ùnti ■■ ■ o f di ' ■ «■ * 1 *— Can anyone doubt from the fo re g o lug testimonies that man is o f the earth, ear b y? " and without a retur ruction from the dead his case is hope less? As Paul says, " I f the dead rise not again let ua eat and drink lor to morrow we d ie " I Cor. 15:32. Th# whole lenur o f Scripture ia to the effect that the dead are uncon acioua, “ asleep," awaiting the rcaur rection morn. To «oppose that *hey are now elive in heaven or hell and will be brought forth at the day of judgra .nt to see if they sh >uld have been in those pieces is unreasonable. Immortality is not inherent in the human soul. Only by patient contine ance in well doing can anyone hope for immortality, ami then the only prom ise is that it will he conferred et the resurrection, uot at death Man in his natore is mortal, subject to death and disintegration, and his s«de hape is that at the judgment at the last day he m<y be accounted worthy to re ceive the " g i f t o f God which is eternal life .” Rom. 6:32. dedicated to the worship o f the sun. It is ‘ raced from that day right down through thu age* to the present time. It came into the Chfiatlan church through paganism in the fourth cen tury. Pa an Rome, nominally con verted to Christianity under Conatan tine, brought in their pagan ritea and ceremonies into a then fallen church, the Papa'y. Included in these was FRESH the pagan Sunt day, tna old festi"al of the Sun God Astart, which became Easter, and the 1 ule featival, which was also a form o f sun worship, re vamped into Christmas or Christ mass. The change from the seventh to the first day o f the week came about grad ually, taking about a hundred years to make it complete. No, to the careful and honest Bible i ■>- student, seeking for truth, there is not I AMRiCANTOWCOCQ the alighesr. evidence in support of Sunday keeping. But the S A B B A T H JE H O VAH , T H E SE VE N TH that this was another Sunday meet OF i.ig, but they have to strain pretty D A Y , instituted at the C R E A TIO N , hard to get “ after eight days” in be SANC 1FIED and set ap artfor a U o L Y tween two Sundays. Now the object and SACtvEU use, planted right in the ■very Prit! ay at Nyssa, of writing these things is plainly stat heart of hia law at Sinai, and living in Publish«! Oregon. by ed in veree 13. "These things are the hearts o f his people from that day written that ye might believe that to the present time, and will be per H. F. BROWN Editor Journal. — In tegard to your Jesua ia the Christ, the eon o f God. petuated In the ‘ Earth made n ew ." and that believing ye might have life •See lsaih 66:22:23, is as eternal as God correspondent’s explanation of the Enter'd at the Postnffiee at Nyssa. through his name.” They were not himself. D M ACLAFFERTY. passage "v e rily 1 say unto you this generation ahal1 not pass until all these Oregon, as second-cinis mail matter written to >stablish Sunday «acred- things be fu lfilled ," I would like to nesa. Acts 20:7 gives an acceunt o f a s iy a few words. meeting held on the firet day o f the SU BSCR IPTIO N R A T E S : A careful reading o f the context will waek This meeting was at Troas. One year, in advance.............. $1.60 Paul had been with them seven days rradily show the impossibility of all - months, in advance....... .... .75 and win about to depart ou the mor the events spoken o f being compre Editor Journal:- Having shown in hended in one generation. This diffi row The meeting was in the evening, at the close o f the Sabbath. They previous articles that the popular doe culty, which apparently involves came together to break bread, possibly trine o f hell and o f devils are both contradiction of the Bihle, arises from *1 the Lord’s Supper, although there ia unscriutural, and having made the a faulty translation o f the orginal no word to that effect: Paul preached statement that both doctrines are the Greek text. In this explanation the word "g e n e r to them till midnight. The young mao result o f belief in the inherent immor jì Entychus fell out of a window and was tality of man, we will now produce ation” is giveu much attention, while the real trouble hes in the word ful Editor Journal.