Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1923)
FARM CREDITS HELPED FARM POINTERS j The sow which spends the entire established an intermediate credit summer raising one, two or three bank, located in the same city with pjgg ¡g a losing proposition. Find the land bank and under the super- Q(jt which u to blame the 9(>w or vision of the officers and directors the man j t payg ^ give the gow of the land bank. The Federal gov- caref ui „ttention at farrowing time ernment supplies each of these in- j ______ termediate credit banks with a cap- skim mjlk jg he cheapest possible iUl of not to exceed *5,000,000. The gource of protein for pig feeding, intermediate credit banks are author- Butter mUk> if free fron, waah watt.r izd to discount farmers' notes which U equal in value to skim milk (or have been taken by banks and other this purpose. financial institutions, and then can carry such notes for a term o f from Do not feed moldy com to breed six months to three years. The banks ing sows. It may cause them to may also loan direct to farmer’s co lose their pigs. An ounce of preven operative associations under condi tion is worth more than a pound of tions set forth in the act. cure. These intermediate credit banks may issue debentures which will have Eggs held for hatching should be back of them the farmers notes that stored in a cool dry place at approx the banks have taken. The idea is imately 60 degrees F., and turned that these debentures may be sold regularly. to the people who wish a safe invest The orchard spray program for ment. They are exempt from taxa tion, just as the bonds issued by the 1923 can be obtained free on request Federal land banks are exempt. The to the Oregon Agriculture college, interests charged by the intermediate Corvallis, Ore. This bulletin gives credit banks may not exceed by more complete information and the latest than one per cent the interest paid advances in spray practices. on the debentures issued, and the Many Oregon orchards are now farmers who borrow must not be charged an interest rate of more reaching an age when the spray out than one and one-half per cent above fits originally purchased are going As satisfactory the interest charged by the inter to be inadequate. scab and worm control cannot pos mediate credit bank. No doubt some time will be re sibly be obtained until spray equip quired to ge this machine in smooth ment of greater capacity is provided working order. It will be just like so that the acreage can be covered building up a new business. It should fast enough to permit accurate tim not be very long, however, until the ing of the sprays. Failure to time benefits will be apparent and the sprays accurately always means lost farmer will find that he can borrow profits. needed capital for a period up to Whole Grain Products Healthful three years without having to pay an Eating whole grain products in cer unduly high interest rate, without eals is a healthful food practice. having to renew his notes every 90 Grains in their natural state contain days or six months, and without considerable amounts of minerals, being in danger of having to sacri vitamins, and roughage, besides the fice his crops or live stock because energy and proteins, all daily food of a sudden financial flurry. essentials. Present day milling of The second division of the act au wheat especially removes the bran thorizes the organization, under a and the germ, and with them very Federal charter, of national agricul largely the minerals and the vita tural credit corporations, these to be mins. White flour, polished rice, and organized by private capital. They refined breakfast cereals no longer will be under the supervision of the contain the minerals, vitamins, and Comptroller of the Currency, just as roughage of the original grains. are other national banking institu Vegetables Promote Health tions. They must have a captial stock Vegetables eaten freely promote of