I L E W IS T O N ORCHARDS LE T TU C E 1. The association must have a all the way from another German last Sundty morning and all who Idaho Power Co. to J. R. Blackaby- when you are not iws.n Lewiston Orchards lettuce prospects definite object in view. heard him were much impressed, not | uprising to a fresh European war. et al-Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 Block 303; — are promising for the present year in 2. The organization must be formed Y et at no stage has there been the 1 limit- wit limit mother is like shurt- only with his sincerity o f purpose Ontario. 2-27-23. $1.00 this district. Conditions thus far are on a commodity basas. and his deep and so clearly and logic I sligihcst sign that investors are be- Wm. Miller to Myrtle M iller-N H S cake without strawberries. favorable and there will be a large ally. expressed religious convictions, 3. There must be a- sufficient vol- coming worried. * * * The explana- W14NW14SW14 Sec. 9; N H N E H S E When a man quits smoking and be but also with his great intellectual increase in acreage. ume o f business to cover operating tion, as repeatedly pointed out, is HSE<4, S E H N E H S E V i, N E H S E H gins again be feels foolish. Already the acreage seeded to the costs and the business should be con that trade conditions in America are attainments and his manner which N E H , Sec. 8-18-47. 2-28-23. $5.00. spring or summr crop of head lettuce trolled or under contract by the asso sound and promising that they have evidenced so forcibly his close assoc- Money Is good for a great deal If C. C. Defrees et ux to Berhnard H. is double that o f last year, when the ciation. iaion with men of high calibre in the outweighed in the minds o f securi Rader-Lots 16, 17, and 18, Block 3, there is a great deal o f money. total acreage for that crop was about 4. Good management. ty owners every other consideration. big things o f life. Villa Park Add. to Ontario. 2-27-23. 60 to 75 acres. It is now estimated 5. Proper accounting. This article is played up in the Wash “ It s expected that Mrs. Van It's when a man rises to exnlulD $5,000 hat nearly or quite 150 acres hafe 6. Educated membership. that his enemies begin to chuckle. ington Star under a two column Waters will join her husband here in N. W. Howard et ux to J. F. Orr- been seeded, and more may yet be 7. The organization must be self- head, “ Sound Home Trade Conditions the near future and they will occupy S W H S W H , Lot 4, Sec. 19-16-48 2- Shielding a fool from the fruits of the rectory, on Walnut street, after sown. The fall crop last year was perpetuating. I Offset European U ncertainity.” his folly Is fostering his foolishness. about 300 acres, but this season it The personnel o f cooperative asso- The Baltimore Sun has the follow- the completion o f repairs that are is likely to reach 600 to 800 acres. ciations will change from time to ing headlines: Business Revival Take Glenn E. Burrelle et ux to Wm. W. now under way. Boys really should be dubbed for The lettuce seeded in November, time, but this will make little d iffe r -! on New L ife— Feeling that U. S. Johnston Lot 6, and So. 12 acres of “ The fam ily o f Dr. and Mrs. Van their neglect of the kind o f girls they December and January largely came ence, so long as growers can orga- j Can Enjoy Prosperity Despite Euro- I-ot 5. Sec- 6-19-45 2-26-23. $1.00. (Q. Waters consists o f the following want their sisters to be. up last month and nowit has been nize associations strong enough to pean Situation. The story over C. Deed). children: Dr. Miriam Van Waters, nicely blanketed by the fall of about defend themselves. It has been found ' which this headline appeared was is- Referee o f the Juvenile court o f Los BRIEFS Marriage License Issued four inches o f snow which affords that cooperation among growers and sued by the Associated Press and be- Angeles County, Calif.; Mrs. Ruth Edward Casto and Maude Esther valuable protection. Before the snow associations has the tendency to sta- gins: “ Although anxiety still exists Burton, w ife o f Prof. Norman Bur Africa has only four puper mills. came, the freezing o f the ground and bilize a product through a