"T "------ 1---- " r , ---------«--------------------s - ----------♦ N V SiÍA , (flfE C o N , F R ID A Y , F E l l R t A R } 9. 1923. X X I. NO. 17. M i l BILLS IM S k ill naan h o i ili OF IBFIIEIS ' Ü,L’ T i l n i i i l l ’ 1 Protect the small movie man, who. It» i PECr M O K E l O E U M E j il(,clarod> u uBable t0 keep h)# houS; frudstj. Sunday of Mr. »yd Mrs. J. M. left Monday fo r his home at River­ Arthur. Vanburan shipped four car- toben sclp^ of one of -file pr*mdest load of cattle to Portland Wednesday. V* Prussia, who had m ^ on a oud. • side. | open and maintain the charges ofton Arthur Beam assisted him *in gptting H° " ” n‘. .". U )* * * . ', MV and Mis*. Fred AndersoW were ,, . L ed fo be the personal friend and «g e n t demanded by distributors. v The subject fo r Bible” study, which « I k H .A T IO N , E X PE C TE D TO H t them to Brogan where shipment was | c f ^ k,|lgcf ,„.la, ta running a lltth Everything ■ Is Carefully Planned by The house by unanimous vote gav% gueses,, Mihiday, o f M*. and Mrs. W. is held each Sunday following Sun­ C E N TE R OF IN T E R E S T , ‘‘ Master Mind1-— “ Pence«" and made. , •* .. ’ toy su*re' Here. * . tts approval to house bill 231, which* I 1 • .Layman., day school is “ History o f the World Henry Cape of upper W illow creek: After rerpnlning-In obscurity since H A K O L ft M E N T IO N E D Diamond putters Pa’rt of * in effect provides that where place. \ ‘ \V. Lodh^t made a business trip in Eight Verses” next Sunday. was a business visitor here Thursday,! g i«' release freiu Fh.-t Douglas/ Utifh. . the Intricate tr Macho nine., handling foodstuffs are found by the Vd“tOntario Friday. • The weekly meeting o f the “ N a­ Eli Rose returned from Vale Sat-1 wfiorp he was Interned, Von .Alvans* dairy and food commissioner to be un- I . John. DMnard'flrove over t*» Ontar- tives’4 is^to be held each Saturday at urday wkere he has been on a bu’si- keben smiilerfly tparle his reai>i>earaui,e New YorJt.— Somewhere among th* i — Both ho «.is s resumed w o rt sanitary, changes shall be ordered and loda^t, Saturday, J the Lowe home instead of Wednesday ness trip the last two weeks. . to Seattle nnd^nslvertlsed by the news- millionaires o f New York, mingling % ' . _ .V- ...V _ kiiday after Vu I'ual wioa-end ad- the inspector sh 11 post a notice upnn'l .^ ra n k Brown was shopping in W Vii. il ¥ has been the custom. ■Hub Walters passsd through iron-1 P“ !* ? i t " ' ' 1’8 » l,ou« ' hls »rcciacular with their families, eating at theif^* Irnment with '• at two weeks in such establishment, truck or vehicle ¿or Thursday. t , , .. A d past,- s 'iolng a rflshlng business, | clubs, and dancing' with their . ••Several skating parties have eeen ides Tuesday on his way^froni L-uitv 1 f, ■ J v I von Alvensl»l>i'n« career • rivals and wives, is a fascinatingly heautl ch to accomplish most of the real to tho effect that it is condemned for CJlus- J/urdy is oivth e sick list, held lately at'.the Collins dam, where to Nyssa - , . 