Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1923)
inte ì CLUB NEWS NOTES r o f clovt 1 ÜM lit home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Clues. BuUard. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr of Fruit- land were visiting at Clyde Long's Sunday. i TPMS OF INTEREST ABOUT TUB BOYS ANO (ìiKLS. Club Work; What U UT Boy* and girls’ club work is a na- tion-wido movement which gives rural boy» and girts an opportunity to develop themselves educationally, economically and socially. It is a movement which demon strate» the better practice in agri culture and home economics. It makes play out of work. It promotes industry and thrift. It applies business methods to farming. It develop» self-reliance, ambition and aggressiveness. It fosters individual ownership, a love o f nature and the things in the open country; it makes farm life at tractive. Through contests it brings out the best effort and thought. It stands for the four fold devel-[ opment of the head, heart, hands and health. It's slogan is “ Make the Best Better. And above all, it develops the highest typo of manhood, woman hood and American citizenship. — National Committee on Boys’ and Girls’ Club Work. Roy Smith of Ontario helped Ches ter Lackey fill the ice house last week. Mrs. John Kicabeck was visiting tbe sick folks at Chas. Bullard's Fri day afternoon. Several from this vicinity attend ed the lettuce meeting at Nyssa Sat urday afternoon. J. G- Matheny haa moved with his family to one of the houses on the a . S. ii D. ranch. Nick Smith and son John have rented the Tom Coward ranch under the Shoestring ditch for this year. IKON SIDE Irinside was visited with a terri ble wind and snow storm Monday. Farmers found it almost impossible to get stock fed. Mr. and Mrs- Delbert Derrilk and daughter Pansy of Grouse creek, were Ironiide visitors Tuesday. The dance given at Ironside in the form of an apron and necktie party was well attended. Many came from Malheur City and a good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wise were overnight visitors with their daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woodcock, Wednesday. Orvel Nichols went out by Wed nesday’s stage to Ontario and Boise, One more sewing club has been where he will spend a few weeks. organized in the past week- That John Westfall got badly burned club being organized at Riverside, Sunday morning while building a under the direction of Mrs. Delva S. fire with gasoline, burning his hand WaU. Miss Khoda Armstrong is i and arm, He waa taken out to On- local leader for ¿he girls. Theje are tario for medical aid- J. A. McKin- nine girls in the club. Kathleen ney took him out. Yost is president and Myrtle Yeager, Dr. Steelhammer was called to the secretary. Locey ranch Thursday for Mrs. The boys of this community are Claud Derrick, who has been ill for planning on organizing a poultry the past month. She is now much club in the spring. Some of the improved. girls will belong to this club also. Chas. Carter of Ontario was in Visits were made to practically all this vicinity the past few days, com of the clubs last week. The work in ing in with truck and since the bliz every place-is progressing as well as zard Monday has not been able to can be.