uniform over the potentialities of the Europ- Kime. 2-26-23. ton, o f the faculty o f the University Willard Lynch and Corda Williams the force o f hard winds might have suality, pack and distribution, result ean situation the feeling has grown The potuto Is a native of Chile und o f Washington and manager o f ac been injurious to the young plants, ing in better returns to the grower. that this country can enjoy prosper 2-26-23. Peru. counting o f the firm of Rybrand, which are, however, wonderfully v ig Freindly competition as to quality ity for a time, at least, without re Complaints Filed in Circuit Court Ross & Montgomery o f New York; The Poughkeepsie bridge Is 7,100 Vale Grain & Feed Co. vs. H. H. orous and hardy. and pack between the various local gard to any developments abroad.” George Van Waters, a business man McLay. 2-27-23. Recovery on note. feet long. Most o f the lettuce growers o f the associations, evidently has a tendency i o f Seattle, Wash.; Miss Rebeka J. Even the conservative New York district are members o f one or the to improve the quality. This, coupled Times financial column has to admit $205.70 Van Waters, at home, and the young A kind of wine muy be made from Home Packing Company vs. Har- other o f the two cooperative lettuce j wjth a mutual distribution agree- that business interests of the United est son, a freshman in the Univer parsnips. associations. A few large growers | mt.nt, should make head lettuce Staes are not being alarmed by the pt>r Hote* sity of Oregon. J ' 27' 23' Recovtry of outside o f the assocations have growing in this locality profitable. Pecan oil cun be used as substitute “ With Dr. Van W aters leading the wild-eyed propaganda that is being ' o r» Federal Reserve Bank vs. S. D. for olive oil. enough acreage to do their own mar Head lettuce is being produced in circulated to the effect that unless parish we confidently predict fo r St. 3-2-23 Roreclosure o f keting. A movement has been made larger quanities each year and the we interfere in the European affairs Alexander. Paul’s an era o f religious prosperity this season looking to the amalgama dmand appears to keep pace with our prosperity is doomed. Its finan mortgage. $750.00. Purls was a fortified town us early that cannot but be deeply gratifying Louis G. Pfunder vs T. H. Moore as 360 A. D. tion or closer cooperation o f the sev the production. This industry has cial editor says: • to the parishoners and the commun- et al. 3-2-23. Foreclosure of mort- eral organizations, and conferences grown from 2,600 carloads in 1916 “ The further advance in stocks is iyy at large.” There were 40 paper mills In Penn to such ends have been held. The to about 24,000 carloads in 1922. quite unmistakably a reflection not gage $19,000.00. sylvania In 1770. result has been a better understand This rapid increase in production will | o f European conditions, but o f the Leins ing, to the effect that, while there no doubt in time over take the de-1 financial and industrial situation at Mother love is very strongly devel Bullock and Hotchkiss vs. L. E. will probably not be any amalgama mand. The advantage here is that home. Whether the market could have oped among apes. tion o f existing organizations, there this district markets head lettuce in ; moved as it did if the financial mind Kalley'* 'ord car- f’ or labor und ma‘ will be cooperation, and not antago the months that most o f the head had taken seriously the predictions i terials- $56-47 2-28-23. The Swiss people were the first to nism, between the organizations. C a ll th e date their coinage. lettuce sections are not marketing. | o f disaster in continental Europe is The Cheerylanes association not As long as this situation prevails, another question; but the actual fact j Bills of Sale There are about 3.000 stitches In long since agreed to reorganize, and, and the quaiity is maintained, the is that the investment market has t o ! Ernest E. Bush et al to Retta M. temporarily dissolve the old organi-1 growing o f lettuce in this district all intents forgotten Europe. It has Presley- 1 Wellington piano. 