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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1923)
ohn H. Oliver et al to Clarence ?ij) A. Miller-undivided intereat in NE14 ~ SW14, NW14SE14, SE14SW14, SW !4SE'4 Sec. 2-26-4«. 1-14-19. $83.35 Frank Switzer et al to Clarence A. Miller undivided intereat in NEY4SW >4, NW14SE14, SSWSW14. 8W14SE >4 Sec. 2-26-46. 4-20-21. $88.64. Fred E. Caldwell et al T. O. Miller undivided interest in NE14SW14, N W14SR 14, SE14SW14, SW14SE14, of Insurance & Bonds See. 2 26-46. 5-81-18. $88.35 Raymond A. Lam to T. 0. Miller- WHEN YOU THINK OK INSURANCE. THINK OK THE undivided interest in N E tiSW 1^ , N GENCY J. BOYDELL, AGENCY W '4SE14, SE14SW14, SW14SE14 of i Pe »ure and insure with a reliable agency. Each ami every loss, Sec. 2 26-46. 5-25-18. $62.50. large or small, has been promptlypaid, to the satisfaction of the Grace L. Colley et vir to Clarence assured. A. Miller-undivided interest in NE*4 j The insurance agent ia as essential to the welfare of your com munity as the doctor who guards its health, or the policeman SEU, SE14SW14, SWY4SEY4 Sec. 2 j who patrols its treats. 26-46. 1-4-23. $1.00. Through the organization he represents, he makes it possible U. S. A. to Hubert H. Lawerence- ] for business to function on a large scale, makes it possible to SE14 Sec. 2-26-46. 1-4-23. $1.00. build fine homes, and finance stores, factories and farms. We are on the ground to look after our clients' interests, and John I. Chuning et ux to E. B. represent twelve of the most reliable insurance companies in York-45.6 feet by 138.5 feet in the America. Phone, write, or call at our office. Courteous and Greens Add. to Nyssa. 1-16-22. $250. PROMPT ATTENTION SHALL BE EXTENDED. Anna K. Wiedenman-SV4SW14SW Thanking my numerous patrons for past facors and trusting THAT THE SAME LIBERAL PATRONAGE WILL BE CON 14 Sec. 13-81-41. 12-26-22. $1.00. TINUED. I remain Ida M. Craig et vir to Mary E. Ly dia-Lots 7 and 8, block 11, Kellys Ad to Vale. 1-6-23. $300.00. Estes L. Morton et ux to Clinton B. Hill-Lots 4 and 5, Block 3 Harper 11-14-22. $1,760.00. $1,928.00 J. E Hamstreet et ux to Chas. Par W W W A M W i W A W V J V W W U. S. A. to Delbert S. Derrick-W rott, Jr.-Iota land 5 Block 42, Bro V4 SE 14, SW 14NE 14 Sec. 22; S W , gan. 11-22-22. $1.00. NW14 Sec. 26; E14NE14, NWV4NE Reserve District No. 12 U. S. A. to Geo. P Crews-SE14SW Charter No. 56. Published every Friday at Nyssa, i4> and NE14NW14 Sec. 27-13-39. 11- REPORT OF CONDITION OF 14. SW14SE14, Sec. 34-18-38; Lot 4, O re «ron, by 18-20. THE BANK OF NYSSA SWHNW14 Sec. 2; Lots 1, 2, 3, SE Delbert S. Derrick et al to Locey 14NE’4 Sec. 3-14-88. 6-27-22. H. F. BROWN At Nyssa, in the State of Oregon, at close of Business, December 29, 1922. Bros.-SE!4 NE 14, NE14SE14 Sec. M RESOURCES. 13-39; W14SW14, SEY4SW14 Sec. 30; Cnmplaints Filed in Circuit Court 1. Leans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items i Entered at the Postoffice at Nyssa, WH> and W H E* Sec. 31-13-40. 11 During Week 29 and 30, if any....................................... ............................$146,081.47 j Oregon, as second-class mail matter g _ 2 2 $9,000.00 R. U. Bradshaw vs. C. T. Coulter Overdrafts secured and unsecured _____ __ ________ 282.33 Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign James H. Bowden to Minnie Bow- et als. 1-2-23. Foreclosure of Tax ADVERTISING RATES government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., includ den-Lots 6 and 7, Sec. 6-30-46. 12-18- Liens. ing those shown in items 30 and 35, if any........................ 10,830.48 Diaplay advertising......25c per inch 22 . $ 1 . 00 . Farmers A Stock Growers Bank vs Bunking house, $4,330.00; furniture and fixtures, $2,502.96 6,832.96 Real estate owned other than banking house .......................... Headers U. S. A. Oo Alfred Sheridan-SE 14 Valley Mercantile Co. 1-3-23. Recov 143.28 ■ ery of money. Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and 1 Flret Insertion_______ 10c per line! NE14, N E H SE * Sec. 20; WHNWy, and trust companies designated and approved reserve State Land Board of Oregon vs. A. J Subsequent insertions-----5c per line Sec. 21-26-46. 