ti t¡ ni ti ti ti ti ti ti ini ti mi ti ti utili ti nu t¡ u tura mirili ti ti nun un mu tutu ti ti ti tutu ti lij . OREGON SLOPE * The annual meeting o f the Dead Ox Flat Farm Loan Association was held Tuesday evening, January 9, at Fark sihool house. The meeting W»s called to order by the chairman, O W. Lattig, and the following of- Our Home Cured Bacon, Lard and Hams, » Sausage We Guarantee Them ¡ NY SS A MEAT MARKET | N>ssa, Oregon. £fii !!i rm it id : i in ni H il 1:1 hi in 1 'iiiii'iiwn in in in rim 11 rni in in in m in in in mm in in inn u iiiiiinii nrrm m m \ I ñ Se>' McFall and See Better We Grind Specialist Oregon Lenses Phone 118 W Dr. J . A . McFall0ur 0wn tíyesiarht Ontario IMi. .'.J iM d M M W IR IK II § Nyssa Community Church it s o n a i o 3 0 «0 t ic c a o z J. J. Fleming, Minister. S U N D A Y SERVICES. S U N D A Y SCHOOL ____________,___________________________ 10 A. M M O R N IN G SERM ON __________________________ ___________ 11 A . M Y O U N G PE O PLE 'S M E E T IN G __________________________ 6:45 P. M. E V E N IN G SERM ON ................. .......... ..............................7:45 P. M. W EEKDAY CHAMBER BOOSTS PROJECT AT VALE ’¿'LSTc.'w ‘t i T ? and Charles Lias; loan hoard, P. M. Duals, Harry Lattig and E. F ro st A fte r a general discussion of p.ob- lems affecting farmers, the meeting adjourned. Otto Millr, Jr., returned to school in Ontario Tuesday, after having been absent five weeks with a broken leg. E. W. Oliver, pits, while Mrs. Ruth KTnfelter re tains the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5tb Dr. Steelhammer of Vale waa grades, also 18 pupils. called Shnday to attend Mra. C. M. Mrs. L. R. D eW itt visited Mon Derrick, who ia suffering from a day with Mrs. T. M. Lowe, while nervous bzreakdown. Messrs. Lowe and DeWitt made a Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wood cork have business trip to Ontario. moved into their new residence H. W alters moved some cattle to „ the upper Klingback ranch to fe e d ! the first o f the week. “£ *ST!L " — - • Jr . , “ uth« rfu^ was looking “ fte r ■ * « * ln creek dia- ‘ nC W6e Isaac Elmandorf made a trip to Malheur river after hia horses last week. A correction o f the item in which it was stated lust week that Lyman K ygar and Wm. Schweizer had pur-1 chased the Andy Hansen ranch is | due. Lynn K yg a r and Wm. Peutz | . were the rwrties who pur, based the place. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and daugh Mrs. A lice Williams took her son to dinnef Marvel to Baker last week to have ter Nova were guest* Sunday at the Klingback home. some dental work done. W illis Howard is still very ill Mr. and Mrs. George hay lor and with rheumatic fever. H. M. Rutherford was a business son Robert ate Sunday dinner with visitor in Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. A rt Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Oce Schweizer and guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. family. L. Stevens. Farmers! Don’ t wait to have your seed grain cleaned until Jones gets ahead o f you and you have to wait. Nyssa Grain & Seed Co. .47»**. T Jack Glascock was up from On KINGMAN KOLONY Mrs. W. L. Davis has been on the m --------------------------------------------- * tario this week, greeting old friends sick list the past week. The members o f the Zeirelein fam and looking after interests on the Ronald McCreight o f Ontario was ily who have diptheria are rcovering ranch. the guest o f Eugene Shay at the Atmosphere of the Earth. rapidly. Mrs.Zeirelin and Viola con MICKIE SAYS F. L. DeBord, who has been very Otto Miller home, Friday evening. Our earth as II inuke* its dlun tinued very ill until Wednesday, when ill with a “ flu relapse,” is now con Miss Gertrude Boals was among revolution. c*rri«e with if « thin al a decided improvement occured. i W BIRO 'THAT GlTi, i W ' valescing, though still unable to be the guests at the birthday dinner of air. which