^ r E G ate C ity *K M M journal NYSSA, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBKUAHY 23, 1923. \\ i m L.. »LLtll ; n e today >>n und et Into ot 26 to 4. S t ,i , r Itrown's sterilization bill pan.-e d the house with only two dls- bintlug votes. Keeney and Kubii were tin only two members to vote against it. Differing from the former •terlll- zu.lon bill, it applies generally rather than to inmates of state institutions t.l, ne. and has for Its purpose the eter- 111 ttlcn of any person who may pro­ pagate the unfit The senate by a vote of 24 to 6 passt d Itepri sentatlve Hurd's bill au­ thorizing an appropriation of $250,000 for the financial relief of the city of Astoria. Under the provisions of the bill bonds would be Issued by the stricken city and these purchased by the state at par. The securities would draw 4 p. r cent Interest and mature In 20 V' ars. Although the city of Astoria would pay no interest during the first six j ars of the life of the bondB, this exaction by the state would be In- <'tided in the deferred principal pay­ ments. All of the money to be derived from the sale of the bonds would be exp-ndi d in rebuilding the streets, sewer system and water mains. Representative Gordon's concurrent r> solution authorizing a corporation to be formed to put on a world’s fair at Portland In 1927 was adopted in both houses. The resolution would make the governor, the secretary of state and the state treasurer members of the corporation. Changes In Bonus Approved. A house Joint resolution which would refer to the people the question of amending the constitution so the benefits of the bonus and loan act would be opened to Spanish-Amerlcan war veterans and to Oregon soldiers who, anticipating the war, went into the army prior to those now benefited by the act, and also opening It to sig­ nal service women, who heretofore have been held to have been civtilaa employe!, was adopted by the senate. A bill introduced In the bouse by Representative Bailey to prevent aliens rot eligible to citizenship in the Unl- ti d S ates from holding any Interest in real property In Oregon passed the senate without a dissenting vote. The | bill is said to be identical with the laws already in effect In Washington and California and will forbid Orien­ tals from owning or leasing land ia Oregon. The sheriffs’ compensation bill, spon­ ad by sored by Senator Klepper, was killed in the senate. The bill would have provided compensation for sheriffs or d< puty sheriffs Injured In the perform­ ance of their duties or to their de­ pendents In the event these officials were killed in the performance of their TS COnlTTlIt- duties. Paid Highway Board Is Defeated. k approved The house of representatives for the sent blen- i, or $669.- second time this season has voted down ommended f bill to provide a paid highway com­ ,slon. The mit sloner. It defeated a bill intro- :C:nmemlod doced by Representatives Hesse and unt of $$,- Adams to appoint a highway commis­ 10,000 from sion. r to be paid $10,000 per year. The house also defeated a bill to re­ tie state ramisslons. quire a fifty-fifty apportionment of d by the cosis of overhead or underground rail­ two yeare road crossings on state highways, be- $8.000,000. t« 'n the railroad companies and tho committee highway commission and county. Mrs. Simmons’ bill to require physi­ I rescinded relation to cal examination of persons, both men the scaler and women, seeking marriage licenses, lepartment. passed the house. The bill has been amended by tack­ requested which was ing on the referendum clause to refer ting of the It to the people at the next general >: Itt ee allowed election. Also the provision prevent­ Ion of $5000. ing marriage of persons whose men­ r of weights tality Is not over that of 12 years had turned down | been stricken from it Senate Passes W . C. T . U. Bill. i allowed by Representative Gordon’s bill author­ izing an appropriation of $25,000, with »assed. which to assist in establishing a home the senate for dependent children was approved the creation by the