■ i wmn. — i . ■ l ! 1 '111 solution, said the consequences involved therein. This b»m g true, we believo that many o f your readers will be in­ terested in a b rief review o f what the Bible teaches, as opposed to the belief h Id and taught by the clergy o f all our popular churches. The belief commonly held among church people is well expressed in a verso o f the hymn iafled with the body, while the soul escapes to endlesa bliss. Why put your faith iri tha vain hab blings o f to called orthodoxy? Why not accept God's word which is in har­ mony with n tural facts, treats death as the cessation o f life and offers you a resurrection from the dead; while it teaches that man is mortal, offers you immortality upon the condition that you by a patient continuance in well Why shoo’d we unarm foy dying friends doing seek fo r it .” ICONOCLAST. Or fre t at death ’s alarms? T is but the voice that Jesus sends To call us to his aims Phone 6 The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains: The College o f Literature, Science and the Aits with 22 departments. j Nyssa Real ty Co. The professional schools of Archi­ tecture and Allied Arts—Business Administration—Education—Grad­ uate Study—Journalism—Law— Medicine— Music— Physical Edu­ cation—Sociology—Extension. • The 48th Vest Opens September 25, ¡923 J. BO Y D E L L X Licensed and Bonded Real Estate Brokers and I aurante. For o cotalojue or an]) information writ» The Reiittrar, UniVenitg of Oregon, Eviene, Oregon. * NYSSA General In OREGON Two-Horse Brand Copper-Riveted Waist Overalls were patented over 60 years ago. The patent has long since expired, but the sales increase each year and their superiority is conceded by all. Made of 9-ouncc Indigo-dyed Den­ im, especially woven for us, cut full and roomy where the room is needed, fitted at the waist like tailor-made pants, with belt loops for added con­ venience. Copper-riveted at all strain points, plenty of big, room y pockets. Sewed with special thread, and but­ tons riveted on, to stay on. Insist on getting the make you can always depend on for everything that spells overall satisfaction — c o m ­ f o r t , f i t and l o n g e s t w e a r . Doatli: What is L? LINI Let us know what you have B U R B ID G E & R A Y , Prop. ed from , the Bible in his eff Tt to show Published every Friday at Nyasa that the churches are not teaching the Bible doctrine on there subjects, Oregon, by i It is idle for ministers, these days I to try to stifle free expression o f H. F. BROW N 'opinion on sny subject o f general in­ Entered at the Postoffiee at N ysss.j ter* st. It is pretty generally conceded thst Oregon, as seeond-cinss mail matter j ! there is more ínteres manifested in ! religious matlers to day than for many SUBSCRIPTION R A T E S : years, but at the »»m e time great One year, in advance.............— $1.6d numbers are losing faith in the church These • months, in advance....................76 es in which they wers reared people will not attend church, hut they do read tha newspapers So let our ministers fo rg tt their dignity, descend from their high horses ni d speak to tne pooolo through the public press. In this way the errors o f correspon­ dents can be pointed out and tbeir ar guments demolished before the eyes of Editor Journal:- As the w riter o f a a much larger audience than can be couple o f articles which have r. cently found in any church building appeared in your p >par, I am naturally ICONOCLAST. that the dead are “ not dead but gone somewhat interested in the mistaken b efore,’ ’ which is a re-echoing o f the ideas o f Mr. J . J Fleming as to what lie uttered by the serpent “ ye shall constitutes anonymity, and still more not surely die ” when the Bible de­ interested, not to say surprised, that d a n s we SH v L L SU RELY D IE ?