marts omlng rsrefll N o other cases o f diptheria have f BtG LAPP I* HlfA NAIHAY UV Akl' out. given in honor o f Miss Claretta «lien we go up a few thousand f e l been reported. Twenty-four school st ii boil! seven miles above f ie gmiq poo Suplee, at the latter’s home in T. M. Lowe, Fred Klingback, E. L. children were given the antitoxin M acLafferty and E. M. I.oyc have the air slop» growing colder, at A U L AO km ' THEM HOLLER* North Payette, Tuesday evening. miles above the earth Is the up|| up Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tomlin were Wednesday. been putting up ice fo r the past itm1 1 of twilight, ami at 50 miles School opened Monday morning. l ik e a Five o o u - a q o w e ' dinner guests Sunday o f their son several days. gins a region «here the atmospli^ Ben Tomlin, and w ife o f North Pay aeMEVAfcAR^TH' MORE MODI A n open meeting o f the P.-T. A. •' s iki ... I"».Ur ot hydrogen. H. W alters is having the silo f ill ette. TH' XAORE UOOVA*. was held Friday evening and “ The ed at the Cantrell ranch. Harold Sullens, small son o f Mr. Other W ise Man” was shown in pic Mr. and Mrs. Lu de Goode were and Mrs. eGorge Sullens, underwent ture. guests to dinner Sunday at the an operation for the removal o f ton Mr. and Mrs. Allen Green have D eW itt home. sils Monday at Ontario. moved to Nyssa. Ed Tenhave w ill do the farm work C a ll the Quite a number from the Slope Mrs. Schweizer and Lois spent fo r E. L. M acLafferty while Mr. attended the Elks’ charity ball in from Thursday to Saturday in Cald M acL afferty is teaching. Payette on Thursday evening. well returning with Mr. Schweizer Mrs. Ruth Klinefelter was a Vale Mrs. C. M. Attebery entertained Saturday. visitor Sunday. with a turkey dinner on Sunday in Albert Rust o f Melba was calling honor o f the birthday anniversary of H. W alters called at the DeBord Mr. Attebery. The guests included in the Kolony Saturday. Mr. Rust home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. La ttig and and his fam ily consider returning to Fred and Jesse Pullen visited son and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence this part o f the valley to live. Louis DeBord Sunday. George Walker was here Friday Attebery and children. ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ■ »♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ ♦ I L. C. DeBord was a business vis A party o f friends o f Raymond on business relative to his sheep itor in Nyssa Saturday, eating din Guttcrridge including J. H. Carico, which are being fed on the Frank ner at the Benton home. Edgar Carico, James Attebery, E r Morgan place. Carl Fenn was a Gate City visitor and nest Lauer and Donald Pelly visited Mrs. Clyde K ing and children of Tuesday. him at the Holy Rosary hospital at Twin Falls have gone to Nampa a f CIGAR STORE Ontario Sunday. ter visiting Mrs. K ing’s mother, Mrs. B IG BEND P. M. Boals spent last week in C. C. Cotton. ± SHAVING. HAIR CUTTING | Vale on the jury. Miss Susie Claybome spent W ed HOT ANI» COLI» BATHS Miss Lela Bartshe returned to her nesday with Mrs. Edwards o f Nyssa. Rev. W ilcox o f Boise was a week L. B. H AM AKER. Prop. school work in Watson, Oregon, after The past two Sundays have been end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Joe having been home fo r several weeks so warm and the hills with their K ing and family. ! ! Nysaa, HOW TO MA KE BEST follow ing an operation fo r appendi green moss so inviting that a num Mr. and Mrs. Godwin and little OF LIMITED SPACE >»' » i i-H citis. ber of Kolony people spent the a f daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Karst and ternoons hiking over the Big Brown Mrs. C. T. Ferrill. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Heslup were Butte and to Rim Rock which com Miss M argaret Purdy returned PROFESSIONAL CARD among those from the Slope who at mands an excellent view o f the Owy home Sunday, from Arena valley tended the operatta, ‘‘Mikado ’’ pre hee, Boise and Snake River Valleys. where she has been visiting friends sented by the students of Ontario School Notes. fo r sevral days. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEON j high Friday evening. They report The honor roll fo r the third and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Scott and a splendid entertainment. fourth months are as follows: Third Mrs. N ellie T. Jacobs were Sunday J. J. S A KAZAN Raymond Gutterridge underwent month primary, Emma Glascock, E v guests o f Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rud- PHYSIC'AN AND SURGEON] an operation Monday of last week elyn McEwen .Ethelyn McEwen, Ruth dells. Nyntta, Oretto». at the Holy Rosary hospital at On Bruce and V iolet Pinkston, Florence E lla Tureman was absent from Office hours a to ft am) 7 to 8| tario. He is reported to be getting DeBord, M ary Ann Edward, Orville school Monday on account o f pink along fine. and Loyd McEwen, Margaret Morgan eye. DENTISTS Mrs. Findling and two sons re James, Virginia and Glenn McGinnis Verda White is on the sick list, turned to their home in Fairbury, Lois Schweizer, Agnes and Wade and is absent from school. DR. E. A. N IX O N Neb., Wednesday, after having spent Nichols, Jeanette Martin, F or Fourth Mr. Looney was able to be out D ENTIST sevral weeks with the form er’s par Month: O rville and Lloyd McEwen, Sunday evening to church. He has N YS S A , : : : OREG ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost. Leonard Smith, James V irginia and been on the sick list fo r some time. Two Doors West Bank o f Ny^ Miss Rudd o f Buhl spent the week Glenn McGinnis, Violet Pinkston, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stradley and Phone 2 end with her brother, W alter Rudd, Lois Schweizer, Harold Elliot, and son, W alter, motored over near and wife. Jeanette Martin. Nyssa Sunday, and spent the day Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost were guests Advanced room: third month, Ted «»8TKOPATHS o f their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Gruver, Evelyn and Gerald De Bord, with Elmer Stradley and fam ily. Ethel Hickox and Madge Roberts Brown Teusday and Wedensday. James Me Ewen and Kenneth Bach. G. W . Lattig, I. I. and L. L. Cul For fourth month: Evelyn De Bord, made a call Sunday afternoon at the HR. HARRIET BEARS bertson and O. C. M iller spent sat- Cora and Floyd Elliot, James Mc Faubion ranch. J. P. Barrett made a business trip ( eteopethie Phyctclnn urday in Weiser. Ewen and Kenneth Bach. to Nampa Monday. Mrs. Jonas Brown was on the sick Ontario, Oregon. Chas. Cone and wife, who have list last week. Office; Wllecm Bldg over R a d i been visiting E. C. Cone and family, Park Improvement Club met Thurs IRONSIDE returned tow their home in Caldwell day aftem on at the home o f Mrs. On account o f the spring weather Wednesday. CH IRO PRACTO R# W. L. Davis, with Mrs. D. R. Davis Rev. C. A . Sanner, who has been assisting. The meeting was in we have been having the stage has ;i'in me woman who must use her charge o f the music committee. Roll changed from the sleigh to the auto. preaching at the school house the bedroom as a llvln groom, a day bed l ) R R A. MOON Mr. Patterson o f Clover Creek was last three weeks, returned to his will be convenient. Dressing fable may call was responded to with a favor Ohlrouroctt* Pliyeialm Mr. Sen- be hidden by a screen and with a few ite song, followed by the usual an Ironside business visitor Sunday. hom in Nampa Monday. House cell* made business session. The program in H arry Reed and Mr. Preston of ner is a teacher in the Nazarene chairs and a table, a cozy living room Acute or Cbponlo Dlseeet will result. Pink satin la used for the college there. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson cluded several vocal and piano solos Bonita are hauling wood from this Hours, 10-18; 1:3« to I who helped in the singing, also re window draperies by Miss Gertrude Heslup, which vicinity. E v e n in g hy nppotntnl turned to their home in Nampa Mon were much apreciated. A social George Eddy and Delbeert Derreck Phone— Office, 168; Heme 41J day. hour was enjoyed, followed by a de were Ironside visitors Saturday. TO BE USED WITH Ontario Oreg| Mrs. Ashcraft, who has been dan licious luncheon. Fourteen members James Washam and Mr. Clark oi THE HIGH CEILINGS were present. The next regular Baker are visiting with friends and gerously ill fo r some time, is re ported improving at the present meeting o f the club w ill be held at relatives here at present. HO TELS AH D CAKE# writing. the home o f Mrs. E. Frost, with* E. J. Beam, S. A . Lofton and C. F. HOTEL WESTERN Mr. and Mrs. A1 Ewing entertain Mrs. K. N. Osborne assisting, on Wise were called to Vale last week One Moek from dope' cd at turkey dinner Sunday in honor Thursday afternoon, January 18th. to act on the jury. Nyeee, Oregoa o f Bill Conley’s birthday, Mr. Mc Mr. and Mrs. E. Frost were din Locey Brothers delivered two car Gregor and the Purdy fam ily. ner guests Sunday o f Mr. and Mrs. Clean beds---- 25c EGc loads o f cattle to Brogan Wednesday. J. L. Brown. Rev. Clive W illiams made a busi and $1.00 K. N. Osborne returned the latter Arthur Van Buren left Wednesday ness trip to Nampa Monday. Good meets ....... ...... — SBe to part o f the week from a business with beef cattle which he w ill ship Mr. and Mrs. Lyman and Mrs. Room* by week or month | trip to Beattie and other coast cities. from Brogan to Portland. Lym an’s mother spent the day Tues Mrs. Raleigh Van Buren has gone A L B E R T POUCH Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vincent were day at the Faubion home. Proprietor to Baker where she w ill visit her Ontario vistors on Wedensday. Mrs. Jensen and little daughter J. E. Turner and N. Broderson of mother and other relatives for a few returned to their home in Caldwell Payette were on the Slope Saturday I weeks. W . B. R O T IE going over the proposed route fo r a Wm. Bashe o f Baker was an Iron- Saturday, after an extended visit Bonded Keel Beute Dœl*r| with Mr. and Mrs. L. A . Lcwison drainage ditch with A. A. G utter-! side business visitor this week, INSURANCE ridge and E. Frost. This drainage \ Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ripley went to and fam ily. ornee at Residence, 3rd * ■ h r* The literary society had a very ditch will be shallow, easily c o n -1 Golden Eagle Thursday where they Airen de meeting Friilay night. structed and, will drain some o f the | will visit their daughter, Mr. and Mrs enjoyable Nyssa. O idi A fte r a short business session the best land in Section 23. it will be A lb ert M orfitt fo r a few days. W alter Duncan has just returned follow in g program was presented: completed about April 15th at a C IT Y D R AY L IN E Song— Stradleys. from a business trip to Jamieson and cost o f approximately $1000. Recitation— Frank Johns. Ontario. C. W. DeBoer Prop. Recitation— Mrs. F. Johns. Oliver Crews has purchased hay MALHEUR PR O M P T D E LIV E R Y Dialogue— “ The M inister’s Mis from Ray Duncan to finish wintering take,” Orval Faubion, minister; Reasonable Rate* Mrs. J. L. Wood was taken to his cattle. P H O N E 18F3 Mrs. S. D. Duncan le ft the last Helen Fleetwood, maid; U la Gramse, Baker Saturday fo r medical treat week for N ew port where she will Mrs. Smith. ment. A T T O R N E Y !» AT LAW Song— Mike Eachus and Dutch Mrs. C. M. Derrick and son M er-! spend the winter, Mrs. Duncan in- vin returned from Baker W ednes-1 tends to spend a few days with her Jerkins. day, where they have been located daughter, Mrs. Rozetta Locey, in Recitation— Volney Hickox. B. M. BLODGETT • o a large room with high ceilings fo r the past few months. ! Weiser. Debate— Resolved: That a Person Attorney • t Lew e jd Trench windows, massive fuml Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ripley o f _ ------------------------ _ Is Influenced More Through Fear of Land and Probate work a Spec • uiS and large mil terncil hangings Ironside visited last week with their Punishment Than Through Hope ot Nyssa, Oregon. OWYHEE nay be c«4*d The room shown In tlx daughter, Mrs. Albiwt Morfitt. Reward. A ffirm a tiv e Mr. Frank .ictch draws Its Inspiration from the T. H. O'Neill has accepted a posi- Owing to the fact that several Newton, Ella Tureman, James Mc ! lue-snd-gold Chinese Jar whlrh bus VV. H. RROOKRP. J. H A LLA G E tion at the Rainbow mine. school patrons have moved into the Cauley. Negative, Bob Welsh, Orval Tstvl for the In nip base. The Alternare at-Law C. H. M orfitt and W. J. Sargent district since the beginning of I Faubion, Ralph Cone. k-.ade of bine chiffon over gold silk • fringed With the two colors. The attended the “ old time” dance in school, when he enrollment o f pupils Song— Stradleys. Wilson Bldg.. O au rle, hangings repeat the color note. Vale Fr'day. was about 25, it was deemed alvise- Recitation— Verle Pyle. Recitation— Elizabeth Basket. James M orfitt returned from a ble to employ another teacher, the R W. H W A L L E R Do you have cream, eggs, poultry Big Bend Bee— Mrs. Jacobs. visit to his daughter, Mrs. Lloyd work being too heavy fo r one, the A tte n a y » * K m or rnnch butter to sell ? Ship the Music. Evans, o f Walla Walla. He was ac- enrollment at one time this term be- Koome 18 14, 1$ ( Creamery, LaGrande, Literary every Friday evening. Commercial companied from here by his sister, ing 44. E. L. M acLafferty has ac- . Oregon. W rite us i f you want our I Everybody is invited to attend these Mrs. J. E. Oliver, to his home in cepted the position o f instructor fo r quotations regularly.— J12-2t Boise, Mr*. Oliver having spent the the 6th, 7th and 8th grades— 18 pu- meetings. eauAwoews - avrs ow BEeox rr oovrr uootA 3 For Quick Servid PHONE70F 2 M E ETIN G S. 30Q 0E «” »on, Nyssa Transfer O P E N FO RU M M E E T IN G ________________ Wednesday, 7:45 P. M. CHOIR PRACTICE ........................................... Tuesday, 7:45 P. M. C H IL D R E N ’S SO C IAL, First Saturday Afternoon o f Each Month J U N IO R SO C IAL, Thirt Friday Evening o f Each Month. Y O U N G I E O PLE 'S S O C IA L, Second Friday Evening of Each Mo. C O M M U N IT Y D IN N E R A N D S O C IA L, Last Monday Evening of Each Month. lo x a o i holidays with her ---------<1 and fam ily her*. I Nyssa Barber Shop] 108 cept interest at 6 per cent fo r two or three years.” A bright future is ahead fo r the Warmsprings district in profitable lettuce and other vegetable growing, according to the report of Manager McCall of the Idaho Producers’ j union, made at the farm ers’ meeting I last Saturday at the Community Hall. Mr. McCall stated he had re cently returned from a tour o f in spection of the southern California vegetable districts and that nowhere | did he see lettuce o f a quality su- perior to that grown this year around Vale. The same thing was | true o f cauliflower and other vege IN Q U IR IE S B EG IN TO COME tables, he said. Commissioner G. W. Dean, a direc A R O U T V E G E T A B LE GROW tor of the union, told the farmers IN G IN D ISTR IC T. that the best field o f lettuce grown in the Snake R iver valley last year (Malheur Enterprise.) was on Mr. Mansur’s place at Vale. Lettuce o. superior quamy is he- This land was taken from the sage- ing cultivated in the Warmsprings brush last year. project near Vale, and settlers are To pack profitably out o f Vale looking forward to making profits the coming season it w ill be neces- iiuin tins pruuuct. M arket is oh- sary that 150 acres o f lettuce be tamed through tne Idaho Producers planted and the union officials urged union, wn.cu slops to Eastern cities, the farmers to plant also a few Aut only is lettuce being grown at acres of cauliflower and celery so a big p ro fit in the Warmsprings that mixed cars could be shipped project, out big returns also are he- from