Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1923)
m a i ■as The Stubs of Your Check Book Tell a Story LOCAL NEWS IN BFi^! »♦♦♦♦♦♦eeeeeeeeseesesees» e see s seeeeseee«*»»»»»* The »tub* of y e ar check book tell e eto ry . T hey tell w here your money w e n t—w h eth er it wee sp e n t wisely for needful th ie f s or w asted fo r luxuries. Eech one form s e little c h e p te r in th e record of your effeirs. You oen tre e s yeur p ro g ress in the story they tell. De you reelise the vslue of s check book which gives you e p e rm a nent reckord of ell bills psidT I t encourages e m ethodical handling of your effeirs end lesds th e wey to sucsess. H ave YOU e checking account here? BANK OF NYSSA D. Tensen, Vice President M. Walten, President, F. E. Young, Asst. Cashier. Frank D. Hall, Cashier, ♦♦♦eeeeee»eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee»ee»»e»»»»4H »< M r. Je w # Thompson and d a u g h te r G eorgia w are O ntario visitor* S a tu r day. Mrs W arrsn Fenn of Owyheu sp en t the u-eek in N y sia visiting friends and relativ es. Mr. and Mrs. C harles Schw aiaer and d a u g h te r Della sp e n t th e w eek end a t tha home of G. E Sehw eizer. Mrs. Chas. M cCsansll w as a Boiao v isiter W ednesday. While w restlin g w ith the yo u n g sters a t the Boy Scout m eeting Tuesday eve- lug H enry McNee had the m lafortun* to break his shoulder blade. A rth u r Cook and F ra n k L euck le ft T hursday m orning fo r Hub W altese cam p a t S te in ’s m ountain. Mr. Leuek will rem ain th e re fo r th e S im m er a id A rth u r will re tu rn to N ysea Sunday. Mrs. S a ra h W hipple re tu rn e d the first of the week from W ilder, w here she v isited friends fo r se v e ra l days. L ost—P a ir ladies kid glove:», please leave a t Jo u rn al ,-tfice Mr. and Mrs. Seym o-i- Ross and fam ily sp en t Sundav a t the Ch irley C raw ford home. Elm ore M cLellan has ra tu rn e d froi P ortland, w hare he has been w orking for the p ast year, and expects to m ake hie fu tu re home in our city, being con vinced th a t the coming y ears are to bring g ra a t prosperity to Snake river valley. F ra a k L aaek has mevad from the D eBeer place in th e north p a rt of tow n to tee H illier property, which he purchased, oppeeit* the M alheur Coun ty Bank. Subscribe for the Journal $1.50 per year A buainaaa change occurred in town th is week when th e Golden W est C ream ery, which ha* been under the m anagem ent of Mr. and Mrs, Daley, waa ta b s« e v er by tha N yssa Packing Co. Mrs D aley’s h ealth of la te has been such th a t a change of clim ate be M r. and Mrs. J e s t* and Mr. and cam e necessary. Mrs. C harley T hem pson m otored to Miss M aiie H eps, th ird g rade teach N em pa Sunday and sp en t th e day via er, sp e n t the w eek end visiting tela iting C harley S o s se tt and family. Sivea in Vale. Cook Bros, have sold th e blacksm ith p a rt *f th e ir g a ra g e to Mr. C lark. Mrs, E lm e r Col* and little d a u g h te r * f P a y e tte visited a t the J . W. W illi U.B.Thrifty says hom e W ednesday. Mr. aad Mrs. H enry O s s ip and Mr. and Mrs. W alter Fields *f B aker mo tored te N ysea and sp e n t Sunday w ith th aii cousin, H enry Fields. HAT m eans that the repairs having this trade mark wvre made in the factory where th e original m achine cam e from. It also means that these repair parts were made by the same ■workmen wKo made similar parts for new machines and that th/ey are made of the same materials. G enuine I H C Repairs fit closer, wear better and last longer than “ Will-Fit” or “Made-For” substi tutes. A m achine that is part genuine and part im itation is a hybrid, a mongrel. Come to us and get genuine I H C repairs, and you will also get th e McCormick-Deering repair service, which is worth while. T Even the beston p a th s have holes th a t men fall into some tim es. Many fo rtu n es have been lost through th e p itfa lls a t speculation. Because the prospect 0/ easy money invariably g a th e rs its toll from the credulous investors In v est your meney s a fe ly — rem em ber th a t concerns th a t offer you sp ectacu lar re tu rn s cannot be finan cially sound. Eder Hdwe. Company McCORMICK • DEERING LINE e This bank ean a fte r you aefe and Sana inv estm en ts. MALHEUR GO. BANK j ft I Capital Surplus «I P rices Reduced! Beginning Monday we have reduces in most lines of Shoe Repair Work, also price of harness, leather and mending If you have a pair af shoes that don’t fit bring them to us and we will sell them for you on commission. Your P a tro u a fe Solicited $ 26.600 00 $ 26 , 000.00 Coming to Baker Dr. Mellenthin Specialist in in te rn a l Medicine fo r the p a st 12 years. Larkin Bros. OREGON NYSSA OB DOES NOT OPERATE 3 1 0 (3 0 1 will be a t GEISER GRAND HOTEL aoaoc SU N R A Y S E R V IC E S. 10 .... 