GATE CITY JOURNAL I’ublirheJ every F rid a y O regon, by at Nyaaa, H. F . BROW N Ki t r>liowmg petition will sta te th a t the sig n atu res appended to petition are tru e and proper gig he held a t the C ourt house in the City said n a tu re s of persons whose nam es a p ­ of Vale, Oregon, on th e 30th day of pear thereto, and th a t each ana all of July, 1.12 i. a t the hour of 11:00 o ’clock said signers of said p e titiio n a re own in the forenoon of said day, for the era of land within the proposed drain purpose of d eterm ining w h eth er the age d istric t as set fo rth m said p e ti­ tion, p ra y er of ea!d petition shall be g ra n t ! WM. PEU TZ ed. Subscribed and sw orn to before me All persons owning or claim ing in te r­ this 20th day of June, 1923. SUMMONS | forevar dissolving the bonds of m atri- H. S. SACKETT, R am sey to th e plaintiff on the first day said C aurt on the 17th day of May, e st in lands described in said petition County Clerk. I mony e xisting betw een plaintiff and of March, 1915, and recorded in Book 1923, and d irecting th a t sum m ons here a re hereby notified to ap p ear a t said By Roy Daley, D eputy. I d efendant, and for such o th er and 7 of Daeda, page 164, in the office of m be published for six successive place and on sai i date and show cause F irs t publication June 22, 1928. IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF T H E fu rth e r relief a . to t h . C ourt may the County Clerk of M alheur County, w eeks, including seven publications L ast publication Ju ly 13, 1923. if any th ere be, why th e pray ,o f said STA TE O F OREGON FOR T H E seem ju s t and equitable. thereof, in the G ate City Journal, a Oregon, so as to conform to the in­ p etition should not he g ra n ra d COUNTY O F M A L H E O lt. | This sum m ons ia published under and weekly new spaper published a t Nyssa, tention of the parties th ere to by de­ H. S. SACKETT, Notice is hereby given th a t the un- Ross Je n k in s. P laintiff, va. C a t h e i - ^ ^ m u j , 0f an order of t h . Hon. Malheur County, S ta te of Oregon, and a d ibing the property therein conveyed Clerk of M alheur County C ourt. lersig n rd as S up erin ten en t of Banks j W f S f B i g g s . C ircait Judge, (M y having a general circulation therein, me Jenkina, D efendant. aa; By Roy D aley, D eputy. for the S ta te of O regon, is In charge and ordering a copy hereof and a copy TO K A T H E R IN E JE N K IN S , the m ade and e n te red on the 7th day of Lot 1 of Section 4, Township 21 >f th e as«ets and affairs of th e Bank above-nam ed defendant: Ju n e , 1928, autborixing and directing Sauth, R ange 46 E. W. M , and all of the to m plaint duty verified, as re ­ IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE publication o f sum m ons ag ain st you by TO T H E HO NORA BLE' COUNTY if N yssa, N yssa, Oregon, for th e pur- quired by law, be forth w ith m ailed to lands south of the Owyhee riv er in the COURT OF M A LH EU R COUNTY, >ose of liquidation. the defendant. Irvin Coen, a t his iaat » F OREGON, you are hereby required publication for six consecutive w eeks All persona who may have claim s South half of the S outheast Q uarter to appear and answ er the Com plaint and aeven publications in th e G ate ST A T E O F OREGON: known p'ace of residence and post- of Section 33, Township; 20 South, filed against you in the above entitled C ity Journal. again st said bank are hereby notified The undersigned, b ing ow ners of office address. The d a te of the first R. W. SW AGLER, Range 46 E. W. M., M alheur county, su it on or before the e x p iratio n of aix more than fifty p e r cent of the acreage to m ake legal proof thereof by filing a A ttorney fbr Plaintiff, residing a t On pubiioation hereof ia the l i t day of weeks from the date of th e first publi­ tarlo , O ragen. of the contiguous body of alkali, wet duly verified claim as by law provived, Oregon, to g eth e r w ith an undivided and overflow land in M alheur County, with the D eputy S u perintendent of one-eighth ii te re a t in the Collins Irri­ Ju n e, 1923, and the last publication ia cation o f this Sum m ons, and in the D ate a f firat publication Ju n e 8, 1923. S ta te of O regon, h e rein afte r describ Banks in c h arg e a t the office of the gation Ditch, lying w est and the 13th day of of July, 1923. ev en t of your failure ao to do,for w ant D ate of la st publication July 20, 1283. i d, do hereby p etition your honorable BANK O F NYSSA, N