50 ioc GOOD CIGARETTES G E N U IN E “B ull ” DURHAM TOBACCO would be no use of pass GATE CITY JOURNAL or ing there laws at all. Published every Friday at Nyasa, Orerun, by H. F. BROWN Entered at the Poetoffiee at Nyasa, 0 rezoo, as second-elaaa matter ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising...... 25c per inch First insertion................10c per line Subsequent insertions....... Be per line SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, in advance .............$1.60 - months, in advance................... 76 A Friendly Interest in Your Daily Work The license system showed that the liquor business was con sidered an outlaw. It was toler ated because of the revenue de rived from it. The government in granting it a license to operate - You aee people com« to tho Bank of Nysaa avery day. Do you saloons was following out the know tbair purpose? It is not merely on the matter of safeguarding th»ir tunds. Our practice of the early Catholic value our point of view on their plans and prospects, which church in the sale of indulgen patrons cies, and could just as consist they discuss with us privately Wa invite you to do the same. ently have soid the privilege of going out on the highway and holding up and robbing travelers. DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS H. Walters, President. D. Tensen, Vice President. I Those who attended the movies Frank D. Hall Cashier, F. E. Young, Asst. Cashier. | Sunday night witnessed tne death blow to the idea of the are ton small for such large calibie iivine right of kings. As a mat guns. Let them try a few volleys at ter of fact, almost the entire that mountain of iniquity, the usury world, Christian and unchristian system. The gunners can have strong «like, have repudiated the divina assurance that the Lord of Hosts will right of kings idea, and yet, be on their side begin.” curiously enough, that theory The Journal has opened a column for "Let the bombardment OWYHEE. is taught very plainly and ex discussion of questions of general in plicitly by the Bible. Romans terest. The public is invited to make 13 says: use of it. All communications will re We May Have More BANK OF NYSSA PROHIBITION LAWS. Our old friend Mark Bates of the Payette Lake Star is ‘‘fer- ninst” the eighteenth amend ment, the Volsted law and all their works. As a matter of fact, the above statement but very inadequately express’s Mark’s sentiments in the matter. The feelings of an enraged bull Let every soul be subject unto the ceive courteous consideration, whether when a red flag is waved in its high.? powers (rulers). For there is they agree with the views of the edi to Say Next Week no power but of God: THE POWERS tor or not. face are angelic compared to THAT Nysaa. Or., March 13.—Editor Jour Mark's when the subject of pro GOD. BE ARE ORDAINED OF nal— I want to congratulate you on hibition is injected into the con Whosoever therefore resieteth the yrur article showing un usury. I al ways knew it was a curse to humanity versation. This by way of in power (ruler) resieteth the ordinance Eposes Fallacy of and should be prohibited by law, but troduction. of God: and they that resist shall njver knew about the Bltde condemn Strange New Doctrine ceive to themselves damnation. While indulging in his favorite it. Most papers would be afraid indoor sport recently of “taking That is probably the origin of Nyasa, Or., March 12.—Editor Jour ing to print it; you know why. Anyway, nal.—In looking over last week’s Jour it’s a fall” out of the Utah legis the idea that kings ruled by di nal a relief to know that when we get was astonished to find that our to heaven we won’t be bothered with lature Mr. Bates stated that vine right If those statements local I pastor believes the biblical ac usurers there. legislators had been trying were true Kaiser 'Vilhelm was count of creation to be but a figment Come again. for several thousand years to ordained of God to be emperor of of the imagination end that Adam and SOCIALIST. improve on the Ten Command Germany and those who resisted Eve, instead of being the first of the human family, were, in fact, but the ments, but ha I failed. From r.im would have reaped to them first NYSSA, OREGON the Jewish rate. w .ich v. e deduce that Mark at selves damnation. It is but fair We of have recent years become ac least mildly approves of the to the Bible to say, however customed to in hearing strange theories « • ♦ ♦ » »«se af resaid T. C’s. This has got that many scholars believe the regarding the veracity of thirgs taught us to wondering how anyone who above quotation to r.aye been an in the Book of books, but this one is is so opposed to prophibition laws interpolation forced by King so extraordinary that it merits sosae could approve of the laws handed James in his version, and was notice. and Eve were NOT the foun down to us from Mount Sinai. not a part of the original text of ders Adam of the Jewish nation. That honor It may have escaped Mark’s no Paul’s letter. Which should belongs to Abraham and Sarah, his wife, it’s toasted, of tice, or more probably it has been teach us to beware of the habit who, by the miraculous intervention of course. To seal power as great as that ahown in so long since he has read them of son e of opening their mouths divine Eden, were enabled to become the and shutting their eyes and swal that he has forgotten, that most in the flavor— father of Isaac, and through him of all of the Ten Commandments are lowing everything that is handed the of Israel that since followed, prohibition laws. “Thou «halt them in the name of religion. even host to the present day. not” is their predominating cha--1 That Adam and Eve were not the acteristic. There seems to be a It's a shame that ‘John Janes’ first Jews, or any other kind of Jews, from the fact that they had little inconsistency in Mark’s at in a communication published in is both evident been dead for more than a thous titude which as a tried and true another column has so conclu and years the Lord called Abra- democrat he should hasten to sively shown that, according to ham to go before into the land of Canaan correct. the Bible, Adam and Eve were not and there established the Jewish race. As a matter of fact, the entire the founders of the Jewish na See Gen. 1 