1 .njftlilng. in fletiod." Horn In a family woman, a “ master mind” sdventiu further use because of such unsanitary, * «¡Jdc.'and ^|rs. John White were in there is a ifne, lbrg£ expanse o f very | Locey^Jros. are building new sheep y. j,.T1 * j fp.,l with, the G<‘ rumn nohllltv ‘who plays hut once or twice it year, j been busy whipping proposed leg­ condition, ‘'which notice shall not be j I'd Mia .vi. iting Saturday, smooth ice. 1 ' sijyds and getting in condition for the ! F*jn, ^ . he win brought up in the and .then only tor the highest staMts, ion into shape and a number of removed from any such establishment, ^ . ‘F^'ank Cone was in Adrian on bus- Mr: ’.and Mrs* Oee Schweizer and lambitjg season. military caste and was an olHcer .1» Tlie sensational robhery of almost Sf-I l.i-ur-s t minor importance hnvQ place, truck or vehicle until the same _lnS'ss -Saturday. children visited Sunday at the A. B. > G. A: Tureman returned from the the (lermjin army. ' » * half ' ‘ a million dollars’ worth of rents M grgarot Purdy has^hyr» confined $Hi.a,|ftey home in Big Bend. L ived attention hi either house, the has been put In a sanitary condition.” Malheur river valley where* he has He detieid . tradition, resigned hi« from Mrs. C. P. Hugo Sehoellkopf of to »her home orne with, f t tp r^ o td ¡flifyjfr Sips« IsolM ition program and Income tax rs Jpssie K yg a r and Lu de been gathering homes, Wednesday. V» Marriage Bill Defeated. commission and mime to this eountr’ Buffalo was one of her strokes, care­ lisl.itimj, th* I - most Important la­ *'■’ *'•' i 4 ’ ■ j V . Gftede* hav/A purchased the Andy Han- By a vote of 18 to 11, the senate this wjek C f \ * ’ Mr. and Mrs. -Edd “Derve and .son ««**• A« ” 'r ^’«rking-as a common fully planned and neatly executed, . 3en rar M. ätpi Mrs. ..T A P ” S g itt, ret«i , ps to bo acted upon at this session, defeated the Klepper bill providing arwh from Lynn K yg a r and Wm C arl of Cotton Wood w ere in town o n , Inhorer around Vsncomer. R C- two police now believe. r r __ u ' K . 1__ -• • * . I . , - years, he mbdg a “ stake" and plunged Rlx months ago she played another not been passed upon by either that persons desiring to marry should home trim Joseph TdísJay. ' J’eutz and will soon take possession. . Into, l.n d speculations. He hmde.mil lytnd. That game netted her $300,000 The. Literary ■Society asul.^i] f. * 'i’iu.y have moved a small house onto business Thursday. file a written application with the se. The little son o f Mr. and Mrs: H.‘ llohs. In gouts. Both robberies bear the ear­ fter being In session four wooks county clerk at least ten days be­ visitors were well pleased*,-tvith t^ie the piace f rnm the stam ranch. Cape sunereu suffered injuries to nis h ij leg at as I For years .he was the social lpader marks of having originated in the ... . , a j * — r rape program that. wVas. pr?setjted, r fid u j .U,anlta and Orville Bigelow were j hig horgc feU ^ *him tM otS her ^ B y sixteen bills had passed both fore issuance of tho license. The bill of Vtuji'oiTver. lie ha* a mansion that same group. • . . . . business visitors in Ontario Saturday. *Ea*r l Lofton and E ar, Ri re . ill o f mil e. w i l l originally provided that the applica­ evening February 2. rivaled’ ôld-*orld castles. He was uj. , The ppllce • are holding . a Rarrett A m a & n n. A I— i .1 n 1 V «VI 11., e n » «» 1 1»A W \Xf O t‘ 0 I w * •— . 1 . , 1 . 1 1 A i l i n - g A the itM possible exception of tho Roose- tion should be filed 30 days prior to ” ’ numbers given , were .. ‘ Louis DeBord 3I,tnt ^ e -w e e k end | % u n M f ,.om Pm.tland Tuesday, temled by; huge retinues of servants, t j I Carman, at whose apartment thg ^■r 1 the issuance of the license, but this music by Whites, Fleetwqod and Har I in f,'vssa where he was a guest, in Guy Wise tiytk a load of honey te H * operated n«jrl»ole fleet e»f expensly* Sehoellkopf robbery occurred, hot ml u negro Benton home. While in Nyssa j j ndv F riday > ’ gptotnolillej. -H e supported s stable they Hre Inclined to believe thi^t (>•*■"’ ¡sponsored by the const counties, which 3eotion of the measure was amended ris, a. short* dialogue, and play entitle, “ Oh” Doctor' effect continues the Roosevelt high­ to read ten days. The cast h" nurchased some turkevs and hen«.! Mrs' j p . sm ith returned home-the c f r61" P“ nl<'.