senate. The home will be to­ isrion. This taled in Benton county and will be jse and was conducted by the W. C. T. U. :es based on The senate by a vote of 22 to S x investlgat- passed Senator Brown’s bill preventing 'oliowinc the the use of milk In the manufacture of substitutes for butter and other the appoint­ dairy products. The measure was di­ ive members rected especially at oleomargarine, the >l>os‘ d to be manufacture and sale of which has . for a s'nil- inertastd rapidly In Oregon during the obligations, i past few years. of evidences Determined efforts were made to secretary of muster strength enough In the house ' . tr services j to reconsider the vote by which 8ena- n in Oregon, j tor Eddy's bill to revise the high school the commis- courses of study was defeated. The ! bill passed the senate after a prolonged debate, was reported out of the house committee on education with a divided report, and after the minority report In favor of the bill had been substi­ tuted for the majority report against It. the bill was voted down by twenty- eUht votis against twenty-six with six absent. Legislative Brevities. ty a vote Representative Carkln on behalf of the hoiis* members presented to Speak­ er and Mrs. Kubii a beautiful engraved sterling sliver service ot five pieces^ $1.50 PER YEAR 07345134 County The Sun Shines Here. News o f Interest * FINALLY PASSED With the rest of the North- * west in the grip of the worst * storms of the winter, Malheur * M V V W A V W M Y W I W / A V A W W A V i V i W county is enjoying balmy spring * days. Just across the Burnt * ily, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher. Mrs. hiNGMAN KULOMY tuver mountains, Baker is suf- * Lillian Lawerence, Susie Claibourne, lering iium tne storm, accord- * Jesse Cantrall and son Archie. Harold Elliott had the misfortune Mr. and Mrs. L. R. DeWitt left j mg to newspaper reports, and * of hurting his foot while riding Saturday for Sal-nas, Cal., where Portland and the Willamette * Ihuisday evening, home bones were they will visit their son Ward, who valley are buried under several * inenes of snow and ice with * dislocated and tne ligaments badly is a junior in high school there, a raging blizzard further em- * BOUNTY LOCAL OPTION torn. also other relatives. Though their bittering the comfort. * Herbert Uickox escaped injury stay in the community was compar­ this week by jumping from a load atively Malheur county is fast ac- * brief, they made many BILL OFFERED acquiring the reputation of * SUBSTITUTE of ice which slid down the hill and friends who regret their departure Having a uniformly pleasant * AT LAST MOMENT IN turned bottom up into tne “ Fifty for other lands, as they intend to climate- Numerous limes in the * boot” ditch. The horses landed on hake their home in California. UPPER HOUSE- past years storms have raged * their becks hut were not injured. Word from our Owyhee girls in over the Northwest and this * Hick Bach lias purenased the Ed­ Walla Walla schools— Marian Lowe section has been missed by * wards forty acres on the east side ot and Mildred State Capitol, Salem, Feb. DeBord— state that them. * the Koiony. 'the Bachs expect to Miss Marian, who is a Whitman 16.— (Special to The Enter­ move onto their new place this week. college senior student, has been o f­ prise.)— Two bills passed the Messrs. Nichols and Bach took fered a position in Honolulu, which, legislature of more than pass­ A large crowd attended the Karr 22 nogs to Nyssa Friday. ing interest to the irrigated however, owing to its great distance sale at the G. W. Lattig ranch on Mrs. Archie Moses and ner father, from the home folks, she probably districts of Malheur county. Weunesday of last week. The These are Senate Bill No. 97, Mr. Eldredge, wer in Caldwell Tues­ will not accept. Mildred successfully Karr’s are moving to Payette. day. Mr. Eldredge went to On­ passed first semester examinations introduced by Senator Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. C. Welcher were and Senate Bill No. 79, by tario Friday. in the high school where is