50 ioc T* kn*w how — 4 • cl#*rottw roally «a n la* m a d y you must try a- GOOD CIGARETTES GENUINE “BULL” DURHAM TOBACCO Apoatrlic days, and shows CATE CITY JOURNAL they were unanimous in •w ry F rid a y •t Nyasa, Oregon, by H. r . BROWN E nterad a t the Peetofflee a t N yaaa, O n m n . aa second-olaaa B ail B a tte r ADVERTISING EATER Dfcariay a d v artia iag ......Me per inch that con­ demning the practice of usury Mr. Fenton writes with force and olearness and when he gets through you know whether he believes in usury or not, which in itself is a virtue of ns small merit in these days of hypocracy and camouflage. We have room for only a few extracts which show the trend of the article: Raedera “ sonne of man (saithG od to Ezekiel) line they come onto you as people ueeth to line come, and my people l i t before thee, end hear thy words, but they will not doe them ; for th eir h e a rt goeth a fte r SUBSCRIPTION RATBS: couvatouesnesse . . . The gaine of One year, la a d ra n te ....»1.60 usoria is a sw eet gaine w ithout labour. vèr months. In advaae ........T» * ‘ ’ U surie, overplus for any loane soever, is an im piety. I t is an ANENT USURY ungodly gaine. I t is an unjust gaine. I t raceiveth gaine w ithout labour; The Journal has recently dis­ cleare gaine w ithout coat. I t is not cussed st some length the ques­ w ithin the law h f God or a a tu re It tion of usury (interest), both ia and ever hath been of ill report; editorially and in the Open and th ere fo re among C hristians un- . . C haritie, justice, Forum, endeavoring to show that 1*wful- pietie. N a tu re h erself; the law s of God the Bible was opposed to It. and of m en; all a u th o rise a n cien t and Our views on the subject have m oderns, joyning th eir forces against recently received strong endorse- the usurer, hew can bee stand, envi- ■ e s t from S totally unexpected roned with such a cloud of witnaBsas; source. In the current issue Of or j* " ti,ie hiB conscience a g a in st the . Look« into the the Dearborn Independent, pub- d*J of trUll? prophete, and they e v er combine thie lished by Henry Ford, is an ar­ ainne of usurie w ith the transgressions ticle written by Roger Fenten, of the m orall law in th e h ig h est de­ a bachelor of divinity, at London gree, w ith lying, backbiting, deceit, in the year 1611, a little over 800 wrong, b riberie; Psalm 16; W ith years ago. The article shows idolatrie.oppression, nduletrie, e.-ueltie, unm ereifulneeae to the poore, blood­ that the custom of charging in­ shed and m urder. Ezek. 18, W ith terest for loans was not consid­ th e profanation of b o l; things, with ered as a matter e f Course in th« abom ination of ancleanneas, with in sertio n ------------ lac por Subsequent inaortioao ........(e pei E ira t those days, as it Is today, gnd th* unBBturBt“e,B oi ineeBt; Kzek- 22- was quite generally condemned U‘uri,> “ ith Saint Baail’ ia *lac*‘i h u I k , „1 _____ „ „ , am ong the g re a te s t abom inations, el by the clergy Rev. Fento. also o f t r a “ Kr. . . i o n . of the Moral! quotes from the early Christiaa ) • « . , . . U surie is absolutely for F*thir6, immediately following bidden w ithout re a p e d of pereone. Though the poor eoly w ere mentiooeu in the first, becaese n o te b e t they did then borrow , n o tw ithstanding this in­ te n t of tbe lew is to be extended, even aa usurie iteelf shall extend to all p e r­ sons w hatsoever. . . Personal difference cannot distinguish law ful and unlaw ful usurie. I t was not in tbe m eaning of God in his law to m ake . . personal lim itation of lend ing to tbe poore only, seeiag th a t by this kind e f loans even to the rich there m ay be biting and oppression ia g re a t m easure. Just a few days ago we were discussing the question of usury with a prominent member of the Adventist church and he took the position that the Bible con­ demned the taking of usury only from the poor, claiming that it was right and according to the Bible to take usury from all oth­ ers. As will bo noted, the last quotation completely refutes this contention. Following sro some quotations from the early Chris­ tian fathers: te s te b ls a thing it ia to give monsy ap oa usurio, bow odious, bow exocrable, 1 soppoea the U eurere them selvea are not ignorant. . . . I f thou leoke to receive anything m ore th an thou gaveat, th ru a r t an U aurer, and th e re ­ in te be condemned. ” H it flnall sen­ tence is, “ T h at U surers belong not te tb e Chureb of God.