*-* I ,Iian' to°. wnB “played"'by the hench- ,, *visit * • Thep came the Nnr. Von-Alvens- | men of this woman adventuress who M?. ani,, Mrs. Lawrence Davis o f ^ , 6 f the after a ^ • onths Tl ly act of 1921. It will require dill* One of the administration law en­ foe the negro play were Frank Cone ... . tj . Brogan and Ontario lehen came to the United States, hut j 'rented the lower npaftment prephra- |Hpt work on the part of both houses forcement measures, the Eddy bill Ralph ..Cone, Leo I,ew, on, O rv.llf Caldwell visited last week with Mrs ly ruinors fnllnw'ed him jtnd wrecked tory to “ pulling the Job." Plans for W J has just been received o f the' |thelr calendars are cleared before creating a fund for use of the gover- j Fleetwood Verl Ryle. Orval F .u b ia n ,, W alter Pinkston, sister of Mrs. Davis ------ just -------------------- hfs Vuslness. Tlie story was general­ thta robbery, the police suspect, were Mrs. Violet Rice and the Misses illness o f William. M orfitt a pioneer th<> forty day constitutional limitation nor, passed the senate with only Ellis ¡^ a Hue Haley, and Mrs. Jacobs. Mr. ly printed that he "was slated' to hf ¡aid months before it was made. ai 1 ii voting against it. [ FrankJohns, director o f tho ploy, as Nova Larsen and Rowena Glenn were And well krpiwn rrian o f Eastern Ore­ governor general of Canada—-if the ■ > ir e s . Woman Neyer.“ Plays.” Tlie bill provides that 75 per cent i " ‘■■11 as the audience was well pleased ¡„ Adrian Saturday, And.he was certainly In-* Hall Bill Tabled. gon gnd for many years-a resident of .kaiser One tiling the -police* kjaiw. Tlie Mrs. Maude McGinnis left this week 1Ilallleul /I fcr1th the tabling of the Hall bill in of the fines collected from violations with the rcsult>cxf his train ng. queen does not show herself. 8he Malheur V City. Air. M orfitt is , now re- tlinnte with the German- embassy. ° n February 16, the school will to j oin her husband, Andrew McGin- gidi in Brownsville, Oregon. Von Alvensh-ben was interned and never “ pulls” a Job herself, most like­ [thu senate the Issue of consolidation of the prohibition law go to the conn- kept in captivity three ykurs. He lost * ■ • ------ ------------------- ly Is not even present when tlie gain« H tailed i*'1 th® ties for law enforcement purposes and K*ve a Pr°k ram an ncar Austjn. what remained o f hls fortune— either Is nlu.ved for large stakes.. p. p. Y.arseh »purchased a. horse at se late last w eek. The Hall bill, pnss- 25 per cent to the state treasurer for box- Everyone is invited to Come and tbrhngh confiscation oi; because o f un­ Nor does she play in a haphazard | the Frank Leyk*sale Saturday. agi of which was urged by Governor use of the governor in employing spe- , l" 'ng a valentine .for a friend..k paid taxes. . ' . mnnner. Everything Is planned, Mr. and Mrs: Alvin McGinnis are, -> Buck Parks and Miss Elsie 7----* H orce, was laid on the table by a cial agents and for other expensa of Cox ’ Finally