u’ll Like to Bank Here ■ Fi many J « r * . bank aervice with u> b u came to rnaan ■ora than tha aafc keeping o f depositors' funds and ac curate, reliable huainaaa method, for our patrooa. Our caatomara bare at tbair call asrvics in tha wap ef financial guidance and tha diacuaaien o f their plana pri vately. With ua, they plan for a larger auceeaa. With them, we wo k with tha aame and In mind. Raeulta are moat aatiafactory. BANK OF NYSSA I Walton, Präsident D. Hall, Cashiar, D. Tassen, Vice President F. E. Yoons, Aast Cashier. /M TV in iT D N A l If eonyersatioaa were repara -1 J U U I v n A L tion|> Q#rjLimBy wouW have tose! chance coming Tacy W i a f Solution of world problei_ Oregon, h r draws steadily naarar la spits of H. all statesman can do.—Mansfield 1 News. Cl I I I it tha Postotfice at ‘Nyasa, French effert to ebtain coal ia something in the lurepean situ-I I ation wa can understand—Wall Street Journal V ERTI8ING BATES Tha world will never be wholly T tdTcrtUIng----- 26« per inch civilised. Some outlying por Readers tions have no natural resourcas H lertion.------ ----- 10a per Use worth selsiag.—Marion Star. insertions ------ ¡SCRIPTION R A 6c T E per S : line We hava yet to hear Wayne in advance----- _ .76 Wheeler’s claim that the victory :hs. in adresee... of the Turks over the Greeks was the triumph of non-alcoholio » I O N EFFECTED Journal congratulates all Mohammedanism over alcoholic ( ed, and that includes Christianity —Cincinnati Times- * «eeood-elsss nudi — ttsr Star. |dy in the community, Our foreign policy seems to happy adjustment of eulties in the way of the consist principally in staving off the local Presbyterian as long as possible doiag any ethodist churches The thing that that man Wilson |f agreement are plainly might get a little credit for in in another column of the popular mind. — Celnmbus se, and we believe offer Ohio State Journal, It is only fair to Herr Fahren solution of the problem, the credit for this re- heit to say that he got his idea id probably the deciding of absolute zero before observ ! was the firm and unyield- ing the German mark.—Portland fcnand of the business men Oregonian. churches compose their Mark Memorial Trees. ices and work together Regardless o f how thoughtfully the |it rather than as warring trees hnve heen selected and how thor s. There was a lot of stub- oughly the planting has heen done, 33 that had to be over- there remains intelligent care to have | before this result was them live and thrive, snys the Amerl- e«r> Forestry association o f Washing Ed. ton. which will register your memorial that the "question is sei- trees on its national honor roll. Many ld settled right, we can’t planters have lieen disappointed with the results of their work became) tlit wonder whv it was notj they considered their job completed ^ ftefore. If a conference! when the last slum I fill o f soil was ilal t ) that held Wednesday1 placed around the tree. lit la 1 bee . held three months Neat Worker. |on the occasion of the first! 'Father, please let me marry Jim. Revs. Baird, Shields and j H °'s so neat. \Vby, when he was In doubtless a natisfactory France he got two medals for cteatning out dugouts and mopping u ^ "—TP* (lent could have been American Legion Weekly. : an£ three months of I and uasatisfactory work | P an 3 «d for Not Drinking. . T: a „sliir.k cf suet a I err —.-r— sr? — "fts h a v e j Snuiitf? in uitWt?y WiiO TVH8 liflil^WI arises iiuui from . j for ........ leaving mo MIC. his ale." a It c arise» ke n a t u r a l t h in g f o r C h r is - I the story that on the way to the gib- 'S fit d o . I t* - th e f T i r f r r s d where Bowtry malefactors e*p|. . iited h off o f Sfit' ini. d »mcaiue«. . ,. their crimes it was . the <MiKt<nn . t»> halt the procession pt one spot, sno let us rea- • i £’ yp the criminal n farewell drink o f ■ K ! uj L 'j r d . ” L o c ir i e t b ;:t bf-er. A saddler. # marked for death. : o c | ■ u o - g h t0 p r e a c h f r o , »n tcm p tn ou sly refused the proffered , . draught and -vas promptly hanged. 1 ” r‘ ■ 18 e n o u g ) . t o j Ry just ns many minutes later as #e ■jr r th e n- ' I . 1 < t h o s e w h o hn,! declined to dally a hrantiiless a ce M o u ld s e e m ■ c ii. to B u t it V as l e f t t o th e ¡ p c '• m e n o f lmrM‘ tn," ; " rr' ,p * This space is for sale for advertis ing purposes. This is a splendid opportunity for our merchants 1o to let the people know that they are still doing business and want their trade. If this space should prove insufficient to accommodate the business offered more will be provided. Rates on application. V » GATE CITY JOURNAL. i,h " reprievef t h e c o n r e u n ify N ature's Busy Workers. triti te thè movernent 1 In the g Mdi nfiien nf nutur,- lliert a u«io i o' thè moral ami re- qre InDiimerahle depnrtm em -• 'rltli iouslni . eresie of thè cotnmtan- endless work golr..- on. nnd ttte fine flower that you behold there, gaudily and to cali h ccaference of attired and scented like a dandy, is by •nt fcctions int resitd ne means what If appears trf he. hut ____ movernent s o m od rnthor Is like a laborer toiling In the Bun nnd shower, who ha* to submit a flaAer of thipwreck. It clear account o f Ins work and has n« mtjl' t n l that wa« neces- breathing space to enjoy himself in a y t'Iiiarmonize thè cituation playful frolic. s al deeper work of grace After Studying the Sparrow. iong seme of thè Cbrisrlar.s V.> spend considerable time observ n e gri!et*, » n d t h è inneatior s ing the E n t’ sh sparrows and atudy- >re that before the dig their character and have abont jou, erd the woili had heen reached the cnnelualon Ihti, even If .ì lo top thn, well meaning bnf misguided Brit ish cousin had had sense enough not to bring them over, they would have got here -.atehow a n y w a y—< M e Joiimct. ähni . J077TRD III MARKS. -> r ' •• (•'■'•'Solat’O’V '? un-ffl'i s.ructur» or clui'we l»es, it w»n’ t. have r.¿r to vensv.de H r Id Star. Turks feir they won’ t get now, and somehow we | a lingering suspicion that never will. — New York rioan. rlio has at last swung ar -und e view th«f tha '•'vusio«» or •f,il t - i*,)-1 i-< t p-e er- t n om e r t s T -t d .« — i h l 't t c 0‘ Sounding Title«. «'hlnc-c euijierors are never m f ttnn»d l>\ j.unte from the moment of their sere-slnn. and are generally al- lnd‘'d to l*r -ome siicli title a-, “ leard o f s JJveiiei V e r s ." fir "The Son of Meav.*n ** )*■ \ tx m Queer Little late. The s-MsIles, deperdercy o f F.-aoee is the I!.- TIToedie. situated st fV) eaat n’ r'.||a l*le. T's popnlntloa h eje T> -- de not n;.enV P rer'h . hot tVl*,,- " ... - r- j.-cvVtnd f,jo4 a* ; ■ '■ n ein-)ar.M| *' e ... >-uen Th* a tf 400 •*< - ’ Vs h.iil i,) si i*t i up • I ;*- • I et i : * - t i e f ' r * ;t v.•>!'',( ’t| ^ g lu 1 -Ci. e )■' ’ .• T l. Jo B gil« 11 O tr. tt)t* . f l. Ct 1 i,t » , ••• v t s •f,our • ”1 c •< n r - ! •«•is ?c i»<“ s*s < t, ti t -ja