- In some places the work is take his truck out through snow almost finiished for this year in one drifts. Mr. Carter was looking for division o f work. some beef cattle here. HOTBED MAKING AND CARE ^ J a .r Chas. Seaton returned home from load of IS GARDEN WORK FOR FEICJ ®*” *f*n Tuesday with Construction and maintenance of {tain. Arthur Beam returned home Tues hotbeds is part of tbe February work in vegetable gardening. A day -from a week’s visit in Portland. Mrs. Ray Wise visited at the heating manure pile is capable of giving o ff a high temperature, up Locey home Thursday. Fred Elliott was an Ironside vis to 176 degrees Fahrenheit. This manure when put below 6 inches of itor from White Pine Lumber Co- soil will warm the soil as well as Thursday, looking after some horses. will happen at times under the best setters, clean the remaining eggs with lukewarm water. If they are not cleaned the pores of the eggs will become closed and the chicks will die in the eggs. Should you do your hatching with the incubator, don’t fill your incu bator until you know what you are going to house the chicks in. At this time of the year chicks are apt to catch cold and the brooder should be where there is no danger o f it getting too cold for them during the night. A nice small house with the front to the south windows so ar ranged that they can be opened dur- ing the sunny part of the day is the most satisfactory. Any of the good commercial brooders are made to give satisfaction but I prefer the brooder stove heated with coal. where you intend to raise flocks in hundred or more lots. Incubators at this date are made to hatch if you follow instructions and the thermom- eters are kept correct. Providing the yare kept where it is possible to keep the heat necessary and suffi- cient moisture supplied in some form. We have always had the best success with incubators placed in a cellar, as the heat is kept evener and the moisture of the room supplying the moisture to the macnine. Every chick hatched at this time has the advanage of being large enough to scratch for worms in the early spring and will have enough feath ers when the sun gets hot in sum mer to protect its body, when busy helping itself to mature and making you one of the best winter layers. gan community hall Friday, Febru- through the leg. He is now at the Ontario hospital. The • i^isses Sylvia Thompson, Lucile and Thelma Smith and Edith Rettig were hostesses for a valen tine party given at the home of Mrs. J. O. Thomson Saturday, Feb ruary 10. Mrs-.J. A. Coleman pent to On tario Wednesday, where she will be operated on for appendicitis. The Bluebird Sewing club met at the soliool house Friday. • The girls have very nearly completed their first lessons. Mrs. Noah wa$ hostess for a val- «"tine party given at her home Fri- daY> bebruary 16. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smith motor- ^ t° Vale Monday, M« - Fred Lawrence of Ironside waa a Brogan visitor Friday, Mr. and Mrs- Noah motored to * ayett.e^Saturday, Harry Smith went to Boise Wed- nesday to be operated on. Mr. Crawley made a business trip to Ontario Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Axtel Reed motored to Ontario Saturday. , -Iohn Westfall of .Ifonsidt* passed through here WedensdhJ:^nroute to Ontario. He was vjupr oml^ burned und *s to be under .tnw doctor s care *or some time. • Tom Logan motored to \ ale Wed- nesday- Rev. Weaver And Mr. Ford of Vale were in Brogan {Monday. Mr- BreithaupJ^’of Ontario was iii town Monday. Mr. Kinder, county club leader, was in Brogan Monday. Mr. Lewylln made a business trip to Vale last week. Oscar Logan o f Huntington was in Brogan Wedensday. Bob Dougharity was a business visitor in Jamieson Friday. E 'iS E V i Sec. 33; WV4SWL4 Sec. 3 4 -! land i n l a i d proposed drain 15-40; l4ot 4, SW '.«NW W , WistiVÎW Uni., k> by ulu d.auu. Thsi» will fonati ucled two 12-iuch Ule dn Sec. 3-16-40. 12-27-21. JJ. S. A. to Vina Lewellen, NVà lutti als, one o í winch wiil »Urt N vi, BEMNWVt, S W U N h 's , Sec'. Cu*.,. G pirisou» lanci, Vnd Un, 0[b lu-iti-40. 