GATE CITY JOURNAL a nuisance to others. The immediate cause of the furore in Utah was the arrest of Published every F rid a y a t Nyssa, Y o u ’ ll L i k e t o B a n k H e r e a number of prominent citizens O regon, by for smoking in a hotel dining H. F . BROWN room. The point at issue is their right to smoke in a public place A t the Bank of N yssa you will discover E ntered a t the Fostoffiee a t Nyaaa. when it is offensive to others a to n c a a aincara and continuing in te rest O regon, aa second-claaa m ail aaattei in your larger|success, which m akea your who are as much entitled to con i 7 ' daalings here both a pleaaure and a sideration as they are. Any au ADVERTISING RATES profit to you. thority on the subject would de D isplay adv ertisin g 25c p e r inch clare it to be an act of selfihness ZJ R eaders and ill-breeding. F ir s t in se rtio n ..........10c per line The trouble with smokers is Subsequent in se rtio n s------6c p e r line that their selfishness and lack of consideration for others has SU B SC R IPTIO N R A T E S: been tolerated so long that they H. Walters, President. D. Tenaen, Vice President. One year, in advance................. fl.6 0 have come to regard as an in Frank D. Hall. Cashier, F. E. Young, Asst. Cashier, - m onths, in advance.................... 75 alienable right what is theirs ^ » ♦ « .» » » » « ^ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ e e e e a e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s e e e e e e e t only by sufferance. HOUSE CLEANING NEEDED. Mrs. H. A. Divens En The biblical version of the Rebekah’s Party Garden of Eden and the story of ANfiNY USURY Thursday, F ebruary 22, was a red tertains. “ Adam the apple and poor E .e” On of the questions discussed a t the le tte r day day, both on th e calendar NYSSA, OREGON and in th e lives of certain lucky N y isa A very a ttra c tiv e birthday dinner is a fable, according to Dr. Percy Ooen Forum la st week w as “ Does youngsters, for on th a t day th e ladies was given a t the Diven home last Sun the Bible condemn the tak in g of Stickney Grant, rector of the of the R* bekah lodge gave a p a rty fo- day. It wan given in honor of Mr th e ir children a p a rty . A bout sixty b .v r n ’s birthday. The invited guesta Protetestant Ep scopal church of usury (in te re s t)? -’ A ccording to our • fctefw >S i i s s t S S S S S S S S M » M > M M M < « l i form ation the question was decided children attende»*. all ressed e ith e r as w ere: Mr. and Mrs Elm er Stradley, Mr, or Mrs. George W ashington. Mr and Mrs. H arry G oshert, Mr. and the Ascension. In his sermon in the negative. In view o f this d e Apropos of the invitation to paren ts IN T H E COUNTY COURT OF T H E Prizes w ere given fo r the best cos Mrs. A rtie R obertm n. am. Mrs D rigbt last Sunday he made a plea for a cision we feel constrained to publish a tum es, Dorothy Cook and Osa Blay Sm ith, Mr and Mrs. E rn est Diven ar.d to have th e ir children baptized on STA TE O F OREGON. FO R T H E thorough houspcleaning by the few biblical references regarding the lock being the w inners. The children Mrs W. H. Reynolds. E aste r Sunday, we would like to in COUNTY OF M A LH EU R. subject. In Exodus 22. 25 we read: enjoyed them selves playing gam es end churches. To quote: Mr. Diven presided and was a very quire w h a t S criptural au th o rity there In the M atter o f the E sta te o f Gus g e ttin g outsside of a big feed. pleasing host. “ There is need of a new re “ If thou lend money to any of my is for in fan t baptism . tav e Adolph Schweizer. Deceased. people th a t is poor by thee, thou shalt ligion if the church will not clean not The undersigned, having been H D - be to him as an usurer, neither We shalt thou lay upon him u su ry .” pointed by the County C ourt of the These cold days let Honey F o s t-r house of all its fetishes. horn y keep you warm , as i t does the cannot adhere to fables in re Valuab'e Addition S ta te of Oregon, fo r the County of Lev. 25. 