a junior, guests ot the birthday dinner given Senator Nichelsen. ..Both pass­ U. R. Overstreet sold his hay to with an average of 91 Vi, which by Mrs. Lillie Lauer o f Payette last ed the lower house today. the Stanfield Sheep company this placed her name on the honor roll, week. „..The first of these bills pro­ week- one of 103 students out of the 1100 Mrs. J. D. Conner and daughter vides for the issuance of cer­ Sunday Miss Evelyn HeBord was students enrolled, to attain i t tificates o f delinquency on ir­ the guest of Miss Cora Elliott und Mr. ond Mrs. H. Walters and Maiy were guests Monday of Mr. rigation district taxes at the Miss Jeanette Martin the guest of daughters, Iva and Grace, spent Sat- and Mrs. O. G. Conner of Weiser. Mrs. D. R. Davis is spending a end of 18 months. ..The other Miss i.ois Schweizcr. I urday evening at the Lowe home. authorizes the loaning of Mrs. Conrad Mur ¿in and Mrs. C. Jenkins it McLain are feeding a few weeks with Mrs. C. A. Karst. Willis Howard who has been ser­ money from the irriducible M. Beaumont entertained at a valen­ band o f sheep on the Klingback iously ill for several weeks with school fund on lands within tine party Wednesday at the home ranch. rheumatic fever, is slowly recover­ irrigation districts. of the former. The guests played F. L. DeBord was a business vis­ ing. hearts during the afternoon, alter itor in the Gate City Soturday. By S taff Correnspondence. Eugene Shay wos the guest Sun­ w'hich the hostess, assisted by Miss Mrs. Mary Grimes, wife o f Grief State Capitol, Salem, February 16. Susie Claiborn, served reireshmects. Grimes of Boise, died Sunday of day of Mr. and Mrs. John Bartsche. (Special to The Enterprise.)— Carl Rudd, who was quite ill last ’Hie guests included Mcsdamcs Hick- tuberculosis of the stomach. Mrs. Local option, as applied to the pay­ ox, Edwards, Creeling, Johnston, Grimes is a nephew of Mrs. S. D. week, is reported to be improving. L. L. Culbertson accompanied the ment o f coyote bounties, will make Maxwell, A Moses, Bach, Nichols, Bigelow. negative debating team of Ontario it possible fo r Malheur county to Cotton, Kingman, Otis, Moigan, Fred Pullen has been obliged to high to Burns Thursday, returning discontinue the payment o f thous­ Schweizer and Juild, and the Misses minss school, owing to a severe ands of dollars to coyote hunters in spell of qinkeye, which seems very Saturday. Maxwell and Claiborn. Miss Mory Conner was the guest the future, if the substitute for Bill Webb Otis is building a new i prevalent of late, No. 46, which passed the Senate house on his farm in the Koiony. Werner Peutz and Omar Hite of Mrs. O. B. Towel, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bowers are today receives the favorable sanc­ This is the fourth new house built in made a trip to Nyssa Saturday for moving to North Payette this week. tion of the other branch o f the state the Koiony this fall. C. C. Cotton a lead of corn. Mr. and Mrs. Arner Gorton and legislature and the governor’s signa­ was the first to bu»ld. They are Mrs. Warren Fenn visited rela­ daughter Audrey spent the week ture- now occupying their modern five- tives in town Saturday. In an attempt to relieve the room house. The plasterers are Miss Vera Neeb, of Ontorio, spent end with relatives in Payette. county from the burden imposed J. R. Cumberland and family now busy on the M. M. Creeling the week end at the McGinnis home. moved to Emmett the first o f the upon it by the present law which house, and the Herbert Hickox resi­ compels it to pay bounties upon week. dence will soon be ready for the RIG BEND Otto Miller Jr. was a dinner guest coyotes, Senator Charles W. Ellis, plasterers. F. T. Morgan is making of Burns, representing Malheur, Sunday o f Curtis Carico. a two-room and porch addition to Harney and Grant counties, and Miss Shern ond Miss Miller, from Cecil Conner spent the week end his residence. Nampa, conducted services at the with his cousin Eldo Eost of Weiser Representative James A . Lackey o f ..School Notes. Ontario and Malheur county, jointly school house Sunday morning and Flat. Lincoln's Birthday and Valentine introduced Senate Bill No. 46, evening. There was a good attend­ Mrs. D. R. Davis was the guest of Hay were duly celebrated at the ance at both meetings. Mrs. C. G. Heslup several days last which if it had passed would have school house this week. repealed the law in reference to Dwain Baldwin has moved his week. Friday afternoon two sets of coyotes. house near the Riverside ditch. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Miller slides were shown. “ Animals that This bill was made to feel the Chat Purdy is visiting home folks spent the week end with Mr. and Serve Man” and “ Birds of Oregon” pressure o f the wool growers and at the present writing. Mrs. Herbert Marvin o f Payette. were the pictures enjoyed. Mr. Phelan came home Friday Harold McKinney was a dinner died in the Committee of Agricul­ Twenty-five supplementary readers ture and forestry, to whom it was from Hot Springs, where he has guest Sunday of John Conner. have been ordered for use in the been taking treatments for rheuma­ Mr. and Mrs. Linkous and boby referred. first five grades. This is one more Still trying to secure some relief tism. He is much improved. of Weiser were guests Sunday of step toward making the school fo r Southeastern Oregon, it was Mrs. E. E. Cone and son Frank Mr and Mrs. W. F. Vincent. standard. were shopping in Parma Thursday. W. L. Stevens and O. C. Miller proposed that the Committee on A g ­ Gladys Elliott and Lillian Max­ R. R. Ruddell was among the vis­ transacted business in Huntington riculture and Forestry introduce a well have both entered as beginners bill, which would permit the county itors in Parma Monday. Wedensday. recently. courts of each county, in the month Mr. Purdy has been quite sick for Mr. and Mrs. H. A . Conner and The menu for the hot lunch the some time. He motored to Ostario daughter Charlotte of Weiser were o f June o f each year, to decide by past week included: Vegetable soup, with Frank Boswell Sunday to see a guests Sunday of the former’s resolution whether or not such court potato soup, weinies, cocoa, and should pay bounties on any wild ani­ mother, Mrs. J. D. Conner. doctor. beans an la Spanish. Robert Ruddell was in Parma Mr. and Mrs. eGorge Sullens and mals and if the county court decide son Horold were entertained Mon­ against such payments, there would Monday. be no necessity o f levying any tax OWYHEE Rev. Clive Williams went to Jor­ day by Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Osborne. dan Valley Sunday with some Nam­ Mr. and Mrs. Otto C. Miller en­ for this item. A fter somewhat o f a scrap in the committee, the substi­ Mrs. Charlotte McGinnis has been pa ministers to hold meetings in tertained at 6 o’clock dinner Wed­ tute was introduced as a committee quite ill for several days. Miss Mary several different places in the valley, nesday evening in honor o f the Ray Johnston and family went tc j birthday anniversary o f W. F. Vin- bill and came upon the floor to fall McGinnis helped her with the work Nampa Monday. Rev. Williams ac- \ dent. The dining table was decorat- under the fire o f Senator Dennis, during her illness. Mrs. Chas. Fisher is cooking for companied him home in the evening. | ed with red hearts and lighted with from LaGrande, and the Willamette Valley bloc. Senator Ellis cham­ the Jenkins-McLean lambing crew Mr. Bernard is quite ill at his red candles, o large heart shape pioned the bill and though single- birthday cake forming the center-1 on the Reece ranch. home. handed against the other interests A number o f friends and relatives Mrs. Fleetwood was oble to be out piece. Covers were laid for 12. Fol-| lowing the dinner, 500 was enjoyed carried it through to final passage. pleasantly surprised Oscar Pinkston Sunday. The Proposed law is as follow s: by the guests. at his home Saturday evening. J. P. Barrett is on the sick list “ The several county courts o f the Park Improvement Club was en­ Among those present were the Mc­ V. V. Hickox and wife spent the tertained Thursday