0-17-21. I uil^Jolili W ald» .ano alai U.vicLl.g A. J. Howard et ux to Abe Lewel- cuiiuuuii «Barn ou Lue ts Aie leu, NWI 4 , NV4NEW, ¡sec- 20-15-42; Jolin W ord » sud K. U. Biowua Lot 4, SWlsNVV1-*, W ftSW W .jlhsucfc to thè nver. • _ I bfc'ASWV» Sec. 3; NWV*, 4) iTie land inciuac-d in Uie piupu NE14SWW Sec. 10-16-41. 10-23-22-i aioli .ci is so » inai, wuugd| $5000. 't ! tlUcllUS beillg Culla. O l i l a , lue . 1 * 1^1 State of Oregon to Teresa E. Me-1 w u ul-uia.niu o li una iuu ai,.. ... I Lue, NEV.»SWVi, S W D S E 'c, BV4 mani» Nota uau suoi'. ». SE 14, and B^4NEt4, Sec. 16-21-37. io. ih e o.^.*cio ui U n a i , , - i I 2-10-23. »600. agree inal Uicy will pay*any I «>e.ipelibe£ uiluucu , ana any | Marriage Licensed Issued. luxea liiat may* be ievieu .iar 4 in)a) j Gilbert L. Peterson ana Noia De -1 their respective lands lei a H w pul Armond- 2-16-23. po^e oi pay ing the expense oi ¿f. I I Complaints Filed iu Circuit Court. ¿aiming* or aileinpung u> b 1 Crane Creek Sheep Co. vs. Oregon Hie proposed ilisiricL, d u c k - exp/ Short Line R. R. Co. 2-13-23. Dam- io*Oc taxes ag-uUoi the lan-. or luc I signers in proportion to tne | ages. $7860. Petitions Idled in Probate Couft.* or acres owned by them ana aU#L | ' ' Estate of Geo. W. Blanton. 2-13- n * by UK) piopoacu ttramage. 23. your i ! i l . . VV iiLiwi!»! .» L*j»ieii> pray Lnal uic luuu* a« n | NOTICE OF HEARING' PETITION herdm, or ,ucu ot them a., .....j o, j TO FORM DRAINAGE DISTRICT ¡found by tbe court to be j -peiij I IN THE COUNTY COURT o ft THE included m uic piopoacu u. ..a**, S i A i E OF OREGON Full. 'T ille d .s tiic t, enhei p,-iiuar.ciiL> .or a,... COUNTY TlF MALHEUR.* j further investigation ami uivqyi Notice is hereby given that hearing, niay permit enuniiauoii, . .... . ut. on the following petition will be held! ciarud oigan ucd nuo a n. let . under tile protonon at the Court Hduse in the city of diati " ........ Y ale, Oregon, on the 5th day of Cliapier 3-ro oi tUe Geaeiai march, 1923, lo t the purpose of de- oi Oregon tor tbe year iJio, J obit Wai d. |c miming whether the prayer of said H. J. Ward. petition shall be granted. Cuas. Garrison. All persons owning or claiming an R.”T1. Brown. interest in lands described in said XXL N< OF GOB ISE stem lUNTY BNTY COU1 f ’T UORlTY WITH ate Capital, ¡ciai to T emed to he r an oppos Ics W. Elia Harney coi ^gling the ci and foresti- mniendmg a bail No. 46, present bun tte valley y the local Icoyule bouni Malheur igh the acl , to save O land dollars ime of its a , to resolve ties upon co tomg. This ■tiy in the i: , which uu I is best su niy. i working us follows: 111 i several ci of Cfregon evy a tax e of paym; petition are hereby notified to appear STATE OF OREGON,) a. said place and on said date rl the )ss. prayer ol said petition should not be BONITA County of iUaUieur.) g anted. 1, ivan E. Oakes, Lemg fu st dui) On February 9th, at the Wheaton H. S. Sackett ’ ' • . sworn, »ay that 1 have read the .urn- creek school house, Mrs. George Clerk of Malheur Coi Court. going peulion and liiat 1 believe tilt Lees and Mrs- Elmer Coriler gave allegations liieieoi to be true. 1 PE rlT lO N their dance. It was considered the best dance given this season by the TO TUE HONORABLE COUNÏY luiiuer slate ilia, me siguatuies ap crowd o f 62. Good music was fur COULT OF MALHEUR COUN l Y'J pended to said p .111011 me Hue a..j nished by Fred Reed and Marguer 0 1 A 111 OF OLisGON: ¡proper tigiiatuie.. or persons .