-f. ■ n u n . > LOCAL NEWS IN BRL Order Your »»♦ ♦ e M c s e c M M t e w t t - ANY a man has come to grief by waiting too long before ordering repairs for his machines. We maintain a McCormick-Deering Repair Service for your benefit, and under ordinary circum­ stances we can meet your requirements. But why take any chances? A delay now may throw you behind later. M Join the increasing number of fore-handed men who insure against emergencies by making repairs before the machines are needed. And while you are at it, make your insurance doubly sure b y pur­ chasing only genuine I H C repairs for your McCor­ mick-Deering machines. Eder Hardware Co. Dan«« Big Band Park Jan« IS. Good floor and crowd. C o b « and briog jr««r friends.—Adv. I will i«U at m f residence quartered •ak bedroom mit, golden finish with French bevel plate mirror; oak re­ frigerator; extension tahle, kitchen table, walaut organ, Majestir Range, Round Dak Heater, lawn mower, elec- trie vacuum eleanar, all in good con­ dition. J. H- WOLF, B 26 tf Nyasa, Or. Chiropractors Drs. Bradford & Bradford. Carver method Consultation and examina­ tion free Ten years successful prac­ tice in the state of Oregon. Special rates given for 60 days. First door west of Bank of Nysae, Nyssa, Or. with its record of tuning oat its millionth car in March, 1I1J, • ho public ia taking no chanee of being dissatisfied j when it buys a BUICK. BUICK FOURS Six Models BUICK SIXES Nina Models LIGHT DELIVERY Five Modela EASTERN OREGON AUTO COMPANY to eat, consisting of roast and fried chicken, dressing, baked beans, potato salads, pickles, sandwiches, cake and strawber­ ries- At meal time a long table was spread with all the goad things and amid social converse and laughter tha time was hap­ pily spent- After dinner a game of ball was enjoyed, the umpire decid­ ing the game a tie, 15 to 15, so there was unusual good feeling on both sides. Then a game of volley ball was enjoyed and Sid Burbidge and Jack Hunter being the only Englishmen were star players. Vale will entertain the lodges again in two weeks because some of their members could not be told o f the affair on Sunday and they did not want to slight anyon: so deci :.ed to have the second picnic also. But none of the visitors seem to be sorry of it. Northenders Champions Children’s Day Program Time Ito R-vtire? ONTARIO NYSSA W ATER STOCK FOR RENT n 381 shares of Ontario-Nyssa water stock for r. nt for thè baiane# e f thè j 1923 eeason at 83 60 per share. cash rent Harry B. Cockrum, Ontario, j j8St Oregon. Dance Big Bend Park June 16. Good , music, floor and crowd. Com# and bring yeur friends. -A dv. For Sale- Grain binder, McCormick, nearly like new, cheap. A. P. Gibson. for sale'by EDER HDWB. C9MI’ \NY Nyssa, Or. Lese horses Two-Horse Brand Copper-Riveted W aist Overalls To the Nyssa Public restaurant I »ill conduct a general store and solioit t e pa­ tronage of the public. The stock carried will be of a gen­ eral nature suited to the needs of a farming community and will include a full line of hitrh grade groceries, hardware and farming implements, millinery, notions, etc. A Living Institution Mrs. P. A. Roberts A bank is more than the building it occu­ pies. It is mere than the capital tad surplus. It is a living institution made so by the men who manage it. m o r n in g 1 9 :4 5 Nyssa Commaaity Church J. J. FHem fife ftfimswr ■OBOI (• B O I Tha head lettuce season opened this week, and the Hunt packing house is a very busy place with about 26 men and women busily engaged in getting the toothsome vegetable into iced boxes preparatory to its long trip to the larkets of the far Eaat. The outlook for a goo i crop is ex­ cellent. and with the high prices pre­ paring in the eastern markets, it looks as if our local growers ara in for a prosperous year. Call and look our stock over “ The Secret W hispered te C hildren” Sunday L ettuce Season Opens The anxiously «waited tie game be­ tween the Northenders and South enders waa pulled off at the ball perk Whenever you find them on a pair of overalls you know Thursday evening before an entkusias- they represent overall satisfaction. Me audience The game ended in a victory for the Northenders bv the eloee score of 6 to I, but the game was only won after a desperate struggle daring which the advantage waa first on one aide and then on the other. are made withrthe wearing qualities built into them. Made of special The boya went Into the laat inning woven 9 -ounce denim, Indigo dyed, cut big and roomy, where the tied, 6 te f . The Southerners went to room is needed for comfort, shaped at the waist like tailor-made vrnts. Require neither belt nor suspenders to keep them up. Belt loops addc < 1 for Georgia and Robart Thompson spant bat and were retired without a score, convenience. . . . „ the first of tha week viiitlng at the owing to the fast work of their oppon Copper-riveted at all strain points. Plenty of big, roomy pockets. Sewed Al thompsen home while their folks ents, who naled the balls as lest as with special thread, buttons riveted on, and finished so well we are proud they were batted out, regaidleas of of every pair. Sold with our guarantee of were in Boise. how iht-y came- flies or grounders, A New Pair FREE if They Rip Arch Fields left the first of the week it was ell the same to them. Wearers tell us they are the best fitting, strongest and longest wearing for Wyoming on a sheep shearing trip, j When the Northenders went to bat overalls made. Insist on your dealer selling you the Tw o-Horse Brand. Made by Levi Strauss & Co., San Francisco Mrs Murray and daughter who have a hush of expectancy came over the R e lia b le M e r ch a n d is e s in c e 1853 been visiting Mrs Murray’s daughter, fans and a do or-die look waa discern* ; Makers of KouiuUs, Keep Kids Klcan able in the faces o f the players. Te Mrs. H. M. Hammer, for the past week, left Wednesday for their home Aden Wilson belongs the honor of knocking the ball thst won tke game. at Pocatello. With two men eut and one on bate he < '♦ q q a q q a a a a -< ?