24 Jar 15 GATE CITY JOURNAL Published every F rid a y O regon, by at Nyssa, H. F . BROW N E ntered a t the Postoffice a t N yasa, Oregon, aa second-class B ail B atter ORDER FIXING TIME FOR HEARING IN T H E COUNTY COURT FOR M A LH EU R COUNTY, STA TE OE OREGON. in tha M attar of tha O rganization of the Owyhee D rainage D istrict, in M alheur County, Oregon. Now, on th is 20th day a f Ju n e, 1923, the above m a tte r came to ba heard be fore the above entitled C ourt; and it appearing th a t a petition for the or ganiiatnon of the O W Y H EE DRAIN AGE D ISTRICT is now p re sen te d to the C ourt, and application ia m ade for an order fixing the tim e for th e h e a r ing of said petition; and it a p p ea rin g th a t the ow ners of 6o per cen t of the acrasge included w ithin th e boundsry of the proposed drain ag e d istric t hsve signed and presented the said petition; end tha C ourt now being fully adviaed in tb s prem ises; It Is considered, ordered and and ad judged th a t th e tim e and plaaa for the hearing of sush petition be, and the sam e ia hereby fixed as follow s: The said petition shall be heard upon the lu th day of Ju ly , 1923, a t th a hoar of 11 o ’clock in th e forenoon e f said day, a t tha C ounty C ourt Room in the C ourt H oase in the City o f Vale, Mai heur County, Oregon. And it ia fu rth e r considered, orders) and adjudged th a t the C lerk e f th n C ourt publish notice of suoh hearing and of th e tim e and place th e re o f ai hareby ordered, in aeaordanee witl Section 2 of c h ap ter 84U of tha G enera L a w ie f Oregon a f 1915. E. H. TEST, County Judge. TO T H E HONORABLB COUNT1 COURT OF M A LH EU R COUNTY STA TE O F OREG O N : Tha undersigned, b .ln g ow ners o m ors thsn fifty p e r sent of the acreagi of th a contiguous body of alkali, wei aad overflow land In M alheur County, S ta te of O regon, h e re in a fte r deacrib ed, do haroby p etition your honorable body ta cauae to be organiaed a Grain age D istrict fo r th e purpose of having lands reclaim ed and protected from th e effects o f w a ter, fo r aaitary and a g ricultural purposes and foe the con venlenca and w elfare of the public u tility and benefit; and for the purpose of this petition we sta te the following m atters es required by C hapter 340 of th a G eneral L aw s of Oregon, for the y ear 1916: 1. The nam e proposed for auch Dis- trie t is Ow yhee D rainage D istrict. 2. The boundary lines of the pro posed D istrict are as follows; Beginning a t tb s corner of sections 38. 26, 86 and 36. T 20 S, K 40 E; th sn so e ast to tha w eal bank af Owy hee riv er; thsnso south and w est along w a tt bank o f Ow yhes river to a point w hore said bank in te rse sts south boun d ary of ssetien 26; thence w est to so u th w e st corner section 36; thence no rth one mile; thence e ast to place of beginning. All being in M alheur County, S ta te e f Oregon. 3. The to ta l acreage included in the said proposed d istric t Ic 600.2 acres 4. Tbe nam es of the owners of the land In said proposed D istrict, as as shown by the records of Malheur C ounty, Oregon, end the acreage owned by each e f laid owners is as follow s: NAMES ACREAGE J . F. Reeee 166 4 Wm. MeEwen 120.0 W m. P e u ts 110,0 C. L. Fiachar 38.0 3. M. S te w a rt 166 0 M alheur C ouaty 111 6. The propesed reclam ation and p ro tectio n e f said lands ia for sanitary and ag ricu ltu ral purposes; and sush roelam atioE and p ro testa tio n will be condnelve to tha public health and w o lfars, and o f public utility and ban til 6. All of th e lands included in said proposed D iltrie t a re properly included th erein , and will be beneficially a f fected by th e operatioaa e f the pro posed D istrlet. T. The benefit* of such proposed reclam ation and protection will exceed th e dam age to ha done; and the beet in te re s t a f tha land ineluded. and of th e ow ners o f such land as a whole and e f the public a t large, will be prom oted by the forraatioe m d pro posed operation of said D istrict. 