12-25- a pair of hand-sewn shoes. zation and started the work of reor will evidently be profitable whenever its eye on the weather signs o f busi- | 22. $250.00. The world’s production of sugar Is ganization, which is to be completed a fair crop is harvested. Robert E. Danner et al to Project ness conditions in this country and approximately 18.000,000 tons. at a meeting soon to be held. Trading Co. stock of goods; equip P H O N E 70F2 Even at the best, however, the moves- in response to what it sees. The organization known as the most intelligent growers believe that These conditions are somewhat re ment and book accounts. 2-24-23. The cucumber originated some 3,000 Lewiston Valley Head Lettuce associ the lettuce crop should be merely in- markable.” $3,000.00. years ago, probably in India. ation held its annual meeting on cidntal to the general development Tompie Scoggin to Eaton G. Scog- Indeed they are. Never in the Tuesday evening at the packing o f profitable orchard fruits, such as history o f the American industry gin-all personal property o f Scogging English women are said to smoke house on Thain road and elected the cherries and other varieties in which has there been such productive act- Rros. 1-23-23. $1.00 much more than ilo Americans. directors as follows: 0. S. Wallace this district has greatest success.— ivity. Basic industries such as iron —------------- and R. W. Woodward fo r three years; ; Lewiston Tribune. ■ad and steel, textiles, leather, etc., a r e ; FOR S A L E : Idaho Rural Seed Pota J. P. Michaelson and Henry Olander running capacity. The phrase “ run- toes at 50 cts per cwt. if taken from C IG AR STORE Prosperity Self Sustaining fo r two years, and J. W. Heasley, Who believes the propaganda that ning capacity" means today from 50 pjt, or will take two sacks in return for one year. The newly elected di .SHAVING, H A IR CUTTING to 100 per cent greater output than f or one at digging time. Also care rectors met on Thursday afternoon America’s prosperity depends upon W E L L K N O W N C L E R G Y M A N HAS HOT AND COLD R ATH S I running capacity in pre-war times fully selected yellow bantam and and elected officers as follows: D. S. her intervention in European-affairs ? ST. P A U L ’S P A R IS H mean. This is because during the Evergreen sweet and Y ellow Dent Who beleives the argument that un IN P E N N S Y L V A N IA Wallace, president; R. W. Woodward L. B. H A M A K E R , Prop. war practically every basic industry Seed corn phone 73F4 F. L. DeBord. vice-president; Henry Olander, secre less the United States saddles upon Nyssa, «re g ó ». J increased in capacity at least 50 per Nyssa Oregon. Mariitf. tary-treasurer. A s the by-alws were the backs of the American people In a recent issue o f the Wellsboro cent. Some doubled their capacity. _______________ -_ _ •4-+++++++++-T+ amended to provide that the secre the burdens of Europe the American To illustrate: I f any industry in-, j Gazette, o f Wellsboro, Pa., appeared tary- treasurer be required to fur people w ill never again be contented creased its capacity 50 per cent dur- j the fol'ow ing about I<r. George V an JUST TiljUaii f j nish a bond for $5,000, the present and well o ff? Who believes the re ing the war and is now running 80 V. ::ters, well known and much love”. iiiUl'LöfciOr'.ZiL- CAhl>ö secretary-treasurer will hold the o f iterated asertions that unless Am er per cent o f its total capacity, it is Crooks are made by trying to dodge T, iscopal cleigyman in Eastern Ore- ican business interests sacrifice them fice until the new secretary-treasurer ■n:— producing 120 per cent more goods duty- D ENTIS Is, qualifies. The board o f directors selves they can never hope for devel "The parishioners o f St. Paul’s now thon it did in pre-war days. opment and stability? A woman can forgive a tool if she made a ruling that an assistant sec ¡iscopal church of this burough, I Is the reason. DK. fc. A. NINON Certainly not the business inter retary be employed who not a mem are extremely fortunate in securing DENTIST ests themselves. Certainly not the ber o f the association or a lettuce Dr. George Van Waters, lately act- Some men are as effective as a joke financial powers o f America! NYSSA, : : : OREGON grower. .i-j