at least $250,000. They may issue, collateral trust debentures up to ten health. They are an excellent source times their capital and surplus. Such of mineral elements, vitamins and corporations will probably be organ roughage. These materials are necess ized in the Western States where the ary for the successful nutrition of both live-stock industry is important and children and adults. Raw vegetables where now cattle loan companies are carefully cleaned and thoroly chewed have a higher mineral and vitamin in operation. In addition to the provisions of the content than cooked vegetables. Over act designed to furnish the farmer cooking vegetables in too much much needed intermediate credit, cer water results in loss of flavor and tain changes have been made in the food value. law under which the Federal land banks oprate and in the Federal Re serve Act. Provision for the estab lishment o f the so-called permanent organiation o f the twelve Federal land banks is made providing that three out o f the seven directors for each bank are to be elected by the borrowers from the bank and three are to be appointed by the Federal Farm Loan Bureau. The seventh di rector, who will be president of the board, will be chosen from three per sons who have received the highest nomination vote for this position by the borrowers or stockholders in th-. bank. Heretofore the maximum amount which might be loaned to any indi vidual by the Federal land banks has been $10,000. This has been increas ed to $25,000. Also the purpose for which mortgage loans may be made has been broadened to include the re payment o f any existing indebtedness The Federal Reserve Act is amend ed by broadening the definition of what is calld agricultural paper, making it include the grading and processing o f agricultural products by co-operative marketing associa- tionsions. Heretofore the Federal Reserve Banks have not been per mitted to discount agricultural paper for a longer period than six months. This period has been increased to nine months. A large number of state banks are not now members of the Federal Re serve System, some of them because their capital is not large enough to meet the requirements of the law. An amendment to the Federal Reserve Act is carried in this bill designed to encourage small banks to join the system. A bank which has capital equal only to sixty per cent of the capital required of national banks may now be admitted, if within a reasonable time the capital will be increases! to correspond with the cap ital required o f national hanks. The life o f the War Finance (’ or poration is extended up to February 29, 1924, the expectation being that by that date the new credit facilities provided for under tMs agricultural credits act will be sufficient to meet the needs. This Agricultural Credits Act of 1923 is one of the most important acts passed by the last Congress. It marks an earnest effort to pro vide the farmer with the sort of credit he must have to carry on efficiently. It is not class legislation $ 10 . 00 . A.. W.Hamilton et ux to John E. Clabby-Island in ¡..nuke River. 2-26- 22. $475.00. John E. Clabby et ux to Frank M. Grant-Island in Snake-River. 3-6-23 23. $10.00. Ralph W. Pope et ux to Fred c,. Lackey-NW Y4 SW Y4 Sec. 13-18-45. 3- 10-23. $925.00. Marriage Licenses Issued. Lloyd Walker and Maxine Mac Donald. 3-7-23. Jess B. Hyke and Lovena Kendall. 