35-6. At d if thy bro th er be A m eeting of th e P a re n t T eacher B ees.f2 tf ligion any longer, for the young waxen poor, and fallen into decay with T here may be o th er fire denartm en*s M alheur, executrix o f the e sta te of Association will be held next Tuesday U ntil a m ark et change, wt offer 50c ustave Adolph Schw eizer, deceased, evening a t 7:80 a t th e school house. people of today are not going to th ee ; then thou sh a lt relieve him ; yea, aa efficient aa the Nyaaa d e p artm e n t so G and E lection of officers will be held and a for b u tte r fa t, $8.00 per cafe for egus, having qualified, notice is hereby tnough he be a stra n g e r, or a sojourn fa r as lighting fire is concerned. Both Untor, believe what their- grandparents program rendered. E verybody invited f o. b. La Grande, Oregon given to the creoitors of and all persons er; th a t he m ay live w ith thee. C ream ery Co , successors to Commer | the Vale and O n tar'o boys have good to a tte n d . did. The mind must contribute “ Take thou no usury of him, or in having claims a g s i’ s t “aid deceased to cial C ream ery Company. records in th a t line. B u t when it present them , duly verified, as required something to religion.” crease: B ut fe a r thy God; th a t thy W anted To buy good strong hay comes to raising poultry the Nyaaa For Salu by law, within six m onths a fte r the d e rr'ek with cable S 'a te price. Ad Continuing he declared he had bro th er may live w ith thee, t Fire d e p a rtm e n t claims to be in a elass Chopped barley, $1.75 per hundred lbs. dress P. O. box NO. 221, N yssa, Ore first publication of this notice to said “ Thou shall not give b’m thy money by itaelf, and the reason for this be “rather be on the up grade with gon f 16 2tp f!63tp F red K lingback upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals lief seem s to be well founded. One executrix a t her residence in O ntario, the descendants of the ape than for in cre ase.” Oregon, or a t the office of E. M, on the down grade with Adan D eut. 23. IS. “ Tttou sh alt not lend day th is w eek when the d e p artm e n t B lodgett in N yssa, M alheur County, responded to an alarm of tire they dis is representing the degenerate upon Uoury to thy b ro th er; usury of covered an old hen se ttin g on 15 eggs Oregon M argaret W alrack Schweizer, money, usury of victuals, usury of in the chem ical engine house. The son of God.” E x ecutrix of the E sta te of Gust 4 anything th a t is lent upon usury. boys have voted her in as an honorary We will probably add nothing Schw eizer Deceased. w “ U nto a stra n g e r thou m ayest lend m em ber of th e d e p a rtm e n t and have D ate of first publication Feb. 23, 1923 to our popularity by admitting upon usury: but unto thy bro th er thou prom ised to give a big chicken supper D ate of last nublication March 23, 1923 that we have for some time en shalt not lend upon u su ry .” as soon as the chickens are ready to tertained the identical belief e x Nehem iah 6. 7. “ Then I consulted fry and inv ite all th e ir friends, includ pressed by Dr. Grant. Several w ith m yself, and I rebuked the nobles, ing the Jo u rn a l, to p a rtic ip a te This U. S. ARMY SHOES years ago we were severely rep and the rulers, and said onto them , ye may be counting our chickena before ex act usury everyone of his neighbor. they are hatched, b u t we have full rimanded by a Methodist minis And 1 se t a g re a t assem bly ag ain st in th e ability of the N yssa F ire W e have ju s t bought a trem endous ter for stating in a Sunday school th e m .” This e n tire c h ap ter should be d fa e ith p artm e n t, aince the addition of the stoek of Arm y Munson last shoes to class that there were lots of read in order to g e t the rig h t perspec new m em ber, K m ake good. be sold to the public a ire ct These things in the Biole that were not tive. The conditions described therein shoes are 100 per cen t solid lea th er are som ew hat analagous to those e x true. The Garden of Eden story w ith heavy doable soles sewed and g around N yssa though probably was one of the things v/e had in istin nailed. The uppers a re of heavy t a r Young People’s a little m ore severe croir.e leath er w ith bellows tongue, mind. The same party also called Ezek. 18. 