii CALDW ELLS _ _. _ -I " - ■ r - '- T r - . i - T . w Nyssa STORE Oregon