3-8-23. Condon T im es—N ew Y ork T im es copyrlKfcl by arrangem en t w llb E arl o f Carnarvon. In this photogruph of the antechamber of the toinb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, king of Egypt more than thirty centuries ago. the principal objects seen are the king's stool, made of solid ebony with Ivory and having gold mountings; a FOR SALE: Idaho Rural Seed Pota large royul ceremonial gilt couch; the king’s throne which Is covered with gold and sliver and Inlnld with precious toes at 50 cts per cwt. if taken from ■tones| a wood trellis stool, a large wooden cusket; a carved wood and Ivory chair of exquisite workmanship; wheels, pit, or will take two sacks in return bodies, poles, harness and other parts of four chariots: wood gilt trellis work from un object of unknown use. | for one at digging time. Also care- I fully selected yellow bantam and Evergreen sweet and Yellow Dent Seed corn phone 73F4 F. L. DeBord. | Nyssa Oregon. Mar9tf. Statues of King Guarding D oorw ay of Sepulcher For Quick Service Call the Nyssa Transfer PHONE 70F2 Nyssa barber Shop and CIGAR STORK t + SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING HOT’ AND COLD BATHS Ì L. U. HAMAKER, Prop. Nysea, Oregon. Î Lionel on T im e »—N ew York Tim es copyriKiit by arr'in^ein* nt i».h Karl o t +++++++++++++++++++♦++++1 aniarvoi, For more than three thousand years the wooden statues of King Tut-Ani<h-Aint*n, seen in this uhotogrupw, sh><» undisturbed at the sealed doorway of his sepulcher In his tomb at Luxor, Egypt. In t! s antechamber are to he see also the funeral flowers, a painted chest containing the royal robes and jewels, a long box containing the king*? underweur and weapon», a ceremonial couch and many other objects. i iiO F L b b iG lsA L CA R D S DENTISTS Box of T n t-A n k h -A m en ’s Underwear u DR. li. A. NIXON DENTIST : : : OREGON to L. T. Pope-Lot 1, NYSSA, .w o Doors West Bank of Nyssa N E ’4 Sec. 3-27-39; and E% E% Phone 2 34-26-39 10-19-22 $1.00. Vegetables Follow Vegetables Early planting of hardy vegetables such as spinach, peas, radishes early cabbage and onion sets means a corresponding earlier maturity of these vegetables which will then come o ff the ground in very dry and or warm weather. This early plant ing of hardy vegetables makes pos sible the planting of a succession of crop such as peas followed by lata cabbage or cauliflower or onions from sets followed by late beans or fall lettuce. A large tonnage o f apples was lost in the northwest during the last year because of a lack o f storage facilities Common or air-cooled storage houses can be constructed at a reasonable cost and would do much to reduce losses. ENTER BIRDS IN P0ULTRÏ SHOW L ondon Tin Now York Tim e copyriKht i rangem ent with Earl o f Carnarvon Here in the antechamber of his tomb, is the long white wooden box which is due for the time and money he has spent to perfect some particular contained the underwear of King Tut-Ankh-Amen, who reigned in Egypt more than three thousand years ago. it also held many of his weapons. Above it breed he has been interested in. The poultry shows are where men is one of the ceremonial couches, and in the background one of the statues of the king at the sealed doorway of the sepulcher. and women gathered either as exhi bitors or as those merely interested The Swiss people were the first to to see what perfection chickens hava date their coinage. been bred, and to get what informa tion they can in deciding what breed There are about 3,000 stitches In of chickens they like best. Organi a puir of hand-sewn shoes. zation has done the rest. It has The world’s production of sugar Is brought out the possibilities of the W* are equipped to handle any kind ef Job poultry man. It has kept them in approximately 18.000,000 tons. Printing, and when it touch with each other, setting forth come« to Service, we The cucumber originated some 3,000 advances made at one section that can only refer you to years ago. probably In India. might be beneficial at another. And our customers or ask that you give ua ■ trial. last but not least grading, marketing English women are said to smoke and transportation in its present much more t han do \merlca »s state owes its progress to organiza tion. The large majority of poultry In the United States are grown on the farms that are at this age elgible to membership in one o f the largest I organizations in the country. This organization has at its head a mrai- her of the Presiden’ts Cabinet. In formation