“ he should see in any o f the letters W'hy wiM the clergy continue to Editor Journal:—The heading o f this which have appeared in your paper an article sugges's a subject that de­ teach such things unless it be that attack on the Bible or the church. No mands consideration from every mem they 'have entered into a covenant attack has been made, either directly her o f the human race. There is noth­ with death and made an agreem ent or by tnuendo. As far as my articles ing optional shout it. No one, no with hell,” the covenant to preach are concerned the only thing done was m atter how hard he may try to, can death as a good friend and the agree to print out the discrepancy between evade thinking o f his approaching dis ment with hell (the grave) to be sat- the teachings o f the Bible and the teachings o f the pulpit on the sub­ je cts o f hell and satan. If the mere setcing forth in print o f a few plain F A L L T E R M B E G IN S S E P T 24th texts taken from the Bible is an attack on the church, the church had bettei set about to conform its teachings Become a Bookkeeper or Stenographer. Good salaries more closely to the Bible, are paid to thoroughly trained office assistants. L I N K ’ S Mr. Fleming is greatly agitated be­ TRAINING will place you on the road to success. cause the writer^ o f articles do not choose to have their names attached to their articles so he would know New Catalogue sent Tree on t equest w h o tha w riters a r.. 1 cannot agree, that the identity o f the w riter hss ary j relation to the facts presented. l b author is nothing. The whi le Iterestj must center on what is written. To in ject personalities into the ru b jtc t would not add anything to the argu­ ment. Let us reason the m atter out Boise on the merits o f the articles them­ selves, and let Mr. Fleming make use Fully credited hy N itional Association o f the columns o f this paper to pre- Anonymity 65 lbs anp up Nyssa Packing* Co. The clergy teach hat death is the “ gate to glory ,” while the Scrintures teach that it is an enemy to be de st o ed. This w u d be making Christ de trov the “ gates to g 'o r y .” If death is "th e gate to endless jo y “ then we are indebted to sin for release i from this “ mortal coil” and the "g a te s o f endless j o y , " for none can dispute the fa ct that sin brought aeath into the world. The churches teach that “ death is 'th e gate to endless jo y ,” and the Scriptures teach that the devil has the power e f death. Heb. 2:11. Now if both be true, then the devil has the power o f the “ gate to endless jo y , " which is too absurd t j entertain for a moment. Which, then, shall we ac copt? “ Let God be true though all m n be liars ’ ’ Why will people be ! duped? Why will the clergy mislead t le people by declaring that “ death is the voice that Jesus sends to call us to his a im s” wh n the Bible so plainly speaks o f dea'h as an enemy which Christ came to abolish? II Tim 1:10. Why will intelligent people believe ÍÍATF flT Y JOURNAL ^ jud*1 ,ur them*elve* whe,h r l l A l E . U 1 I j u u n n n i i ••Iconoclast” has added to, or d tract Open For«m FE E D E R PIGS ÜNivERSiTYof O regon Now if that is a fa ct death is a friend, and we should look ana long for it as a welcom e visitor. But the Scriptures teach us that death is an ENEM Y, even the last enemy that is to no destroyed. I Cor. 15'2G sent his side of the story so thst all W e Want Look for this Label. Remember our guarantee— See McFa 1 and *ee better. W e grind Dr. J. A. McFali SLT“ Eyesight Specialist Phone 147 Ontario Chiropractors - Oregon J McConnon's Products Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver method. Consultation and examina­ tion free Ten years successful prac­ tice in the state o f Oregon Special rates given for 60 days. First door west o f Bank o f Nyssa, Nyssa, Or. Home Remedies Pure Extract o f Spieei Toilet Articles Veterinary Remediae Poultry Compounds ____ SOLD BY ------------ J. H. HUNTER Until a market change we will pay f o, b. La Grande, Oregon, 44c fo r butter fat, 18c for hens 4} lbs and STAR HOTEL - NYSSA, OR over, and 16c for hens from 4 to 44 Prompt attention given to mail lbs. Dated July 30. orders. UNION CREAM ERY CO. A New Pair FREE if They Rip means exactly that, and nothing else. Made by Lev! Strauss& C o., San Francisco Reliable Merchandise since 1853 Makers o f Koveralh, Keep Kids Klean Business College Notice is hereby given that the un- dei. igntd as Superintenent o f Banks to r the State o f Oregon, is in charge o f the assets and affairs o f the Bank o f Ny»sa, Nyssa, Oregon, for