•— H H * vie* in the Pariah Bell. Nyasa— Jun 24, 2 o'clock p. a A ll denomination! The regular meeting o f the Eastern cordially invited. Star wan held dune 20 in the lodge rooms. The attendance was large, in­ SUMMONS cluding aavaral out o f town membars who had not bean present for some IN TH E C IR C U IT CUT RT OF THE time A very pi asant evening w s STATE OF ORKGON, FOR THE spent in social intercourse and pritak-j C O U N TY OF MALHEUR. ing o f delicious refreshment*. With Roaa Junkins, Plaintiff, ve. Cather­ thia meeting the chapter waa closed for ine Jenkins, Defendant the eummer, to be opened again in TO K A 1 H E R IN E JENKINS, the September. above-named defendant: IN T H E N AM E OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON, you are l.c-eby required to appear and answsr the Complaint filed against you in the rfcov* entitled The marriage o f Miss Lulu Davis to suit on or befere the exp'ration o f six Mr. Arthur Cock rum occurred at the 'weeks from the data c f the first publi­ home o f the bride's parents on Wed cation o f this Sur m m i, and in the nesday, June 20, Rev. J. J. Flem ing' event o f your failu’ *' r - *o do, for wa-.t officiating thereof, the plaintiff w , I reply to tha Only members o f the inmediate C t for the relief prayed lo r in I is families were present. Complaint on file herein, towit: For The bride ia the daughter o f Mr. and judgment and deeree o f this Court Mrs. R. J. Davis end is one o f Nyssa's forever dissolving the bonds of m atri­ most popular young ladies See at­ mony existing between plaint:ff e r i tended the University o f Oregon two defendant, end for sued other and years and is a member o f Pi Beta Phi further relief as to the Court may •orerity. teem ¿u*J and equitable. Mr. Cockrum is a graduate o f Ore­ This summons Is published under and gon Agricultural College and a mem­ by virtue of an order o f the Hen. ber o f Alpha Tau Omega fraternity. Dalton Biggs. Clreait Judge, duly A t present he Is employed as assistant mad* and entered on the 7th day of cashier in the Firat National Bank of June, 1922, authorizing end directing Ontario. publication o f summons against yea by They will be at home to their friends publication far six consecutive week« altar July 1st at Ontario. and sevea publications In tL.e Gate City Joernal. R. W. SW AG LSR , EPISC O PA L CHURCH NOTICE Attorney for Plaintiff, residing at On tarlo, Oregon. On Sunday next, June 24 Arch­ Date of first publication June 8, 1*23, deacon Goldie will hold afternoon eer- Date of last publication July -0, 1923 Eastern Star LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Order Your Margaret Carter returned to Farew ell Party Nyssa Ss‘ i - Jay after a success A surprise farewell reception fai y ar î University of was held Thursday afternoon at Idei.j the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. J The Nyssp. Pac king Co thipped FJsminK in honor of Mrs. J. H. a carload of fat hogs to Portland X L ^ ° w ^ in her, ha»^and . . _ . , • will leave Nyssa in a few days markets Friday. for the coast. About 30 of the Arthur Cook, Jr.,is on the sick ladies o f Nyssa and vicinity list this week i gathered to pay tribute to the „ character o f Mrs. W olf and show Mrs. Blaylcck and fa m ily re the esteem in which she is held turned home aOer an extended by those who know her best. visit at Riverside with friends Each o f those present wrote a letter to Mr. and Mrs. W olf and relatives. which is not to be opened until Mr and Mrs Roy Cook made after they leave Nyssa. A a business trip to Emmett Wed­ handsome leather writing case was presented to Mrs. Wolf, nesday S. F. Foster and family stop Mrs. Fleming making the pre­ sentation address. Dainty re­ ped in Nyssa Wednesday on freshments were served. their way to Baker from Jordan The people of Nyssa and vi­ Valley. cinity will deeply regret the loss T. .e Nyssa Men's Bible class of Mr. and Mrs. W olf from the community, where they have attended the Friendly M en'« been closely identified with the Bible class of the community business and social life for the