—The recent review killed, verse 9 Paul went down and Scriptural proof to show that man, in of the Sabi s‘ h question from the put- restored him to life, verse 10. They stead o f being an immortal being, is filled.” This word “ fulfilled” is from the Greek “ ginomai” and according to pit can hardly bo allowed to pass with then came up into the upper room and just the reverse; that he is subject Robinson (as good an authority as to death, and the only hope he has of broke bread again, and Paul preached out challer.ee. The statement that in the future is through a any) means "t o begin to be.” Ac "immediately after the ascension o f till day, verse 11. (N ow if this story life cording to the Greek text Jesus does Christ the riis iples began to ob had been published in one of our daily resurrection of the body at the last Berve the first day o f the week os papers, what would be the outstanding day when the righteous, and they only, not say that "th is generation shall not pass till all these things be fulfilled,” the Christian Sabbath" Is wholly feature, the young man being restored shall PU T ON immortality. A t creation God breathed into Adam but " t ill all these things begin to be without foundation. There is not the to life, or the day upon which it was first inference in the Bible attaching done?) Then Paul, on Sunday morn the breath o f life and man became a fulfilled," a statement in perfect ac Not an immortal one, cord with the facts o f history, both any saeredness to Sunday or the first ing, departed on his journey across living soul. day o f the week. The day is mentioned the isthmus to Assoa, a distance o f 19 mark vou, for he was told that in the sacred and seeular. eight times in the New Testament, and miles on faot, while bis companions day he sinned he would surely die. in not a «ingle instance is there a hint sailed around in the night, a distance The word immortal is used but once in SE ALE D BIDS. that it was to take the place o f the of 40 miles, to meet him at Assos, the Bible, and then applied to God, Scaled bids fe r truck drivers, carry when they took h'm in and sailed on 1 Tim. 1:17, and the word immortality Sabbath. Let us examine these texts all drivers and janitor will be received carefully, and honestly. The first four the MetylsHe 35 miles further, all on but five times; onoe »hat Goa O N L Y at tbe office of the clerk for District Sunday, verses 13 and la. No Sabbath hath it; once that we should seek for occur tn the Gospels, and simply state No, 26. Tbe bixls for janitor should be the day o f the resurrection. Matthew ksep'ng here, surely, and tnis meeting it; once that it ia brought to light for the briok school house, also an 28:1, Mark 16:?, Luke 24:1 and John occurred 80 yeays after the ascension through the Gospel, and onoe that it is other bid Air tbe two houses Bids 20:1. Then in Mark 16:9 is the »ta t - The last mention o f the first day o f ¡to be put on at the resutrection. I will be opened August 29. Tho board ment that he appeared F IR S T to Mary the week is found in I Cor. 16:2.(where j Tim 6:16, Rom. 2:7, II Tim. 1:10, 1 reserves the right to reject any and all Magdalene Then in John 20:9, "th e Maul tells the disciples to lay by HIM ¡ Cor. 15:52-54, Tbe phrases “ Immortal bids. same day at evening” Jesus appeared IN STORE, on the first day o f the soul,” “ never dying aonl,” "im m or By order o f the school board. to his disciples as they were gathered week, a certain portion o f hia earnings tal spieit,” "deathless spirit,” "sp irit Mra. H. R. Sherwood, Clerk. togathsr behind locked dours for fear for the poor saints o f Jerusalem. land,” ate., which are so often heard o f the Jews. These men were in their This was not a collection- taken at a from the clergy, A R E N O T IN TH E F A R M W A N T E D — Wanted to hear CANNOT own home where they all lived to public meeting, os some would have us W O RD OF GOD; Y O U gather. See Acts 13. Mark 16:14 de believe. Other translations and Bible F IN D O