■ST1 when it comes to honesty, tru th fu l nees and o th er good qualities in busi­ ness relationa, you, yourself, should ' an I others. No tire is giving m ore have a place on th e Honor R o ll." mil age th an tee Seiberling and Por- i Truly, | cage, which we *, ¡1 and at big money Nyssa, O ra., March 8, 1823. —E ditor ! .n v in g prices All t're s shipped out of JO H N SM ITH Jo u rn a l —I believe 1 have taken your j tow n parcel post prepaid. Mrs. John Hijr, Mrs. H. A. Diven paper ever since it sta rte d You hava i hpst grade fa b ric ............ ..... 11b 60 beer, the b est editor N ysea has ever Question for Men's Bible Class. and Mrs. A rtie R obertson m otored to S.i.xdi, beat grade cord.. .......... 12 fO 32x31 red ——____________ ____ _ 2 00 Boise T hursday. had. In your editorials you have stood I. Did thoae who w ere w ith Saul of c a rd s___ - ................................ 26 00 fo r thode things which w ere good In T arsus a t the tim e of his conversion Mrs. C. R. C arter and d aughters 33x4 car i s .................... ..................... 27.00 your last editorial, however, you "g o t while on the way to Dam ascus hear Elizabeth and Jessie w ent to O ntario T he city council a t its re g u la r month way off.” the voice th a t spoke to Saul or not? Thursday on a shopping trip . We Stock for AU Cars ly m eeting Monday evening functioned I f I understand you, you endorse One account. A cts 9. 7, s ta te s th a t Miss Shaffer o f P a y e tte sp e n t Wed sm oothly, harm oniously and efficiently. brake linings, so a rk plugs, fan belts. w hat D r. Percy Stickney G ran t says they D ID , while a n o th e r account, Acta nesday night in Nyssa, the g u e st of Considerable business o f im portance ra d ia to r hose and caps, pisten tinge. about th e G arden of Eden story, th a t 22. 9 says they D ID NOT. Which ia Mrs. Clark. was tran sac te d and the following bills rim 'ugs, etc. is, th a t the story is a fable. corract? Leland Fenn and fam ily le ft Sunday w ere allowed: «EXCEL FORD RADIATORS I suppose, too, from your article, for E m m ett, w here M r. Fenn will be C W .R eberger, salary and ren t $ 35.00 w en’r. b u rst if they fr#«M . Cdll and "H o u se Cleaning, ” th a t you also en­ Panged for Not D rinking. employed on th e g overnm ent darn. A lbert Cook. sal. & office Suj>. 26.50 them and let us show you m any dorse w hat Dr. G ran t says about the things in au to accessories. The E agle stam ped on th e dollar is They expect to be gone all sum m er. H. C. Holmes, s tr e e t w ork____ 38 00 b irth of C hrist, or ra th e r th a t he was soou.c," ui rJnW iry w ho WSS K«tageU L 1 n U . D . I. , , ;th e inoai m ig rato ry of birds. Gern S ta te L um ber Co_________ 2 06 C. R C a rte r has been enjoying (?) I irja ahd Rubber Boots Repaired. | not conceived by the Holy Ghost. for leav in g h is a le .” It arises from Idaho Pow er Co............ ............. 81.83 As the esgle is a symbol of ruprem If these tw o sta te m e n ts of Dr. th e sto ry th a t on th e w ay to th e gib an a tta c k of th e flu. C. Van Deuaen, a u d ito r’s re p o rt 35 00 — — 'i c y so can you conquer In the con­ G ra n t’s w ere tru e , it. seem s to m e th a t bet w h ere B u w try m a le fa c to rs expi­ Mr. and Mrs. B. V anD yke retu rn ed quest again st poverty and w ant if M alheur Home Tel. C o _______ 20 both the Old and the New T estam ent a te d th e ir crim es It w a s th e cu sto m to from Long Beach S atu rd ay , w here you guard your dollars. T o ta l.......................................... . .$£87 48 h a lt th e pro cessio n a t one spot, and would be m erely fables. C reation and they sp en t the w inter. A petion for a s tre e t light on the The dollars in y o u r pocket a re soon give th e crliulm il a fare w ell drink of Auto Accessories. Uedem ption would both be m yths. Don Forbes sp e n t th e w eek end in east side of the railroad track n ear gone they slip aw ay bo we beer. A sa d d ler, m ark ed fo r death, Phone 177 • O ntario, Oregon I do not see w hat Dr. G ra n t could realize and th e ir loss dead ns our co n tem p tu o u sly re fu se d th e proffered N yssa visiting relativ es and friends. the Ih rg o n d place w as denied, th e ie am bition and