> »»< fr»»h »t"frì«s~ »»»a a a a a a a a a a a a »«><»*»+*'«'»a»»-»<» Mr. and Mrs. Robert BUiott were lined out a het one that got through in town Sunday from tha Owyhee, hav­ the infield and allowed the runner to talley. , ing brought Miss Edaa Gruber, a sis­ The star player waa 12-year-old ter af Mra Elliott ta the train. Miaa Louie Kambaud, who pulled down two Gruber had been teaching at Seaside long file* out in left field and made one duriag the past year aad was on her of ‘.he six tallies for tha Northenders. Bill Beam was present and rooted im­ way to Bummer normal at Graely, partially for both sides, adding con­ 1 have moved my store and restaurant from the old Colo., and stopped anroute to visit her siderably to the hilarity of the o c ­ stand on north First street known as the O. K. Cafe to the casion sister. La Frena building on Main street. In connection with the rr-x- ■ -i-«- . j ■ ■ 1. —J—— IO B O I ■OBOI Sub': ■’•ioe ïorthe Journal $1,50 per year TRADER V/iLE, OREGON Dealer fer Malheur County Nyssa Realty Co. Their character is the bank’s character. Their reputation fer sagacity, for conserva­ tism. for geed judgment becomes the bank’s reputation. The officers ef this institution fully realize this fast and are determined to guard tke fine reputation whieh the bank has acquired MALHEUR CO. BAN! J. BOYDELL Inud Bonded Raul Estate Broken and General In aurmnt-a. N Y SSA Mrs. Dan Bates and Mr. Ernest Rates of Rigby Id ho, spent tha weak end at tha Baxter home. Mr. and Mrs. Jarman and Mr. and Mrs Baxter aad family spent Sunday at the Arrewrock dam. Hank MeNee and Frank Leuck re­ turned Wednesday from a business and J pleasure trip to Baker City. They j came home by way e f Malheur City and enjoyed a few days fishiag en route. 13 year-old girl wants to assist with housework. Apply Journal office. At the Rebekah lodge meeting lest Friday night Mrs Wm. Beam gave her report from grand lodge. It was one of the best reports that has ever been turned in and the lodge feels When the door bell rang the second doubly repaid for electing Mrs. Beam time Mrs. Jones, thinking that the as its delegate. The ladies being servants had not heard, answered it somewhat expectant of a good report herself. She was surprised and de­ served refreshments of ice cream and lighted to And there her brother whom cake ua a little eurprise for Mrs. Beam ■he had not seen for two years. She j to show their appreciation of her work. threw her arms around his neck and Mr and Mrs Chas. Crawford were was rapturously kissing him when the cook came in'o the hall. Seeing her Payette visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs Tom Coward and Mrs. mistress in the arms of a strange m"n, the oook discretely closed the door and Chas. Crawford and daughters Char lena and Claudina motored to Boisa tiptoed back to the kitchen. A few minuter later Mrs Jones Thursday. went to the kitchen to give instruc The Girla’ Reserve took a hike out tiens for the next meal to the J. T. Long home last Monday “ M ary,'’ she said, “ I want you to I evenin > and were treated to ica ere in kave an unusual y good dinner because my brother is here from the west and caka. They ell had a splendid You did not know who he was when time and seem to be making a g ie it you saw us in the hall, did you?” deal out of their new organisation. “ No, ma’ am,” answered the truth­ Tha Boy Scouts hikad out to the ful Mary, ” but 1 je s ’ ’lowed hit wuz home of Hurschel Thompson on Wed­ yo’ pastor. ” nesday evening. They enjoyed a good lunch and gameB during the evening. Mrs. G. E. Schweizer iz confined to bed thie w ek with u complieatirn of ailment, of which rheumatizm ie the | star performer. McCORMICK - DEERING LINE n u ll, David F. Graham, until recuntly rnnoi >er o f the Pastern Oregon Land ¡ C o ’s interest* in this section, has Tha I. 0, 0. F. lodges of Vale, been appoint- d receiver for the Bank of Nyssa a-d entered upon tke discharge Ontario and Nyssa have formed ef Ids dutiei the first o f the week. a club and will hold picnics dur­ F. L You g is in Portland this week ing the summer months, each attending a Masonic convention. lodge taking its turn in enter­ John Reece started for Southern taining. California Wednesday by auta frr an Last Saturday the three lodges indefinite stay. He will go by way of met at the Vale Park for the Portland. Tha following Nyssa boya rataraad first social affair. A goodly num­ the first of.theweek for the summer ber represented each lodge and vaeation from Corvallii, where they needless to say the day was have been attending O. A. C:: Chas. spent in having a grand time Thompson, Vernon Butler, Jack Bar­ Of course the event could not rett, Clyde Beam and Chas. Nawbill. have been a decided success un­ Mrs. E. B Nedry and two sens of had been Tigard and Mies G. Eva Boydell of less the Rebekahs Albany ara visiting at the J. Boydell asked, and they all came with home. well filled baskets of good things Odd Fellows Picnic RepairsEarlii ( ' »I u ■ OREGON Capital .............. $25.000 00 Surplus.............. H6.000.00 Notice Ta Our Patraas: We have changed our telephone number from 20F2 to 6. Customers when wishing to call us should usk for the new number. We Have Ice Nyssa Packing Co. BURBIDGE ft RAY, Preu.