bishop o f Oregon, to serve as without a point. Without any doubt this country is tw o Doors West Bank of Nyssa The membership, consisting of ap rector o f the local parish. Dr. Van Phone 2 proximately 63 growers, was repre entering an area o f unequal prosper Malheur County Real Estate Trans Heaven always gets your pletiir Waters held his first service here fers Recorded During Week ity. Without any doubt this pros sented at the meeting by about 47 of Feb. 24 to Mar. 3rd votes. The secretary’s report showed perity is based upon conditions at Otr i L U P A I IIS State o f Oregon to Francisco La- that approximately $68,000 business home and is independent o f condition ï was done during the year; that ap abroad. This statement may be ques ca-NW *4NW t4 Sec. 36-40-39. 5-29- W ITILW A U K K R .— This is the story of proximately $7,000 was paid out for tioned in some sources as being pro 20 $ 100.00 DU. H A R R IE T SMARM the rejuvenafinn of Mr. 1’misty R. E. Montgomery et al to Frank labor in the packing house which is vincial, as lacking a world-wide vis Prim, a seventeen-year-old Persian usteopaUuc Pu/caeia» located in Lewiston Orchards. The ion, as being unsound, as being in Laca-97 by 62 feet at McDermitt. 11- eat belonging to George M Moore Ontario, OtM ot, association acquired the lurge pack defiance o f the oft-repeated dictum 12 - 20 . $ 10 . 00 . dentist. No. 2027 Grand avenue. In Julia A . Parks to I. M. McCarthy Ofiica: Wilson Bldg over Ràderà’. ing house built by the West End Or that unless Europe prospers America Ids eighteenth year. Poosty heeunn chards & Land company. This build cannot prosper. Be that as it may, S W H S E H Sec. 2; W H E H , and SH emaciated. He refused to eat. ing is centrally located and well ar the statement is based upon opinions S W H Sec. 11-30-46; also Lots 5 and Mr. Moore discovered upon exam C lU K O i RAUTURS ranged fo r the handling of lettuce. held in the financial and business 12, Block 3; and lot 1, Block 4, The (nation that Poosty was no longer a centers o f the United States. Pioneer Add., to Jordan Valley. 2- Several times greater volume of busi respectable tomcat, hut Imd developed U K The financial expert o f the New 24-23. $10.00. ness can be handled there than was Into a ndnlature saber-tooth tiger. Ills DR. K. A. MUON Payette Land and Livestock Co. to eyeteeth had grown so long that the handld during the past year. The York Sun-Herald in commenting up- pain in such manner as to arouse the Ghiro vroiuo Physician payroll, which was largely to local on the tremendous increase in busi- Fred W. Faleoner-NEH, and N E '4 S cut was unable to close Ids inoiitI! temintx in adjoining offices. Hous .0 calla made and the points of the saber-teeth had ness, the marvelous activity in indus- E H Sec. 35-16-47. 2-20-23. $10.00. people, will increase ns the member Rack at home, the aged Mr. Prim Acute or Chronic Diseases try and the general “ bull” movement Paul F. Erwin to H. J. Ward-SEH dug into the opposite jaw and caused attacked the remains of a roast of beef ship and acreage increase. ulcers. in a manner evidencing a post|w»ned Hours, 10 - i t ; r;e u to 5 This association, with a member in financial districts, begins his story S W H , S H S E H , N E H S W H Sec. 22- Evenings by uppjintment Poosty Journeyed downtown to Doc with the following statement: • ppetite, wielding tiie new-filled tusks 21-42. 10-1-19. $1,000.00. ship o f 63 and admission fee o f one Phone— Oltlce, 158; Home 11 K. i hungry vigor. Emanuel Brown et ux to Malheur tor Moore’s olfice in the .Matthew dollar has accumulated in one y e a r ’ “ Wall Street has decided that the building under his master's aria Ontario Oregon Now, Poosty Print Is at one and the property o f considerable value, and ‘American prosperity’ is a much bet- County Bank-Lot 1, Irrigated Lands While un obliging neighbor held tin- j same time the wonder and pride of ter horse to ride than ‘alarmist war Corporation tract, Sec. 31-19-47. 