“ So fa r were these holy end learned F ather* from m oderation or qualifying this practice of ueurie. th a t w hensoever any of them doe m eets w ith it, they sharpen th e ir pens as il th e ir spirits were meved aad stirred in them m ere than ordinarie. Verely they discerned seme m alignant and venom full quelitie ia usurie which opposed iteelfe to th a t ■pirit by which they w rote Open Forum E ditor Journal - -As this seem s to be » M V M VH th e open season for Bible discussion and inquiry, I would like to m ake a few rem arks upon the su b je ct in the hope th a t I may be able to abed a Says Mr Fenton: L e t us tak e ce u a - little lig h t on some d a rk pieces. A fte r thoueendsof y ears o f quarrel sell of the an cien t and holy F a th ers of the Church. The way o f these a n ­ ing and fighting, o ften attended by cients, next to the A postles, was tha bioodabed, and alw ays attended by eld way sad no doubt th e good way. h a tre d s and enm ities, the Bible still We think our selves w iser than they; «tends aa the g re a te s t dividing force but Im euro they had m ore religion in C hristendom than we Of thie new learning for This is tru e not only in religious m at- the defence of usurie, I confess they ts rs . but in personal and political a f w ere a lto g e th e r ignorant. Though fairs also, on account of the various th ey w ere fa th e rs, y e t cencerniag sects insisting on injecting their re naughtiaesse they w ere children, as ligieua opinions and beliefs into every the A postles wished them to be, I kind of public and personal question Gor. 14:20. The ancien t E atbers w hether it has anything to do w ith re­ never m entioning usurie, but ligion or not condem ning o f it w ith so m any invect­ W hile this condition obtains strife ia ives as would fill a whole v o la a e e f inevitable, for the reason th a t no two them selves. We find not any of them sects can egee on w hat the Bible does w rite th of it, b a t w rite th again«! it, teach oh any given subject. The Bible w ithout any m incing o r qualifying of app aren tly teaches w hatever yon w ant the m a tte r S aith Basil, “ sell any­ to believe. Tha law o f th e land al thing bnt th in e libertio. W orthily is lewa one to believe anyth in g or n o th ­ usurie term ed TOKOS, t e r it breedeth ing. but the sectarian, in spite of a l‘ and b rin g etb so m any m ischiefs one the leesona of the p a st, still o bjects to on th e necks of another; aa u n natural his neighbor ex ercising th a t right. brood, like tbo g eneration of vipers, Does not the Bible plainly teach the , OREGON, NYSSA ¡ja dtute*« which e a te tk through the e n tra ils o f divine rig h t of kings? I t surely does the m other ’’ See w het 3. Chrisostom and th erefo re the founders of this re ­ thought. T hey w ere very charitable public w ere acting in defiance o f the U surera b his tim e; for th e ir ord iasrie Rible when they w rote th e Declaration over religious questions if they real- dered, adjudged and decreed th a t the excuse was. I have tak e n usorie, but of Indepe dence. This action was the ized th a t all the d iv erg e n t beliefs of defendant, Jacob Huffm an, have and 1 have given to the poore. B at God, cause of m uch religious acrim ony at the different se c ts are foanded on th e recover off and from tha D efendants saith Chrysostom «, ia n e t delighted th a t ¡time, both sides to the contro­ Bible, and th a t, contradictory as they Tillman A. Huffman and Elroy Huff­ w ith sueh sacrifices; thou kadst b e tte r versy quoting sc rip tu re liberally. This are, th ey can be, and are, all proved man, the sum of $7900, to g eth e r with