8 . The form ation of the D rainage D istriet, under the previsines e f Chap te r >40 of the G eneral l.aws of Ore gon for 1816 under the provisions of whieh this petition ia proposed, is a p ro p e r and a dvantageous m ethod of accom plishing tha reclam ation and pro tectio n of the land in said proposed D rainage D istrict. 9 The proposed pi n for th* re cla m ation aad p ro tectio n of the property in tho proposed D istric t is by systssn o f tile drains properly designed aad lo- c ated to c arry off drain ag e w ater. The land included In the proposed d is trie t ia s* situ ated th a t w ithout d itc h e s being e en stru ated and w a ter Is e e t drained off tho land remain# cold and sour. 10. The signers of th is petition agree th a t they will pay any and all expenses incurred, and any tax or taxes th a t may be levied a g ain st th eir re- sp ctive lands for the purpose of pay ing the expense of organizing or a t tem pting to organize the prooosed d istrict, such expense to be taxed a g ain st the lands of th e aignora in proportion to the numbt r of acres owned by them and affected by the pr poeed drainage 11. W H ER EFO R E, your petition ers pray th a t the lands described here in. or such of them as may be found by the court to be properly included in the proposed drain ag e d istric t, eith er perm anently or until fu rth e r investi gation and surveys may p erm it elim ination shall be declared organized into a drainage d istric t under the provisions of C hapter 340 ot the G eneral Law s of Oregon for the y ear 1915. Signed, WM. PETTZ E. L. K iSH E R J . F R E EC E 8 . M. STEW A RT. STATE; OF OREGON / C o u n ty of bo M alheur } I, Wm. P eutz, being first duly sworn, say th a t 1 have read the foregoing p e tition and th a t 1 believe th e allega tions th ere o f to be tru e . I fu rth e r s ta te th a t the sig n a tu re s appended to said petition are tru e and proper sig n a tu re s of persons whose nam es a p pear th ereto , and th a t each anu all of said signers of said p e titilo n are own era o f land w ithin the proposed d rain age d istric t as se t fo rth in said p e ti tion. WM. PEU TZ Subscribed and sw orn to before me this 20th day of June, 1923 H. S. 3 ACKETT, County Clerk. By Roy Daley, D eputy. F irs t publication June 22, 1923. L a s t publication July 13, 1923, N otice is hareby given th a t the un- lersigned as S uperintenent of Banks por the S ta te of O regon, ia in eharg* if the assets and affairs of th e Bank if N yasa, N yssa, Oregon, for th e pur- lose of liquidation. All persons who may have claim s a g a in st said bank era hereby noticed SUMMONS to m ake legal proof th ereo f by filing a duly verified elaim as by law provivad, with th* D eputy Superintend) n t of IN T H E C IR C U IT COURT OF TH E Hanks in charge a t the oM o of the STATE OREGON FOR T H E CO U N BANK OF NYSSA, Nysaa, O regon, TY OF M ALHEUR. i n or before tbe 2trd day of S eptem ber. 1923 Henry B. Slippy Plaintiff, vs. Cora FR A N K C BRAM W ELL. B. Coon, and Irw in ( ben, Violet Coen S uperintendent of Banka. and Iva Coon, m inor heir* of L e tte r IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E Coea, deceaeed. and M arshall H. Dry- ST A T E O F OREGON FO R T H E den, being one and the sam e person as M .H . Dryden, and Mary B. Bates, COUNTY O F M ALHETR. In th e m a tte r of the c t a t e of JO H N being one and th# sam e person as Mary B. Dryden, aod Mr* Bell Dry K EM P FRY . deceased The undersigned having bean ap den and Ball Bate*, a widow. D efen pointed by th* C ounty C ourt of th* dant*. s ta te o f O regon for tha County of To Iryin Coen, one of the above M alheur e x e c u to r of tbe e s ta te of named defendants. John Kem p F ry, deceased, and having IN TH E N A N E OF T H E STATE qualified, notice is hereby given to