The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, July 27, 1923, Image 3

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    Extend 0p#n Season
Order Your
A petition to extend the open seaeon
on China pheasaato from one week to
30 d ty s hes been in circulation this
w eek and was num erously signed. It
Rev. aad Mr*. Flem ing and Mra. Re-1 i* not the intantlon to e x te rm 'n a te the
b erger and G aorga R ehergar m otored birds but to reduce il:ci-
t* tha bem* of M E . Ashilles n e ar C aid-| th a t they will not be a pest
wall T uesday and sp en t the day. George m ers, as they are a t tne pt
The petitio a was preparen
- -.te a
etayed for a m ore extended visit.
lated by A lbert Ceek, who secured
Rev. Flem ing will discus* th e q u a e -1 about 100 sig n a tu re s and fo; w arded it
tion ef “ How, W hen aad W here the the sta te authorities.
S abbath O rig in ated " a t the eerriee*
S ub lay avaning. A cordial welcome
le extended to all te h e ar t h ii diaeua-
M ill M a rg are t Roger* of O harletto,
N C. and Miss X atk rin e H ow ard of
R one arc spending th e w eek a t th e R.
J . D avii b me. doth are cousins ad
M r:. Uuv’s.
L u ll On* black oilcloth lap robe,
lined w ith d a rk
blue cotton «loth.
Please re tu rn to th ii office.
I M ri. Jessie C hapm aa and young con
! retu rn ed from Oak Grove, Bear P o rt
! land, tha flret of th a w aak, u h e ra they
1 had baon vleitiag ralativee.
Mr. and Mr*. G. G. Br own havo ra
Mr. and Mrs. H ardm an a f M oridiaa turned aw ax tended vlelt to the home
visited a t the C. H. P re tty m a a borne Ira R utladge, a a a r Boisa. Tbay are
th is Week.
| eteyiog a t p ra aa al a t tha ham a ef
Ihob. W alkoa sp a a t ffaaday ia P a y ­ th e ir d a u g h te r, M rs John Ray.
e tte .
Jam es Young, recen tly from Parm a,
E. J . B n rreag b le f t T uesday for will have charge e f tha M en'e Bible
P o rtlan d aad S e a ttle , w here he will «less d uring the sum m er. Mr. Young
ANY a m an has come to grief by waiting too
has had considerable experience ta
v isit a eouple o f sons
long before ordering repairs for his machines.
liae of w ork and will deubtless
We m aintain a McCormick-Deering Repair
Miss Robe Rood re tu rn e d to h e r
home a t O ntario S atu rd ay , a f te r ip e a d m ake th e class m eetings both in te re s t­
Service for your benefit, and under ordinary circum­
stances we can m eet your requirements. But why
ing a week w ith Mtae M a rth a L aw ­ ing and Instructive.
take any chances? A delay now may throw you
behind later.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S m ith aad fam ily
S a a ttla visited a t th e L. L. Dlnwiddi*
Join the increasing num ber of fore-handed men
home seveael days, re tu rn in g to th o il
who insure against emergencies by making repairs
N yssa levera a f th a g ra n t n ational
home Tuesday
before the machines are needed. And while you
gam e a f baseball bad opportunity d u r­
A new Scipps Booth e a r app aarad on
are a t it, make your insurance doubly sure b y pur­
ing tha past w eek of w itnessing two
tho s tre e ts this w eak un d er th e able
chasing only genuine I H C repeuM for your McCor­
e x sitin g exhibitions of th e ir favorite
guidance e f ita new ow ner. Cliff T ill­
mick-Deering machines.
ep ert. The first ecsarre d Sanday when
A d ria n 's ball toesurs erossad bote w ith
L a rry H am aker ia going about w ith tha local team ou the home grounds
hi* arm in a sling. A fall en th e eel- It was a good exhibition of baseball and
la r sta irs re su lte d in a c racked collar for th e first th re e innings everybody
w as guessing on which side of the
E lm er Stradfey took a tru c k load of fence victory would coaelade te alight
p o tatn e s to S ilv er C ity fo r Ray and N either tallies nor e rro rs had been
Davis last w eek. The people of the made. A bout this tim e, however, the
m ining city show ed th e ir a p p rec ia tio n visiting team w eaken a little and from
of good sp u ta by quickly buying up tho then en the local bovs had slightly the
lot a t high prious.