- uom ite Miller. They were assisted by .be uiideisigned,^ieing owners of names appe..r signed tin. u. uiu Jack Spaulding and his sister, Mrs. Malheur County Real Estate Tranw- more'than filty per cent of the acre-, that eacu anu ail ot .aid .gne-is a fers Recorded Week of Feb. Joe Edwards. A delicious supper age oi Lie contiguous body ol ai.tali, sT.a pet.Lou are owneis .. tie 10th to Feb. 1 th. was served by our kind hostesses, v,e t and overflow land in Aiulheflr land wunm tne pi up • eu Leslie J. Aker et ux to G. A. Tine Mrs. Lees and Mrs. Corder. George u jiii), ell e-gun, heiciuuUer de'senbe-d u,m.uet as ..a 1 m ............ j - . . . . « 1 Lees, who for years has made the | man- Lots 15 and 16' Block 230> ao iieiehy petition your honoraole! IV A n E. 0.-ei-..o. j excellent coffee for our dances, was Ontario. 10-19-22. $1.00. (Q. ( . Lady to cause to be u.gaiuzea a .Subscribed and svvoiu tu lie. .1 certainly on the job and his coffee deed-F a..image District for the purpose ot me tins lit a cid., s e t . was relished by all. The good time Carrie B. Aker to G. A. Turemnn, ..ariag such lands reclaimed anu p.o- U. S. SAC k E i , was enjoyed from 8 o’clock p. m. , 'ots 15 and 16' Bloik 239 Ontario, rected from the effects of water, tor; County until 7 o’clock a. m. Jack Spaulding 16-19-22. $4,500. lid the coui First pubiicai.uii .i sanitary and ugncullaral puipoie.i was floor manager- BoY Wilkinson to Pearl Wilkin and f 01 the convenience and, ’ 'at counties M ~ . r> i I son, Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, and E \\ V. le lu st regui 0 . the public utility and boner it; and Mr. and Mrs. Carver from P ole: „ .. „ . „ „ „ ’ ‘ ■ i ,, . , ,, , „ Sec. 18-15-41. 2-8-23. $1.00. s, in the uioi 1. /i- the purpose of this petition we 1 I t O l 1 .L Ù . creek, attended the dance Friday XT „ _ • . . . , . N. M. Davis et ux to W. H. Me decide by s.aie the following matters are re- • Eldowney et al, West 40 acres of whether o DEM Ohver Sandy made a trip to Cow U t 4 Sec 30 . i 8 -47. 1-11-23 $1 00' quired by Cliapter 340 of .he Gener pay the boui valley on business Sunday. u s A to Frances E Fenwicki al Laws of Oregon, for the yt-ai sis * * *. From Bully creek Stewart Hannah SWVXNW>4 Sec. *13. 27-46. 10 - 9 - 22 . 1915. the atmosphere o f the bed covered y courts *! . The name proposed for suehj POULTRY CULTURK and family, M r Prather Frank Frances E. iViniyick to James Mol- with a glass sash- Not less than 8 [ r . n Lummy Tustrict is WARD DRAINAGE Di Hannah and his children and house- ioy> sWi4NW>4 See 13 j O J I) • inches of manure should be used. It is human nature to lean toward its no tux i liiC l. The manure must not be wet when the tendencies of wishing to belong keeper were in attendance at the 23 $10 00 a Duo ft. 1 or collectec 2 . The boundary lines of the pro 1 Theresa Scott et vir to Hugh Har- put in the pit, but evenly fermenting to those known, big business, large dance. S hill passec posed Drainage District are as fol-1 Joe Edwards and wife were up riaon Scott( Ij0t 2, Block 2 , o:a- after several days forking over to producers, or of that class o f pro- j ouse and w lows: for the dance, wh.le in the vic.mty A(1(, to Jordan v „ u 2.5. 23 make the heating uniform. ____ t r and the ducers that do it in a large way, they were guests at the Corder t 000 Commencing at litig quartgf corner Complete directions for making s»B d s ja u u B j uuajsoAV aip; j o X u bui and signed t home. on the North side o 4 section 6 , aucb beds are obtainable free of the pennies, and for that reason so John F. Joyce et ux to Lewis S. so that it . . . 20 South, Range 47 Easi; School will start soon in Cow charge from the O. A. C. Extension up the raising of chickens and try Hyde, Igits 19 and 20, Block 89, On ! for the ce valley. ...mce West % mile; thence Soutn service, Corvallis, Or. In such a seed ¡o euo auidq |uasaj uajpo am pus tario. 