the OF OREGON: Yon are hereby re ereuitors of and all person* having quired to appear and answ er tbe com claim s a g ain st the e sta te of said d e plaint filed against you in th* above ceased to presen t them , duly verifi.d, entitled suit on or before th e expira as required by law , w ithin six m onths tion of six weeks from the d a te of tbe a fte r the d a te of the first publication service of this sum m ons upon you and of this notice to the said executor a t if you fail to answ er for w ant thereof his residence n e ar Nyasa, O re g m , *r the plaintiff above named will apply al th e omce of E. M. B lodgett in to the court for the relief prayed for Nyasa, M alheur County, Oregon. in its com plaint on file herein, tow it; F R A N K L IN C. FRY , For an order and decree of the above E xecutor of the e s ta te of Juhn Kem p entitled court correcting and reform F ry , deceased ing th a t certain deed made and exe D ate of first publication Ju n e 16, 1923. cuted and delivered by H a rrie tt M. D ate of last publication July 13 1923. NOTICE OF BOND SALE VALLEY VIEW DRAINAGE DISTRICT Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Supervisors of the Valley View D rainage D istrict a t th e ir office in Ontario, M alheur County, Oregon, until the h o u ro f2 o ’clcokp.m on Monday, the 2nd day of July, 1923, and irarne diately th e re a fte r publicaiy opened for the purchase of bonds of said D istrict in the sum of $10,000 dated Ju ly 1, 1923, in denom inations of $500 00 and $100 00 respectively, and m aturing seria'ly as follows: to m atu re July 1. 1928 For $600.00 each Bond No. 1 to m atu re July 1. 1923 For $100 00 each Bonds Nos. 2 and 3 to m atu re July 1, 1929 For $500 00 each Bond No. 4 to m atu re Ju ly 1, 1929 Bonds Nos 5 and 6 For $100.00 each to m ature July 1, 1930 For $500 00 each Bond No. 7 to m ature July 1, 1930 For $100.00 each Bonds Nos. 8 and 9 to m ature July 1, 1931 For $500.00 each Bond No. 10 to m ature July 1, 1931 For $100 00 each Bonds Nos. 11 and 12 to m ature July 1. 1932 F or $500.00 each Bond No 13 to m ature July 1, 1932 For $500 00 each Bonds Nos. 14 and 15 to m atu te July 1, 1933 For $570.00 each Bonds Nos. 16 and 17 to m ature July I, 1934 For $600 00 each Bonds Nos. 18 and 19 to m ature July 1, 1985 For $600.00 each Bonds Nos. 20 and 21 to m ature July 1, 1936 For $500 00 each bonds Nos. 22 and 23 to m atu re July 1, 1937 For $500.CO each Bond No. 24 to m atura July 1, 1937 For $100 00 each Bonds Nos. 25 to 28 ine. to m ature July 1, 1938 For $560 00 each Bond No. 29 to m ature Ju ly I, 1938 Bonde Nos 30. 31 and 32 F or $100.00 each to m aturo July 1, 1939 For $600.00 each Bond No 83 lo m aturo Ju ly . 1. 1989 Bonds Hoe. 24, 86 and 36 For $100 00 each __________ Said bonds to bear in te rest a t Six ( 6 ) per cent per annum , payable sem i annually oa the first day of Ju ly and th e 1st day of Ja n u a ry , principal and in te re s t payable ia U nited S ta te s Gold Coin a t the office of th# County T re a s u re r of M alheur County, a t Vale, M alheur County, Oregon, or a t th e fiscal agency of the S ta te of Oregon in New York City a t th# option of the holder. Said bidB m ust be accom panied by certified eheek fo r five (6) per eent of the amount thereof, the sam e to be forfeited to th e D istrict as liquidated dam ages in event th e successful bidder fails to pay for said bends w ithin ten (10) days a fte r the aw ard. Said bids to be made subject to the legality of said issue. Said bonds to be certified by th e Irrig atio n Securties Commission of the S ta te e f Oregon, and said aala to be subject to sueh certification. Th* Board reserves th e rig h t to re je c t any and all bids. By order of th# Beard e f Supervisors of the Valley View D rainage D istrict. D ated th e 15th day of May, 1923. PE A R L CRAN E. Secretary. D ate of first publication Ju n e 1, 1993 D ate of last publication Ju n e 29. 