released, he had Just $.r>l— “ fences" or places where the Jewels j ' working on the Reece ranch fo r a made a visit to Folly .Farm over the of 17 to 11, and it Is generally be­ law enforcement. but,he went fhto htislijess at orfee as can -he pawned or sold without the . $ short time after which they antici- week end. The bill has the emergency clause. £ ll* red this action rpeans the death of an exporter ahd .Importer and wns police knowing It and diamond cut * ^ Senator Eddy’s bill making farmers Frank Shumway returned home Pat® moving to the ranch neap the bill, so far as tbe senate is cou- tors who cun change the shifie of a Mrs. A. V. Clark»and M rs» Archie micros',ful In a _mo i<]aho lo Ee daughter, M iss'-Bemice, wno is. in-; ter the re tu » trnde^and he’s making have heen .ordered to run than» ‘eti day’s stage. * • * pus I to administer state alTairs. Rep- damages. Also, he may use the high- , with ber for awhile, * I struct** in vocal, instrumental music s witci^es nj It. The graces which, he j down, learn their nsmclatloA «nd ' Orin A jto n has been visiting old Mike G allfgher of Crowley was in ' and „Spanish in fche GdhI State- Acad- •nee dlsplnveil at ftte German entirt their relations to any possible crooks, ---- - ^ K e n ta tiv o Carkiu, who Joined with way for moving hls machinery wlth- .fien ds* at-.Crowley this week. are now showered upon the hutnhle Plays With Fortunes 8* itor Johnson In the Introduction out asking permission, but in that Creston this week. (.en,y and heI ■B«"?i*<'d>r.rtw wh*^,s a Cfrnlyy Ithvfs*‘ wa.‘i in .fro ijj the Owyx hoits-ow^ves of Seattle — and they „ddltlon to which Is the ( O k } of a consolidation bill in both houses, case he is liable for damage. Creston has witnessed> some _ vdry student In the same lnstifiktion. D. P. Pullet*, D.. J.. Browning, and hee Monday.' * » * like If • - light *hed on the night life In the ON he, prepared a consolidation bill of Market Commission Proposed. cold weather during this first part o f ■ , ‘‘ Ifluirlng Forties” which the police own, which differs radically from A state market commission of three February. Th,- thermometer registei ] Elroy iriffmarp-and son Cjtarles were. , Mrs. Rush McHargue and daughter Francis* were Crowley visitors the LIGHTS “ PILL” WITH $20 BILL j cannot now uvnid noticing: The Jew- * p. m O p Corbett bill, in that it leaves the mombers to he appointed hy the gov- j a{ 17 below zero the ffts t of the , (i ate City visitors Montjay. ; eled women, wearing klnrt ransoms - ------ # n-knm ohoii b® im mol • • Rowena Glpfin was a guest* of 'past ^ e e lt, >' • > ®lrrotary of state and . state *--------- treasurer ernor, *------- two of whom shall real F.jrm. farra- I month. Prosperous P^perhanger Only Gave on their necks and Angers, poker par out of the scheme entirely and divests ers, Is provided for in a bill sponsored Budd Rogers made a business trip- Nellie Elliot Sunday. Stanley and‘ Francis Venator have ties running Into hundreds of thou- * Hls W ife *M* a Week, So Ho Alm a and O rville Rtppey w ere'ob- been riding for horses the past Week. _____ ^ K s e two constitutlntial officers of all by Senator Zimmerman. to Riverside the first o f th'e week. * ' Land« In Jail. . . | sands of dollars, dice ponies where, lig e d .to miss school , thK week* as thi( authority and duties they now have The commission would be intrusted M*rs. W. L. Blaylock o f Riverside D ave. Rogers of* Creston whs in the roll o f the cubes means the loss in [connection with tlie administration with the dissemination of information home after spending several they arc_ enjo/ing ( ? ) an attack ef CroWley during the week. New York.