b e tte r of it, the gam e ending 6 te 3 in
M rs. E. A. W ardell and tw o children favor of Nyssa. H arlev Divea pitched
A num ber of N yssa young people,
e f Pocatello v iitte d M rs. S. B. Davis th a e n tire g me for the home team
D epar tru e s t of th e In terio r,
under th e guidance of Rev. aad Mrs,
on W ednesday and T h u rid e y end pro- and " B a c k “ occupied thd mound the
U . «. Lend offlee e t Vale, Oregon,
Flem ing, en.eyed a Slum ber p a rty a t
Ja n e «7, 19tS. tha Z ittarcoh home Monday n ig h t and eeeeri on to P o rtlan d , w here eh# will g re a te r p a rt of th e tim e for the vis­
itors. Both did fine w ork but H arley ’s
N etice le hereby given th a t Leila from all report* they had th e tim e nf m ake her homo.
sta y in g q u a littl* proved to be a little
Thompson, widow of Baoiuei H. Thomp­ ihoir young live*. A clum ber p a rty ie
th e b e tte r.
son, deceased, e t Nyeea, Oregon, who, a aew on* t* th e Jo u rn al rcrib* and sp en t the w eek vieiting bee p a ren ts,
on O etnber 28, 191*. mode deeert land w e a r* a t a leer ja e t h o w to describe! Mr enp Mrs. R. Toombs, re tu rn e d te
e n try Na. 02945 for M IN I} . E*NW1, it. Now evor, i t ream * to offer possi­ th e ir home a t Ironside Sunday. Miss
H ow ever, tha big ev en t of the week
SecMoa 9, T ow nihip 21 Sonth, Range bilities of enjoym ent a little o u t of the Mary Toombs accom panied th em hom e. in baeebali circles, overshaddow ing in
46 B eat, W illam ette M eridian, haa filed e rd ia a ry and wa fe a r we have m isted
Miss M arg u erite S m ith of G reeley. im portance any of the big league
notiea of intention to m ake final proof, som ething by Hying too teoo. A fried Cel*., a coaain of Mrs. F ran k F ry , is gam es, w as tha gam e pulled off Wed
under th e th ird p a rag ra p h of the A ct thicken b re a k fa st w as on* of th e fe a ­ visiting a t the F ry home, ale* a t the aesday evening by th e Girls R eserve
of March 4. 1915, to eatabiiek claim te tu re s of tk* occasion and of ita e lf was J . J . Sm ith home. Mies Sm ith has and tha Non R eserv ists. This event
th e lead above deeeribad. before R eg­ sufficient te m ake tk* e v e a t a success. m any friends ia Nyeea who will ex­ will go down in history a s a baseball
iste r aad Receiver, U. S. L and Office,
tend h earty g re etin g s.
classic ana will be rem em bered when
e t Vale, O regon, on th e 7th day of
N otice is hereby given th a t the un­
F or S ale—50 tu rk e y s , A pril and May Ty Cobb end Babe R uth and th a t
A agnat, 1923.
I t required ten
dersigned as S u p e rin te n d , t of B eaks patch
Call or phone. J . H. Forbes. bunch a re fo rg o tte n
C laim ant n n m ei ae w itn esse d
for tha S ta te of O regon, 1* in charge
Mrs. Will Beam . Mra. Che*. Thomp­ innings bo decide th e gam e, a t the
W. T . Fonn, F . L. DoBord, J. S. e f the aa«*ts and affairs of th e Bask
end e f which the score board showed
Glascock, Goo. E. Schw eixer, all af of N yeaa, Nyssa, O regon, for th e p u r­ son, Mrs. F ra n k S tu b b s and R ata te a fa r tha R eservists and niwe for the
N yssa, Oregon
pose of liquidation.
to Boioe Thursday.
Geo. W . M eKnigkt,
All persons who may have c la im s t
The gam e early developed into e
R eg ister.
Tba ladias o f th e C om m unity churoh p itc h e rs' b a ttle, Je ssia C a rte r occupy­
a g ain st said bank a re hereby notified
to m uke legal proof th eie o f by filing a will servo i«e «roam » e x t S atu rd ay at- ing the mound fa r th e R eserv ists end
daly verified claim as by law provived, to rn ao a and avaning. The sta n d will Bliaa C a rte r for the None. Tba way
w ith the D eputy S up erin ten d en t of ba laeatad under tb a tre e s ju s t w est e f theea young ladies w hirled the ball
over th a p late waa aataaichiag and bad
Banks in charge a t th e office of the th e L iberty tb e a ta r.