3-17-17. agents of this bank .......................... .. ....... ... *........ ......... 34,509.69 J. Carpenter. 1-5-23. U. S. A. to Carl McDermitt Roe- 10 . Exchanges for clearing house and items on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank......... ................. E% Sec. 32; SW14NW14, NW14SW 338.02 i SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Petitions Filed In Probate Court 11 Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank One year, in advance____ ___$1.60 14 Sec. 33-15-39; WY4NWY4 Sec. 5; Estate of Gustave A. Schweiser. 1- and other cash items....................................................... 82.51 i Six months, in advanne............ .75 SHNE14 Sec. 32; SW14NW14, NW 2-23. Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 14 Sec. 33-15-39; WY4NEV4, S%NW and 11 ........................................................... $34,930.22 Estate of Harry Wilson. 1-6-23. 14 Sec. 6; SHNE14 Sec. 6-16-39. 11- 12 Interest, taxes and expenses paid ...... ..................................... 103.70 22 - 22 . County Library Statistics. Total .$198,204.41 U. S. A. to Carl McD. Roe-SW!4S Recorded number of users of the LIABILITIES. I W>4 Sec. 33-15-39; Lot 4, Sec. 4; Lot library in rural districts, Dec. 1, Capital stock paid i n ................................ .$ 25,000.00 1, SE14NE14 Sec. 5-16-39. 6-26-21. 1922. Surplus fund ........... ....................... .. ...... .. 15,000.00 Introduction (a) Undivided prefits.... .......................... U. S. A. to James McDermitt Roe- $18.089,6' Bonita, 86; Brogan, 83; Cairo, 18; This report covers a period of 31 (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid.. . 18.193.31 i n . , . ,, , '8EY4NWY4, NE<4SW>4, and SEV4 Fangollano, 12; Grove school, 25; i days, from December 1, to December Sec. 31; NWÌ4SW4 Sec. 32-16-39; Juntura, 21; Jamieson, 21; Oregon 23. DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: 131, of which time 914 days Individual deposits subject to cehck, including deposits due 6-26-21. Slope, 56; Ruby, 27; Harper, 18; the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 77,980.72 ¡spent in the field and 15Vi days in Herbert Stewart to Grace Stewart Valley View, 46; Owyhee, 36; Kink- 25. Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payable on de J the office. While in the office there mand _______ ____________ ____ ___________________ 8,661.5': (were 14 office calls, 14 UhpkcM EV4NWt4NEV4, NY4NY4SWY4NEH man Kolony, 52; Beulah, 20; Bully Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits Sec. 17-18-7. 12-2-22. $1.00. Creek, 1; Big Bend, 35; Westfall, 43; | calls, 106 bulletins distributed, 113 subject to reserve, items 23. 24, 25, 26 $86,651.28 Pacific Live Stock Co. to Frances Riverdale, 25; Malheur City, 6; peters written, 8 articles for the press TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and Sells-Lot 6, Block 3, Harper. 6-15-21. Riverside, 22; Pleasant View, 5; payable on demand or subject to notice: [written, 2 circular letters with 185 $ 10 . 00 . 31.817.92 Basin Creek, 13; Butcherknife, 7; 27. Time certificates of deposit outstanding ............... I copies mailed. While in the field 8 Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand Enterprise, 14; Rome, 11; Rockville, Myrtle B. Dunn et al to Clarence ■ other meetings were held with an or subject to notice, item- 27 and 28 $31 .‘117.92 [attendance of 324 people. Two club A. Miller-undivided interest in NE'/i 36; Watson, 24; Moore’s Hollow, 10; 31. Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with other Sand Hollow, 3; Reservoir, 14; Cow banks or trust companies ...................................................... ig gr,s or n mueting were held with an attend- SW*4, NWV4SEY4, SEV4SWU, SW 32. Advances from War Finance Corporation 21,176 28 I ance of 20 members , 1 demonstra *4SE>4 Sec. 2-26- 6. 2-4-19. $62.50 Creek, 23; Warren, 4. Total, 818. Clyde E. Lam et al to Clarence A. Number of books circulated to tio n was given with an attendance Total I of 20, 11 clubs were organized with Miller-undivided interest in N E‘4SW rural districts over the desks of STATE OF OREGON. County of Malheur, ss. an MU-ollmcnt of 111 members. Ten V«, NWt4SE'4, SEY4SWH, SWY4SE Vale, Nyssa and Ontario libraries: I. Frank D. Hall, cashier of the above named bank, do sol-mnl *4 Sec. 2-26-46. 