yssa, Oregon, above w hat la known aa CollinB E. M. BLODGETT, thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the body to cause to be organized a i rain- m or before the 23rd day of Septem - Ranoh in Station 3, Township 21 A ttorney for plaintiff, residence and C ourt for the relief p rayed for in his age D istrict for the purpose of having oer, 1928. I will do eaponixing a t 10c a baad. South, R ange 46 E W. M. poetoffice address, N yssa, Oregon. lands reclaim ed and protected from Com plaint on file herein, tow it: For G uarantee not to lo a . ovar K par cant, FR A N K C. BRAM W ELL. the effects of w ater, lo r saitary and ju d g m en t and decree of this C ourt Superintendent of Banks. And for a fu rth e r order and decree m26 Geo. Geedrich. a g ricultural purposes and for th s con DISSOLUTION NOTICE venlence and w elfare of th e public IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E of the C ourt th a t yau and each of you ! N otice ia hereby g'ven th a t th e co­ ♦♦♦♦♦aa a m » « > y » m a » H H a « » 4 a a » »a M >a t M »»«««i Mt have no elaim, rig h t, title , leio or in­ utility and benefit; and for 'h e purpose STA TE O F OREGON FO R TH E p a rtn e rsh ip h eretofore ex istin g be­ of this putition we sta te the following te re s t in and to said real property or tw een A. V. Cook and C. L. Cook baa COUNTY O F M ALHETR. m atters as required by C hapter 340 of any p a rt thereof, and for a fu rth e r the G eneral Law s of Oregon, for the In the m a tte r of the e s ta te of JO HN order and decree quieting plaintiff’s been dissolved by m utual consent. A. V. Cook will continue the business, year 1915: K EM P FRY . deceased. title against each and all a f you in and c o i'e c ta ll accounts and pay all bills. 1. The nam e proposed for such Dis­ The undersigned having been ap A V. Cook. tric t is Owyhee D rainage D istrict. to said prem ises, and th a t each and C. L. Cook. 2. T he boundary lines of the pro­ pointed bv th e County C o u rt of th e all of vou be forever barred and e n ­ posed D istrict are as follows: s ta te of O regon for the County of I have moved my store and restaurant from the old Beginning a t the corner of sections M alheur e x ec u to r of the e s ta te of joined from claim ing any rig h t, title, stand on north First street known as the 0 . K. Cafe to the olaim, lien or in te re s t in and to said 25, 28. 36 and 36. T 20 S, K 4ii E: thence e ast to the w est bank af Owy­ John Kemp Fry. deceased, and having real property or any p a rt e r parcel La Frenz building on Main street. In connection with the Home Remedies hee riv er; thence south and w est along qualified, notice ia hereby given to the thereof, and for such other and fu rth e r restaurant I will conduct a general store and selieit the pa­ P ure E x tra c t of Spices w est hank of Owyhee river to a point creaitora of and all persons having tronage of the public. The stock carried will be of a gen­ T eilet A rticles w here said bank in tersects south boun­ claim s a g a in st the e sta te of said d e ­ relief as to the C ourt may seem ju st eral nature suited to the needs of a farming community and VetannrfKy Remediea and equitable. dary of sectien 85; thence w est to Poultry Compounds southw est corner section 35; thence ceased to p re sen t them , duly verifl.d, will include a full line of high grade groceries, hardware This sum m ons is published and ----------------- SOLD BY north one m ile, thence east to place of as required by law, w ithin six m onths and farming implements, millinery, notions, etc. beginning. All being in M alheur a fte r the d a te of the first publication served upon you under and by virtue County, S ta te of Oregon. of this notice to the said ex ecu to r a t of and pursuant to an order of the 3. The to ta l nereage included in the hit residence n e ar N yssa, O re g in , or Honorable D alton Biggs, Judge of sai l proposed d istric t it 600.2 acres. STAR HO TEL - NYSSA, OR 4. T hs nam es of the owners of the at th e office o f E. M. B lodgett in the C ircuit C ourt in and for the Prompt attention given to mail County aforesaid, which said order was land in said proposed D istrict, as Nyaaa, M alheur County, Oregon. orden. a shown by the records of Malheur made and e ntered by said Judge of FR A N K L IN C. FR Y . County, Oregon, M id the aereage owned by each of said owners is as E xecutor of th e e sta te of John Kem p F ry, deceased follows; NOTICE OF BOND SALE VALLEY VIEW DRAINAGE NAMES A C R E A G E D ate of first publication Ju n e 16. 