can be obtained for every ; angle of this industry. Agents of| Now is the time to have a telephone installed. this organization when within your| county ns a rule are more than glad | Spring work is here— You are busy. to see the county fairs represented A telephone saves you time—Time is money. from every part o f the county and with such quality that would be n j credit to real poultry fanciers. So let us meet you there next fall. J o b P r in t in r Mr. Farmer The results will be helpful to busi ness in general, because the effect , will be to stabilize agricultural pro- [ duction and marketing. ^ 8, 9, and 10, Block 151 Ontario. 2 23. $500.00. ! Geo. E. Hudson et ux to Frank E. j Hall-Lot 8, Sec. 30-21-47. 11-12-20. $3,300.00. A. L. Beaman et ux to John Hatu- pin-WV4NW>4 and SY* Sec. 17-27-39 ¡SHNEY4, NY4SEY4, SWY4SEY4 Sec. 113-27-38; SEY4SEY4 Sec; Lots 1, 2, | 3, SE ’4NWY4, SENE’.4 NEY4SW«4 j S E '4 SW*4, and See. 18; NEY4NWY, and NYiNEYi Sec. 19-27-39. 8-29-’»2. Kir? Tift’s Chariots, Couches and Funeral Meats MALHEUR HOME TELEPHONE CO. J % 1 .'homas Miller et ux to F. in .-Lot 1, SEKNEVi, EMsSE‘4 OSTEOPATHS »; ot 4, SW H N W ’-i, W ’ iSW H 3 -45. 1-9-23. $1,000.00. , ! F'jfer et ux to Floyd W. DU. HARRIET SEARS ... 6 and 7 nnd S 14 of Lot Osteopathic Phycician mk 118, Ontario. 3-2-23. $8,275. Ontario, Oregon. Y . ell.; et ux to Olive Kayton- Office: Wilson Bl.lg over Raders', ', Hock 11, Vale. 2-13-23. 3400 S A. to Arthur W. Palmer E *4 S C. 17; N K 'i.Y W ',,, W%NE CHIROPRACTORS See. 20-25-42. 12-10-21. A Outcl'ffe et u: to I -ftbelle DR. R. A. MOON r SEYiSWH, SW H SEU See. ChlroorocDo Physician N W ’i , N W LN E ki, SWV.N House call« made -ic. 32-17-47. 3-5-23. $1.00 Acute jr chronic Diseases alter Weaver et ux to F. E. 'L N E ’4 See. 29-13-39. 1- Hours, 10-12; 1:30 to 5 Evenings by appointment 1 27-23. 21.00. f i ■■ r. Si Western Colon. Co. to Phone— Olftce, 158; Home 41 R. Oregon Hem e: ! \ Miller-SW’4 SW >4. Sec. 23- Ontario 18-45. 1-1-23. $1.00. Thus. ' Goodyear et ux to Joseoh HOI ELS AMD CAPES 1 C.oodve ir-NF.VrSEH See. 25 28-46. Lewis A. Sutherland et ux to L. HOTEL WESTERN W. Hammaek-S % SE% Sec. 21 NF.L One hiouk from depo' N E liS W H , NWV.SEH, Sec. 27-16- Nyssa, Oregon 40. 9-10-18. $3,350.00. Nicholas Kries et ux to G. A. Clean bei t>...... c5c SCc «5c i Glenn ( ots 1, 2, 3, 4 and EY^Wb- and $1.00 Sec. 30-14-42. 3-7-23. $800.00. G ood m eals .............. ......... gR « to SOr Chas R. Peterson et ux to C. R. Room* by week o r month | Em'son, Trustee-N’ ^ N 'iS E 'iN W U ALBERT POUCH j Sec. 1-18-47; also Harney County Proprietor ! Lands. 11-7-21. $30,000.00. (Trust Deco only). W. U. HOX1B C. R. Emison, Trustee, to Bankers Bonded Real Estate Dnaler Discount Corporation-NtvNHSEYiN INSURANCE W*4 Sec. 4-i 8-47; E!4 Sec. 29; W% ¡Sec. 28; E % N W >4 Sex 32; W'ANE Office at Residence, 3rd & Ehrg od Aweno# H, NEV.NEY4 Sec. 32-29-4 ; also Oregon Harney County Lands. 2-21-23. $10. Nysea. John F. Maddock to John O Vines- SEV.SWY4 and part of S&SE>4 and CITY DRAY LINE NEVISEVt, Sec. 32-18-43. 3-24-15 «1. C. W. DeBoer Prop. U. S. A. to Emma N. Chastain-SW V.SWH Sec. 26; SV4SEV« Sec. 27; PROMPT DELIVERY NHNY4 See. 34-16-39. 12-19-21. Reasonable Rates Edvard D. Bowman to R. C. Bert- leson-SWL NE*4, S E H N W 'i, EHS ___________ PHONE 18F3 ________ W ’ 4 Sec. 3; lo t 1; SHN EH Sec. 4- ATTORNEYES a t l a w 16-40; EHSEV, Sec 33; WHSWV, Sec. 34-15-10; Lot 4. SW H N W H , W E. M. BLODGETT SW ' Sec 3 10-40. 2-17-23. $1.00. Attorney Law Chas. H. Bronson to Rosina Bron- son-ai! Sec. 13-14-40. 10-21-22 $1.00. Land and Probate work a Specialty. Rosina Bronson to Otto Bronson- Nyssa, Oregon. all Sec 13 14-40. 1-8-23 $1.00. Car-oil M. Crew et ux to C. W. Edv.a, Is-WH. S E L S W 'i Sec. 3-31- R. W. SM ALLER Attorney at I s * 42. 10-14-21. $1.800.00 Room« II 14, II Joseph M. Orell to L. T. Pope-Lots Wilson Bldg 39 and 40, Block 8; Lots 19 and 20,1 Oregon. Block 7, Riverside Add.; part of Lots Ontario j