church at Parma last Sunday. past 16 years. They have both Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Weaver been prominent in church and welfare work and their places o f Vale were in Nyssa Wednes­ will be hard to fill. Mr. W olf day posting Chautauqua bills and assisted in organizing the Mal­ visiting friends. heur County Bank and was its Rev. Fleming spoke at a ban­ cashier and director for over U years. It was under his man­ quet at Apple Valley Thursday agement that the bank became which was held for the purpose known as one ef the strongest of of organizing a Boy Scout troop, the state banks in Oregon. Repairs finii) A N Y a m an has com e to g rief by w aiting too long before ordering repairs fo r his machines. W e m ain tain a M cCorm ick-Deering Repair Service fo r your benefit, and under ordinary circum ­ stances w e can m eet your requirements. But why take any chances? A delay now m ay throw you behind later. M Join th e increasing num ber o f fore-handed m en who insure against emergencies by m aking repairs before th e m achines are ~ --------------- ----- — ---- - needed. A nd w hile you are at it, m ake your insurance doubly sure by pur chasing only genuine I H C repairs fo r your M e " m ick-D eering machines. Eder Hardware Co. M c C O R M I C K - D E E R IN G L I N E Rev. Fleming .pokeat an open air rally of the me Valiev vaney View view C A L L FOR BIDS community held at the Jim Wal­ Sealed bids will be received at the ters ranch north of Nyssa Tues­ office of the City Rceorder far atreet day. Dta. Bradford ft Bradford. Carver Chiropractors method. Consultation and examina­ tion fre e Ten year* euccesaful prac­ tice in the etate of Oregon. Special ratal given for SO day*. First deer west of Bank o f Nyssa, Nyasa, Or. Ml£h<,wmf,ny of uMr-. * nd Mr?‘ gucces8 W° lf w,8t ,hem they h*PP'ness anij wherever may locate. Cockrum-Davis Shoes! Chapter K. o f P. E. O. o f V ale mo­ Why pay more for shoes elsewhere when we can save you money? tored over to Nyssa fo- a picnic lun- The sermon Sunday night will chhon at the home Mrs. J. Boydell on We have one o f the best Linos o f shoes for TH E W H LO h FAM IL Y , at prices unequaled elsewhere. You will want new shoes be the “ Lost Man o f Nyssa.” Tuesday, Let us fit you out. The invitee guests o f P. I . O. were for the FOURTH OF JU LY. Dwight Smith has aceepted a Mrs. Dunaway, Mrs. A. H. Boydell position in the Malheur County and family, Mrs. J. J, Sarazin and Bank and assumed hi. duties family o f Nyssa; Mr*. Howard and Men’s Dress shoe * and oxfords, all sizes, priced at .$2.75 to 6.7r> Rev Dr. Baird o f Bakei was in there Thursday. daughter o f Bette, Mont., Mrs. E. B. Nysaa Tuesday on olllalal business for the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Clark and Nedry and sons o f Tigard, Ora. Mr. and Mrs Fleming motored i 8 inch mule skin shoes ............ .......... $2.45 to Deer Flat Saturday to visit Russell-Servoss 6 inch mule skin s h i e s ............ $1.98 with Mr and Mrs. E. M. Achilles. $3.25 The wedding o f Miea Ruth Sen'es* 8 inch brown elk shoes Rev. Fleming took the Bey and Mr. Harry Raeeeil waa anlemnieed 6 inch brown elk shoes .. $1 98 to $2.25 $2.95 Scouts out for a hike last Wed­ at Oatario in tha Presbyterian manar 6 inch smoked elk shoes .6 inch black calfskin, scout toe $2.45 on Wednesday, June 19. nesday evening about three A short time ago we received a The bride is the daughter o f Mr. I Lots of heavy shoea. black and tan, priced a t............$2.95 to $4.96 miles west e f Nyssa. The boys letter from a workman in Arizona and Mrs. Ralph Servoss o f thia city j stating that his overalls hud gone to took their first lesson in cooking and ia one of the most popular ano i pieces after being worn six days a beefsteak over a camp fire. week, for only 3 years. esteemed young ladies o f the com sprinkling by the hour Bids to close 7:20 p. m. Saturday. June 30. 