11- has created a revolving fund which | cat, the dentist proceeded to grind die neighborhood. The Moores are will in time return to the grower rumors,’ and the action o f all the fi-j 23-22. $1.00. down the teeth, remove the nett es. ailed upon daily to display the cat H O i ELS A l i l i CAT'EM the ten cents per crate that they nancial markets is a vote o f confi- ■ Emma Zimmerman to John Zim- and fill the resultant cavities. No an .. Illi the filled tcefh. The old tomcat were assessed, with interest, and at dence for the outlook in the nation’s 1 msrman-SV4NWl4, SW '4 NE ’4 Sec. esthetic was administered, hut Poosty has entered, upon a seeond klttenhood H O TE L W EST ERN j 30-18-42. 1-19-23. $10.00. appeared to realize his master was Doctor Moore nursed Poosty through th same time enable the acquiring o f trade.” On» biock tro u tlojo* doing something for him. and did not A fte r reviewing what he terms to U. S. A . to Lewis A Sutherland- an attack of bronchial pneumonia a valuable property and the employing Nyssa, Oregon be the pessimistic situation in Europe N E H , N W H S E H , N E H S W H Sec.28 object with tooth and olaw as most ■ car ago uftc. a veterinary surgeon o f local labor. oats would. Neither did he voice hi« a given up the case as hopeless. Clean btes...... Sic tl'c <5c The crop was marketed through where war is threatened between i W H N W H Sec. 27-15-40, 8-2-1918. J. L. Cole et ux to Emory Cole- White Bros. & Crum Co. The total Russia and Poland he states: and $1.00 “ However, W all Street has become Blocks 8 and 12, Vale. 2-7-23. $10. sales averaged $3.07 per crate to the Good meals ________ £Sc to OOc U. S. A. to Heirs o f Montgomery association or $2.20 to the grower, accustomed to alarming foreign news Rooms by week or mouth or, adding tn cents deducted for and refuses to be disturbed by the J. Brown S E >4, E H S W H , N W H S W A LB E R T TOUCH land constituting such national park cry of wolfe. General opinion is H Sec. 5; NEGANE 1 4 Sec. 8-16-39. the revolvihg fund would leave $2.30 Proprietor for the use and accommodation of U. S. A. to Harry H. M uir-SHNW as the average return for a crate to that European troubles w ill be set- visitors to such park, and should em tied without serious damage.’ H , S W H , Sec. 6; N H N W H See. 8; the grower. ploy suitable caretakers to .the end W. U. HOX1B The financial expert o f the Heart S H N E H , SE H Sec. 6; N H N E H of The number o f crates per acre mgy and pur;mse that the woodland should Bonded Real Estate Dealer vary from a few to as many ns 300, newspapers and the Hearst News Sec. 7-19-39. 2-9-23. (Final Certifi- be properly cared for and preserved IN SU R A NC E some growers receiving as much as ServieC, writing under the copyright cate). an far as possible In Its primitive orfica at Raeldeuce, 3rd « Eftrg.od Wm. E. Lees et ux to Paul Van beauty; and $600 per acre while some lost prac o f the Universal Service, begins his Awea ua Peten-Lots 16 and 17, and N H o f 18, "Whereas It is deemed inexpedient tically their total crop. It is evident story with the statement: nell to accept said devise and to establish Nysaa. Oregon. “ Action of the stock market in Block 130 Ontario. 2-19-23. $375 00. that fertility o f the soil, cultivation, - j f a national park In accordance with Homer G. King to Arthur S. King- seed and time o f seeding and the breaking away from the depressing the terms thereof: Be It weather conditions have much to do influences o f the Near East situa- W H N W H N E H Sec. 30-18-47. 2-26- ■^JNCLE SAM, though the efficiency C IT Y D R A Y L IN E “ Resolved by the senate (the house with the profits in the growng of tion aid the French occupation of 23. $1.00. experts say he pmhably Is the of representatives concurring), that C. W. DeBoer Prop. head lettuce. the Ruhr is accepted as conclusive Leanord Cole et ux to Leslie E. poorest business man on earth, never the acceptance of said devise so made It is evident, from the large acre- evidence that the future price o f the Pruitt et ux-Lots 24 and 25, Block hesitates to look a gift horse In the t>v Joseph Battei! In his last will and PR O M P T D E L IV E R Y age being planted to lettuce, that the American securities will be governed j 31, Hope-Holland Add. to Vale $50 n0".th:. For e* * ? ip.'