N E OF TH EM IN T H E PI- from ow nerof improved or unimproved farm for sale, in this vicinity. L. scribes this same meeting and says commentators make it plain. Grun- BLE. Jones, Box 438, Olney, III. Can you believe man to be immertal Jesus appeared to them as they sat at field says, “ by one’s s e lf at home;” meet, partaking o f their evening meal, Robinson, "b y one's self, in one's when the word o f God nowhere teach which shows they were not having a house at home;” " a t one’ s home or es such an idea? Can yon believe the soul will never religious meeting o f any kind. They house," Liddell or Scott. die when God says “ The soul that sin- did not believe he had risen, versts 11 Well, the query naturally arises, neth shall die. ” Eexk. 18:4. and 13, and Jeaua upbraided them for how did Sunday come into tha church? Can you believe that Job endorsed their unbelief, verse 14, last clause. and Two- How do we come to he keeping Sunday this dogma when he said “ my soul It was evening, the first day was past, Horse Brand overalls go for the Sabbath? The historii i makes chooseth strangling and death rather together. Wherever there is plenty the second day was at hand. Surely it plain Calls it. ‘The Venerable Day than my life .” Job 7:15. ol hard work, there is Bure to be lota ol we can find no Sunday sacredness here hard wear on overalls. o f the Sun.” "T b ; Wild Solar H liday Can you believe that DavM embraced Now Thomas was not present at this o f all all Pagan tint« s.” the uoctrina that the soul would never first appearing and when the disciples The day was ret Rpart for sun wor die when he proclaims that “ none ean told him of it he would not believe. So "A F T E R E IGHT D A Y S ," Jesus ap ship. I t started in Babylon more than keep alive hia own soul?” Again “ He peared to them again, very likely in 2000 years before ' final. Nimrod, the (God) spared not his toul from death.” the same place, Thomas being present, first sun worshiper, great grandson of Psa. 22:29; 78:66. Can you believe that when the and was convinced, John 20:26. Sun Noah, went down into the land of day keepers try to make it appear Shinar and built Babylon ant] a temple breath or spirit goes forth from man are built to do a man’s work and have at death end he returns to the earth been the standard for over 50 years. Buy a pair today under the follow that his thoughts live on when the ing guarantee: Bible says “ In that very day his Wc are agents for the TH O U G H TS P E R IS H ?” Psa. 146:4. A New Pair FREE if They Rip. An y first-class dealer will tell you Can you believe that the dead are we make good on our guarantee, but praising God when the word o f God so as a matter of fact, we tell you confi plainly says that “ The dead praise not dentially that not one pair in ten the Lord, neither any that go down thousand rips. into silence?” Psa. 118:16. Can you Believe that sheol or hades the Universal Car is a place o f consciousness when the Scriptares say “ There is no work nor device, nor knowledge, nor wi idom in tells they are genuine. the grave? (shenl, Hebrew; hades, Made by Levi Strauss & Co., Sec Pmaditco Reliable Merchandise since 185.1 Greek) whither thou goeit? Ecc 9 10. Makers of Koveralls, Keep KidsKlean Can you believe that the dead know more than the living when God de dares “ The dead know not anything?” Ecc. 9:6. Can you believe that man is immor tal when the Bihle tells vou that man’s mortal? Job 4:12 Can you believe that man has an im Nysaa, Oregon mortal sou) or is now immortal when the apostle teaches that we must SEEK FOR immortality by patient TO PPI -in I—in aooec continuance in well doing? Can you believe that man gets im o mortality at birth into this world when | the Bible shows it is not put on until j the resurrection o f the dead? I Cor. The U N I V E R S I T Y o f O R E G O N ; 16:53 54. contains: David says “ In death there is no The College o f Literature, Science remembrance o f thee.” Pea. 6:5. We carry the Bergman line o f shoes, the best shoe on the end the A r t » with 22 departments. I P e te i says that “ David is not