Exciting Runaways Eastern Star Kensington j Liven Things Sat. LOCAL N EW S IN BRIEF MR. FORD OWNER Mrs. W. L. Gibson and Mrs. D. W. and others. No tire is giving moro Gibson were hostesses Thursday after­ mileage than the Seiberling and Por­ noon at an Eastern Star Kensington tage, which we sell and at tig money The house was beautifully decorated saving prices All t;res shipped out of town purcei pest prepaid. in shamrocks and the St. Patrick color Mr. and Mre. John Ray, Agnes Rey, I Mr. and Mrs. Prank N'ewhil! of rear 30x85. best grad« fabric......... ....... $10.60 scheme was carried out in the refresh John Ray Jr., George Ray, Mr. and Ontario were shopping in NyBsa Wed 30x3), best grade cord............. . . 12 $0 ments. The Kensington was held at 32x31 r e d ........................................ 2.00 Mrs Elmer Strsdley and daughter needay. the home of Mrs W. L. Gibson. were dinner gueets at the H. A. Diven C. L. McCoy was a business visitor 32x4 cords. ...................................... 26.00 33x4 cords ........................................ 27.00 homo Sunday. I |u Boise Thursday. Two rather exciting runaways liven ed things up for a time Saturday af­ ternoon. One, the team ef E. A. Bod­ mer, broke louse froea the hitching rack behind the Nyssa Trailing Co., dashed through the streets at break­ neck speed and finally came to a atop againat a large tree in front of the George Phillips residence. The hack was completaly wrecked, one horse Mrs. Reberger’s division of the Pres­ kilted and the other badly used up. In byterian Ladies Aid will give a Silver making the turn on Main street one Tea at the basement of the Presbyte­ wheel on the runaway came in contact rian church Thursday. March 29. 2t with the automobile of Albert Butler, turning the car around but not damag­ An Optical Illusion. ing it serioualy. While George Adams was loading Charlie MeConn- II had a uizxy spell some farm implements on bis wagon Monday while driving into the Nyssa in front of Cook Bros.' blacksmith Garage, irissing the doorway by about shop last Saturday afternoon, the two feet and demolishing a section of Charlie’s eyes where not horses took Aright and started on a the wall. rampage around the town which fur­ hitting just right and in trying to avoid nished some genaine thrills to the spec­ a couple of men he thought he saw in tators. Down one street, up another, the doorway he ran into the wall Lest across lots they went at breakneck j any should get a wrong idea as to the sepeed, with Mr. Adams little boy hang­ cause of Charlie’s physical condition in g onto the seat for dear life. At one we will state that he whs sick and waa Btage they crossed the city water' coming to town for medical treatment. works property, breaking the pipe which runs from the pump to the set­ Weaver Randolph, the Vale tele­ tling tank, thereby putting the water phone manager, was in Nyssa Friday system out of commission for a time, on business. When the horses suddenly came to a stop on an > arthen bank the little boy For Sale- One horse, will work any was thrown headlong to the ground, way — saddle, single or double; also but luckily was not badly hurt. harness and buggy to trade for good cow. M. A. McDonald, Parma, Idaho, route 2. ml6tf Presbyterian Si’verTea U, S. ARMY SHOES " W e have just' bought a tremendous slock of Army Munson last shoes to be,;sold to the public airect. These ehoea.are 100 per-cen t solid leather with heavy double soles sewed and nailed. The uppers are of heavy tan erome leather with bellows tongue, ^hereby making them waterproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we advise you to order at once to insure your order being filled. 