C O N D E N S E D ST A TE M E N T N YSSA -tW e o c r o a feFVlOS VAC o v r r To Visit Parents— Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichols sur- I'rtESE TO *AA8£ O te € prised Mrs. Nichols’ parents, Mr. j tu A t u u t t * , OUT j e s r and Mrs. R. M. Beach, Tuesday by ( I 0ETVÆEU >400 VI Ufe, V*C TV4ÍUK&I returning tor a visit with them. Mr. V4t «UUUIU* HtC, P A P 6 « tU and Mrs. Nichols have been in Bates [ BEST T&WM 84 TVA’ tCVJUTtM for some time before returning to | Vl tAB avUCARS UOBODM Vale. UOVUWSOE& VANS GOT * 4 OREGON At the close of business Dec. 2y, 11122. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. A Discounts ----------------------- *288.724.31 327 72 verd rafts 'Banking Hou.-e, Furniture and Fixtures --------------- — ~ _ 10,790 77 Liberty B o n d s ------------ 3,722.50 School District 11,2018« Warrants ____-------7,479.30 50,169.04 CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS Capital Stock --------- ------------- Surplus and Profits Bills Payable -------- Re-discounts DEPOSITS --------- ------------ * 26,000.00 37,560.98 26,000.00 NONE 273,642.72 *361,203.70 *361,203.70 H. J. Ward, President. John Ray, Vice President J. P. Dunaway, Cashier O. G. Bauer, Assistant Cashier J. F. Reece G. L. Phillips J. J. Sarazin BANK OF NYSSA CALLED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKS OF THE STATE OF OREGON AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 29, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts _________ _________ Overdrafts ----- ---------------------------------------- Bonds and Warrants _________ _________ Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures t'ther Real Estate ............ ......................... Interest, Taxes and Expenses Paid _____ Cash and Sight Exchange _____________ LIABILITIES. From Ontario— Miss Gladys Udick of Ontario spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Vale, while guest of Miss Dottie Cruramett. Capital Stock Paid i n __ Surplua ___ » __ __ War Finance Corporation Bills Payable ___________ Deposits ____________ ____ H. Walters, President. Dick Tenaen, Vice President. Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF »198.20141 v *198,201.44 Frank D. Hall, Cashier. F. E. Young, Ass’t Cashier. | day. Mitchell Moore of Ontario spent jq | the stati gated to 1 bonds 0 led to pa; [ Ralph tr to Wt B asserts J ► other bi [such misi pose repoi Eationists plated for tig the le; to remo\ interest on pee lock's 1 I am advi lions of er City, ( led, Mr. 1 statement I said that morally Ration Di: state o fed to pay We carry a complete stock of ■ [ Hardware g and Farm § implements 12 three new members, Joe Gwilliams, George Carey and Lloyd Riches. Members of the council who retired from city office are Dr. H. W. Steelhammer and Ross A. Soward. After being sworn in by Recorder J. D. Rogers, the first act of the new council was the election of C. B. Woodward as its president. Mayor Beelar announces his com mittee appointments as follows: '“ TnBTftMWf Woodward, Riches and Gwilliams. Health—Carey, Woodward and Riches. Finance — Riches, Nelsen and Gwilliams. Streets and Tnrks— Nelsen, Carey and Gwilliams. Fire and Wnter—Nelsen, Carey and Woodward. Printing and Police— Woodward, Riches and Carey. The appointment of W. L. Hutton as watermaster, John Barclay as marshal nnd Knbt. D. Lytle as city attorney, were made by Mayor Beelar and confirmed by the council. Marshal Barclay was instructed to change his hours of duty from noon to midnight and to ring the curfew bell at 8 o'clock each night. The financial report of City Treas urer Houston was rend and will be published according to ordinance A price of 20 cents a foot was placed upon all of the old wood water pipe which has been dug from the ground by the city. Chairman Nelsen of the fire and water com mittee wns empowered to sell the water pipe which still remains In the ground to the best advantage to the city. The house over the old city well in the southern part of the city will be moved and converted into kitchen at the tourist park. The well will be filled from the concr"te casing to the level of the street to avert any accidents. The administration of Mnyor Me Gillivray and the council just closed has been one of noteworthy value to the city. During it a number of im provements have been made, prom inent among them the completion of the new water system which has been heralded over the country ns a model system for a city the size of Vale. Considerable street Improve- mnt has been done during the past administration and, taking It all together, it is considered that the out-going city dads finished a cred itable term of office. ! ft 11 Vale News Recovering Rapidly— Mr*. Lloyd Riches is recovering rapidly from her recent illness. Her mother, Mrs. J. H. Farley, of Lyle, Wash., is staying with her for a few weeks. Returns From Raise— Mrs. Allen Wilcox nnd daughter, Frances, returned Tuesday from Boise, where they hsve been visiting friends snd relatives during the past two weeks. Go to W w lfill— Mrs C. G. Griffin and children y spent the week end with friends snd [ relatives in Westfall, returning tql ‘ .V a l e Monday. 