7:30 p. m. The coaneil reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order e f the City Council. P. M. Warren. Mayor. Men’s Work Shoes am IJhcm CTUpaii Boys’ Dress Shoes Two-Horse Brand Copper-Riveted Waist Overalls made by us were the brand he wore. If this kind of wear will satisfy yon, insist on getting overalls with this Trade Mark. A New Pair FREE if They Rip. 0000000001 s * Mr and Mrs. Robertsea returned munity, where sha has lived since in I Mr Ruasell is the youngest Black or brown, all sizes and styles ...................... $1.98 to $3 95 from Portland TueeUay after taking in fancy son o f Mra. A. M. Bradney o f Boys’ tennis shoes ................................... $1.10, $1.20, $1.65 the Rose carnival. Big Band and ia emoloyad at the Boys’ moleskin shoes, cannot be beat for wear Miss Myrtle Points and Miss Char­ ----- Size 9 to 13. $1.49;size 1 to 2, $1.69; size 2 1-2 to 6, $1.79 lotte Huffman of Owyhee were Nysaa Idanha orchard, where they will b eat home to their many friends aftar July Boys’ smoked elk, brown trim, size 1 to 6 1-2............. $2.45 visitor* Wednesday. 4th. Boys’ black calf, scout toe. ........................... ... $1.98 to $2.40 Barney Wilson and family have re Boys’ black calf, heavy box to e ..................................... .. $$,95 turned from a visit with relatives in Boys’ tan shoes, army last, soft -fr3»»'fr >♦ Mr. and Mrs. H. T Frantis left Tuesday for Portland end othe coeat points to spend e aix weeks vacation. F. E. Young returned from Portland Tuesday, whither he had gone t* at­ tend a Masonic lodge convention. Harry Sharp returned to Nampa Wednesday a ten dry* etay in Nyssa looking after property interests. Miss G. Sve Bo, del I i* attending summer school at Buiae, Idaho. Ader-M atheny lie heat for the money, size 9 to 6, price A Living Institution Stores Makes our Prices Right record o f turning out it. millionth car in March, < the public ia taking no chance o f being dissatisfied when it buy. a BUICK. BUTC I SIXES Nina Medals BUICK FOURS Six Modal. LIGHT D E LIV E R Y Five Model. EASTERN OREGON AUTO COMPANY V.tLE , Dealet fer Meilleur County OREGON ♦♦»♦»eeeeeee*eeeeeeee»eeee« eeeeeeeeeeeeeeev-eoeeeeeee Nyssa Realty Co. j J. BOYDELL I NYSSA OREGON CaJ-RRMIER CO. Mul The Hub Oiders O N TARIO OREGON Promptly Filled A bank is more than the building it occu­ pies. It is more than the capital and surplus. It Is a living institution made so by the men who manage it. Their character is the bank’s character T h iir reputation for sagacity, for conserva tism, for good judgment becomes the bank’s reputation. The officers o f this institution fully realize this faat and are determined to guard ktfe fine reputation whioh the bank has acquired MALHEUR CO. BANK airfi Bondad Rani E state Brokers and General In auraiuo. $2.85 to $3.45 Ladies Oxfords and A it * . Miss Bonnie Matheny and Hu­ bert Ader of Midvale were mar­ I Pomps ried at the bride’s home north of Nyssa last Sunday, June 17. I- ro'.vn calf oxfords and one strap slippers .......... $2.95 Bonnie is the daughter of J, Comfort oxfords and pumps, cushion sole.......... $2.45 to $3 45 G. Matheny, a well known far­ t'ptent Sallys, size 2 1-2 to 6. priced special at ... ............. $2.69 $2.95 to $3.96 mer of the Arcadia neighbor­ Patent one strap slippers, low or medium heel Black and brawn kid oxfords, extra goad, for 3.50 to 4.65 hood and is popular among the Fatin pumps, medium heel, cannot he equaled for ............. $5.25 young people of her acquaintance. Mr. Ader is in civil service, be-| ing R. F. D. mail carrier out of Hisses and Children’s oxfords, slippers and barefoot Midvale They will make their sandals, all sizes ............... $1.30 to $2.9$ home in that city. Infants slippers and shoes.......... ......................... 6 ‘ c and up Boys’ suits, a fine assortment,................................ 4.ft) and up Men’s and Young Men’s dress pants, large assortment to select from, priced at ........................... 2.63 to 8 50 Buying for with 1111, Shoes! Notice 11 To O ui Patrans: We hare ohanged our telephone number from 20F2 to 6. eustomers when wishing to sail aa should ask for the new number. We Have Ice .000 00 , 000.00 Nyssa Packing* Co. Bl RHIDGE M l RAY, fr o » .