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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1923)
50 ioc GOOD CIGARETTES Forum Speaker to Be Here Wed. “The Bible in the Public Schools’’ will be the sub ject for the address of Or. A. W. J ernes a t th e Open Forum service next W ednesday evening a t the local ehurch. Or. Jam ea is a min iste r and well qualified to peak upon thia muoh talked of su b ject A fte r th e lecture the audience will be given th e privilege of asking any question they may desire upon this subject. “BULL" DURHAM TOBACCO GATE CITY JOURNAL Prohibitioa vs. Temperance. E ditor Jo u rn a l.—in a recent Usue of your valued paper you took occasion to oastigaie our old friend Mark Baton on his a ttitu d e toward the prohibition question. You did a fairly good job but, a fte r all, is M ark so very much astray ? In buying th a t for centuries our legislators have oeen try in g to im prove on th . Ten Com m andm ents, the P a y e tte Lake editor may have been . little wide of the marK, but 1 think 1 can show lo your e n tire aa.isfactioi th a t ¡or a long lim e legisatures have been to im prove on he teachings o ti Set ¡ te re s g enera :j, hi r ga i to t .is -. e tioo. I' oin in le . o rour edilorial - g a th e r i nti iei tin n r~ ■ - J --- — The Com munity Church is ulanning spec ai servicea for both m orning and evening on E aste r day. T here will be a aunriaa service a t 6 o ’clock In the m orning. The Sunday school sarvi e a t 10 o'clock, a t which tim e each child I" attendance will be given an E a ste r chick and bunny. The F or Sale—Thoroughbred Buff Or- m orning worship a t 11 a. m. Thia will pington eggs for hatching. $1 for — be the E aste r service and serm on and se ttin g of 15 eggs. Mrs. Frank i.euck baptism al serv'ce P a re n ts who are Copper Tub Automatic ¿The Nen> Copper Tub AutoMatic Washer 'AND the Patented PARAGON CLOTHES BASK ET with collapsible Legs ,# V : For S a le - Incubator and brooder. In quire of Roy Cook a t th e g arag e n 9tf NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S »ALE ill — desirous of having th eir children bap tised are asked to bring them a t this service. The evening service will be a service of songs snd pantom im es es pecially fo r the E a ste r season, A cordial invitaiion is extended to all to a tte n d th ia e servie-s. J . J. Flem ing, M iaister. For Sale —One autom atic w asher and me W hite tew ing m achine Enquire it Jo u rn al office. m 23tf Not ce is hereby g'Ven th a t under and by virtu e of an execution in tore- closure duly itoued by the Clerk of tbe c irc u it C ourt of Ihe S ta te of Oregon, for tae County of M alheur, dated tbe .4ih day of March. 1923, and direc eu • in-, up in >t decree and order or sa lt n tern i.i said Cuuri on the -2m M. it 19:3. wo r n I’M li A ,i i . i .. r j o l ,,n, i . n. If iu -.i ti b b y tle h , n - 'I woo 1 oilier uit'Oooiic oev ru g .a is in viola u N u M a l T i l U O S liC K , huooanu tion oi the Ten comma) dinents, ai d and wife, tl J b O S T l^ K AND VAN Bible teaching g enera ly. L e; us sec! PETTK N LUM BER COM PANY, a How many passages of S ciip tu re can corporat.on, were deie.iilante a juug you find th a t forbid the drinking oi merit was rendered in favor of the stro n g drink? Very tew indeed. The aoovd nam ed plaintiff and ag ain st the fa c t of the m u tte r is, th a t throughout ab ve named defendants M H. Bos all ages God has allowed th e m oderate tick and M attie Bostick, for the sum of use of wine and s rong drink: True Sevan Hundred and No H undredth tem erunce, us opposed to prohibition, Dollars ($7lK Ob), w ith in te re s t th e re which is not tem perance a t all. on from the 1st day of Decem ber, Canaan was greatly praised by God 1920, a t tb s ra ta of 10 per cen t per because it was a land of corn and win>. annum, and Ons Hundred and N o Hun The Israelite! who were settled fur dredth D ollars ($100.00) A tto rn e y ’s off from the tabernacle w ere told to f.a . and the fu rth e r sum of Sixty- tu rn th eir tith e s into money and brin, seven and 90 100 D ol.ars ($67.90) th a t money to the place where the as costs and disbursem ents, which Lord would choose to put His name, judgm ent and decree fu rth e r directed and spend it on flesh o r wine or strong the sale of the following described drink, or anything th eir soul lusted real property, situ ated in M alheur a fte r, and use up those things before County, Oregon, to w n : th e Lord L ot T hree Section E ighteen (18) Once tw o of A a r'n 'a sons got drunk Township T w enty <20) South, Rang and offered up stra n g e Are For this Forty seven (47) k . W. M , (except they w ere killed, and y a t for all that, the railroad rig h t of way of the O re the priests wero not forbidden to drink gon Short Line R R. Co ) N e t area wine or stro n g drink, some of them , it I8J acre», to g eth e r W 'th all ditch and seem s, ju st for a tim e, but there is no w ater rights, i.,eluding five (51 shares injunction anyw here in the Bible re of the capital stock of tne Owyhee quirm g people generally to abstain. Ditch Company. We are told to he tem p erate in all T H E R E F O R E , 1 will on Thursday, things T h at m eans to be m oderate in the 3rd day of May, 1923, a t the hour all thin s, not to go lo excess in any of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said thing, day, a t tha north main e n tra n ce door C hrist is our g re a t exam pla. He of Ihe Cout ty C ourt House a t Vale, was not an abstainer. He both used Malheur County, Oregon, sell a t public wine him self and gave it to his friendn ; auction to th e highest bidder for cash, as a pleasant drink, ioi as a medicine ; all right, title and in te re s t which said He also m ade wine It is said th a t ths abovs named d efen d an ts had on the wine he m ade could not intoxicate | 22nd day of