1922 said C ourt on th* 17lh day a f May, 1923, and d irec tin g th a t ■■am ons her*, in ho published for six suaeoaaiv* weeks, including seven publications thereof, in th* Gat* C ity Jo n raal. a weakly new spaper published a t Nyaaa, Malhaur Countv. S ta te of O ragoa, and having a general eirculaU aa therein, and ordering a copy haroof aad a copy of th* com plaint duty variSad, aa re quired by law, b* fo rth w ith mailed ta the defendant. Irvin Coan, a t hla last known placa of reaidenea and post- office address. The d a ta of th a first publloation h e reo f ia th e 1s t day af Ju n e , 1923, and th a la st publleatieo la th* l l l h day of o f July, 1923. And for a fu rth e r order and decree of the C ourt th a t yeu and each of you have no claim, right, title, lain or in te re s t in and to said real property or any p a rt thereof, and for a fu rth e r order and decree quieting plaintiff’s title a g ain st each and ail of yeu in and to said prem ises, and th a t each and all of vou be forever barred and en joined from claiming any right, title, claim, lien or in te rest in and to said real property or any p a rt or parcel thereof, and for such other and fu rth e r relief as to the C ourt may seem ju st and equitable. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. E M. BLODGETT. A ttorney for plaintiff, residence and postofflee address. Nysaa, Oregon. »wapwpn— t W r i f —w - — -T T m ssm a ^ ^ ^ H a m a K H a s sa w m n McConnon’s Products Homo Remedies Pure E x tra c t W 8 pi coo T olist Artioiae V e te rm A r Remedies Poultry ry G obi pounds SOLD • Y This sum m ons is published and served upon you under and by virtue of and pursu an t to an order of the H onorable Dalton Biggs, Judge e f - NYSSA, OR the C ircuit C ourt in and for the STAR HO TEL County aforesaid, which said order was Prompt attention given to mail made and en tered by said Judge of orden. J. H. H U N TER TO THE LAND OWNERS OF THE KINGMAN DRAINAGE DISTRICT. KOLONY We, th e undersigned Supervisor! of th* K iogm en Colony D raiaega Die- trie t, have audited th* honks of th* T reasazer of (aid D iatrict, ((provided b j law, and subm it herew ith oar R eport ae tellsw e: T R IA L BALANCE Close ef business Ju n e 6, 1972 A dvertising fund .......... ................................................ ...............$ 7.90 A d v e rtis in g ........................................................................................ i 8 60 Roads o u tstan d in g ____________________ . _______________ 367,003.00 Bond coupons p a id ____________________________________ 9,846 00 i ounty assessor (uncollected tax es) _____ 11,648 26 D rainage ta x record (total assessm ent* levied___________ 23,391 01 D rainage system construction........ ....... ......... ................. ......... 66,669 I I E m ergency fund ..................................... ........................................ 4 36 F irst N ational Bank of Val# (claim )__________________ 184.60 G eneral e x p e n s e ............................................................................... 2,486.53 In te re st and d is c o u n t................................................................... 2,556 31 In te re s t on bonds fu d ................................................................... 86146 In te re s t on w n rran ts fu n d _______________ 64 36 In te re s t paid on w a rra n ts______________________________ 133 S6 M aintenance fu n d -........................................................................... 144 06 M ain ten an ce__________________________________________ 176.66 M aterial fu n d .................................................I I I I ” ” " ” * " . . I 86^30 Salary and office expense fund-- Salary and office e x p e n s e ........ ....... W arran ts o u ts ta n d in g .................. W arran t fu n d _____ <107 646 68 4,023.18 488.64 $64.416 $3 $84,413.39 STATEM ENT OF R E C E IP T S AND E X PE N D IT U R E S ING JU N E 6,1923. FO R Y B a R END- . 