BANK OF NYSSA, N yssa, Oregon,
the b a tte r* buffaloed. T heir eupnert
on or before the 28rd day of Septem ­
w as a irtig h t and nam arous grandstand
ber. 192».
k e t is leaking up a little, a fte r several plays w ere m ade. I t le probable th a t
NOT fi Fourth of July celebra
Superintendent of Banks.
days a f h e a rt-b re a k in g prices. Tke a nother gam e will he played n e x t week
tiou but a big drop ia Seiberling
m a rk e t T hursday w eald n e t lncel aa th e ir m any a d m ite rs insist on an
and portage (Seib. made) tires
grow ers about 91.00 per awt.
aad tubaa. The biggent selling
and fam ily a r t speeding
tire ia Ontario. There is a reas
Spring ducks, two months old. the E w C. eak Wilson
Je ssie O e rter,
B asel
in Boise re cu p e ra tin g from
on—more mileage, less cost.
Beam , Vendella B a x te r, Mildred Long,
weight about four pounds. Or­ busbiees aad housahold «area.
PA R C EL PORT PAID ON A L L T IR E S der one at the Journal office for
Leona Z itterceb, Nellia DaVries Thel
A rtie R obertson has parches« a new ma Thompson.
«Oil fabric tlrea...........................*» M
aOxli fabric tlree........................... 11.00 your Sunday dinner. I5e lb
Ford car for use in his work e f deliv­
Nona—-Bliss C a rte r, M yrtle Fields,
N i l card tlree .................. ......... -- 10.26
ing th e U S. mail to our suburban R ita Beam, Jennie Newbey, Lillie May
M itt card tlree ............................ H M
neighbors. W ith th is new car mall- H unt, W anda Young, C herald Green.
•2x4 card tim e ..........................
carry in g has lost all its terro rs.
B a tte ry for R e s e rris ts —Jessie C a r­
Mx4 eerd tim e .................................. 2« 90
An nn jo y ib le iee cream social w»s te r, Haxei Beam.
N i l red tuber.......................
B a tte ry for Non«—Bliss C arter, R ita
held en the R e b e rg e r lawn F riday eve­
M at| red tabes.......................
M alt extra heavy tuber----
Repairs Early
Two Ball Games
: i Eder Hardware Co.
Slumber Party
i* to Community
1 Church
Eventually you will use Soirber
Hug tirea. Why nat Now?
Parker’s Tire Shop
Sunday School attendance
last Sunday 116. Our goal is
150. Will you help us reach it?
P h a se 177
The progressive Club of B ig Bend is
m aking a ren g em en ts fo r an 41* tin
da do * to bo held a t the P ark on TK
A ugust 3. The u i n - i
which has been especially a rra n g e d
fo r the oeeaiioe, w ill bo fu rn ish -J by
tho S trad ley e ra b e e tra —(tria tly up te
d a te about 20 years ago. E veryone is
• xpeeted to d ress fo r the event, w e a r­
ing eld styles ran g in g from 1(23 clear
baeb t l A dam —alm oat The old folks
will have the opportunity to show the
young people w ho! they m t m issing ie
th e way e f re a l honest to geedooss
The o b jast of th a danco is ta raise
fu n d s fo r the purchase e f a p lc tu ra
m athina to ho used in sem m unity
w ork
Paid a d v ertisem e n t.
The following quotations are sub­
m itted to Bible stu d en ts for ex p la n a ­
“ He whn tak e th th e sw ord shall per­
ish by the sw ord ” It th is s ta te m e n t
literally true? If not, th en in w hat
sense is it to be understood?
“ Verily I s a y u nto you, T H I9 gen­
eration shall r.ot p ass till these things
be fulfilled.”
Was th a t s ta te m e n t
I f peopla go directly to heaven or
hell a t death why bring them b a rk to
be judged a t the general resu.rei-tion?
Je su s when on th a ctos • prem ised
tho th ie f th a t " to d a y thou .h a lt be
w ith me in p a ra d ise ." The A postL s
Creed says Je su s died, descend« d into
hall and on the th ird day arose again.
How could he have been in both pnra
diae and hell a t the sam e tim e?
K ,~ v t
'.¡3hed high
keallw ide-
'x tes, a re
-g o .
* Oregon
‘» t t of
training .
degree ia tl
pursuits and
lions, sa follows
Engineering, A g ricu ltu re,
G Mjimerce, Fo t try, Hone
Economics, MiHta-y Science
anti Tables, riV njr, Phar­
macy. Yoc«i.o..»i
and Music.