.g’ '"■ ? Is * J“ 1" ' 1 testament he declined by the govern- Reasonable Ratea resolution pass«! the other day by several associations will be ta x «! to by the condition o f domestic busi- State of Oregon to Irene Swisher *-— * ~ ■* *■ ment of the United States, and that P H O N E 18T3 capacity to handle the crop o f this ness. • • * The expansion going on ! E H N E H Sec. 3-631-46. 1-4-23. $240. the senate: the estate of the said Joseph Rattell “ Whereas Joseph Battell, deceased, he forever discharged from anv ohll- present year. It cannot be cxp «tm i in domestic trade embracing practic i State o f Oregon to John Kicran ATTOKNEYES AT LAW gation to the United States growing that all the growers w ill belong to oily all lines o f industrice leads to i SHScc. 36-27-43; S H Sec. 16; E late of Mtildlphury. county of Addi snn, state of Vermont, in and hy Ids out of the devise before mentioned.” one association. It is felt that the the conclusion that the year 1023 Sec. 36-27-44. 2-21-23. $2,400.00. last will and testament devised to the The I ill (S 1080) to provide for the E. M. BLODGETT fundamental principles o f suc cessful i "'ill he a year o f prosperity for the Margaret D. I .argent to J. N. Lar government of the United States of establishment o f the park was re g e n t-S W 'i, and W H S E H Sec. 9-21- America about 3,900 acres of land sit Attorney Law cooperation w ill apply in the lettuce United States.” ported from the pnhllc landa commit associations, as in other cooperative Stuart P. West, financial authority, 16. 12-11-22. $1.00. Dated In the towns o f Lincoln and tee with the recommendation that It Land and Probate work a Specialty. St. L. Osborne et ux to Ludwig Warren. In the state of Vermont, for oe indefinitely postponed. In explana organizations o f producers. It has writing in the Washington Star be- Nyssa. Oregon. been noted that seven factors have pins his story with the statement Hahn-NEH Sec. 36-17-44. 2-19-23. $1 a national park ; and tion a letter front Acting Secretary A. N. Hickey et ux to J. H. Ellis “ Whereas said landa were devisel Finney of the Interior department was recently been cited as the controlling that “ at no time since the French ones in successful cooperative associ- started their venture into the Ruhr l ots 4 and 5 Block 316 Ontario. 2- to the United Stntes of America upon read. In whleh he »aid the department R. W. SYYAGLER certain conditions, among which were had made no Investigation and was Attorney at la w ations, by Lloyd S. Tem y, assistant have the security markets o f the 28-23. $100.00. Rooms I t 14, I I Emory Cole et ux to T. Chas. the following: That the government therefore In no position to render a chief o f the bureau o f agriculturcal world shown any real business. They report. Evidently lTnrle Sam iloes not Wileoa Bldg economics. United States department have had to listen to some exceeding Pritchard- W H Lot 4 and Lot 5. of should construct and maintain suit able roads anil buildings upon the want the Battell National park. Ontario o f agriculture, these being as follows ly pessimistic predictions, running Block 40 Brogan. 4-28-22. $112.50. Oragah. >1 VOL HAI (fro The sioner, compa Baldac lookini from 1 that a made A) For Quick Service I I Nyssa Transfer Nyssa Barber Shop :: HR. VAN WATERS PBAISF0 COUNTY STATISTICS crc A Mi*. Pooàty Prim cq W I Senate Looks Gift Horse in the Mouth ■ Two highwt were ^ cent ns commi: these s Thes Day h and th from f stitutes River ’ seat, at way in as eyes Unde betweer highwa; build ir John D M allett’ build th road fri The pai Ontario, highwaj basis b< Howevei ceive cr built fr ner and 1924, to the cont This i width at The rt lane will State I Nunn in a survey is proba w ill be i The h ways fa' side o f t to an in: gon Trai probable the road The co strument ment be: ments of eral govt state bri near Ont be built county, inter-stat heur cou cost in tl old bridg year in t A not he: particular that part made this The Littl be begun dries suf get into tion camp upper ent ing to Co cific Live! a right ol near Har will be lo upon surv divisions The Es the people Agency V tributary the count] trict Atto rights of around thi connect th Central O: out o f Va When tl built the from Vale eliminated, a' -.ting a' i g Bull work done Jhe cou