4,647.12 T otal receipts ______ Electric Range Cooks th e Food W it h o u t C o o k in g Y ou Concentrating th* heat under the kettle or pan as Electric Ranges do, ALL cf the heat is utiliied for cooking pur poses. This eliminates the fault of practically every other style of range, in that the heat is net radiated through out the tntirc kitchen. Your kitchen Keeps cool and sum mer cooking is a pleasure. $10 E X PE N D IT U R E S A dvertising .................... Bond coupons paid .............. In te re s t paid on w a rran ts. M aintenance.................... S upervisors . S ecretary salary and office expense- W arrants paid ................ T otal expenditures - ,- . . . . ____ T._ A dvertising fu n d _________________________________ _ . . . $ 7.90 __________ __________ _____ 4.36 In te re st on bonds fund............ ...........................J t . MR46 In te re a t on w a rra n ts fund .......................... " . 34 26 M aintenance f u n d .._____ ________ ____ __ ’ " "'14405 I M aterial fund ........................................... . . ! . ! ! ! ! ! " ! " .................. 8130 1 Salary and office expense fu n d ................. .....................................* 1* 07 W arra n t fund .................... ................................438 64 Cash on hand June 6, 1932.____ ___________ Respectfully , FRA NK D. HALL, S ecretary T raa au rtr. D r. J. A. M c F a ll Eyesight Specialist Ontario Oreg oa F lie s a r e g e t t i n g have f 7 1ft 2 A 2A (A 212.70 S 60 t l Aft 308.71 1 74A Oft $ 5,708.02 1,118 >1 36,876.96 subm itted, F R A N E T. MORGAN, P resident. H. g OTIS. Kapacvieor. See MePftll and *ee Wetter. ONLY very bad. Wc grind our own tenace Phene 147 J We th e KNOCKER D O WN BALANCE EASY M0NTHY PAYMENTS ELECTRIC SHOP IDAHO POWER COMPANY m Notice ia hareby given th a t th# so- partn erah ip h eretofore ex istin g be tween A. V. Cook aad C. L. Cook has been dissolved by m utual consent. A. V. Cook will continue th* baaia collect all accounts and pay all bills. A V. Cook. C. L. Cook Cash an hand a t beginning of yaar, Ju n e 6, 1922 M alheur C o u n ty _____ W arran ts issu e d ........................ THE OST every housewife, at some time or other, has definitely made up her mind that Slaving ia a Hot Stuffy kitchen ia going to cease -and what a natural defiance it is. No doubt you have taken the same stand yourself, time land tin»» again Yet with the best of intentions, you go back day after day and do exactly the thing you said you wouldn’t do. There IS a Cool, Economical way. if you will but accept it—THE r u r D T i n 11/ a v .. a iu ELECRTIC WAY. within your reach, w NOW. Think of it, an electric range in your kitchen for a cash pay- m e n t of only $10 down—and the balance comes in such easy pay- ments that you’ll hardly miss the money. If you are interested in securing freedom from your dreaded tasks, phone u* today Let us explain more fully the details and reasons why an Electric Range is superior in every respect to other methods of cooking. Ramsey to th* plaintiff cn th* first day of Marah, 1915, and racordod in Book 7 of Doeda, page 164, in the offieo of the County Clerk of Malheur County. Oregon, so aa to conform to tha in* tontion of th# parties thereto by de scribing the preperty therein conveyed m : L ot 1 o f Section 4, Township 21 South, Rang* 46 E. W. M , and all lands south of the Owyhee river ia the South h alf of the Southeast Q uarter of Sectioo 33 Township 20 South, R ange 46 E. W. M . Malheur oouoty, Oregon, to gether with an undivided one-eighth iite r c s t ia tbe Ceilina Irri gation Ditch, lying w est and above w hat ia known as Collins Ranch in Seation 3. Township 21 South, R ange 46 E W M. Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA . OREGON. »♦ ♦ « ♦ » » ♦♦ ♦ » M M M M M M 96M M I M M M > M 96e M 6666M # e>