Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1923)
THE “ PLACE” TO LIVE LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF J Tha only “ place’ ' to live happily is inside your income. Not until you have lived for a time outside your income do you fully realize this truth. pateos f < j Mr and Mrs. Claud Willaon and aon BANK OF NYSSA T ri spent Easter Sunday visiting friends I in Beise. D. Tensen, Vice President. F. E. Young, Asst. Cashier. S. f . Foster of Baker ia a business visitor in Nyssa thia weok. John Cancelmo ia making extensive | improvements to hia residence at the |ldanha ere hi rd. A. R. McCarty is in ; charge o f the work and is ably assisted , by Tom Edwards. if! Mr. and Mra. C. L. Nampa Lunday. Spring Suits j We have just received direct from New York very attractive models in Young Men’s and Men’s SPRING CLOTHING. The price if from Its all right to build air castles but keep your foundations on the ground OUR BANK is financially a strong institution that will be glad to render you every service cousiatont with good banking. The Easter« Star Kensington will meet Wednesday. April 11, in the Odd Fallows’ hall, with Mrs. Harry Gosh-' ert and Mra. H. Diven as hostesies. All Star members are invited to come. We are naturally interested in YOU as an interprisiag oitisan, bo- cause you as an individual have vour share in making this a prosperous community. C. P. Lackey has bought a home in . Ontario and expects to open a shoe j shop there in the near future. , Mr and Mrs. Fiank Hall spent Easter Sunday in Boise. Florence McDonald visited friends in I Ontario Thursday. Mrs. S. Ehrgcfcd, returned Monday from Boise, where she has been visit ing the past two weeks. Tom Sippy was a business visitor in Boise Thursday. Mrs. Grace Ernst and son John of Nampa are visiting relatives and friends in Nyssa. Let yonr bank work with you, that all of us may bo mutually baaatitled for having dona our skaro. J. $16.50 K. S. & D. $27.00 Come in and let us show you our line. You will find our prices far below the average. N YSSA , OREGON See McFall and see better. Dr. J. A. McFall Byesight Specialist Ontario - Oregon. Phone 147 J McConnon’s Precincts Remedies Vetennany ---------------- SOLU BY — ------------ K 44 Secead Eder Hdwe Co. (N Y 1S A , OREGON Licensed and Bonded Real Estate Brokers and For Sale—One automatic washer and one White sewing machine. Enquire at Journal office. m23tf ! It you had $1000 a year ago, and 1st It remain idle, yoa lout $70.00 Because yo c juld have invented your $1000.00 In Idaho Power Company Preferred Stock and in a year that $1000 would have earned for you seventy more dollar» and you’d be $70.00 richer today. Why let your money lie idle, or spend it carelessly when it is SO EASY to invest it safel} in 7 per cent shares of Idaho Power Company 7°, PREFERRED STOCK We have NEVER failei, to This stock pays dividends a It was not long ago that sheep wero t'is only animals tbit were dipped and consequently dipping time nieaat nothing to people who kept no sheep. Most farm ers now realize that hogs need dipping ju st as mach as »keep. There Is no surer way to prevent that dread disease, hog cholera, than te keep tue* animals claaa and thriving. A healthy hog Is not an easy te any disease. The best way to keep hogs clean and thriving Is by dipping. The same Is true of poultry, and a ;;reat many make It a practice to dip lowls frequently during the summer. Colts and calves are also much bettar for an occasional bath. When U comes to selecting dip to do this wttk, you of course want the material that "in do the work thoroughly without Injury to animals and at the loweat t osaible cost. Thera Is good evtdaaoa to provs that Kreso Dip No. 1 Is aa ideal preparation along these very lines It is well worth your while la- vestlgatlog this matter You can gat booklets and further Isforaatlea at You do not have to pay the normal Federal Income Tax pay dividends on our I’re- every three months, on Feh on the money you receive as ferred Stock. Dividends ruary 1, May 1, August I. dividends from this stock. We November 1. At present retain a resale market for the have been paid every three price of the stock the divi benefit of local shareholder* months ever since the first who may wish to sell their dends amount to 7 per cent on the dollar. shares. s hares were issued over six yaarg ago. Shares on sale at all our offices or through any o f our employes—they’re our saleman victim FREE BOOKLET COUPON I daho P ower C ompany General Offices- Nama IDAHO Boiae. Idaho Please sand me free copy of illustrated booklet telling how your Preferred Stock psys 7 par eent on saving!. Street The Nyssa Pharmacy OREGON NYSSA Joe Y O U LOST $70.00 Last Year Goo. Diseases Among Stock General In J Mirante. Mrs. W. L. Gibson is on the sick list tnis week. Mrs. Ida Braun left Saturday for her home In Pertland, after an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Dewey Ray. Now easy to prevent. Come in and look it over before buying your spring outfit A. J. FARM IMPLEMENTS J. BOYDELL Wanted— hand