FOR TRADE SUMMONS 111 Ramsay to th* plaiatiff on th* first day Notice *f Annual School Moat­ of Marsh, 1916, and recorded in Book ing. 7 of Deeds, Dag* 184, in th* offise ef Notice ii hereby give* to the Legal the County Clerk ef Malheur County, Oregon, ao aa to conform to tha in­ voters of Sahool District No $fi, of tention of tha parties thereto by de- Malheur Ceonty, State of Ovegoa, sciibing the property therein conveyed that tha Annual Sahool Masting of sal* District will b* bald at th* *choel a*: Lot 1 of Section 4, Township 21 bouse; to begin at tho hoar of $:$• South, Range 46 E. W. M , and all o'clock P. M. on tha third Monday of lands south of the Owyhee river in the Juno, being tho 18th day of Jan*. A. South half of the Southeast Quarter D. 1923 This meeting is eallsd for the pur­ of Section 33 Township 20 South, Range 46 E W. M , Malheur county, pose of electing 1 director and 1 clerk Oregon, together with an undivided and the transaction of buain*** aaual one-oighth iiterast in the Collins Irri­ at auch meeting. Dated this 31st day *f May, IMS. gation Ditch, lying west and abov* what is known as Collins Atteat: Mrs. H. R Sherwood, Ranch in Section 3, Township ’21 District Clerk South, Range 46 E W. M. E. U. BLODGETT. And for a further order and decree Chairman Board of Directors. of the Court that you and each of you have no claim, right, title, lain or in­ terest in and to said real property or SUMMONS any part thereof, and for a further IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE order and dacre* quieting plaintiff’s STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE title against each and all of you in and COUNTY OF MALEEUE. to said premises, and that each and all of vou be foraver barred and en­ Rosa Jenkins, Plaintiff, vs. Csther-o joined from claiming any right, title, ins Jenkina, Defendant. claim, lien or interest in and to said TO KATHERINE JENKINS, tha above named defendant: real property or any part or parcel IN THE NAME OF THE STATE thereof, and for such other and further relief ae to the Court may seam just OF OREGON, you ar* hereby required to appear and answer th* Coasplaiat and equitable. filed againat you in the above eaMtled This summons is published and suit on or before the expiratien of ti* served upon you under and by virtue weeks from tbe data of th* flrat y*hli- of and pursuant to an order of the cation of this Summons, and la th* Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judg* of event of your failure so to do, fer west the Circuit Court in and for th* thereof, th* plaintiff will apply t* the County aforesaid, which said order was Court for th* relief pr*y*d for in hie made and entered by said Judge of Complaint oa fils herein, tewit: For ■aid Court on the 17th day of May, judgment and daeraa of this Court 1923, and directing that summons here forever dissolving tha bends af matri­ in be published for six successive mony existing between plaintiff sad weeks, including seven publications defendant, and fee sueh other a*d thereof, in th* Gate City Journal, a further relief ae to th* Coarl Buy weekly newspaper published at Nysaa, j seam just and equitabl*. Malheur Countv. State of Oregon, and This summons is published uad*r sad having a general circulation therein, and ordering a copy hereof and a copy by virtue ef an order ef the Hoe. of the complaint duly verified, aa re­ Dalton Biggs. Circuit Jadga, duly made and entered en th* 7th day of quired by law, be forthw-th mailed to Juno, 1921, authorising and directing the defendant. Irvin Coen, at hit last publication of luminous against yeu by known p’ace of residence and post- publication for six consecutive weeks office address. The date of the first and aevan publications in tho Gat* City Journal. publication hereof is the 1st day of R. W. SWAGLES, June, 1923, and the last publication ia Attorney for Plaintiff, residing at On tario, Oragon a the 13th day of of July, 1923. Date of first publication June 8, 192$. I E M. BLODGETT, Date of last publication July 20, 1913 * Attorney for plaintiff, residence and poatoffice address, Nyssa, Oregon. F art roadster body, with extra de­ livery bed, for e Ford touring body. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE G. B Schweiter, Nyeia. Or. STATE OREGON FOR THE COUN­ TY OF MALHEUR. For Sale—Grain binder, McCormick, Henry B. Slippy Plaintiff, vi. Cora nearly lika naw, cheap. A. P. Gibson. B. Coen, and Irwin Coen, Violet Coen and Iva Coen, minor heir* of Laater «irei tes IN TH 1 COUNTY COURT OF THE Coen, deceased, and Marshall H. Dry- FRESH STATE OF OREGON FOR THE den, being one and the same person aa COUNTY OF MALHETR. M. H. Dryden, and Mary B, Bates, In the matter of the e 'ta te of JOHN being one and the same person a* KEMP FRY. deceased Mary B. Dryden, and Mrs Ball Dry­ The undersigned having baan ap den and Ball Bates, a widow. Defen­ pointed by the County Court ef the dants. ./* » !