LOCAL N EW S IN BRIEF Order Your Repairs Edili) ANY a m an has com e to grief by 'waiting too long before ordering repairs for his machines. We m aintain a M cCorm ick-Deering Repair Service for your benefit, and under ordinary circum stances we can m eet your requirements. But why take any chances? A delay now may throw you behind later. M Join the increasing num ber o f fore-handed m en w ho insure against emergencies by m aking repairs before the m achines are needed. And while you are at it, make your insurance doubly sure by pur chasing only genuine 1 H C repair« for your M cC a o m ick-Deering machines. Eder Hardware Co. M cC O R M IC K - DEERING LIN E Farewell Party A ® Gulf to the Canadian boundary many timea over. Having become a familiar figure along the right of way, her ap pearance is looked upon as a friendly visit by the employee of the company, who always treat har kindly and inva riably provide her with food sufficient to carry her comfortably to another change of scene. Cora Cook, young daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook, gave a farewell party Wednesday eve ning to her schoolmates. The party was held on the lawn of the A. V. Cook home and the little folks had a happy time playing games and partaking of COMMUNITY CHURCH »efreshments. The Cook family The following quertiens have been will Dave in a few days for Em suggested fo i discussion at the Forum service Sunday night: mett to make tneir home Lady Hobo Traveling Nell, the lady hobo, pasaed through Nyssa last weak. For twenty odd years Nell has devoted her entire attention to travel, and in that time she has viewed the scenery from the Atlantic to the Pacific and frem the “ Will we recognise the old Bible characters in Heaven?” “ Is there a real hell where the lost burn Eternally?” “ Do you thick the Ku Klax Klan fa a Christian organization?” How much missionary money actual ly goes into the foreign fields?” Repairing Ceiling ZOWIE B A N G -! 0 NOT a Fourth of July ceiebra tion but a big drop in Seiberling and portage (Seib. made) tires and tubes. The biggest selling tire in Ontario. There is a reas on—more mileage, less cost. Joe Myers and Bill Dimm are busi ly engaged repairing the plaster on the ceilings in the public school house. The plaster has become losse in mauyspotss the restlt it is believ ed. of a soking received sqmc years ago when boys mischievously left the taps open on the second floor. FOR SALE Spring ducks, two months old, weight about four pounds. Or PARCEL POST PAID ON ALL TIRES der one at the Journal office for 80x3 fabric tire*_______________ $9.50 80x84 fabric tires_______________ 11.00 your Sunday dinner. 15c lb 88x8 cord tirea_____________ 10.25 80x84 cord tires ........................... 12.50 32x4 cord tirea............................. 28.20 33x4 cord tireB......... .................... 28 90 80x3 red tubes____________ ____ 1.75 30x34 red tubes_________________ 2.00 80x34 extra heavy tubes.......... 2.75 Eventually you will use Seirber ling tire«. Why not Now? Parker’s Tire Shop Community Church Sunday School attendance last Sunday 116. Our goal is 150. Will you help us reach it? J. J Fleming, Auto Aceeseories. Phone 177 - Ontario, Oregon I«» Pastor. K.t s fs t e v v is w o w v » i *"S : t t t t t M M » » » ♦ « < » » • < »• • » « e c u a-«-«-» Mias Mazie Mope o f Vale waa visit An error occurred ia the Parker Tire 3hep ad last wee1. 88x4 cord tirea be ing friends in Nyssa the first o f the week. ing quoted at JcS 90 when it aheuld Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lackey left frr nave reel Wben you s:e in need a ne« tire it will pay you to New Meadows Monday for a summer’s eomparo .ha Parker Tire Shop prices outing. Dewey Ray and family will leave with others. Mrs. Sarah Whipple returned Sun Sunday for Payette lakes, where they day from Sa't Lake, where she was will view the scenic wonders of that the guest of Mrs. Maude Burke for auction and recuperate in the shadow the past month. She eleo visited of the pines. Jack Lyach is the proud owner of a friends at St. Anthony. Mrs. A. L. Cole o f New Plymouth Chevrolet car. Councilman A V. Cook is suffsring ia visiting this week at tha Sarah fr e a a lame foot caused by stepping Whipp’.a horna. Kov. and Mrs. Fleming were Waiaer on a nail, which panetrated his pedal extremity te a considerable distance business visitors Monday. and eauzed a painful wound. Arthur Mr and Mrs. J. C. Beam, Basel ■houle follow the old adage to “ leok Beam and Jessie Carter motored to before yen leap .” Boise Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Franela returned Mrs. Helen Clement and Mr. and Sunday from a month’s vation at Port Mr«. B. A. Wisdam of Ontario «pent land and other eeaat points. Sunday at the George Sehwefxer heme Aden Wilaon has returned frem a Skinney Tensen and Dewey Hoxie trip to the Blue moentaias. He re took in the auto races at Boise Satur ports fishing good. day. The Nyssa Packing Co has installed The spud season opened the Brat ef a new and up to date cash regiatar and the week and local growers are receiv accounting system. Under the new ing $1.60 to $1.80 per cwt. fer their syetem the easterner Is furnished a crop. This is considered a fair prise daily statement showing what the and affords the producers a reasonabl. amount of his bill is on any given day. profit. Tnia does away with any posaihility of John Ray has purchraed a now Ford error or misunderstanding. Patrons truck whiob he will usa in haeling his are requested to save these slips so spud crop to market. they can be compared with the dupli The firet home grown peaches of the cates at the office ef the company. season appeared on the local market Harry Goehert and Marlin Wilaon this week. are spending the week somewhere in Mr. and Mrs. Geo Sehweiser and the wilds of the Blue mountains. Look childred went to the vicinity of Knox, out for some big fish stories when they Idaho, Tuesday, where Geerge will be return. employed as eamptender for a sheep oamp Home grown cauliflower not excell ed for size and flavor anywhere on The loeal Rebekah lodge in earth appeared on the local market this week and found » ready sale at stalled the following officers last goad prices. Friday: Raspberries o f finest quality are Mrs P-oebe Hunter, past no finding ready sale in the loeal market ble grand. This is an honorary at about 10s a box. This is surely a great country for goed things to eat. office assumed by the retiring Mias Reece, a former Nyssa school noble grand. Miss Myrtle Smith, noble teacher, was visiting friends here this week. grand. Federal officers were in Nyasa the Rachel Blaylock, vice grand. first of the week seeking information Leah Elliott. Secretary. regarding any who might have been Minnie Leuck, treasurer. associated with Olason in the operation Barbra Stubbs. R. S. to N. G of the still captured en the Clark plaee. j Verneana Beam, L. S. to N. G. Margaret Klinkenberg, Chap Mtsa Evalyn Sehweizar celebrated her 10th birthday anniversary Tuesday lain. by iaviting a number of her playmates Emma Duncan, inside guard to a picnic party. Tha partly waa held ian. at the Dick Tenaen ranth and a joyous James Duncan, outside guard time was had by all. Considerable improvement waa made ian. Angie Cook, R. S. to V. ti. on Reece avenue this week between First and Third streets. A fill was Nellie Newbill, L. S. te V. G. made acress the Wilaon ditch and the There were two happy sur street graded for a considerable dia- prises during the evening, the tance en either aide. first being when Phoebe Hunter Win 8. Brown of the Malheur Enteo- m behalf o f the members pre priae spent a few days in Nyssa this week getting acquainted with his old sented Barbra Stubbs with a home town He was evidently eon-1 beautiful Rebekah pin. This pin 8iderabiy impressed with the hum of was presented s s a fitting recog activity and the many evideneeaeea of nition of Mrs Stubbs’ long and brosperity here, having been used to faithful service to the order, she the peace and quietude of the aounty having served with distinction seat town. Sam Watson returned Thnrsday from an aute trip to the coast. In going down he stopped over a day at Meaoham and took in tha big doin’a. Mrs A. B. Cockrum, batter known to Nysaa people as Lulu Davie, was visiting here from Untarie Thursday. Local Odd Fallows are makiag ex tensive preparations for the big picnic Suadav when they will entertain visit ing Odd Fallows from all over the county. Senator Stanfield was in Nyssa Mon day attending to business matters. through all the different chairs And last but not least when Past Noble Grand Phoebe Hun ter and the new noble grand. Myrtle Smith, gave the members! a delicious lunch consisting o f ! sandwiches, cake and lemonade ! Gertrude Wilson W ins M ALHEUR COUNTY BANK o f N y s s a , O r e jjo n KNOCKER l/IA niljlT lM H NYSSA OREGON, i « « t ♦♦ «♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » R E G IS T R A R THE Agricultural Oregon : j s? TRADE ('»llaga Corvallis m ê MARK & is brand onap.airoltv <-rails is our guaran ice of satisfa ctory -voar and oui* bon«* that you get A New Pair FREE If They Rip Made of special woven 9-ounce denim, Indigo dyed, cut full and ron tiy, where the room is needed, fitted at the waist like tailor-made pants, requ ir ing neither suspenders nor belt (oko.