Vale. There are many farmers n.g received tor celery, cauliflower who want to plant increased acre- and onions. age o f vegetables but cannot do so ih e Oregon State Chamber of because o f large land holdings. Since Commerce is greatly interested in the article above appeared in The the State Chamber of me reports of the success of the Telegram settlers ui me W armsprmgs district, Commerce has been receiving num- and is endeavoring to inuuce otners rous inquiries from prospective set to locate there, in a letter recently tiers and renters and all farmers received by tne chamber from O. E. who have surplus acreage adapted Carman o f Vale is the follow ing in- j to vegetable grow ing can get infor- furination: ' mation about it into the hands of "A number o f farmers in t h e ll ^e State Chamber by seeing Mr. Vv annspnr.gs joined tne Idaho Pro-1 Carman. nuceis union tins year and about| Manager M cCalls report last Sat- 100 acres .s.gnod up to grow lettuce urday showed that the average net how ever, oniy about 55 acres were price to the growers fo r lettuce was planted, .those glow in g lettuce the s i.50 a crate with a possible divi past year want to grow more lettuce dend o f 10 cents more in the spring. tne coming year, but we bave been He also asserted that the union had advised by me union that in order ealized $120 a car more fo r pota for it to keep tne packing house here toes than any other selling agency in they must nave an increased acre Ihe Snake R iver valley. He is look age, 150 acres or mote. Uur hold ing fo r a better price for potatoes ings are so large that it is only by spring. Resolutions were passed at the here and there that we find a man thanking the people ot situated so that he can grow the meeting crop. A numoer o f farmers having Vale who provided the dinner for land well suited to this crop are those at the meeting. TELEiiHAM GETS BhtilND W ARiVi- SPBINliS DEVELOMNT F IN ft i*iiOL>UCE GROW N anxious to find renters w ho will giow this crop and other vegetables. Likes Color. The Other evening one of the char- A n acreage of .eituce wh.cn, ontnnlzatlons WHS g,vlng a sup- would reta.n this pack.ng house here j per f(|r „ ,,.r of ,M(„ r children of should br.ng in ipio.OOO to $f 00,000 | Indianapolis One of the women had anu wouid result, we believe, in the naked u particularly nice angel food starting of growing other vegetables cake for Ihe occHS'on. one little hoy such as cauliflower, celery 'and attracted her Interest and she decided onions in this community and help that no matter what hapianed he should have a piece of her t ake. gceaiiy in liftin g us out o i our pres Accordingly she offended two or ent bad hole. three women In passing their cakes Our lettuce is superior to Califor by to get her own. She carried a big nia lettuce and goes on the maiket >iece I, the little fellow who gave when other sections nave little to it one look ind said: “ W e got bread ship, which insures us a reasonable1 at home lady. Please gimme some puce. i cake." Crestfallon, she carried hack her We are especially interested in own cuke and got him a piece of seeing these crops grown on the i marble cake In which red and white lanu m the Warmsprings project mingled. And now she says, “ No more around Vale. The lands in here car. j angel food cake for me for charity be bought from cOii to $200 pei parties." .sere, water included, which is $80 j J Nr acre. There W ill be a substan The Moose’ s ’Shovels." < 11,1 stilai the big. shovel-l'k* ce ( credit come on the water cost thoiugn tn sale of surplus water . j antlers ea'ly in January, younger one- An y man with money to .mprove a oe ks later. By tie middle of Ma* : he new growth of horn protrude- lea tiact and go ahead larunng can buy :hnn an inch from the skull. In three months the d' veh’piornt of the 7U land In here |)V T>av'tor tb cent pound shovel, often sis feel aerosa, is down without further payment ex- entirely compie.ed.