afternoon at the State of Oregon may, at their op­ Ginnis family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank evening Friday with the Faubions. tion, levy a tax o f not less than one- Newbill, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Watson, Russell Fleetwood and family are home o f Mrs. Arthur Karr, with tenth o f a mill and not to exceed 1 Mrs. C. Welcher as assistant hostess. Mrs. Alma Wiseman, the Hite fam-i moving from the Bend to the Mallett Roll coll was responded to with mill, for the purpose o f paying a ranch. With only 20 dissenting voles, the A very delightful party was given notes from the Life of Washington, bounty on coyotes, cougars, gray house passed house bill No. 313, in- at E. C. Cone’s last Thursday even­ followed by a George Washington wolves, black wolves, wildcats, and crossing the state tax on gasoline ing. program, during which sketches seals." “ And the said county courts o f from 2 to 3 cents a gallon. Mrs. Ed Gibson was in the Bend from the Life of Washington were The senate by a vote of 23 to 7 Monday. read by Mrs. W. F. Vincent. Vocal the several counties o f this state passed a bill Introduced by the com­ solos by Miss Gertrude Heslup were shall, at the first regular meeting mittee on military affairs authorizing much enjoyed by those present. o f said courU, in the month of OREGON SLOPE an appropriation of $16,000 annually Twenty-three members and two June of each year, decide by a reso­ for the maintenance ot the. battleship guests, Mrs. Friel Frost and Miss lution of said court whether or not C. A. Karst and Mrs. P. M. Boats Gertrude Heslup, enjoyed the after­ such court shall pay the bounties on Oregon in the Portland harbor. Under a bill passed in the senate in­ and daughter Mary left Saturday noon. A delivcious luncheon was any, or all, o f the animals herein­ corporated towns and cities of the evening for Sioux City, Iowa, in re­ served by the hostess. The next after provided, for the killing and state are prohibited from Issuing a sponse to a wire announcing the regular meeting of the club will be destruction o f the following named license to aliens to conduct pool halls, death o f their father, following an held at the home o f Mrs. Otto C. animals coyote or coyote pup, $3; dance halls, card rooms, soft drink operotion at the hospital at Sioux Miller with Mrs. W. F. Vincent for each adult female coyote, $4; for each gray wolf, black wolf, gray establishments or engage In the pawn City. assisting on Thursday, Morch 1st. Mrs. Forest Hail was the guest of brokers’ business. Several ranchers from the Slope wolf pup, black w olf pup, timber The senate adopted house concur­ Miss Mary Conner on Friday. attended the movable school at Pay- w olf or timber w olf pup, $2.50; for Keith Brown o f Ontario spent tbs|” ~ ‘ Qn Patur(lay and report a fine each bobcat wildcat or lynx, $2; for rent resolution No 5, which provides each mountain lion, panther or cou­ that a commission be named to confer week end with his prandparents, program. with a like commission from the state Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost. W. D. Graham of Payette is gar, $10; for each seal or seal pup, C. L. Lees, G. W. Lattig, J. W. spending o few days at the Miller $2.50; provided, however, that the of Washington to investigate into the word "seal” shall here be construed feasibility of building an interstati Ewing and O. C. Miller were busi­ ranch. ness visitors in Weiser, Monday, i __________________ bridge on the lower Columbia river. | ,to m<’an the animal commonly Mr .and Mrs. George Sullens and FOR SALE— Six good Holstein known as sealion.” Members of the senat- pr> senfed to President Upton a beautiful silver serv­ son Harold were dinner guests Sun- dairy cows, fresh and to freshen Tell the news to the Gate City ice tea set. The pres, ntatlon was day at the pnrental N. G. Sullens soon. — P. van Twisk, % mile south Journal, and the Journal will tell the Idanha orchard.—Adv.j5-tf home o f Vale. made by Senator Eddy. I world. DELINQUENT M X AND SDHOOL LOAN THRU HOUSE