12. “ H ath oppressed the thereby m aking them w aterproof. us down for admitting to a be poor and needy, h a th spoiled by vio Society Organized These shoes a re selling very fa s t and, hath not restored the pledge, lief in the theory of evolution. The Young P eople’s Society of the we advise you to n rd e r a t once to insure The world to day is much like and hath lifted up his eyes to the idols, F ed erated Church p erfected th e ir o r your order being filled. com m itted abom ination, ganization last Sunday evening and BURBIDGE & KAY, Prop. the child who has just learned hath The sizes are 6 to 11. all w idths; 13. " H a th given fo rth upon usury, elected the follow ing officers: P re si that there is no Santa Claus. Af ana h a th tak en increase: shall he then dent, Miss Bliss C a rte r; first vice p re s Price $2.75. Pay postm an on receip t ?• *iv-' S'*' ;• tk vi ident, who wiil have charge of the d e ter having been taught by par live? he shall c o t live: he hath done all votional w ork, Mrs. W W F e ste r; of goods or send money order. Money ents and Sunday School teachers these abom inations; he shall surely s cond vise president who will have refunded if shoes are not sa tisfac to ry . of the d e p artm e n t of Mssions, «K* to believe in Santa Claus the die; his blood shall be upon h im .” The charge tak in g of usury in this c h ap ter is G race W arren; third vice oresident, child learns from an outside linked up w ith a num ber of abom inable who will have charge of the d e p a rt m ent of Mercy and H elp, R uth Ser source chat there isn’t any such acta and is evidently considered by the voss; fo u rth vice president, or Social being. The awakening is rude w riter as being in the sam e class. d e p artm e n t, Mias G eorgia Dennis and THE U. S. STORES CQt 1441 Broadway, New York City. and heartbreaking. And the Ezek 22. 12. “ In thee have they Miss E lizabeth Thom pson; secretary , F ra n k Sherw ood; tre a su re r, F rank same feeling is experienced by taken g ifts to shed blood; thou h ast R eb erg er; o rg an ist, V erna Thompson. the conscientious religious stu taken usury and increase, and thou The young folks are sta rtin g out McConnon’s Products h ast greedily gained of thy neighbors stro n g and u r* e everyone to attend dent who discovers by an inde by e x to rtio n .” their devotional m eeting each Sunday Home Rem edies pendent research that those in We m nst confess to a little surprise evening a t 6:45. Come out neqt Sun Pure E x tra a t of Spices day evening and help m ake the work a whose teachings he had confi th a t any biblical stu d e n t could, in the g re a t success. Toilet A rticles dence have taught him to be face ot the above references, argue V eterinary Rem edies a t th e Bible does not con lem n the Poultry Compounds lieve much that is not true. In th taking of usury. L est any should Local Sunday Schools ----------------- SOLD BY ___________ sistence upon the infallibility of claim th a t the quotations, being from the Bible is the rock upon which the Old T estam ent, a re not reliable ws Are To Be United the church is breaking. Either will quote from th e New T estam en t to The com m ittee are m aking their - N Y SSA , OR the church must renounce this prove th e ir a uthority to speak. In plana for the uniting of the M ethodist STAR HO TEL C h rist’s parab ls of th e rich m an and and presbyterian Sunday schools and Prompt attention given to mail claim or sutler a disintegration orders. L azarus we read: “ And A braham are expecting th a t these plans will be of its elements, for there is an saith unto him, they have Moses and perfected in the near fu tu re. I — - ■. ■ n, ■ ■ - _ _ . I t is piani ed th a t th e two schools increasing number of people, the prophets; let them hoar them . will get to g e t to g eth e r for a program D | | D | I f " * C j I r o even among the clergy, who wiil “ And he sa d, N ay, F a th e r A braham : for E a ste r Sunday, using the Sueday ■ R J I - B L l w J O A L E 9 no longer admit the infallibility but if one w ent unto them