* state of Oregon for the County of To Irvin Coea, one of the above- Malheur executor of the estate of named defendants. John Kemp Fry. deceased, and having IN THE NAME OF THE STATE qualiAed, notice is hereby given to the creuitore of and ail persons having OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com claims againat tha catata of said de­ plaint filed against you in the above ceased to prasant them, duly varili.d, entitled suit on or before the expira­ aa required by law, witnin six months Bible ie the inerrrant Word of God; tion of six weeks from the date of the that Jesus Christ was born ef the vir after the date of the flrat publication service of this summons upon you and g n Mary; that he offered himself as a • f this notice to the said ececutor at if you fail to anssrer for want thereof Publiabed every Friday a t Nysaa, sacrifice to atone for the sine ef his hi* residence near Nysse, Oregon, or the plaintiff abov* named will apply | followers; that he areea from the dead at the omce of E. M. Blodgett in to tha court for the relief prayed for Oregon, by with the same body with which he saf- Nyeea, Malheur County, Oregon. in its complaint on file herein, tewit: FRANKLIN C. FRY. i farad. H. F. BROWN For an order and decree of the above Executor of tha estate of John Kemp ! The Rev. W. P. Merrill ef Brick entitled court correcting and reform­ Fry, deceased Entered at the Postoffiee a t Nyasa, Presbyterian church. New York, end Data of first publication June 16. 1923. ing that certain deed made and exe­ Oregon, aa second-class B ail B a tte r a large numder of other ministers de­ Date of last publication July IS 1923. cuted and delivered by Harriett M. nied point blank the truth of any owe these statements. These doubters ADVERTISING BATES have, as recent event* in other confer­ NOTICE OF BOND SALK VALLEY VIEW DRAINAGE Display advertising......26c per inch ences show, a very large following DISTRICT among the apparently enlightened Readers Sealed proposals will be reoeived by the Board of Supervisors of th* Valley leaderi of all tha large Protestant View Drainage District at thalr office in Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon, First insertion---------- 10c per line bodies. until the hourof2 o’clcokp.m.on Monday, the 2nd day of July, 1923, and imme­ Subsequent insertions.......6c per line Can thase gieat praachera deny the diately thereafter publicaly opened for the purchase of bonds of said District fundamental doetnnaa of Christianity in the sum of $10,000 dated July 1, 1923, in denominations of $500.00 and respectively, and maturing serially as follows: | and consistently call themaalves $100.00 to mature July 1. 1928 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: For $500.00 sach Bond Christians? to mature July 1. 1918 For $100 00 each I Bonds Nos. 2 and 3 One year. In advance....,............$1.50 I Is tha Rev. William P. Meirlll any to mature July 1, 1929 Far $500 00 each Bond No. 4 to mature July 1, 1929 £«« months, in advance........ For $100.00 each Bonds Nos. 5 and 6 mors of a believer than was tha noted to mature July 1, 1930 For $500 00 each Bond No. 7 to mature July 1, 1930 For $109.00 each I Bonds Nes. 8 a ad 9 I ’ infidel Tom Paine? to mature July 1, 1931 For $500 00 each Dees it not appear as if the only Bond No. 10 to mature July 1, 1931 For $180 00 each Bonds Nos. 11 sad 12 bond between manr ef our noted to mature July 1. 1932 For $500.00 each Bood No 13 . Christian!?) loader« and real Chris­ to mature July 1, 1932 For $500 00 each Bonds Nos. 14 and 15 (Contributed) tianity is their connection with e pay to matuie July 1, 1933 For $500.00 each Bonds Nos. 16 and 17 A very pretty home wedding was roll—or can it ba possible that thasa to mature July I, 1934 Fer $500 00 each Bonds Nos. 18 and 19 to mature July 1, 1985 held at 9 o’eloeic Tuesday evening, ao-cailad Christian ministers are the For $600 00 each Bonds Nes. 20 and 21 te mature July 1, 1986 For $500 00 each Bonds Nos. 22 and 28 June 12, 192.% when the marriage ef very people spoken ef in the second to mature July 1, 1937 For $500.60 each Bond No. 24 Lillian Lawrence to Oscar J. Pinkston chapter of Second Theeaaloniane, “ God to mature July 1, 1937 For $100 00 each Bonds Nos. 25 to 28 ine. was solemnized at the heme of the ehall send them strong delusion that to mature July 1. 1938 For $$00.00 each Bond No. 29 groom’s sister, Mrs. W. W. Smith, of they all might be damned who believe to roaturt July 1, 1938 Bonds Nos. 30. 31 and 32 For $100.00 each to maturg July 1, 1939 For $500.00 each Bond No 83 Kingman Kolony. The ceremony was not the truth?" to mature July . 