the pur­ pose o f liquidation All persons who may have claims against said bank are hereby notified to make legal proof theieof by filing a du.y verified claim as by law provived, with the Deputy Superintendent o f Banks in iharge at the office o f the BANK OF N fS S A , Nyssa, O regon ,, • n or before the 28ri1 d ty ot Septcm- | her, '923 FR A N K C BRAM WELL, Superintendent ol Banks. THE UNIVERSAL CAR l i £R y SALES A N O SERVICE a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Genuine iffotfio in t Iron Paragon Clothes Basket Special IS Bag Offer %oth ibr SQæSanfy, A W onderful 20-D ay Special Gffi r Frcm August 25 to Sept. 15 Two Household Necessities at a Saving of $1.75 and Terms That make it Easy for Y'nu to Ow n Them. Here two of the beat articles o f their kind manufactured. EAerv home needs Think of the t me at d t l t r that will l e s a v * d - them and now is the opportune time. think of the better work you can do. $1.50 Down and $1.00 a M onth TH E HOTPOINT IRON Is known by every housew ife for ita remarkable serve and efficiency. It has a patented thumb rest, which keeps the w rist from gettin g tired, and it nlro has the pat­ ented heels tand that eliminates lifting. Thia Iren sells regularly for *6.75, but this bomhination offer brings it to you fo r less THE PARAGON CLOTHES BASK ET i s « won derful back saver, not only when hanging out the wash, but when ironing. It is strong enough to hi U up 250 {Hiur.ds o f weight and has coLspsihie legs, wtrch fobi or open by « slight pressure o f the hands. As a baby basket, it can ’ t bo brat. This basket ia manufactured to sell for *8.50. Get Your Order in at Once as There W ill Re a Tremendous Demand for These Articles at the Special Price and Terms Offered. ID AH O P O W E R COMPANY ELECTRIC SHOP ! Department o f the interior, L . S ' Land Office at Vale Or. August I, I'J-3. Notice is hereby given that Merritt M. Greeling o f Nyssa, Oregon, who, on August 11 1919 made desert Land entry No. 05926. for S|SWi, Sect on 12. Township 21 South, Range 46 East. Vti iinettc M ridian, has filed notice i u . . , , ii i n make fi al proof, to ee- t.ibii l, i- uim to the lund above de sen eil, before Register and Receiver U. ■ . 1 »: Office, at V -le, Oregon, on Ihe 12 h uay o f September 19.3. Claimant nanie9 as witnesses«: Harvev Otis, Frank C. Morgan, Rob ert R. Overstreet, W ebb H. Otis, all o f Nvssa, Oregon. GEO. W McKNIGHT, Register. N O T IC E O F H E A R IN G F I N A L A I C C T NT NOTICE is hereby given that the un- deisigned, the executor o f the estate o f J. S. Pinkston, deceased, has filed with the clerk o f the County Court of the State o f Oregon, his final account in the above entitled estate and thst on Monday, August 27, 1923, at 10 a. m in the Court House at Vale, Ore gon, has been fixed by order o f said Court as the time and place for hear ing and settlirg said account ar.d hear­ ing objections thereto. This notice •« published by order of the above entitled Court dated July 16, 1923. W A L TE R H PINKSTON. Executor. First Publicatio . July 20. 1923. Last Publication August 17. 1923. For Sale - 8 stands o f bees, 1 cook house 8x10 ft, 1 mower, 1 leveler, 4 cows, 3 calves, some hog wire and many other miscellaneous articles. C. R. Carter. A tte n tio n F ord O w ners! Ford parts, like almost everything else worth while, are counterfeited. Imitation parts are manufactured to S E L L at the highest possible rate o f profit and the grades o f steel used are consequently not the same high quality, specially heat- treated alloy steels specified in Ford formulas for th: manufacture o f G E N ­ U IN E F O R D 1’ ARTS. < Don’t fce misled— Insist upon G E N U IN E FORD P A R TS made by the Ford Motor Company. B y so doing you will get from 35 to 100 per cent more wear from them, and you will pay the lowest possible cost— the same everywhere. 5 0 % O F GENUINE FORD PARTS RETAIL FO R LESS THAN 10c EACH Ask for Parts Price List W h en your Ford car, or Fordson tractor needs attention, call on us. For remember we are prop­ erly equipped, employ competent mechanics, and use Genuine Ford and Fordson parts in all repair work: V. B. STAPLES DEALER Ontario Oregon ♦