ascend- 4 J / / , g \^ y from the facto ry GATE O Ï Ï JOURNAL W h en you w an t Choice Meat: ; Phone 6 We pay express on all purchases o v e r f l y Nyssa Packing i HU UHI DUE & R A Y , Prop. ...................................... Nyssa Realty C< Explains Scripture J. BOYDELL i Man, Moiial Licensed and Bonded Real Estate Broken and •tirante. or Immortal? Open F o n it i ‘ T I NYSSA OREGO . MM Th Sabbath See McKa i and aee better. D r. J. A . M cFall Eyesight Specialist Ontario - Oregon mini h _________ o f tho I« kam (É ktlod duri! •haaree brilliant fl Chiropractors McCoanon’i Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver method. Consultation and examina tion free Ten years successful prac tice in the state of Oregon. Special rates given for 60 days. First d«»or west of Bank of Nyssa, Nyssa, Or. fcm »th w art tha ro ablateaaceunt f» i ^ ^ la n lU a r | j§ eattiag » ■omo «oasi Pure Extract cI I third finf Toilet AttMa _________ Thempsi V»terinas* He Poultry Coai are aet aary wall SOLB B T__ aad w fll taavc it ta earning i Until a market change we will pay f o. b. La Grande, Oregon, 44c fo r butter fat, 18c for hens 4| lbs and S T A R H O T E L • ffl over, and 16e for hens from 4 to 44 Cari ol Prompt attention gira i lbs. Dated July 30. n r d .r . Tu lb s dsar fri U N IO N C R E A M E R Y CO. --------------who a# kindly a greatest trial an w o rie aad act* ha i, w e extend those « b ea etifsl flowers. J . H . H UNT!* s or T H E U N IV E R S A L T R A C T O R Far l a i c i etsi Ixio ft, 1 t salvas, i M ar mirrai Figga fas cala, M»a, R. Two-Horse Brand Copper-Riveted Waist Overalls Matías ia herab) fas the Ita la of G ad tbe essate aad a l Myrna. N yet*. latici A l »» *h hank ta FORD i* »l Prc claim Degul) Ä & V rh*a?8 cm s t befara tha FRANK i Saperi W e do a ll kinds o f r e p a ir w ork «»O— » e s t ese A c e ty le n e W e ld in g Ignition parts fo r a ll cars Service G arage s G GOOD SHOES market for service. The public is invited to call and look them over.. F U L L L IN E C H ILD R E N ’S SCHOOL SHOES. It Pays to Get the Best D JL N YSSA SHOE SHOP. n* ln nuwro i ms; ment in OLD AOE P A 8 S E T H A W A Y . the wide BUT Y O U T H IS P E R E N N I Al l(f) 1»V M.-‘ y.KOMfrr SynSiciîii»,» number in mort- *, <j ill red anxiously, “ ln the excitement of 'eovtti'r did you ay good-by to pnpn nod mamma f “ No." hr replied, ‘‘I said ’Au rr- voir!’ ” - Boston Transcript. U niversity ^O regon e f into the heavens,” and remember David was “ a man after God’s own j | heart.” If, then, Dayid has not gone j| j to heaven, what reason is there to be lieve others less favored in God’a sight are there? Do you think that Paul believed the dead to bo living ia heaven or hel| when he wrote that if the dead rise not agein “ Then they also who are fallen a°teep in Christ are perished?" I Cor. 16. a 1 # BANK ' * •• .. V. The professional schools o f A rch i tecture and A llie d Arts-B u siness Buy Your Fordson NOW At this amazingly low price you ca n ’t afford # wait another d ay for your Fordson Tractor. There is no tractor made that can approach tbe money value o f the Fordson. N o r is there I i ractor made that can do more w ork for you Remember, the very day your Fordson anivrt it is ready for any one o f the 101 jobs it can do- ei ler as a tractor or a stationary power ptart i* " S L 1* * on>y cut ^ e cost o f field wo* U/b to 50^ but that it has made substantid savings on every job to which it is put. ' ] M edicine— M uelc— Physical Edu- «aekm— Sociology— Ex trnsion. V. B. * or ‘ or any Information **’* ' ÄrfOtrar, UnIVtnito o f Orv#on. filíen, Oejon m V * Ontario t riet. i The formation o f a drainage provisions of <1'strict under the Gtypter 340 o f the General Law . öf N STAPLES d ealer tig? O r»*# 0*em September 25,1923 8. K The Fordson has proved to the 170,000 ow|M Fordson figures are interesting- m o n e y -«avert labor-saving, drudgery-saving facts you ou*« to know. Come in, phone or w rite today. Administration-Education—G rad uate Study— Journalism — Law— Flies «tt'A o i.u n Attor«.,, „ Uw Hoom, i t )4 u Ontario Wilson Bldg NYl