from the school hour to organize the classes aad the church service program , baptism al of the Bible- The time is about dead, they will repent. service, consecration service. All p a t “ And he said unto them , If they e n ts who wish th eir children baptized have purchased 122.000 pair U. ripe for a thorough bouseclean- h ear not Moses and the prophets, a t th is tim e should speak to the pastor S. We Army Munson last shoes, siz esS J ing. neither will they he persuaded though before tim e. We also are asking the to 12, which was the e n tire su rfd ^ Try Our Home Cured 0 < ► i Hams, Bacon, Lard and I! Sausage BANK OF NYSSA WE GUARANTEE THEM N YSSAM EATM AR K ET P. T. A. Meeting A Wanted! Carload of hogs by next Friday. Call 20F2 and let us know what you have Nyssa Packing Co. FARMERS! Don’t wait to have your seed i: grain cleaned until Jones gets ahead of you and you have to wait. Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. NYSSA OREGON, “FREAK LEGISLATION." Th; people down In Utah, or at least a few loud-mouthed ones, are having several differ ent kinds of spasams because t e See Me Fall and see better. We grind police officers there are enforc our own ing the law against snicking in Lenses enclosed public places, including S l , Phone 147 dining rooms. Various deroga fuL- Eyesight Specialist tory epithets are applied to the J Ontario • * Oregon law, the least of which is “freak legislation,” and it is character ised as an infringment ot “per sonal liberty.” It is a sad commentary ofl the times when it i4 necessary to enact laws to compel men, pre sumably gentlemen, to observe J. BOYDELL the most elemental rules of courtesy and good breeding. One person’s liberty ends Licensed and Bonded Real Estate Brokers and General In surante. where another’9 begings, and while those who desire to smoke have a perfect right to do so if they will go off by themselves, they have no right to smoke where by so doing they become Dr. J. A. McFall i Nyssa Realty Co. NYSSA OREGON J. H. HUNTER folks to come out to the Sunday school one rose from the d e a d ." services betw een now and E aster. I t will be noted th a t the referen ces given are exclusively from Moses and the prophets, and C hrist recognises Men’s Bible Study Class th e ir teacL ing as tru e to Have 50 Out Sunday The m en’s Bible Study class which m eets each Sunday n orning a t 10:00 o ’clock in the Com mercial Clab roems, VALE SUBSIDY. are m aking a special effort te have a Poor little Ship Subsidy is record atten d an ce Sunday sserntng. have se t the m ark s t 50. All the dead. Harding’s little pet has They men are Invited to come out and attend suffered a most cruel fate—it and help boost this comm unity effort. stock o f one of the la rg e st U. S. Gov ernm ent shoe contractors. This shoe is gu aran teed 100 p e r cent solid leather, color dark tan, bellows tongue, d irt and w a te r proof. The actu al value of this shoe is $6 00. Ow- ing to this trem endous buy we can of fer sam e to the public a t $2.95. Send correct size. Pay postm an on delivery or send money order. If' sho s a re not as rep ren sen ted we will j cheerfully refund your money apon re- lying : quest Box was talked to death by those naughty insurgent senators in W anted—To bny some good under the Black Cauyen. one of the most determined fili land National Bay State Shoe 22. R oute 1, N yssa, Oregon. busters in history. The fate of the subsidy bill 1 For S ale—Good double work harness. Company shows up the weakness of the See H. R. Sherwood M2tf 296 Broadway, New Y ork, N. Y. administration leadership as nothing else could. The special session was called for the ex press purpose of passing the sub DON’T Wait until the spring work starts to have your sidy bill The announcement harness repaired. Do it now before the rush. was made that it was to be made We are agents for tents and awming, representing the a test of administration strength. Tent & Awning Co. of Boise. In spite of an unusual number of "lame dueks” and other sub- sarvient congressmen the bill failed of passage. Peace to its ashes Larkin Bros. Shoe Repair Shop