4-3-19. $83.34. June through December, 1921, personal visits were also made. swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowled-• v John A. Lam et ux tò Clarence A. 1849. Cooking. FRANK D. HALT., Cashier. CORRECT—Attest.: H. Y\alters, F. F. Young, Directors. Through November, 1922, 3609. Three more members have joined Miller-undivided interest in NE'ASW Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd dev of January. 19 ’ Total, June, 1921, through Novem I the Jordan Valley cooking club mak- V4, NWt4SE>4, SEY4SW14, SW 4SE E. M. BLODGETT, Notary PubP 1 Sec. 2-28-46. 1-7-19. $250.00 'A ber, 1922, 5458. I ing the enrollment of that club 20 My commission expires D r. 7. j members. There are 8 boys in this | club. A cooking club is being organized l at Jefferson but as yet the members ' have not sent in their enrollment blanks. Dairy Herd Record Keeping Clubs There are now five dairy herd re- [cord keeping clubs in this county. As | there was only one school having 1 school last week it was impossible I to give demonstrations. Riverdale J was the only school in session so a demonstration was given there in the | Testing. There was an attendance ¡of 20. Demonstrations will be given to (the other four clubs this week. Some of the clubs have chosen a t neme such as ‘Superior’ and ‘Can't | Quit’. Sewing. There are nine standard sewing | clubs now and three or four other ; girls who are doing non-standard | work as there are not enough girls lin the community to have a standard p M i There are 80 girls in the nine Iclubs. The girls in the Division 1 in [Sewing are working industriously so [that as soon as the girls in Division [2 and 3 are off the press the girls [in those divisions will be working. Stork Judging The thre boys of the Riverdale [stock judging tenm were presented [w ith Farm Bureau Buttons by Gov- j Pernor-elect Walter M, Pierre. These [butons gave the boys honorary mem- ihership in the Farm Bureau until [they attain the age of 21. Miscellaneous Six tvenings this month were spen! ■ cooperative work with Mr. B reit-1 haupt, visiting different communities and outlining the work for the com year. Cl. i. Ill Ñyssa Realty Co. Announcement REAL ESTATE C. L. McCoy wishes to announce that he has purchased the Foster Drug Store and will endeaver to conduc t the business in the same reliable manner as it has hereto fore been conducted by Mr. Foster. Your patronage is earnestly so licited. Farmers! Don’t wait to have your seed grain cleaned until Jones gets ahead of you and jo u have to wait. Nyssa Grain & Seed Co, N J. Boydell, Resident Agent n u i 1: M ¡0 1 3 0 GATE CITY JOURNAL . . We carry a complete stock of Hardware and Farm Implements YUU CLUB LEADER REPORT come in and look it over before buying your spring outfit. uu ■ Subscribe for the Journal. T COUNTY STATISTICS lalheur County Real Estate Trans fers Recorded Dec. 30, *22 to Jan. 6. '23 Jacob F. Vincent to Dr. W. W Jones-Undivided % interest in 8Y4 3ec. 86-29-46. 4-21-17. $360.00. Emil Hodson to Chas W. Hodaon- ■WH Sec. 4-16-42; SMtS* Sec. 32-14 142. 1-2-28. $1,000.00 I John E. Holly et ux to Frank A. I Miller-Metes & Bounds In Sec. 23-21- ||6 . 12-16-22. $60.00. Geo. Pelisaier et ux to Adels N. —Townsend-Lota 1, 2, SV 4 NEV 4 , and J S E l i Sec. 2; Iota 1, 2. 3. 4, S'4NV* ■flee. 1-15-43. 10-23-22. $1.00. ® A delis Townsend et vir to Raker ty Sheep Co_-lots 1. 2 SHNE and SK*4 Sec. 2; lo ts 1, 2, S, %fh SHNY4 Sec. 1-16-43. 11-6-22. SjL'Valb T k t. Ü a per Year ■ i P<1 I t A. Nyssa, Oregon. H< FOS iO’I ICE Notice i d by vi ireclosur e Circuí' on, for Ü 1 i. ted to er of e on the 7t ^ fte n in A ^w ered ju H n n and Oj . e P. ■ nació L K" est Wilson ne ? as v' am Ne inter his wife, Hoilsh, hi; CÂ .1 ; any, ^ H th of Saint; ^ B and to t till J " i<-! da' of Q1 < liars / £ ther si otk 1 docket id Count |t day ol Jgmenl 1 the salt real pr ir Couni All of L ts 3, 4, ts 9 . anc ri 9. 10 I Block 7 and 8, i 5, 6, 7 , and 16 in Block Block 7< d 14, in 12 13, 9, 10, 11 Lot? 9. 10, 1 t 8. 9. ck 81. and 1 Í. •*». IT! m 20. N