in te re s t thereon a t the ra te of 7 per not give a t all th an give such alma. tam e doctrine used as it w as by the from the sam e book. cen t per annum from the 19th day of 3. Am brose aaith, T here ie nothing n reachers of G erm any to upheld the C IT IZ E N . D ecem ber, 1918, until paid, and for tb e more horrible th an an U su rer Ter- kaiser in bis m onstrous claim s, made fu rth e r Bum of $650 00 as atto rn ey tullian doth touch ueurie b u t to re je c t the late world w ar possible. fees and for his costs and disburse­ it; L actan tm a saith . It e o rru p te th The Bible teachvS slavery, and out COMMUNITY CHURCH m ents herein. the benefit of a loane. If wee desire of th a t a n o th er fight arose which final NOTES S. A ugustine his ju d g m en t fa r thie ly oeluged our country in tbe blood of And it was fu rth e r considered, or­ Services as usual Sunday, beginning dered, adjudged nd decreed t k s t De­ point, hee ia ao confident th a t he ap- its own sons. pealoth to the U eurere them selves, The Bible teachas predestination in w ith Sunday school a t 10:00 o ’slock. A fendant*, B arney and E C. Wilson, who practiced ia his d a ie i: “ Hew de- words as plain aa man may o tte r, yet class for everybody and everybody in a have and recover off and from Defend­ millions e f aecttrlons deny i t and class is our m otto. ants, Elroy and In g er E. Huffm an, the Preaching service a t 11:00 o ’clock; •qaabbla a b e n t predestination and free sum e f $3470.$$ D ollars, to g eth e r with subject, “ F ig h tin g the S ta re ” will, which is al-o plainly ta u g h t. in te re s t thereon a t the ra te of 10 per Young People’s m eeting a t 6:45 in The Bible allows th e tem p e ra te use cen t per annum from the 30th day of of wine, y e t see the turm oil which re­ tbe evening. Rev. Flem ing will be N ovem ber until paid, and the fu rth e r sults from the denial of th a t fa c t by the le a d e r. E veryone is urged to a t­ sum of $275,00 as A tte rn e y fees, aad tend, as p lan t for th e sum m er will be many of th e churches. for th eir re s ts end disbursem ents hero- Tha Bible forbids usury, y e t those discussed. in, which judgm ents w ere enrolled and Preaehiog a t 7:46 p. m. S ubject ef docketed la the C lerk ’s office of said religionists who are in a petition te the evening discourse will be "T h e practice it will not adm it th e fact, C ourt in said County en th e 22nd day L e t's give th e p a s te r a a f M arch, 1923. while those who a re oppressed by it C risis.” wonder why the churebea a re not as royal w alrom e hem e a fte r his two T herefore N etioe Is H ereby Given, valiant ia a tta c k in g th a t iaiqnity as w eeks absence by a fall house a t all T hat 1 will on the 12th day of May, services Sunday. they a re in lam b astin g some o th ers of 1923, a t the hour of 11.60 o ’aleck in very m iner im portance. the forenoon of said day, a t the N orth The se c ta ria n s fight bravely on the Sunday, May IS, is M others’ Day. Main en tra n ce door of tha C ourt House, question of w h e th er S aturday or Sun­ Special services both m orning and e v e­ a t Vale, in said County and S ta te , toll day is the rig h t day to ebserve, when, ning. In the evening a pagnant, a t public auction to th* highest bidder aa a m a tte r e f fa c t, according to the ‘Mother, Hem e and H a av e n ,” will be or bidders for cash, the following de­ New T estam en t, both sidee have very given. R em em ber m other and Moth scribed real property tew it: questionable ease*. See Rom. 14:6, e re' Day if she ia f a r aw ay. W rite L ot (4) aad SE iSW * and SW iB E J of Gal. 4 6-11. her a nice long le tte r; if she is w ith Sec. (7); and Lot (1) and N E}NW J e f The ehurchea fight ever the am use­ you *r n ear you ram em bar her w ith Sdc. (181, all in Twp. (21) south. Rang« m ent e f dancing, and both prove, to sem e token nf your love and esteem . ¡46) E. W . M, all in M alhaur County, th eir own aatisfaetion ai least, th a t the If m other is " o v e r th e re ’ w aiting and Oregon. Bible ie on th e