May, 1914, the d a te of T hat is not true, for it was good •aid m ortgage, or now have in said strong wine which it could not he w ith real property, w ith the appurtenances, out a good percentage of alcohol in it to sa tisfy said ju d g m e n t and decree in John 2:1 10 favor of said above named plaintiff Some modern doctors a re quoted as and against said d e fendants M. H saying th a t alcohol, even in m inute Bostick and M attie B ostick, to g eth e r q uantities, is Injurious to the human w ith said a tto rn e y 's fee, aud costs and system . Well, in th a t opinion they disbursem ents, and in te re s t, and a c are a t variance w ith God, for he has cruing costs upon said sale. put alcohol into m ort of th e nice things D ated a t V«le. O regon, thia 27th day we e a t and drink, and they would not of March, 1923. bo good w ithout it. And a lio ha has H. L E E NOE, Sheriff. sanctioned the use of w ine in all ages, By C. W. Glenn, D eputy. and ha never changes hia mind about D ate of first publication Mch 30, 1923. anything, as doctors som etim es do. D ate of last publication Apr. 27. 1923. /■hose medical g entlem en are also a t Date of sale May 3rd. 1923, a t 19:30a.m. — Special Banter Service« Sunday. ihe M ost Astonishing O ffer We Ve Ever Made GENUINE variance with the Apostle Paul who, when his fiiend T im othy was in poor health, advised him to quit d r nkir.g w ater, ahd instead drink wine. 1 Tim. Published every F rid a y a t Nyasa, 6 23. So you see, Mr. E ditor, th a t the Oregon, by m oderate use of wine is quice perm its ible and our friend B ates hes good H. F . BROWN cause to complain of a law which in frin g es on his personal liberty to ihe E ntered a t the Postoffice a t N yasa e x te n t of depriving him of one of God’s goo I g ifts to m an; and his criti O regon, as second-class mail m a tte r eism of the I gislators who would mi prove on the S crip tu res is justified by the S ciiptures th mselves. A D V ER TISIN G RATES In regard to the saloon, we agree D isplay a d v ertisin g ....... 25c per inch fully with you. As an iastitu tio n it va< an intollerable nuisance, a breeder R eaders l death and degradation, a disgrace to F irs t in se rtio n ............ ....10c per lin< the comm unity in which it lived and a thame to the governm ent, which fot a Subsequent in s e rtio n s ...... 6c per lin> oortion of it* ungodly gains gave it I gal protection B u a t is a nother subject and 1 SU B SC R IPTIO N RA TES: ear th a t a lre id v I have trespassed too nuch on your valuable p ee One year, in advance..................$1.61 9PE C T A T 0R . ’ m onths, in advance....................75 This is the first of a series e f Open Forum subjects th a t will be taken up each W ednesday evening a t the Forum service by out of town speakers. These services will continue throughout April, May and June. Among the speakers will be O istriet A ttorney L ytle of Vale, Kav. W eaver of Vale, Rev. Baird of Boise and Rev. M artin of Ontario. Rem em ber these W eanesday night Forum services and try te a tte n d Z -------- ■------------------------- " VO - I 1 -------------------------------------------- Try Our Home Cured a Mo: Your Opportunity To Solve Your Washday Problems The buying power of a dollar certainly reaches huge proportions w hen it will place in your home an Automatic Electric Washer and in addition secure the back saving Paragon Clothes Basket, which is listed by the manu facturers to sell for $3.50. Hear the Details of This Wonderful Offer You place your order for an Automatic Washer and make a deposit of only ONE DOL LAR CASH. W* deliver the washer to your home, together with the Pt ragon Clothes Bas ket. You get both the wash°r and the basket for the regular price of the washer alone. Next month you pay $5.00 m;re and ILOO a month thereafter until the price of the washer has been paid. The Automatic wiii more than pay for itself every month, because it will save time, work, clothes and launary bills. 985 Automatics Sold to Our Customers Last Year Hams, Bacon, Lard and Sausage Nine hundred and eighty-five housewivea in Idaho became owners of the new copper tub Automatic Washers in 1922. Several hundred more will be usiag the automatic before this campaign is over. This new model is the result of 29 years of experimenting by manufacturers, and it stands today as the greatest washer value obtainable for the price. WE GUARANTEE THEM GET YOUR ORDER IN AT ONCE NYSSA MEAT MARKET . The Paragon] Basket ^Does Away With Wash Day Backaches Think of the wonderful con veniences of a clothes basket on four sturdy OOLLA P S I B L E LEGS, holding the washed elothes well up from the ground within easy reach. No more dust from the dry ground to aifk in and soil the newly cleaned clothes. And, better still, NO MORE BENDING up and down while you are hanging the wash. Remember also, that the Par agon Basket carries no mud or snow back into the house to soil your floors. It stands on its legs, away from all dirt, and the clothes are right at ycur finger tips. The Paragon is light, easy to move, yet it is of remarkably strong construction. It will actually hold more than 200 pounds when standing on its legs. This basket saves the back in many wash day operations —hanging the wash, taking it down .when you sprinkle and again when you iron your clothes. The legs are collaps ible—a slight pull on the levers with the fingers opens the lego and a slight push folds them up. As a baby basket, it can’t be beat. NOTICE A carload of these bask ets ia BO W on the way and will arrive in a few days Placa your order for your A u tom atic a t once and s o will do liver it rig h t a w a y - th e basket will be delivered as soon a t the carload arrivea. I f you are not m ore than de lighted when vou g e t yours, w e'll refund your dollar Electric Shop-IDAHO POWER CO. NYBSA, ORieON i