1923. DISTRICT .1. F. Reece 156 4 D ate of la st publication July 18 1928. o - x - t - t - . . . . ♦ • » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦♦a. > see» Win. McEwen 120 0 Sealed proposals will be receivid by the Board of Supervisors of the Valley Win. Peutz 118.0 K»eeeeee»eeeee»»< View D rainage D istrict a t th eir office in O ntario, M alheur County, O regan, >aa aa» »a#a » »a e »« C. L. Fischer 38 0 until the h o u ro ft o' on Monday, the 2nd day of July, 1928. and im m e­ SUMMONS S. M. S te w a rt 156 0 diately th e re a fte r publicity opened for the pnrchaae a f bonds of said D istrict M alheur County 12.2 in the sum of 810,000 dated Jnly 1, 1923, in denom ination! a f 8500.00 and 5. The proposed reclam ation and 8100.00 respectively, and m aturing serially aa follows: »»pec protection of said lands is for sanitary IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E For $600.00 each to m atu re July 1. 19*8 Raad Ne. 1 STATE OREGON FOR T H E COUN­ anti ag ricu ltu ral p irp o ses; and such to m atu ra July 1, 1998 For $100 00 each Bouda Noi. 2 and 8 "(ec'ism ation a, I pr di ctation will be TY OF. M A LH EU R. F «t $500 00 each to m atu ra Jaly 1, 1929 Fand No. 4 ordiicive tO;4he,, tpiiWtt- healtb and For $100.00 each to m atu re Ju ly 1, 1929 Banda Noe. 6 and 6 Henry B. Slippv Plaintiff, vs. Cora elface, and qf public utility and ben- For $500 00 each to m atu re July 1, 1980 Bond No. 7 H. Coen', and Inyjn Coco, Violet Coen For $100.00 each to m atu re Ju ly 1, 1980 Bonds Nos. 8 and 9 All of the lands included in said and Iva Coan, m inor heirs of L e tte r F er $600.00 each to m atu re July 1, 1911 Bond No. 10 proposed D istrict are properly ini|aded Coen, deceased, and M arshall H. Dry- For $100 00 each ta m atu re Ju ly 1, 1981 Bonds Nos. 11 and 12 therein, and will he beneficially hf- For $600.00 each to m ature Ju ly I, 1932 Bond No 18 ected by the operations of the pro- den, being .m e and the sam e person as For $5C0 00 each to m ature Ju ly 1, 1932 bonds Nos. 14 sad 15 M. H. Dry A n ; and MSYy B, B ates, posed D istrict. For $500.00 each to m atu te Ju ly 1, 1933 Bonds Noa. 16 and 17 7. The benefits of such proposed being one and th e sam e person aa F ar $600 00 each to m atu re July I, 1934 Bonds Noi. 18 and I t reclam ation and protection will exceed M ary U., Drydyn. god Mrs Bell Dry- For $600 00 each to m atu re Ju ly 1, 1936 Bonds Nos. 20 and 81 the dam age to he done; and the best For $500 00 each to m aturo Ju ly I. 1936 Bonds Noa. 22 and 28 in te rest of t h l land included, and of den and Ball H efei; a widow. D efen­ to m atu re Ju ly 1, 1987 For $600.00 each Bond Nn. 24 the ow ners o f such land as a whole dants. For $100 00 each to m aturo Ju ly 1, 1937 Bonds Noa. 25 to 28 ine. and of the public a t large, will be To Irvin Coen, one of the above-1 For $600 90 oach to m ature July 1, 1933 Bond No. 29 prom oted by the form ation end pro­ to m atu rt Ju ly I. 1938 For $100.00 each Bonds Nos 30. 31 and 32 named defendants. posed operation of said D istrict. to m aturo July 1, 1939 For $600.09 each Bond No 33 8 The form ation of Uni Drainage IN T H E N A N E OF T H E STATE to m atu re Ju ly 1, 1939 Bonds Nos. .14, 38 and 36 For $100 00 each D istrict, under the provisions of Chap­ OF OREGON: You are hereby re Said bonds tn boar in te re st a t Six (6) p a r cent par annum, payable semi te r 340 of the General l aws of Ore- quired to appear and answ er the com ­ annually aa the firat day of July and th a la t day af Ja n u a ry , principal and in- On for 1915 under Ibe precisions of tarv at payable in U nited S ta te s Gold Coin a t tka office of th# C oanty T re a s­ which this petition is proposed. Is s plaint filed a g a ia st you in the above u re r of M alheur County, nt Vnln. M alheur C eunty, Dragon, or a t the fiscal proper end adyantageous m ethod of e n titled su it on or before the e x p ira­ agency ef tka S ta te of Oregon in New York City a t tk e option of the holder. accom plishing the reclam ation and tion of aix w eeks from the d a te of the Said bids m ust be accompanied by certified shock for five (6) per cent of tha 1 in , , i d ProP®*et M 999 99 H 9 9 « 9 M M I M $ M 9l l > M M < »♦♦♦aaaaaaa» CALDWELLS STORE To the Nyssa Public McConnon’s Products J. H. HUNTER Call and look our stock ovtr Mrs. 'X P. A. Roberts Flies are getting very bad. have tie We KNOCKER Nyssa Grain & Seed Co.