w eak en s o a r courage. teach and preach from the Bible if l.u d ra u g h t an d was p ro m p tly hanged. Mr. F orbes is employed w ith the not being a sufficient nam ber of prop does not believe the fundam entals, the B.v Ju st a s m any m in u te s la te r a a ha N orthw est L ivestock Co. of W ashing­ Only by w atchful care ar.J the A Sm all e rty owners asking for it to ju stify the » very things on which the Bible is bad declined to dally a b re a th le ss ton. zealous p ractice e f th r if t will they expense. Investment that is be ours to insure tb e com forts and P built. h o rsem an a rriv e d w ith a reprieve! Sid Skinner is a N yssa visitor from A motion by Pr- tty in a n to purchase necessities e f life. i f he docs aw ay w ith th e Bible w hat Conservative, Safe Burns. pipe from the O ntario Pipe Co. for a L et the Maihour C ounty B ank help N a tu re ’s Busy W orkers. does he teach and preach? If he con­ an4 Profitable Dewey Ray is suffering from a se­ 300 foot extension to th e line on Second you in keeping yeur dollars -a fe for In the g re a t office o f n a tn r e th era sults the libraries o f all th e ages and the fu tn re. s tre e t and to a d v ertise for bids for vere a tta c k of the flu. th e books of the g re a te s t sages, he qre In n u m erab le d e p a rtm e n ts with the excavation carried. I t w -s also A sales corporation functioning for one We will gu ard th a s P ick ett & H u rt of Boise w ere a w ard ­ e n d le ss w ork going on. an d th e fin» as though they will find nothing to tak e th e place of of A m erica’s oldest and best known e re our own. flow er th a t you helinld (here, gaudily ed the c o n tra ct fe r digging an exten decided to com plete the work necessary w m an u factu rers, offers a legitim ate, th e Bible—the fa ith of our fa th e rs. a ttire d an d scen ted like a dandy. Is by sion to tb s N yssa A rcadia D rainage to supply patro n s on th e east side of sa fe and exceptionally profitable o p ­ I ra th e r think th a t both the editor bo m ean s wbat It a p p e a rs to be, but the railroad w ith w a te r from an open portunity to a few sm all investors system and began work W ednesday. and Dr. G rant do not say w hat they r a th e r Is like a la b o re r toiling In the diteh. ($100 to $500) in this d istric t. Miss E lizabeth C a rte r, who is em m an, or do not m ean w h a t they say. sun an d show er, who h a s to subm it a The question of tak in g action to col Capital..............00.00 The editor seem s like a fish out of w a­ Clear acc o u n t of his w ork and has a# ployed in the C arnegie library in lect the money due th e city from the A Guaranteed 35 per Surplus ................$2# ( 0.00 te r w hen he w rites on theological sub­ b re a th in g spnee to enjoy h im se lf 1« a Boise, ia visiting home folks. defunct F irst N ational Bank of Vale Cent Merchandise Premium Mr. and Mrs. E lm er S tradley e n te r­ w as taken up and the recorder was in­ je c ts. The editor is out of his ele­ p lay fu l frolic. tained a t dinner Sunday. The guests stru cted to w rite to Davis & F e s te r m ent. AT ONCE! Really I believe Dr. G ra n t is actiflg w ere Mr. and M rs. H A. Diven and to send w aiver for our claim and to A fte r S tu d y in g th e S parrow . BIDS WANTED This in addition to the su b sta n tia l div­ like Will H ays, whn, it is said, p a r­ W e spend cons d ern b le tim e observ­ Mrs. W. H. Reynolds. send bill for th e c ity ’s pro ra ta of the ide da your in v estm e n t calls for. Sealed bids will be re ce iv m by th e doned Arbuckle, or pretended to par­ ing th e E nglish sp a rro w s an d stu d y ­ The E astern S ta r K ensington will re ta in in g fee This is an old m a tte r | H ere is a real o pportunity for the first don him, ju s t to g e t the public pulse. ing th e ir e h a r a c te r an d have ab o u t m eet a t the home of Mrs. w . L. Gib carried over from th e last adm inistra ! few lucky foiks th a t answ er this offer! Recorder o f the Town of N yssa a t reach ed th e conclusion th a t, even If son on W ednesday, March 14, w ithj tion and ex-C»uncilm an Hoxie whoj The 35 per cen t m erchandise prem ium his office until Monday, M arch 19, for D r G ra n t w a n ts to talk. You w ere c