lawn mowar. in good order, not above $8 Hinsch, Nyssa, Or. mSStf Mis. Robt. Clark, who is ander the doctor’s care with a severe attack of the flu, is being cared for at the Wm. Vogts home, Mrs. nndruella Whalen, of Nampa, visited friends and relatives in Nysss this week. Mrs Lorena Fields was a Boiae visitor Thursday. , Wm. Lyells, of Ontario, visited hif sister Mrs. Arthur Cook Wednesday Mrs Otto Schweizer, Mrs Ruth Share, and Mrs. O. Ramsey, of Caldwell, anl Mrs C . E. Schweizer and daughter j Della, of Kingman Kolonv, spent Easier ! Sunday at the Schweizer home. Bucks wanted to posture, Cairo Sta tion, Phone 204 J. J. M. Butler. a62t i Hardware & ■■ O O O O O O Nyssa Realty Co. For Sale— Iacubator and brooder. In quire of Ray Cook at the garage. rnOtf The I. O. O. F. lodge held its regu lar meeting Tuesday evening and con ferred the initiatory degree upon Klaus Tenson. We carry a complete stock of Auto Accessories - Ontario, Oregon J. H. HUNTER Capital ........... 00 Surplus $16,000.00 I The City Council held its regulae monthly meeting Monday evening' The only action taken outside o f routine work was the acceptance of the exten- tion of the low pressure water system. Charley Crawford aad family spent We grind Easter Sundry at the Seymour Ross our own home near Ontario. lenses Phone 177 For Sale Dr. Nixoa’s small resi dence property on north Third street, STAR H » T 9 . - NYSSA, OR. between the Clore and Millor resi Prompt attention giver, to mu il dences; Mighty cheap. See Nixon. arda n . m80tf MALHEUR C l. BANK For Sale — 400 bushels barley. A. Vaughn left Friday by team for Stum m30tf Baker county, where he has secured | the rights to sell the McConnon Rem edies. His family will remain in Nyssa I for the present. Wilson Bros. t I Mr. and Mrs. Rnas Ra, f Nampa Will hold a Closing Out Sale ef Stock « " d dsugh. r Ree of U SSI J i n n * — x I C* a.itci« Cut . • < , n 4 4 t. and Machinery on Saturday, April 14, Meridian spent Easter Sui day at the W. G. Campbell heme. commencing at 11 a. m , at the ranch. Sale will consist of 40 head of horses of vtaious ages, also several cows and young cattle; Farm Machinery of oil kinds. House Watch for bills. Pure Extract o f Specs Free lunch at noon. Teilet Articles Fred Young clerk, Nyssa. Remedies C. R. Emison clerk, Ontario. Poultty Compound Amos Miller, auctioneer. H. J. Sloan, manager, Parma, Idaho. For Sale Thoreaghbred Buff Or- fl for | C. H. l’rettyman left fer Portland pington eggs for hatching. setting of 16 eggs. Mrs. Frank i.euck Monday to visit bis mother. E Huffman and son Charles were Payette visitors Wsdnesday. Oscar Boyer and family left Thurs day for Eagle Nalley. where they have rented a ranch. ! The Commercial Club will hold its regular monthly meeting next Wed nesday evening. April 11. It is under stood the entertainment committee is preparing a program, including a big feed, for the occasion, and everyone is urged to attend. tires prepai 1. Parser’s Tire Shop The foundation of your financial structure may be strong nr weak, according to the bank you select to handle your account. MeCoy were in^ RD OWNLR i‘ • .oro wsck to u.»~- .... . . —.u' „ ..- Por- Uva to the shildrea. tue uaa » . . . to*o............... . . a and s', nig money work will ho very iatorootiaf to the saving AU n ned out nf little one«. We urge oil to come out town pormi poet and help ua in this important work of .'’ OxSJ. h e t ________ grade fabric . -M 0 50 8"x34. best grade cord. ______ 12 60 teaching the children the Scriptures. texHJ rod tu bas............................. 100 The men s class, which meets every 82x4 cords....... ............................. 20.00 Sunday mori ir.g at the Commercial 33x4 cord s...........................- ........ 27.00 club rooms, is the ceater of real man We Stock for All Cars hood. If you have not yet attended this class do so next Sunday morning. brake linings, spark plugs, fan belts, The servioes at the church b c "i radiator hose and caps, piston rings, morning and evening will be o f he.p rim lugs, etc. and interest to all. In the evening the H E X C E L F O R D RADIATORS leader for the Yoong People’s meeting won't burst if they freeze Call and will be Mr. Shoemaker. This will be see them and let us show you many a very interesting service. Song r." - good things in auto vice sod sermon at 7:45, at which timo Tires a lid Rubber Boot» Repaired threo girls will diamatize the b tin •' Abide With Mo ” A cordial invita- j tion is extended to all. Jaaon Fields of Boise ia visiting hia brother, Henry Fielda, thia week. | The Nyssa Packing Co. shippad a carload of fat hoga to the Portland market thia waok. ï I i Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wolf returned from Boiae the drat of the week, where they visited friends and attanded the Easter aervicea. Make it a practice to save 10 per cent of your iaeome. You will then “ live within your in- com” — and live happily. Start today. H. Walters, President. Frank D. Hall, Cashier, „i, Not'*’ ! . . ►eoooo»c»oooooooooooooooooc<M î-e«»., . . . . ♦ POWER COMPANY