ir own side. w atching for you honor her m em ory Th« above real p ro p e rty w ith its The churches quarrel about S atan, in some fittin g way. T here will be a a ppurtanaaces taken and levied upon some claim ing him to be a genuine c arnation for all the m other! a t the aa the property of the said D efendants, person, and e th e rs denying it. B eth M other«’ Day program Tillman A. Huffman, Rlroy Huffman, g at th e ir proof from the Bible. In g er E. Huffman, Ja c o b H uffm aa, Some prove by the Bible th a t the U ntil a m ark e t change, wt offer 50c B arney W ilton and E. C. Wilson, by kingdom i* w ithin you, o th ers prove for b u tte r fa t, $8.00 per cace for eggs, "irtu o of a m ortgage given thereon by th a t it is som ething to be estahhehed o. b. La G rande, Oregon. Union the above named D efendants, or as in th e fu tu re. C ream ery Co., sueeeseora te Cemmer- much th ere o f as may be necessary to Seme show from the Bible th a t man ial Cream ery Compon y. satisfy said ju d g m e n t in favor of tbo is an im m ortal being: othera from the Bank of N yssa, Jacob H uffm an, B ar­ sam e source th a t he is exactly the W anted—Second hand lawn mow ney Wilson and E. C. W ilson, to g e th e r in good order, not above $8. j opposite. w ith all coats aad d isb a rsa m e ats th a t Some prove the theory of a re su r­ Minech, Nyasa. O r. mSOtf have or m ay accrue. rection from the dead. O thers show D ated this 10th day of April, 192$, a t passages to prove th a t the dead are in NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Vale, Oregon, heaven already. IN FORECLOSURE H. L E E N O E, Sheriff. Soma behove the Bible stories BY V IR T U E OF AN EX ECUTION D ate of first Pub. April 18, 1923. regarding w ithes and some explain IN FO R EC LO SU R E duly lim e d by D ate of la st Pub. May 11, 1923. them away. D ate e f Sale May 12, 19*3. Sem e believe the e a rth is te be de­ the Clerk e f the C ireuit C ourt e f the stroyed and other* believe it is to abide S ta te e f Oregon for the County of forever, and each side proves its case M alheur, dated th a 9th day a f April, 192S,ia a certain suit in tha said Circuit from the Bible. We could continue on this line in- C ourt for tha aaid S ta te and County, dcfinttely, but w het would be the use? w herein the Bank of Nyasa, a corpora­ Heme Remedies W hat we w e n t te know ia — can thee* tion, was plaintiff, and Tillm an A, Pure E x tra c t of »piece Huffm an, E lrey Butfm au, Inger E. varying view* be herm oniaed? I f they Toilet A rticles can we woeld like to have somebody Huffm an, Jacob Huffm an, Barnap Wil V eterinary Remedies ton and E. C. Wilson w ere D efendant* «•m e forw ard and do it. Poultry Compounds Bnt, if th ey are ao esaentially con­ and tha Bank a f N yssa as Plaintiff re ­ covered judgm ent a g ain st Tillman A. tradictory t h a t they c a n c e l be shown SOLD BY to have any ag reem en t then le t e v ery ­ Huffm an and E lrey Huffman for the body, preacher* and ell, acknowledge sum of 1(000, to g eth e r w ith in te re st the fact. T here would th en be no thereon a t the ra te e f 10 per cent per need of factional strife for the purpose annum from the <0 day e f Novem ber, e f proving som ething th a t cannot be 1M0. And th e fu ith e r sum of 1450.00 aa atto rn ey fees aad fa r ita ceete and star b o t h . . NYSSA. 0» proven. People w eald net be Inclined te divide disbursem ent« herein, taxed a t $66 70 Prompt attention given to mail And it was fu rth e r eoneidered, *r them selves into bestile tam p s te t g h t order*. This Is the Time of Year for Chick Feeds We Have Them Nyssa Grain Seed Co. “THE LION the MOUSE” at Liberty Theater Friday, May 11th 8 P. M. Act I. Reception room in Rosemore’s cot­ tage in a small Long Island village. Act II. Inner private library in the Ryder mansion on Fifth avenue. L ap se of eix weeks Act III. Same as act 2. Lapse of two Months McConnou’s Products Act IV. Shirley’s suite in the Ryder estab­ lishment. The next morning Time—The present. ADMISSION—Adults, 50c - Children, 35c J- H. HUNTER