ertain ly ” m your ele th a t well m eaning h ut m isguided Brit­ Mrs. W. L and D. W. Gibson as had charge of the m a tte r, assu r s u s| is ready for im m ediate distribution. the excevstion of 300 linear fe e t of You m ake a profit a t once! ditch of an approxim ate d e p 'h of 22 m en t” a few w eeks ago when you ish cousin had had se n se enough not hostesses. th a t he tried all la st sum m er lo get to b rin g th em over, th ey would hava inches, and back filling. D tta ils can Write Today Don’t Delay. w rote on honesty and spoke of one hon­ action, but for some unexplaineo ; Mr. and Mrs. W ersterheim of Me­ got h e re som ehow anyway.—Ohio b - secur-d a t th e office of (be R ecer- e st man being found in N yssa. You S ta te Jo u rn a l. ridian spent the first of the w eek in reason failed J u s t w atch tho new Bend your nam e and address and l i t d r. Bids will be opened Monday eve­ told of a m an in N yssa w ho cam e up ine show you n real money m sk er—- ning, M arch 19. The Cour.cd reserves NysBS, the g u ests of Mr. and Mrs L. council g e t busy k in d paid the city w a te r ta x w hen he Two rin g bearings fo r the pum p were om athing th a t should m eet w ith the B H arnaker. the rig h t to re je e t any and ell bids. On th e W ay. approval of your banker. "h -Id a receip t for it. He was honest ordered purchased. Mr. M urray m ade a business tr ip to By order e f th e Coun il. T fie tim e seem s to he com!!** w ti« i enough to say he had not paid it, if those who Indulge In lu x u ry an d sh o t W eiser W ednesday. A lb e rt Cook, Recorder. James P. Cast’, Secy. & Treas. he did hold a receipted bill. I suggest will he regarded w ith q u ite as rnn«^ W estern Division Now we know spring is coming. th a t you s ta r t the “ Honor R oll’’ in MNpiclon nml co n tem p t as wa* for­ 1201 VAN N E SS A V EN U E your p per, and head the list w ith this m erly d ire c te d to w a rd thoae whe Ja c k Newby has had his w hiskers cut F or Sale—In c u b ato r and brooder. In­ San Francisco, Calif. m an ’s name, and also give us his pic­ haunted the doors of chlckeh coop# off. A speaial m eeting of the Com mercial quire of Rey Coek a t th e gar ge. m 9tf tu re th a t we may know him when we aft» r d ark .— C tlco O b server. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Schirn.er of Po­ club was held Monday evening >o con rxitet him —the nob.est w ork of God. catello visited Mrs S chirnier's sister, sider tbe m a tte r of sstabliriii g S --s h ! Keep It D ark! f tih a p o a stro n g search light would cheese facto ry in N yssa. In tbe ah At n recent bar exam ination a c a n d i­ M rr A. K. McCarty, several days this reveal several m ore honest persons in d a te defined law ns follow s: “Law Is week. sence of P resid en t H arnaker, who wan N yssa. The high school doubtless th e m ean s by which we a c q u ire legal Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Boyer returned sick. Vice P resident E der presidrd. I n would contribute some hoys and girla possession of property belonging to T hursday a fte r a three-w eeks visit the absence a f S ecretary Blodgett, who to this l.st I balicve, Mr. E ditor, a n o th e r.”— Boston T ra n s c rip t. w ith relatives and triends a t Pine Val­ w a sn ’t present, J . P. B axter was choosen to a ct as se c re tary . ley. The re p o rt o f the com m ittee a p ­ A1 Thompson has sold his dray to C. pointed a t a previous m eeting to ascer C linkenberg and will move to his ranch tain the num ber of cowa th a t could be tw o miles w est of town the first of the signed up to furnish milk fo r a factory week. w as listened to. P. M. W arren and Mrs. O ’Donnell o f Caldwell was visit­ Oha«. Thompson, m em bers of th e c c m ing Mrs. Holmes and e th e r friends in m ittee, sta le d th a t in th e ir opinion no N yssa the first of the week. difficulty would be experienced in g e t­ A. R. M cCarty w as a P a y e tte visitor tin g from 850 to 300 cows. This is W ednesday. eousidsred sufficient to su p p o rt a fa* The new officers elected Tuesday tory. The m a tte r of financing the bvsine, evening a t th e P arent-T eacher m eet­ ing w ere: P resident, Dr. Nixon; vice was considered and it w as th o u g h t president, Mrs. H unt; se c re tary , Mrs. doubtful if local capital could be se­ C tinkenperg. Prof. Ford, principal of cured. T he se c re tary was instructed th e Vale school, delivered a very in­ to g e t in touch wilh the C ra ft Che re Co. and any oth ers possible w ith a tere stin g address. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ly»-ls of O ntario view of in te re stin g them in tbe p:o w ere visiting th eir dau g h ter, Mrs. A. je c t An Old Friend * MR. Gently Chides Us FORD OWNER LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Cily Dads Hold Reg­ ular Meeting Mon. Eve I Parker’s Tire Shop MALHEUR GO. E M Cheese Factory We carry a complete stock of rdsorv. Hardware V. Cook, and fam ily Sunday. C. F . E der retu rn ed W ednes­ day from a tw o-w eek’s visit in S outhern C alifornia in and near Los Dunaway of .the M alheur Co Angeles. Mr E d er’s m other and sis- Bank re Po r t* cons.derr.hle activity te r retu rn e d « ith him for an indefinite am on* woal » " * « • in N ys"a 1,11 r’ inj? the p a st week Mr. Dunaway has negotiated th e sale of clips P ggregFt Mrs. H. L . K aeser of Boise m alted , from 265 coo to 275,000,1b, , i , h r siste r. Mrs. A. R. M cCarty, T h u ..- cluiie8 , ome of the beH, c ||p . ¡„ . FARM IMFEMENTS Wool Buyers Busy Put it to any Pow er Task I county. The wool was sold to Boston Mrs Ralph Servoea e n te rta in ed Mrs. buyers, the price ranging beiw- . i »2c Addie Wilson, Mrs, Cook and M rr. and 48c ! O ’Donnell T hursday afternoon. The tu rn in g loose of approxim ately Mr R oberts, a form er N y .ra busi- «125.000 in this im m ediate neighbor hood should relieve the fin an cial >trin- ness man who has been conducting a gency som ew hat. grocery sto re a t Apple Valley for se v ­ eral y ears, is movii g his stock t o 1 A hot box caused suspension of rail N yssa and will open up in the room ju s t north of the G ate City Grill, which road traffic for se v e rs ’ hours this he has purchased and will run in ecu morning, nn early Denning freight b r­ ing stalled on the lailroad bridge a nection w ith his store. mile south of town E. G. Johnson o f P arm a was a busi- ness visitor in N yssa this w eek. Queer L ittle Isle. The emallest dependency of Frenee " R e d ” DeVries, well known Nysaa- ite, le ft th is week for an extended Is the Be d ’llo e d le situated at tho east of Bell* Isle. Its population pi visit to his old home in Holland. I t is 238. T hey do not sp e ak Frenqh. h o t rum ored th a t Red is contem plating C eltlt. T h e nre pro v id ed wtth food m atrim ony and m ay not re tu rn in a a t an Inn inn a n te d by th e women l li e s ta te of single blessedness. town bus nn streete. O While thej Fordson Tractor hes power in plenty to drag plows and harrow:, through the heaviest soil, it is ligh enough, small enough end so easily controlled that it can handily be put to many tasks about the farm, that wil save you time, money and work. In fact the Fordson will do every power job, both draw-bar and belt, more quick­ ly find, at less cost than it can be done with any other form of power. So every month the whole year ’round the elwaj's dependable Fordson will prove itself a paying investment, because of its capa­ bilities, its economy and efficiency. W e will gladly explain and demonstrate to you tho m a"y Fordson m o n f n a il­ ing, time-saving features. Call, write or phone. IO C le a o i Honey Foster’s HONEY With Sugar so Hiffh ------- j EderHdwe Co. NY SSA , nomee OREGON 3O E30I aoi SU N D A Y SE R V I CHS. SUNDAY SCH OO L_____________ MORNING SERMON ___________ YOUNG PEOPLE’S MEETING ___ EVENING SER M O N ____________ - WEEKDAY MEETINGS. 301 Yon C aa’t Afford to Be Withoat tfKSI Come in and look it over before buying your spring outfit 1 O Or 10 O P E N FO RUM M E E T I N G _______________W ednesday, 7:46 P. M. CHOIR PR A C TIC E ............ ....................................... T uesday, 7:46 P. M. < D R E N ’S SOCIAL, F irs t S a tu rd a y A ftornoen of Bash Month 1 . OR SO CIAL, I h i r t F rid a y E vening of E ach Month. YOUNG P E O P L E ’S SO CIAL, Second F rid a y E vening e f Each Mo. COM M UN ITY D IN N E R A N D SO CIA L, L ast M onday E ven g of E ach Month. Nyssa Community Church J. J. Flem ing, Ihn om oB K xraot