5-22-22. $1.650. tne coming n mile; thence west to the east bank On January 21st George Lees and bed would be sown head lettuce, aq; $Bq; jaquiauiaa sn $a[ ;nq ‘ uaq William Edwardsen et ux to Am ui the Owyhee ditch; tnence along Wl- . Lie PciSSäjj cauliflower and tomatoes. Each of auo{ b uaq; pjofl uaqsv aaoui 3uuq fC i ^ F . JaCkr S HaUldinifH G,0rmau brosi° Elorriaga, Lot 4, Block p No. 2 the bo these vegetables is handled in a X|quqojd |Bqi uibj 3 jo Asq ‘doaqs, Elmo Corder mid w .f^ and pioneer A(Jd to Jwdan Valley 5.- said east bank of Owyhee ditch in southerly direction to a point whej a $100- almot - seem that definite way so that a large vigor •» 1 HBD aqt q)im o3 ;i aqBui pus Miss Mae and Marguerite Miller j ^ o were dinner guests at B. E. Himler’s said east bank intersects the souih trict i no longer ous seedling may be grown to set in Malheur Land Co. to School P those trying to get along by saving home. nne o f Sec. 1, Tp. 20 S, Range 46 E; I p o n t ioii, for Uic i the field or home garden. a nr u . , . , - trict No. 10 , Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 , B k. UliiO chicken industry of the United States ■ hence east to the south quarter cor. i A. M. Smith has kep plenty of g> Jamieson 7.1 3 . 22 fl-(J0 words municipal is a billion dollar producer today, wood cut up at the school house. GOOD SPRAY OUTFITS PAY. , sh erjff „ U g N qo r l M u to section 6 ; thence north V» mile; ^ ^ ^ K n in iy, New spray outfits will be added to larger than that produced by the en Fritz Preston and family left last . , . thence east 660 feet; thence north tu 'DR- K- A- *>1 ^^^■sL-iiool distr „ 1 . „ . .. ,, _ ger, metes and bounds n Ji the equipment of many Oregon or tire wheat crop. Forty-five per cent ne north line of section 6 ; thenue union high scho of that is realized from dressed chards in 1&53. The best line of west to point of beginning. •* distric. dock cun Bruce R. Kcster to Mab 1 .1 machinery to choose from that has poultry and 56 per cent from the friends wish them every success In 3. The total acreage included in Acute or Cm other public and Kester, Lots 1 and 2, Block 3. H ever been available to the grower is I >‘KES Every farmer that has a n 1 their new home. - he said proposed Drainage District liouis, 10 - 1 2 , 1:, pOntic as that La loy’s Add. to Vale. 2-12-23. SI.! an opportunity offered this year by atro to »pare ought to go after his Mrs. Andy White will leave this is 467 acres, 1 Even in 11 levy a tax upon Thos. F. Coward et ux to Fr - n' dealers in spraying equipment, says share of that billion dollars, and the week on an extended visit to see her -.. The names of the owners of Phone— Office, it cept ¿ rrigation 1 disi Stubbs, Lot 12, Block *, Teutsch’ the O. A. C. Experiment station. It more of it the better, as his profits mother, who lives at Pendleton. , „ „ „ „„ tile land in said proposed drainage OuUi'lo is not profitable to postpone the will show greater from the chickens I John Hammack recently bought ‘ A° ’ "“j . » l-> . 1' C. A- Burgess et al to St. L. Os aistrict us shown by the record» of purchase of additional spray outfits than any other product of the place. some hay of B. E- Himler. i ortlai i Chalutier •Waiheur County, Oregon, and the borne et ux, N H N E tt Sec. 36-17-44. when the present equipment does Probably the most satisfactory breed Carl Bohart is feeding Joe Ed- ^^BitppollU CU uncage owned by each of said own H O iK L B A l i i » C AI 2-5-23. $1.00. not permit the orchard sprays to be raised on the farms are those that wards’ s t o c k _ Kubli l o f the hou. at his __ Indian creek! rr „ ers is as follows: , , • U. S. A. to Teresa E. McRae completed rapidly enough for maxi grow to considerable size and are ram.b ^ ^ ^ B in d cr the HOT EG Names. * ‘ Acreag?. mum protection against pests and also good layers although they may ‘ Mrs'. John Hammack who has been ™ tion f i ... 