11 „. 6:46 _ 7:46 SU N D A Y : S C H O O L ------ --------------------------------- M O R N IN « SE R M O N ------------------------------------ YO UNG P E O P L E ’S M E E T I N G --------------------- E V B N Ib fG S E R M O N ----- -------------------------------- A. A. P. P. M. M M. M. W E E K D A Y M E E T IN G S. __________ _ W ednesday, 7:46 P . M. O P E N P O R U M M E E T IN G ____ _ ____ ____ T u esday, 7:46 P . M. C H O I’/t P R A C T IC E _______ C H IL D R E N ’S SO C IA L , F i r s t S a tu rd a y A fte rn e o n of E ach M onth J U N I O R SO C IA L , T h irt F rid a y E v en in g of E ach Month. YOlfNG P E O P L E ’S SO C IA L , Second F rid a y E vening of E ach Mo. C O M M U N IT Y D IN N E R A N D SO CIA L, L a st M onday E vening of / H a d i M onth. Thursday and Friday May 17th and 18tk Office heura -10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mrs. Reese, first g rid e teacher, apedt S atu rd ay and Sunday in O ntario visiting relativ es. A p a rty o f p iscato rial a rtis ts jo u r neyed to the W arm Spring dam last Sunday fa r th e purpose of capturing the law ful lim it of the finny beauties for which th a t body of w a te r is fa mous. U n fs rtn n a te ly when they s r rived they found a big anew storm in progress, w ith a te m p e ra tu re near zero U nder the circum stances the trip was a com parative fa ilu re from tha fishing sta n d p o in t but th e boys look for b e tte r luck n e x t tim e. The p»r*y included Sid B urbidge, B arney Wilson, Bob Clossen and M arlin Wil •on. I The Lion and the Mouse °7.ff.™. - r.. ....i mooning. SYNOPSIS A ct I. — R ereption room in m ore’s c o tta g e in a sm all Long village A ct I I ,—In n e r p riv ate library R yder m ansion on F ifth avenue. (L apse of six w eeks). A ct II I —Sam e a s a c t 2. (L apse of tw o m onths) A ct IV —S h irley 's euite in the establishm ent. (The n e x t m orning) Tim e The present. Mr. and M rs. Will McKenzie of Portland a re visiting frien d s in N yssa th is w eek Mr. and Mr». C harley C raw ford and fam ily w ere O ntario v isitors S aturday. Mrs. F ran k Stubbs and Mrs. Marl Newton w ent to P a y e tte T bareday to a tte n d the Idaho R ebakah convention t ie r e . They will re tu rn by O ntario and ta k e in the trac k m eet th ere to day. Mrs. F red M arshall waa an O ntario visitor S a tu rd ay . ■ ra . Reynolds sp e n t th e visiting friends a t Nam pa. weak end waa not J n a t plain moon. R essm ere—I don’t understand. Roae- S to tt—N eith er de I. I ’m nor la w Island yer and my- instructions a re te mind my own business. in the NOTICE Mv w ife, Mr*. Avis having le ft my room and R yder not be responsible for may contract. SH ERRY A. Johnson» board, 1 wil any bills she JO H N SO N . CAST OF CHARACTERS For Sale — 400 bushels barley. Joe The c h a ra c te rs a re named in the or Stans. mSOtf d e r In which they first appear. For S ale—One au tom atic w asher and E udoxta________ Mrs. M attie McLellan Ja n e D u ttls e _________Mrs. Frank Hall one W hite sew ing m achine. Hnquiro m 28tf Mrs. R ossm ore______ Mrs J . Flem ing a t Jo u rn a l office. Miss H a ll__________ Miss Bliss C a rte r | L ost—A 30x31 Pennsylvanie vacuum Judge Roa m ore________ R obert L ong' cup. F inder re tu rn to this off!** and Ex Ju d g e S t o t t ________ Mr. J. B ax ter \ receive rew ard. a! E x p re s s m a n ______________________ For S ale—Thoroughbred Buff Or Shirley (the m an se)______________ pington ogga for hatching. $1 for ___________ Miss Louise Kennedy J t fferaon R y d e r____ ..C la ir Peppenl so ttin g of 16 eggs. Mrs. F rank Leuck Hen. F itiro y B a g le y ..F ra n k R eberger To L e t—2 acre* of onions, goad J o r k i n s ________________ R obert l.oeg stand. Inquire nt Journal office. m4 S en ato r R o b e rts _______Mr. J . B a x te r K ate R o b erta_______ Mias Bliss C a rte r Young pig* for «alo. J . C. Beam. 2t Mrs. John B a rk e tt R yder.......... .. ......................... Mrs. F ran k Nall John B n rk a tt R yder (the lion)____ N O T IC I FO R PU BLICA TIO N ............... J . J Flem ing Mrs. J . W. Wills w en t t* P a y e tte last Sunday and rem ained ev er till the middle of the week in order to tak e in the apple blossom festival which was Extracts from the Play The held th e re T uesday. 