— Abe Kallnman, a pa- and the winning of a fortulm pink eye, wljich 'disease has J*een EGON of state business as momlierB of the on marketing conddions, would be re- days w i,b h om ^folks in Creston. And Puttering around these places Those.from CfotW ey‘ who atteVideiJ perhanger” . was arraigned, charged Is this innstej mind adventuress, Nyssa board of control. quired to co-operate with existing agen- R 0SS received word from Reno* quite popular here ’ this winfer. the ldtture given by tlie blind lect-1 with disorderly conduct!. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Walters • and vurer “ Rondlhf” at Riverside on ’the Mrs. -Kallaman said her husband served by .fhodem hucenneera who ex- ® J ‘ iie sentiment In both houses seems cies In the promotion of marketing of jsfpsfada saying his mother *was quite family, of Warren district, wisiV*d in “ Pessemistic Lines” repoyt a splendid sometimes cams as much aa $120 a ercls.escultiire, polltene'ss and atfilable to [be in favor of rearrangement of the farm products and would have juris- ill..* the 'ElJiot'hpme Sunday. . , * evening. • Qarl* Curtenian, t*he Folly week, but that he never gives her more graces In the game they play In stak­ sta : government, and efforts will be diction over all warehouses, commis- ’than $10 a week fdr the purchase of ing their liberty agnlnst a king’s ran­ * "Mrs. Baldwin- and ohililren moved ma a to harmonize the conflicting sion merchants and other agencies en- Farm, Riverside stage driver, won food. -H?s’ fnyorlte. pastime, e h e ’ said, som. i Thussday tn Kelso. .Washington w h e A | fjr t t ’ - e J o r the UKliest man, and gaged in the distribution of farm pro- .»%_______________ Is “getting dthi’nk and riding In taxis,” \>u Rain win iinrl » ,. » .1 ___ » _____ \h‘. Baldwin and srtTi s*Th. Willian> William- are ' .Miss Lois # *v # * ^ • Bostic, fo r the most .popu­ and she-added that one night when ncome Tax Compromise Likely. j ducts. LOVERS PAY TO FOIL SPIRITS ,C .V l* MoYfftt tfiade a business ^rip jvorking. . « * Income tax leg slntlon made no Senators Smith, Taylor. Lafollette, dainklng, he lighted big cigarette with lar lady. Ray Cantrell and. Rudolph Hite are a $20 hill. • ’ * E g r e s s during the past week, but a j Strayer and Zimmerman introduced a la:' t 'Vlvk* * * New York Woman It Convlctid o f ^ . ockpromise measure is in the making bill that would make the millage t a x . ^ H ^ Derrick made a tr I* t o B a .tr putting up ice thiè wftek- This is the Knllanmn got ten days in the work- . Extorting T H iou^ second time this winter that the’ river house. ' tader.' and it is believed the various factions levy for Oregon Agricultural college ' .lU rr.^freight fo r the M o.fitt Thelr’ Fear. has frozen over thick enPugJi for, the anri the University of Oregon cover j last, «v ç k j., # vtll be able to get together on a bill various extension and experiment aeAt .•'ShpiKve.aJher -Jtas been vehy cold packing o f ice. SLIDE UNDER TRAIN AND LIVE New York.