1, 1939 _______ Bond* Nos. 34, 35 and 36 For $100 00 each performed by Rev. Knight of the M. This would aeera like e very desir­ ________ Said bonds ______ to bear _______ interest at Six (6) per cent per annum, payable sem> E. church of Wilder. able subject for the Men’* Bible claae annually oa the first day of July and the 1st day of January, principal and in­ The beautiful ring ceremony was to investigate. Tbe geneoel public terest payable ia United State* Gold Coin at the office of th# County Treas- used While music played softly the would no doubt be quite interested in urer of Malheur County, at Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, or at the fiscal ring was brought in by a little fairy J the result of their study. Without agansy of the State of Oregon in New York City at the option of the holder. Said bids must be accompanied by certified rheck for five (S) per eent of th# in pink and white in the heart of a doubt the Gate City Journal weald he amount thereof, the asm# to be forfeited to the Dietrict as liquidated damages Notice of Hearing of Final Re­ Hama Remedies large flower. in event tbe successful bidder fails to pay for said bends within ten (10) days port. pleased to give publicity to the result Pure Extract *f Spieee after the award. Said bids to bo made subject to the legality of said issue. The bride was loysly beyond words. of their deliberations. Baid bonds to bo certified by the Irrigation Securtisa Commissi, n of th# Toilet ArtM** She wore a bridal dress of white crepe FUNDAMENTALIST. State of Oregon, and said sal* to be subject to such certification. Th# Board IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Veterinary Remedies de ohine trimmed with beautiful pearls reserves the right to reject any and all bids. . Poultry Compounds STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE while roees of rare color nestled in her By order of th* Beard of Supervisors of tks Valley View Drainage District. COUNTY OF MALHEUR. dark hair. Dated the 15th day of May, 1923. For Sale—Two young eowa with --------------- SOLD BY ___________ PEARL CRANE, Secretary. The ceremony was performed under calves. Holetain $50, Jersey 86$. Ap- In the Matter of the Estate of Date of first publication June 1, 1923 a large arch of June roses and trailing ply Journal office al once l t Pete of last publication June 29, 1922 Ernest A. Atwood, Deceased. vines, while the rooms were tastely Notice ia hereby given that the un­ - NYSSA, OE. decorated in pink and white The dersigned, Myron A. Patch, adminis­ STAR HOTEL wedding party consisted of those near trator with th* will annexed of the Prompt attention given to mail of kin. Rev. Knight, Rev. and Mrs. orders. Estate of Ernest A. Atwcod, deceased, Williams, W, H. Pinkston and family, has filed in this court and cause hie Mr. MaGinnis and family, Mrs. J, S. final report and account, and that the Pinksten, Mr. Alvin McGinnis and Court has set Monday, the 18th day of family, Mr W. W. Smith and family, June, 1928, at th* hour of 11 Cleadis Lawrence, Arehie and Perry o'clock a. m. at the County 15115381 Cantrell, Orville Kelso. Mr. Claude Court room in the County Court Smith and family and Marie Wilsen. house at Vale, Malheur County, Dainty refreshments were served of Oregon, ae the time and place at ioe cream and cake by the hostess, which said final report will be heard, -A T- Mrs. W. W. Smith and any parties or persons interested Lillian is one of our best and moBt in said Estate may, on or before said highly rsspestad ladies of tbe com­ date, file any objections in writing to munity. She formerly t i n e from ! th* allowance ef said final report and •bio. Mr. Pinkston is one of our best account. liked men and is very active in relig-1 Dated this 16th day of May, 192$. ous and seeial work. He is industrious MYRON A. PATCH. Eight Acres of Shade, end steady and is a favorite among his Administrator with the Will annexed Sport*, Masic Refreshments aad many friands. Thsy will make their of th* Estate of Ernest A, Atwood, home on thek fa-m in the Oregon Dancing. deceased. Trail district. They have the good Date of first publication May 18, 1923. Corns and Spend a Cool Fourth wishes of all those who know them. Date of last publication June 16, 1928. factory 24 GATE CITY JOURNAL Wedding Bells McConnon’s Product* J. H. HUNTER Fourth of July Big Bend Park May your naarriod lit* ba sunshine That grows brighter day by day. May bluebirds ever float o’ar you And lillias and pinks strsw your way. Mrs. J. W. Wills is visiting in On­ tario at the home of Mrs. O. D, Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Thompson were Boise visitors the fore part of th* week. I will do eaponising at 10c a tasad. Guarantee not to loso over 5 per cent. m26 Geo. Goodrich. It only remain« for some scientist to prov* that apes held non-stop dancing contests to aottlo the question defi­ nitely in favor of evelutioa.—Nashville Bannuer. >‘ f *’ * -------------- Ths crime of those Chinos* bandits ia atrocious. Now if they had only permitted ui to namo ths candidates for seizure, things might have been different. — Boston Shoe and Leather Reporter. WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN? The rocunt General Assembly of the Preebyteriau Church in Amuriea re- a E ru n l as essential truths that "tha See McFaU and see bettor. Dr. J. A . McFall We have advertising space for sale GATE CITY JOURNAL Eyesight Specialist Ontario - Oreg oa Wa grind oar owa Phone 14 T J t Flies are getting very bad. We have the KNOCKER Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. ' NYSSA ORBOON. i