9he reports a Lion and the Mouse” glorious tim e w ith a speech by Gov. Moore, tw o b rass bands, gipsy fortune Which will be given a t the Llb< rty tellers, Maypole dance* and o th er a t T h ea te r F riday evening. May 11, 1923, by the N yssa D ram atic Club: trac tio n s teo num erous te m ention, Rev. D u tle —M rs. Rosi-more, the SSSmndg* pots have been k e p t burning fact ia wa a ra giving a festival next a t th e Idanha orchard fo r th a last week; a fe stiv a l w ith stra w b errie s. th ree nights. The th erm o m eter drop Mrs Roeemor* S traw beries, a t thia ped as lew as 23. tim e of year. J a n e -C a n n e d . H enry Fields, Dewsw Hoxie and Clift Tillman re tu rn e d W ednesday from Jo rd an Valley, w here they had S to tt—You ju s t retu rn ed from Eu been hauling ore from the m ines above rope Did you have a p leasant trip? Jordan to Hom edala fo r tbe F lin t Min Jefferson D e lightful; moon all the la g Co »ay over. S to tt—Oh! Mooning all the way D ep artm en t of the Interior, U. S . Land Offieo a t Valo. Or#., April lfi, 1923. N otice is herahy given th a t John H. W olf of N yssa, O regon, who. on J a n e 22, 1908, m ade desert land e n try Ne. 0817, fo r N E l Seetioa 29. Township 20 S., R ang* 46 E ast W illam ette Merid ian. baa filed notice of intention te m ake final proof under the third p a ra g ra p h of a c t of March 4. 1915, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before R e g iste r and Receiver U. 8 . Land Office, a t Vnlv, Oregon, on the 23rd day of May, 1923. C laim ant nam es as w itnerae : W. L. Glenn, Mra. W. L. Glenn, Chas Bradley, Mrs. Chas. Bradley, all of N yssa, Oregon. Gee. W. M eKnight, a20-ral8 R egister. Surprise Party Several of Ada B layleck’s friends surprised her last S a tard a y . April 26, on h e r 12th birthday ann iv ersary . They all brought well filled basket« of good tilings to e a t and sp en t th e afternoon very happily playing gam es. TWO DAYS ONLY How About It, Sid? Mr. and Mra. Hxrold Hill m otored to No Charge for Consultation Nysea Sunday and visited a t the home of Mr. a a i Mrs. Sidney B urbidge.— Dr. M ellenthin i t a re g u la r graduate in m- dicin and su rg ery and n lieer.atd Vale E nterprise. ny the s ta te f Oregon. He vieita professionally tha m ore im Shut Up Your Chickens. p o rta n t tow ns aad eities and offiera to all who call on this trip fre e censulta Chicken owners a re rnm jnded th a t lion, e x ce p t the expense of tre a tm e n t th e re is a city ordinance against when desired. chickens ruening a t large and will hr A ccord'ng te bis m ethod of treat- m ent he does not o p e rate for chronic strictly enforced. A t this season of appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of the y ear when garden* are bein* planted one old ben and a bunch o » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ stom arh, tonsils or odenoids. H a has te hie c red it w onderful re chickens ta n do a lot of dam age. This suits in disease* of th e stom ach, liver, is a good tim e te m ake a personal ap bowels, blood, skin, n erv es h e art, kid ney bladder, bed w etting, c atarrh , plication of tbe Golden Rale. weak lungs, rheum atism , seiatica, leg ulcers and re etal ailm ents. If yon have been ailing for any length of tim e and do dot g et any b e t te r, do not fail to call, a t improper On Sunday m orning. May 6, 1923, m easures ra th e r th a n disease are very t 11 a. m , Archdeacon Goldie will General In o ften th e cause of vour long standing a hold m erm ag service w ith serm on, in trouble. R em em ber above data, th a t consulta the Parish Hall, N yssa. Roly Cem tion on thia trip will bo frao and that ■nnlon im m ediately follow ing the rag hia tre a tm e n t is different. alar service. A cordial invitation i* M arried women m u tt be accompan extended to all; m em bers *f eth er de led by th e ir husband». nomina'ion* moat bonrtily weltom o. A ddress: S3« Boston Block, Minna ST. P A U L ’S P A R ISH . spelts, Minn. Nyssa Community Church J. J. Fleming, Niu.ster. [•■ * B E = a O I > «»Q « * « • » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • < M Nyssa Realty Co. Episcopal Church Nuticc J. BOYDELL Licensed and Bonded Reni Estate Brokeia and murarne. I NYSSA OREGON with its record of turning out its millienth car in March, 192$, tha public ia taking no chance of being dissatisfied whan it buya a BUI _ K. LIGHT DELIVERY BUICK FOURS BUICK SIXES Fire Madala Nix Madela Niaa Modela EASTERN OREGON AUTO COMPANY Dualur fo r M alheur County V ^ L E , OREGON See McPall and see better. Dr. J. A. McFall Eyesight Specialist Ontario - Oregoa. We grind our own lenses Phone 147 J