1 The sizes are 6 to 11. all widths; Price $2.75. Pay postman on raeeipt of goods or send money order. Mosey refunded if shoes are not satisfactory. THE U. S. STORES CO. 1441 Broadway, New .York City. Mrs. C. L. McCoy and Mrs. W. H. Reynolds spent the week er.d in Boise, ( ’• P. Laekey has sold hie shoe shop in La Grande and returned to Nyssa to live. They ju it can’t atay away from Nysea. Mr Laekey will reside on hie homestead i the Black Canyon die- triet this summer and will aoon get busy putting in his erop. S. Andrews and wife of Ontario •pent Monday in Nyssa. the guests of Mrs Addie Wilson. Born—To Mr. and Toombs, on Tuesday pound daughter. Mrs Charles March 13, n 7} Mrs. Hsilhrook has returned to her home in Alpiee, Idaho, after spending the winter months with her niece. Mrs. Chas McConnell. Mrs. M A. Thomason entertained at a quilting party Wednesday. The in­ vited guests were Mrs Ehrgood, Mrs. Hoxie, Mrs. Binkley, Mrs Divens, Mrs John Ray and Mrs. Chas. Thom­ ason. After the quilting was finished Mrs. Thomason served delicious re freshments Dude Rutherford and family of On tarion were guests Sunday of Mrs. Add’e Wilson. Word received from Lloyd Hoxie, who is attending Walker Baker busi n:ss college at Portland, informs us he has a position with the Fleahman Yeaat Co. He is looking for a promo tion soon and will have a car to run around in and expects to spend the summer in Portland. Mias Lutile Biggs, daughter of Ju ge Dalton Biggs of Ontario, was a gueat of Mrs. J. P. Duniway this week Among those attending the firemen’ s ball at Ontario from Nyssa Wednesday night were Mr. and Mrs, Dewey Ray, Gordon Ray, Mr. and Mre. Steven*. Miss Mazie Hope, Velma Suitor, Klaus Tensen, Esrl Davis, Msriin Wilson, Albert Cook. Sid Burbidge, Blayney lioydell and Aden Wilson. Frank Ward is improving his subur­ ban residence by putting in a concrete basement. Georg* Green and Stanley Fern are in charge of construction work. We Stock for All C.irs brake linings, spark plugs, fen b l*r, radiator hose and caps, piston ringi, rim 'uga, etc. HEXCEL FORD RADIATORS won’ t burst if they freeze. Call and see them and let us show you many- good things in auto accessories. Tires ahd Rubber Boots Repaired B»y It new—13 a »leg»« whi .h m fleets to say what width Parker’s Tire Shop Phor.e 177 Auto Accessories. - Ontario, Oregon For Sale. A good box tent with canvas cover; price $18. Buy the tent, get a lot in town and have a home free of rent. See gate City Journal. A man's credit may he his best friend or hit werst enemy. A credit backed by promises only is worse than useless, but i cretit backed by a substantial compensa­ tion when pavmeot is does is a valuable asset to snyene. Make your credit mean so icthing by backing it up with a snb antial bank account. The dollars he’«! in reserve 1 ny be wie means ef assusing your u'ure when opportunity presents . self. PUBLIC SALES MALHEUR GO. I NK We have purchased 122.000 pair U. Mrs. A. V. Cook, Mrs. Addie Wil S. Army Muuson jlast shoes, sixes 5) Capital................ $£*. .).60 Clint Webb has recovered from a son, Mrs. H. D. Holmes and Mrs. to 12, which was the entire surplus Surplu»...............$26 A i ’LOO severe uttack ef the flu and is moviog Ralph Servoss were guests of Mrs H. stock of one of the largest U. S. Gov­ into his residence on north First T. Francis Thursday afternoon. ernment shoe contractors. sire. t. They had been making their This shoe is guaranteed 100 por cent IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE home with Mr, Crockett. BIDS WANTE» solid leather, color-dark tan, bellows STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE Mrs. Sckneitar left the first o f the tongue, dirt and water proof. The COUNTY OF MALHEUR. | Sealed bids will he rece Sugar so H?«’ h .2 a :3 0 c p .1. .1. F le m in g , )»*! i ■— UQl t m i,in ■ ■■ 11ora 9i