S tudent life n t the Cui-
lege is rich in opportun­
ities fo r leadership and
personal cu ltu re
SEPTEMBER 28, 1923
For inform ation w rite to
A gricultural
Ice Cream Social
The O regon T rail P. T. A. will give
an ica cream social on the F ran k Fry
law n on F riday eve, Augi. t 10. All
th e hem e m ade iee cream y u can eat.
E verybody invited.
K e e p It D a r ' i l
At a recent hnr exaiulrm t"
date defined li
as follow-
the m eans by which we a<
possession of property he
an o th er.”—Boston T ra n sit ’:
h candi­
“Law :a
re legal
¡ring ta
ÜNiygRsiTYof O regon
What’? the Answer?
T he College of Literature.
and the A rts with 22 depar »*nts.
E ditor Jo u rn a l:—In th e fifth c h ap ter
The professional schools of Archi­
o f St. Jam es we read: “ la any sick
tecture awl Allied Art»— I iness
am osg you? Let him call lo r the el
Administration—Education—' iad-
ders of th e church, and let them piny
iia te S tudy—Journalism —Law—
over him, »anointing him w itn oil in
M edicine--M usic—Physic i Edu­
th e nam e of th e Lord, and th e p ra y er
cation— Sociology—Extension.
of fa ith shall save the sin k .”
St. M ark says th a t “ They who ba
For a catalogue or onÿ information
lieve shall lay hands en the sick and
vPrite The Registrar. University of
they shall re c o v e r." Mark 16:18.
Oregon., OrtQyVi.
These passages as well as many
o ih ers show conclusively th a t the
The 48th Ystr Opens Ssptemltr 25,1923
C hristiana of the Bibie had access te a
aeusce of power wtneh ia denied to the
C hristians of today. This pow er was
directly in proportion, and dependent NOTICE OF HEARING ’INAL
upon, th eir fa ith and belief. Inaemuoh
as God’e law s are im m utable, it neces- i
Sicily fallow s th a t faith can perform
w .
, N O TICE is hereby given th a t tho Uiw
til* sam e w orks today
e sve ¡*ura ' dersigned, th e e x e c u to r nf th e e e ta te
b is claimin
the faith, but all nru
of J. S. P inkston, deceased, h a s filed
u *ble to do the w orks. W hat is the
w ith the clerk of th e C ounty C ourt of
r-.s o n for this anomaly? If the reason
th e S ta te o f Oregon, his final account
for it* loss rould be discovered this
in the above e n titled e s ta te and th a t
p iw e r m ight be regained, a eonsumma- on Monday, A ugust 27, 1923. a t 10 a.
t on devoutly to be desired by all, both
m. in the C ourt H ouse a t Vale, O re­
s' ak and well.
gon, has been fixed liy order of said
This would seem lo he an ex'rem ei* C o u rt as the tim e and place for h e a r­
i .-resting su b je ct for all Bible stu-
ing aad se ttlin g said account ai d h e a r­
d j r t s , especially those whn have ing objections thereto.
reached m atu re y ears
W hat f as tho
T his notice is published by order of
M en's Bible class to say abou> it?
the above e n titled C ourt dated Ju ly 16,
FU N D A M EN TA LIST. 1923.
V/e Print Butterwraps First pu*uaetio, juivl - o , 1923 *
L ast Publication A ugust 17. 1!, I.
Flies are getting very bad.
have Hie
cor (tafns:
O ntario, Oregon
O. A. C.
”— —
J. J Fleming,
Aata Accessories.
Old Time Dance
Hot Weather Wearing’
Wo kaow that our suecos* is dependent upon
the preapariljr of our customers- upon you.
We art here ta servo and to f row with you.
Hak« me of oar facilities aad servi««. Wc
siacorely «ff«r y«u «ur earnest co-operation
t fl
Nyssa Grain &
Seed Co.
Capital ............. S3K.M0.90
Surplus .........
Small lot of Vub Silk out to ..........................................................28c
7 3 '
Mt n’s Rubber Sole Canvas Shoes............................................ $1.15
Me Vs Leather Work Sho«s...................................................
Wt men's en« and two strap Pump«...................................
Wtmen’s white Nubuck combination white and black Ki i
Shoes............................................................................... $1 50
36 Inch Percale
.................................................................. 17 l-2<
Women’s White Dress Skirt.................................................
Women’s Union Suits ....................................................................68i
W' men’s Mansook Teddie Suits, lace and embroidery trimmed 95o
Children’s Black Sateen Blocgiers, small siz e s..........................35c
Men’s wide brimmed Straw Hats .............................................. 25a
Man’s dress Straw Hats, sold ae high as $2.75, now ....... $1.50
T fg r i