6 , introui * * ^ ™ * * dohn Ward ________________ One Jtii.ic,, 147 disease- not be non-setters, such aa the quite ill, is reported better at th is, ^ tativeRDcnton G. B ^ r /n 12- ‘ 7-1906’ Njsss, Ham Brown __ 166 wriiino> ! Malheur U n d Co- to Geo. W. Tay American breeds known as the writing. I^ ^ B a n d Senator Chas. Garrison ........ 90 The farm bureau held an all day Rocks, Wyandottes, Reds, or the Ct'i i ( l ’endleton, to invi Blaine Spaulding and family visit lor, *3 acres in .. A4NW'4 Sec. 32- H. J. Ward ____________________ 60 Clean u C t house 1 English breeds of Orpingtons. Any 15-43. 12-25-22. $1.00. _ meeting . . at the . , Park school , 6 usine».- aitairs un ed at Mr. and Mrs. Corder’s home • a iifd ; i u uvalheur Count} ___ J .3 Thursday of last week. L. R. of those breeds have U. S. A. to Ernest H. Hathaway. Sunday night, _ . . . . 1 — ------- — — ■ ™ •» been among nrigati and ara 2 j Good meal»’ . O.egon Short Line Brelthaupt, county agent, and R. V. the real hif?h producer8 and as they th e^ K ie. Mike Huntington helped Wm. M i l J ^ ^ l u v T e E * SV' ’' RoOiiS .t./ Gunn, farm management demon- are an goo<i m ^lers f;nd most ler haul wood last week. 19 97 91 Bec ^16-40. protection of said land» is for san resolution < A i.n F itir i o i X 'i i strotor from Corvall.s, were the of their food during the summera if Walter Weaver, from Lost Valley, *“ ' • WU 'àh ted by 1 itary and agricultural purposes; and speakars. A very interesting time ! left Ht fr„e TRng, but they wi„ 8p was a Bonita visitor Saturday. ' S' A ' to E5 >e®fr.‘f§: Hathaway, Mien proposed reclamation and pro the le» siature at and much profit to all of those in and and if if we are to t0 have have win, er or we are A lovely locket and chain was — àuvsrr Tierce, tection will be conducive to the pub attendance ia reported. At noon 0 « H . . . . . , , »«rly layers they should be set as sent eiu to 10 Mrs. sirs, Frank rranx Reed need by Dy her ner # oi^B s .on to cons i c health and welfare, and of public • L i»o• 1 ti» j fine lunch was served In the school j Unity and Herford Thursday, apponued, friends as a loving remembrance, r O f V i l l l C K k 5 6 I * V l C t ? utility and benefit. house basement. Complete statls-1 iK » l Mrs. Reed left here in January to imor,i two by the « 6 . All of the lands included in Offic» ut Ueüdtt • tice in cost of producing the various i Mrs. Albert Morfitt and little son t od A * !» of represents said proposed district are properly farm crops of Malheur county were frigerator cars. This is that a rep- A> BROGAN i I ^ ^ H ’esidcnt Call the included therein, and will be bene Njrpsa. given and the best crops, from the early in the spring as convenient. : Of. Choosing the setters of early xüich commission i There will be a dance at the Bro-I ficially affected by the operations of standpoint of profit, were pointed spring, have some room where the )d to investif ary 16. th proposed district. out to the fanners. and fiMnce CIT\ I> RAT LINE Mr. and Mrs- Tip Tyler and Bill Many o f thise present expressed ~ St of ‘ he, Afloctk can not bother The benefits of such proposed ts and to bri C. W jì Quinn o f Bridgeport were Brogan reclamation and protection will ex o dtermination ----- *- keep to