— M»” Roee SnBtora wn* that will be acceptable to the legis­ Mrs. G vs Schweizer and daughter Bride. Psre%ts and G nrv'hther tivities of those Institutions as wHll5the * r lV week, the mercury dripped convicted by a Ji ' ortorllng mnnwy } lators. Boy Ccfastere fn New Jersey Dash, from Edward Rioppieio and hia fian­ FôrÎJ<>..liO .degrees below zero, which is Anna o f Ontario spent the wéek éitd All Lose Lives in Fismtes! — T h " McMahan bill, which was the as the institutions themselves. * * 0nder*Faat-Mo\Ang Passenger ■ cee, Katie- Dlodatl, with the aid of * . adni nlstration income tax measure, Is the Oregon Agrieultursl college, tljK ^ a tJ ^ r cold to tho spring weathpr .we in Owyhee. , * Cara in Safety. theoretical spirit«. • | Dottie Cantrell visited N ellie Comp bill would set aside $233.099.37 #W ip v p .fb e e n having. f beln; used as the basis for the com­ Slopplelo tr*Htified thi\t on the eve ton at thè Fisher home Saturday. ntially for this purpose as a cont'r^-ijk,Y4fe^ocial given by the Oddfelltws Girl Dies In Forest Blaze, Mother arid promise. Amendments have been .Caldwell, N. -J.— "Two hoys, Michael of hJ* marriage to Katie, hi» fiancee’* Wanda Hite spent Saturday at the . F a fliir 'in San F-ranciaco Disas­ drawn which are said to have the ap- ing appropriation and foT the s t a ^ r i v i ■ Rel^kahtt.Raturday evening was Lynch, ten years old, and Tony Pe- at^ppWther warned him ’ thafr evil • Wm. Schweizer. • , • university the sum of $135,5*8.76, S b 4 « hw I# w tjl attqrjded and enjoyed.- . ter— Youth Noth Earn« Llv- destro, twelve, rousting down the west- «lilritfi, wore seeking hls death. ?fhe , . . ■ • - rr. i _ * 11 1 — — n1.1 4* • ** a ^ anNn ill , Omer Hite .visited Maurice Brown­ ing as Fireman. . # . . Jhm slope of the Anet Watchnng mAnn Me iv bills dealing with assessment am ,tints to be subtracted from t i i P r f f h « W'U an„ 0' d Incfuced him, he said, to go to Mra. - * nt,uHl and (taxation have b* on Introduced and millage levy proceeds. The annwjJ-J^) i * ^ jRf* O. T-. hall on Friday, le b - i n g Sunday. tain here, passed over the Erie rail Sant ora. • V . • Ixindon. Ont. — Ills parents, htk- road track beneath a fast-moving pas­ r the support of é k • nmrS. ?3- Kvedyone is cordially _ Mrs. SaYitora convinced him and hls they ire still in committee. There are millage levy for Tell the news to the Sate City Hyandfiither and "his linnet*“ all vief ) senger train without Injury. fiancee, he testified, that the only ivay . * 4 * ÿttfnd..- . • *-..** tregos 35 such measures in the han-ls of the two institutions is 1.2 mills. Journal; aqd the Journal w ill^ e ll the t’ims of Ares and- dlsusteiw, Victor Several persons saw the sled benr- he could keep life long enough to wed the fawmers put f . . . hops committee and 16 in tho senate Appropriations I totaling $ U 7 7 ,5 8 j^ s '5 .Q W ^ -a njjynTif Colin is beginning life ovwr a'Siiln » « j ink tlie ynungslers come out from he- was by burning money. So Eddie gave l ^ n t j t i p 'i ? « ‘for- sutyryer^ uÿ; the- .week.ywdri^, . com ittee, so that In the joint com- I have so far been approved by the a flreman in a fm-tosy*here after wink­ nitnth die train. The hoys lAter ex­ her money to bum, $900 In one lt|tnp ..r -, “------ *■ *'’r ' . ' r T^* ..jar r n j t e e 0i. assessment and taxation ways and means committee of ing most of the distance from north- plained rhrtj they, did not hear the and several smaller payment* He is - 1. ¡i ' — -s*- ■ i )$ r T r J . i,.