5, also Gen 17. whole chap and Romans 4 11 17 argument in opposition to pro tion, but of the l^uman race ter, These are plain historical facts, and nibitory liquor laws is founded That theory afforaei such a sim by no stretch of the imagination can upon error and is induced by pie and satisfactory explanation they be considered imagery. ” personal bias. The principle is of the question of where Cain got The imagery is all "Oriental Occidental, and ao well established as tc need ro his wife chat it was an act of modern at that. such a bizarrre idea of the ori rgument that individual rights to demolish it. That gin How of Israel could gain credence in the must give way to the public wel cruelty has proved embarrass' mind of one supposed to be versed in fare. so long as the organic law question ing to orthodox teachers the Scriptures we fail to understand. is not violated. Hence we have ever since people Bible mors could be cited to prove began use our Much position on this matter, but we laws prohibiting individuals their reasoning faculties to suffi enough has been given to show NYSSA from doing a thousand and one ciently to ask questions, and think OREGON. how utterly things that they would have a until now no satisfactory ex and historically, false, is this both new Scribturally ides that perfect right to do if they were * bianation had been hit upon. our first parents, Adam and Eve, were the only people to be considered, j the beginning of the Jewish people, or even Jews at all. But in a complex civilization such See McFall and see better. We grind as ours, the effect a given action If, as practically all Bible stu were If Adam and Eve were us the rev our own will have upon the community dents con cede, theNew Testament erend gentlemen contends, the parents Lenses must determine whether it shall writers believed and taught that of the Jewish race, then who were the parents of ail the other nations of the Phone 14 be allowed or not. If it is detri the world was coming to an earth? Eyesight Specialist Do you J mental to the best interests or end during their life time, what If any bs in doubt on this matter, Ontario Oregon know them "Search the Scriptures, prove the community, state or nation becomes of the claim of infalli let all thinga and hold fast to that which bility? Hew could they predict it is rightthat it should be pro why hibited. The nation by passing something that wa* not true and is true.” JOHN JONES. an amendment to the constitu still claim to write by divine in ¡is ioasied tion has said in effect that it spiration. Will “John Smith” To seal In tha considers the manufacture and or some other believer in the in Does the Bible Con delicious Burley sale of liquors detrimental and fallibility of the Bible please ex* tobacco flavor* has a perfect right, in both law plain through the columns of the demn Taking of Usury Journal, as there are many who Nyasa, Or., March 13.—Editor Jour and equity, to stop it it. a recent iasue of your oarer Personal liberty,” or the would like to know. There is a nal.—In y u published an article upon tha sub principle involved, was just »s preacher goin« around over the ject usury, which has givan a num badly violated under the license country today saying that ”M il ber of of your readers a severs jolt in lions now living will never die. system as under the eighteenth their settled conviction that the teach amendment, and in addition it That is exactly what Peter, John, ings of tha church arc in harmony was open to the charge of favor Paul and other New Testament with the teachings of the Bible. others. I have been watch itism. There kas a period of writers taught. Time proved ing Among CIGARETTE to ses if some one would, or ■ ~>uld, that they were wrong, as it will several years in Nyssa when only the defense. A careful itudy two men were allowed to operate prove that this latest prophet is of come the to subject ha* about convinced me ♦•*♦»•>» «*>»♦ «’ free »»♦ »«'»»♦ fo o d saloons here. All the rest of the wrong. that there will be no auch attempt made, for the very good reaaon thet population were under as strin none can be made. This of course, gent prohibitory laws as we are Since oar editorial two weeks speaking of Bible today, so far as selling it was ago commenting on the law pro teaching. from the standpoint • concerned, Just how friend hibiting smoking in public places How then can tha ehurehman jueti- McConnon’s Products Mark can swallow the projjjbi in Utah the legislature of that fv himself in engaging in a practice Home Remedies tion laws of the Ten Command state has modified the law slight hlch is utterly condemned and strict Pure Extract of Spiced ly an.? allows smokers to indulge forbidden by the Book which he ments and yet rail at the in their favorite pastime provio ly publicly Toilet Articles holds to be his infallible guide eighteenth amendment a« a vio ed they retire to smoking rooms in rules of feith and conduct? Veterinary Remedies lation of personal liberty is hard suecially provided. Fair enough! How can the church remain silent Poultry Compounds to understand unless it is that But this seems to in,ply that in in the presence of numerous and flag SOLD i>r there is is nothing prohibited by the opinion of the Utah legisla rant violations of God's law by its own ture, non smokers have certain members? the commandments that he rights which smokers are bound Fur centur<ea the church has been wants to do, while there is by to respect. What a revolution training its heavy artillery on such the amendment. But of course ary idea! After this anything molehills of sin aa theatre going. Sun STAR HOTEL . NYSSA, OR individual desires eannot be al could happen. The millennium day baseball, and the kissing of one'a Prompt attention ¡riven to mail lowed to override the publis will. caa’t be far off. child on the Sabbath day. The targets orders. • -»♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦»♦#»♦♦ c-t e e e c e »♦>»»♦♦< ►e-i-e-c Try Our Home Cured Hams, Bacon, Lard Sausage Open Forum WE GUARANTEE THEM IINYSSAMEATMARKET Full line Bulk Garden Seeds just received They are cheaper in bulk Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. Dr. J. A. McFall Nyssa Realty Co. LUCKY STRIKE We Print Butter Wrappers Gate City Journal J H. HUNTER