* WHAT OF THE CHURCH? | “But these essays arc more Recent issues of the Boise than a criticism of the church. contain the articles of a Statesman have contained ar­ They new creed— the wived of youth ticles from two college students educated in the tenets of science. , [showing the attitude of the col­ To these youth religion «eaters Mrs. H. E Hansen and daughter of lege student toward religion. in the vital problems of life and R Harris of Bs' er was in Nyssa on Nampa were visiting this weak at the Rev. W. T. Lockwood of the not in the cc.nveulionslities of business this week. institutions. For them religion | First Congregational church of is The office . f the Nyssa Garage has G. F. McCurdy home near Nyssa identified with the best things Gertrude Tensen, who is attending Boise in his sermon last Sunday of life and all religious thinking bee- treated to a coat of paint and kale online. Link’s Business college at Boise, commented on these articles in must square dM^iiruth reveals i Mr. n:ii Mrs F C. Millar eatertain- spent the week end at her home in part as follows: by the accurate methods of a number oi !■ lends on Sunday in honor Nyssa. science. Religious faith Jig “ We are justifiably proud of Mrs. Arthur Cook attended the of their eleventn wedding anniversary. identical with cre-iive idealism the fact that a Boise girl, Among the guests present war« a funeral of Mre. Charley Carter at On­ Miss Marianna Wemble Priest, and the acid test of**, hat faith ia » tario Thursday. number from Nampa. Ofif ® i has been recognized by one of th a* it »hall work ir. a world u ofr Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook and family the leading magazines of A*eri. rerV y.” Gay Howard of Payette was ia Nyssa left Tussday for a visit with relatives ca. We congratulate Miss Priest Tuesday on business Fte issue ij clear. The o f * upon this honor but more espec­ ideas of religiu.i 1 *.e been did F. O Carman has completed ths in- at Bakar. Herman Towne spent Sunday in ially beeause of the contents of carded by a laree • "o.ber of i ‘t'e R isking an a cottage for Chas. Boise visiting raiatives. her article. r-o F». church’s leaders, as will »**»»** C. II Prjtlyman has added a roomy Mr and Mr*- C. 0. Wilson of Nam- “The subject of her essay grows hi, men. The house Is divid'd poarch to his residence oa North First P* w«r« Nyaaa Monday on business. out of the tendency of the times to criticize college students for against itself. What will the street. | --------------- ANY a m an has com - to grief by waiting too their lack of religion Miss Priest outcome be? Will there be a Mrs, Lola Tenses and Mre. Andy ill m ■ long before ordering repairs for his machines. aeeepts the challenge, redefines violent separation of the new Swan were Ontario visiters Thursday. TT AS ft TV atCTlOO We m aintain a McCormick-Deering Repair religion from the point of view from the old, or will the-e be a Miss Lucile Clsment made a trip to ^ num ber of exciting ball of the college girl and declares Service for your benefit, and under ordinary circum­ gradual evolution ef the old to stances we can meet your requirements. But why Ontario Tuesday. ¡gam es have beea pulled off dur- that the average college girl is the new? We will be glad to set take any chances? A delay now may throw you genuinely religious. Her artiele 1 Mrs. J. W. Wills went to Payette ¡ng t)je gj week, eulminating behind later. is spontaneous, sincere and truly forth the views of our readers Thursday to be present at a party given m , __ , .... by her daughter. Mre. O D. Cole. ' W e d n m d V «VOTing .n a battle representative of the secret mus­ who are interested in this im­ Join the increasing num ber of fore-handed m en Mrs Glenn H .n,en of Rupert, Id.ho, royal between those old antagon- ing* of youth, unspoiled by the portant subject. Does the Bible who insure against emergencies by making repairs i« making tier parents, llr. and Mra. ists, the N orth and S outherners■ conventionalitiee and profession­ itself throw any light on the before the machines are needed. And while you George Green, an extanded visit. This gan.« was th* fifth of a al interests ef adult life. The future of the church? are at it, make your insurance doubly sure by pur­ reading of this essay reveals chasing only genuine 1 H C repairs for your McCor­ Miss Myrtle Fields was an Ontario series between these teams and We would lire to see the Men’s youth with its hopes and ideals, mick-Deering machines. visitor Thursday. resulted in a humiliating defeat insurgent spirit and oreative Bible class devote a session to Mrs. Hannah Austed of Ruth, Nev., for the Northerners In faet, it genius. As one lays the maga­ left for her home Tuesday, after an was a regular Waterloo, and only zine aside one instinctively re­ this matter, and the result of their study given proper publici­ extended visit with her sister, Mrs. the borrowing ef a Southerner. marks, ‘if that is irreligion then ty through the columns of the Chsrley McConnell. let us pray that more of our Journal. Mrs. W. Ferber and son Robert of Clyde Beam, prevented the op­ youth may become irreligious.’ Port'and, Mrs. H. Preeht, Mrs H. posing team from being shut out. “The second article of this Carson and E. C, Carson of Payette As it was, the score was 22 to 8. series, by a Harvard student, is A Revolutionary Idea spent the dey Wednesday at the F. R. After the game the defeated written from a different point of Marshall heme, team treated the winners to ice view and is very largely given If Judge Garry is right, and John Cancelmo and family left on cream at the Commercial Club over to a criticism of the ?hureh. the world can’t find aoyihing NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Thursday for an extended auto trip to Being less persona) this essay better than Christianity, it might rooms. Chiropractors Department of the Interior, British Columbia, going by way of lacks the warmth, joyousness be a good idea to try it San U. S. Land office at Vale. Oregon, Another game that aroused and faith of the first article. Portland. Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver dune 27, 1923. Miss Dora Thompson returned Sun- oonsiderabl 3 interest was played However, this difference is very Diego Tribune method. Consultation and examina- Notice is hereby given that Leila tion free Ten years successful prac­ day from the Oregon State N.rmai »t Sunday between a team from the largely accounted for by differ­ tice in the state of Oregon Special Tnompson, widow of Samuel H. Thomp­ Monmouth, where she has been at­ railroad construction crew and ent attitudes of boys and girls. The Fable of Tut. rates given for 60 days. First door son, deceased, ot Nyssa, Oregon, who, tending school the past year. Young women rebel but main­ west of Bank of Nyssa, Nyssa, Or. the town team. The visitors put tain a more sympathetic attitude Three thousand years ago lived an on October 28, 1918, made desert land Dewey Ray made a business trip to entry No. 02945 for WJNE}, EJNWi, up a valiant fight but were out­ of mind, while young men are Bgyptian King named Tut Ankh Amen. Section 9, Township 21 South, Range Portland the first o f the week. classed and went down to defeat. more apt to rebel in an attitude It sounded like a Stutter and the Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Looper and fam 46 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed of cynicism. This article has a Gang at the Luxor Golf Club called notice of intention to make final proof, ily left by auto for California this him ’•Tut.” touch of such cynicism. under the third paragraph of the Act week, where they expect to make When Tut reached the Cake Eater However, this Harvard stu­ New Section House of March 4 1915, to establish claim to their future home. age and got his Hair pleated back dent has said some things that th land above describod, before Reg­ Agent W. H. Crooker and sons, Extensive improvements to the local need to be said by the younger Right he died. Dying was one of ister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, Paul and Milton, returned from Du railroad yards are under way. The generation to the leaders o ti-> the leading Egyptian Indoor Sports a t Vale, Oregon, on the 7th day of Bois, Idaho, Monday, where they have construction crew is engaged in mov church. The whole weight of and Tilt's death was a major event. August, 1923. been working the past six weeks on ing the telephone line from between the his criticism centers on thai They slipped him into a swell toomb in tracks in order te leave a driveway Claimant names as witnesses: their ranch. leadership. We may not like the Vallsy of the Kings. W, T. Fenn, F. L. DeBord, J. s. Three thuuaand years latter a Party Mrs. King of Pendleton arrived in for tracks between the switches. Ma­ the bitterness of his rebuke but Glascock, Geo. E. Schwe'zer, ail of Nyssa Sunday to make an extended terial is on hand for another section we cannot dodge the issue the of Snoopers dug up Tut’s toomb end Nyssa, Oregon visit with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. house which will be built at once. The church must reckon with this all the Junk buried with him. The new building is made nceessary by Advertising Men took charge of Tut Geo. W. McKnight, McCoy. generation of youth. reason of the changes that have been Register. “Thus, these two articles voice and in a few week have given him a Mrs. Estes and daughter. Miss Edna, ordered in tba location of the section the open fair challenge of a new Rep which make Charlie Chaplin’s. of Boise were callers at the Charley crews. In the future two fnll crews, generation to the church. We “ Dugg’a” and M. Day-by-Day Ceue'a Perhaps they were right who accused