* — >1 11 i" the™ are 51 bills. These Include all state legislature. Cuts in requei * em 'Ontario, where, tils "sweetheart train’s approach and that they 'had also paid for a fn Title bodyguard to '! perished in a forgst (Jre last October, 'passed the safety gate before they were ride on the truck he drove, #arding the measur. s intonded to remedy some appropriations that have been mad^ tt Clirietnma he*wns tq hnve married nwufle of the danger ^ ■ th e ills of the taxpayer. And more the committee total $40.063.28. idc; off the evil spirits. * Misjt Winifred Boyd, with whom he ing a recommendation that the depart Mrs. Santora denied the /»barges, C 75t j * r' promised went 40 scliool fn Brlsligne Aastriilla. Paradise Plume» Dyed Pigeons. asserting the case grow but of enmity W here Is little prospect of a sev- ment of weights and measures. *hal • September 26 he left on n Ashing ■ New York.— A special customs agent. between Katie and her stepmother. It tax, such as Governor Pierce asi.s an appropriation of $10,001),. •*• trip. When tie returned. O ctober-6 In vieltlng milliners In a Sfarch for took the Jury only flfteep minutes, to S0tj H g g e s te d In his campaign. The gor- abolished he found tlie limfleS of MljjS Boyd noil i eontrahaili) bird o f paradise plumes, however, to find her guilty. The max- dfi or wanted a severance tax on tim- I Legislative Brevities. nth her motile^ burled In the‘ ridns- of - fqpnd men are offering milliners lnvum punishment la* 20 year* Im­ |r on land not now on the tax roll. The Roosevelt highway bill _ . their home, ami nearby tlte.de: tmved | “smngeied” birds,that are clever Iml- prisonment. ^ @ e severance tax bill which has ap- signed by Governor Pierce. . • .1 home fie h'n*( tmllf fdr hltiiSelf and fils tathms. made dp with hea<|s of pigeons — . , p ared in the house places a tax on The house committee on assessment hride^o-he. , •* an*) barnyard .feathers carefully dyed. SHOT SAVES MAN FROM BEAR- natural resources In the state, and taxation reported without recoi <.'ofln was horn In Santa Bona, Col. } r ______ .__________ ________;__________ First hhi gratidfiilher whs killed h: a . »■ ove or under ground and in the memlation the Lewis bill, which w o n » ileT Friend’« Expert Markemanehip Drop«. ■ Are In Jjlurflnlqne caused . tiv u vol- » liter. It goes far l h in f the tax all church property. _ _ Huge Orieely J.uet in the Nigh * «aplc eruption,' Ttren hls parent's. Were Govern Pierce signed Representative .4 “ J 4 of Time. Ibrfood Si gto'prnor wanted. crush'fd and tnirnwl in .‘the Are th a t,’ W. F. Woodward's anti-sectarian garb* Auto \ Road legislation ha? received foliowed - Mie Ran . Francisco ' ea.rth- bill. Tho measure Inhibits the w ejr ’ White Haven, I*n.—Th« «p e r t Or®g^® ; »itention so far nd irriii:ition, which ¿ , W > 'lit « . . . cj • * . . marksmanship of HnrtJT Forsey, pro­ ^Siin-*Jos«*. <>Rf.— The timt ar­ Ps expected to be a center of interest, ing of a sectarian garb by teachers '• ' Fot »Uin*. generhliomi • a- lljmilng prietor’ of the Whits Haven house, resi by nn airplane «peed cop in the public school. is scarcely been mentioned. fate-iitvsnyd his* ftMriJI.v d qo.. Its aaye.l the lifk of L F. Hartwic of ^a.s; offlrfallj completed when Armistice Day, Columbus Day a n fl» «811 f -Tflin ivgr Fi •efiHilovell hest.Uig . Alien Land Bill Passed. Tanmqna when he was men are I by a ftoinliflo t’.IfiorQ ret»orteil In re. Lincoln's Birthday will be added to eiiiils JITto a •fiijM>;c* hi a idigriilt riie With only one dissenting voice rals *i . . n emphatic negative vote, the -..F O R S A \ K ,'-X ix go