hooks and hooks h’ m a" d, let ,he hens ,et a definite records on farm operations the dl*^* "°»or* putting eggs under visitors Wednesday. ceed the damage to be done; and the 1 thorn. Eggs are not as fertile in PROMPT D E L I. LKY their Orville Nichols of Ironside was coming year. best interest of the land included. PHONE 70F2 1 the early part of the season as later (hose who donated the food and to all I Keicson uhie Rsites an^F af the owners of such land as a f ! ,in<l it is policy to try and set more who helped make the affair the spe- Irai m g e comn wholq. and of the public at large, p h o :vE MP3 ARCADIA than one hen at the same time. Al primarily t n town Wednesday. ♦■»•M-f ♦ H .++ H t H - H 4 W H - t . t » will be promoted by the formation * ................ ’* ways choosing not too large nor ATTÔKVK'» t AT I.AW ^iiility of the The P.-T. A. met at the school . 1 and p nposed operation of said dis « Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. James | neither too small eggs, pick the eggs school house Friday. J)f irrigation t trict. Benall, Feb. 1st, a fine bahy boy. 1 of common size, nicely shaped, and I bonds, and ti Mr. and Mrs. F. W Smith motor ’ K. M. ! 8 . he formation of a drainage uLoiKJirPT Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John flitter | see that they are clean. About th> ed to Boise Wednesday. te n st upon th amt distikh under the provisions ot, Aitarne • y Cob, Feb. 4th, a fine bahy girl. | eleventh day these eggs should be The farm bureau met at the hall ] \ < hf[tt<i 340 of tlie General I-aws of Land and Proba-;e w ofÿ a 8 P 0 C Ialtf. I H. Brooke ani e tim i sto r k Mra. Chas. Bullard accidentally tested, and all unfertile egg* taken Monday- There was a basket dinner Oregon for 1915, under the provis ^visitors in th stuck a pitchfork in her right hand, from the nests Thirteen eggs may at noon. Ny'sa, ions o which t"his petition is pro S H A V IN G . H A IR < I T T I N G IfCisdature dur i and U suffering with blood poison- ngain be placed under the hens and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith motored I ! posed, is a proper and advantageous H O T AN?» « r t l .n MATHS daim that Un ! fresh eggs again be set under the to Vale Wednesday. method of accomplishing the recla It. W. S',VA(,|.i iM T Chester Lackey is on the sick | hens from which you have removed |it merely r M rs Louise Baker was in Ontario ■> L B. HAMAKER. Prop Attn-ne- atV Law mation and protection of the land in list, suffering with severe cold j the eggs. Care should be taken ta t week. ‘.nces and v. J N ysm , O regon . the said proposed Drainage "District. Hootdl l> 14. I l , j every day to see that If any eggs and tonailitls- f g bodies.- Eugene Lockett was quite badly . 9. The proposed plan for th » 1 Bldg Mrs. Lloyd Orla is ijrk at the have been broken, and if so, which injured Sunday when he was shot ........................................................... reclamation and protection o f th » 1 Ontario Oregoa. 4 COUNTY STATISTICS r Nyssa Transfer T ¡I Nyssa Barber Shop I Nyssa, Oregon. it*. nment in the wide I number in mort- 1 .« U U J . Absorb Th is: O L D AG E P A 8 S E T H A W A Y B U T Y O U T H IS P E B E N N IA I 1$) I»* Vrwt|H|tof itymllrivtA \ rn qiilr»*«! R M lnw Iy, **1n th** jx j *»f IrnvlB^ you s*y popn wn«1 m i t n i r “ No.** he n»i»!le*i, “1 Mill ro iiT lloNtiin Tranarrti>t.| ■ M M BANK OF NYSSA M M tH ¡R . w s m a g l io » 8. The formation of a drainage | A tto ri iy at Law d1 strict under the provisions of Hootns I I ; 4> ip fiy p te r 340 o f the General Laws of WtUon Bldg i Oregon for 1915, under the provis-1 Ontario , m Oregon.