Thompson heme on Sunday. totaling 20 men, will be located at look like a last year's Almanac in com­ congress of rleeping through the last Mrs. C. L. MeCoy returned to her Nyssa, In addition to thMr work on are wont to give more weight to parison. the opinions of adults than the session. There is a surplus in the fed­ home Sunyay after an extended visit the main line, the local crews will have Ireams of youth but it requires Dead for §0(10 years! Loot! For­ eral tre . rury. —Everett Herald. with relatives in Pendleton. charge of 12 miles of the Homedale no prophetic vision to see that gotten! Then Bang! Advertised - and Cecil Baird left» for Caldwell Sunday branch. these essays from the pen of a whole world hellering for more news to visit relatives. youth are more significant for of Tut! If advertising can thus put FOR SALE E M. Blodgett and family were On­ the future of religion than the life into a Dead One -w hat can't it do ; Walnut organ in good condition; ex­ tario visitors Monday. a Live One? McDonald-Crosswhite untimely taming of William Jen­ for They tension Table; Kitchen Table; Lawn could have dug up a hundred nings Bryan and the fundamen­ Mrs. Iora Guffy and Mrs. Paul Howe Mower; Hand Vacuum Cleaner; Elec At the Presbyterian manse in Cald­ Tuta in the desert and if they had kept talists against evolution, science were shopping in Ontario the first of trio Vacuum Cleaner; Iron Bedstead, well Monday, June 17, were united in and modern education. The the gnod news to themselves -only a i Will sell cheap, no reasonable offer the week. the holy bonds of matrimony Douglas church stands at the crossing of few Bald Headed Historian., would Rev. Dr. Wm. Baird of Baker was McDonald and Julia Crosswhfte refused. J H. W>If, Nyssa, Or. The A decision must be have ever known it. in town this week on official business. officiating clergyman was Rev. Mr. : ne ways. made. A decision must be made. You can have the best merchandise Edith and Vera Morehead of Boise Potter. in the w old. But if the world does F o k S a e l —May Duke cherries; 2c for sale'bv If we want the ever-increasing Upon their return home they weie not get Hep to i t —the business will at ranch or 3c delivered. Mrs G. M. visited their grandmother, Mrs. S. J. EDER HDWE COMPANY number of college men and wom­ Ehrgood, the first of the week. Nyssa, Or. serenaded by a bunch of theii friends, sleep along peacefully. Remember McCurdy. an to enter and work in our Mrs. Frank Phillips, who has been who were invited in and treated to :hurches we will have to rein- Tut! employed at the Moe hotel in Ontario, refreshments. erpret religion in the language returned to her home in Nyssa Mon­ \«d experience of the modern Three ministers have engaged seats day. The president is making it clear to world. We cannot expect these at the Dempaey Gibbona figtit to "see Nellie DeVries was an Ontario vic­ the irreconciiables that they who are mea and women to glow ov *r the exactly what takes place at this prise tor Saturday. fighting the court are courting a fight. outworn creeds, to follow a fight ” It is suspected that all others ---- ..............................TJ’y J J L I ’." ’eadership headed for th middle who attend will be animated by the ages or to 1 >ok with tolerance on ' lame motive. Lowell Courier-Journal an interpretation which tests | their faith by asking them to| believe things in open contra-! Amending a constitution is rimple in diction to the known fuots of comparison with amending t>» people to At it Wall Street Journ; I. :ience 1 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Order Your Repairs Eadij M Eder Hardware Co. McCORMICK-DEERING LINE ___ L ' " - " ------- See McKa ’ and spe better. D r . J . A . M c F a li Fit i its record of turning out its millionth car in March, no chance of being dissatisfied lJ T * when it buys a BUICK. B j H c K SIXES BUICK FOURS LIGHT DELIVERY Five Models Nrtis Models Six Models EASTERN OREGON AUTO COMPANY •rfldiitor Maiheur County ♦ V.*L5 OREGON } -»♦<**♦*» V O S »♦ <»♦♦ > 0 0 < > > • • » » » S o d a »» ♦ IM IM M T M M T T T M M SeT 4 * * * * * * * * * ••••* ••* •# •••••< Nyssa Realty Co. j Licensed and Bonded Real Estate Brokers and General In surancc. r N Y SSA OREGON Eyesight Specialist Ontario , „ Oregon I* me 147 J Think of this as your bank. Come in and tell us how we can help you. We know that our success is dependent upon the prosperity of our custom irs upon you. We are here to serve and to grow with you. Make use of our facilities and service We sincerely offer you our earnest co-operation MALHEUR CO. BANK J. BOYDELL {l YOUR BANK We grind our own Capital ............ $25.000 00 Surplus ............ 126,006.00 Notice To Ou Patrons: We have changed our telephone number from 20F2 to 6. Customers when wishing to call us should ask for the new number. We Have Ice Nyssa Packing Co. BUR RIDGE & RAY. Prop.