-p them tip. : Belt loops simply added for convenience. Plenty of big, roomy pockets. Sewed throughout wi’ .i pedal thread. Button:; riveted on, to stay on. { Finished with care, turn them inside out an.1 inspect them. 1 Tw o-H orse Brandi Copper-Riveted W aist Overr ls have the reputation of being the strongest, best fitting and longest we ¡ing •wralls on the market. Your d. !er knows that our guarantee meuur ex actly what it says. Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisco R e lia b le M crcba n di.se s in ce 1853 ---------- Makers of Korcrnlls, Keep Kids Klcan , CLEARANCE SALE m J U .J U L lB H L5!JF T gB E — Sale now ngs ized one, — o f hot weather merchandise right when it’s most in need. The sav- on these lines can’t be fully real until you have looked over the saen the merchandise and heard the price. 95c John Ray, Vic* 1 roaldamt J. P. Dunaway, C ashlar O. G. Baser, Assistant Cashier H. A. Diven, Assistant Cashier J. F. Ream O. L. Phillip* J. J, Baratin Th» ate car» d«»tr» of this Baak la to promot« prosperity, to b tat your ahar» of It aaA aa» that share with wlaAom. Shoes at $2.15 A line of Women’s, Men’s and Children’s lew Shoes that we sold at $2.5« to $3 0'), a t .................................................................. 12-15 $1.50 0 l Men’ s Dress Shoes the price has been reduced Reduced Price on all Women’ s Summer Underwear has been reduced. 22 l-2c B >ats Bleached absorbent bleached Toweling at OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. For information write to Men’s work shoes at reduced prices. ____ $ 25,000.00 Leans and Discounts............ $277,955.96 Captai Sto ä Overdrafts .................. . . . 648 19 Banking House, Furniture NONE aad Fixtures....................... 10,790.77 Billa Payable......................... Re discounts......................... NONE Liberty Bonds and War DEPOSITS ....................... 304,999,99 ranta.................................... 9,*169.10 GASH AND DUE FROM B n N K S ........................... 69*928. SO $368,741.00 $863.763.00 H. J. Ward, President FALL TERM OPEN* SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 Women’ s white and colored Novelty Shoes, sold up to ?6.00 to clear up a t..........................................................................$1.50 At the close of business June 33, 1923, RESOURCES Student life at the Col lege is rich in opportun ities for leadership and personal culture The girls comprising tr.e mu I'len's B V. D style and Poruski.il style, Men’s Union Suits in sic pupils of Mrs. Frank Stubbs mostly small sizes, now .....................................................9kc held their regular club meetings O F .. We Agent Crooker, emanating from the office of J. L Priest, ef a meeting of railroad and P. F. E. officials to ba held in the Chambir o f Cemmerce reoms, Nampa, July 25 at 10 a. m., for the purpose of outlining a plan for ae curing a refrigerator car supply, meth od of distribatiea, etc., during the shipping saasoa. All growers and shippers who esn be ere requested to be present, and any suggestions or eriticiams will be welcomed. Growers and shippers are invited to take part Rebekahs Install I CONDENSED STATEMENT Flies are getting very bad. have the on Thursday, Friday and Satur in the discussion of the various quea- day of last week. Jhe after Uous. noons were spent in blaafcfeoard work and examinations, tnemory tests, etc, after which Mra. M AKE Stubbs served the pupils with re freshments. The honor of having t! est average for the r. of June was given to Gertrude Wil Gcal son who, having an average of You ha. ugh 1 high 98 5-6, received her leisons free •ehool auu, id«- One-half point is deducted for nwake gradué.. , am looking to eolleg.. each mistake All the girls are The State o f Oregon very much interested and there offers you the be: r. o f were four others who deserve training aad a -Pege degree is the '-»ding honorable mention, they bring pursuits sod nrofes- Jennie Nawby, Donna Cool sions, m lo> « » “ ' Thelma and Dorothy Cook. Engineering, ’ ¡••ire. Commerce, Fore* try, ¡to r * Economies, Military Bdienr-: and Tactics, Mining, Phar- Meeting at Nampa maay. Vocational Educa$i«rt Word has bten received by O. 3. L. and Music. .. ..221-2c Corsets Price reduced on all GOSSARD COM ETS ..C A L D W E L L ’S