27. 31. .......... $361,203.70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in .............. ......... ............ ....... ...................... $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund ___ _____________________________________ ___ 26,000.00 (a) Undivided profits .................. ......... ..... .............. $33,107.98 (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid.. $20,547.00 12,560.98 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 173,182.98 Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on de 603.41 mand ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26, $173,686.39 TIME AND SAVING DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and and payable on demand or subject to notice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding ................ ............. 99,956.33 Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28 ... 99,966.33 Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with other banks or trust companies ................ .................. ................................... 25,000.00 T o t a l _________ .*198,204.44 LIABILITIES. 16. 17. 18. 23. 25. 27. 31. 32. ( d en y in g th Mm MCGILLIVRAY ENDS I WORTHY TERM (Malheur Enterprise.) The reins of Vale’s city govern ment were graciously yielded Thurs 16. day night by Mayor McGillivray and 17. the outgoing council to Mayor Harry 18. Beelar and the new law-making body of the city. The new council' 23. contains two old members, T. T, I Nelson and C. B. Woodward, and 26. 'O RTS RIG A! Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE BANK OF NYSSA At Nysea , in the State of Oregon, at close of Business December 29, 1922. At Nys»a, in the State of Oregon, at close of Business, December 29, 1922. RESOURCES. RESOURCES. 1. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 1. Leans and discounts, including rediscounts shown in items 29 and 30, if any .__--------- ----- --------------------------------------- $288,724.31 29 and 30, if a n y ..... ................ ............... .............................$145,081.47 Overdrafts secured and unsecured ___ ___ _________ 327.78 282.33 Overdrafts secured and unsecured U. S. government securities owned, including those shown Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign in items 30 and 86, if any ..................... ..... ............. ......... 3,722.60 government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., includ Other bonds, warrants and securities- Including foreign ing those shown in items 30 and 35, if any............ ............. 10,830.48 government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., including 6,832.06 6 . Banking house, $4,330.00; furniture and fixtures, $2,502.96 those shown in items 80 and 85, if any .............. ........ .. 7,479.36 7. Real estate owned other than banking house _______________ 143.28 Banking house, $6,046.67; furniture and fixtures, $4,744.20 10,790.77 ! 9. Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and (ab. Cash on hand in vault and due from banka, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve and trust companies designated and approved reserve WOODWARD PRESIDENT I agents of this bank ............................ ..........— .................... 34.509.6!» agents of this bank _______ ______ __________________ 49,708.79 Exchanges for clearing house and items on other banks in 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items on other banks in 338.02 the same city or town as reporting bank............................ the same city or town as reporting bank .............. ....... ......... 13.10 11 . Checks on banks outside city or town o f reporting bank TOURIST PARK WILL HAVE 11 . Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank 8.00 82.51 and other cash items___________________________ ____- Total cash and due from banks, ttema 8, 9, 10 KITCHEN,—PRICE PUT — Total cash and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10 snd 11 ........... „ ............- ........... ..... ........... ......... _ $49.724J » *34,930.22 and 11 ............................................................... ON OLD PIPE. 15. Other assets, if any. Items in transit ___________________ 434.15 103.70 . Interest, taxes and expenses paid ............................................. Total s.y s IllltiAT IR B I)' ■ Charter No. 56. THE MALHEUR COUNTY BANK $145,081.47 282.33 .. 10,830.4* - 6,832.9* 143.2* 103, 70 .. 34,930.22 4M m i a B $ 25,000.1 . 15/>00j _ 21 ■ ■ .. 18,558.96 . 118,469.20 have been A. L. Guerber, C. H. Ox- man, and A. C. Spurlcok. Russell Zimmerman of Westfall was a guest at the Drexel Wednes- j The sincere desire of this bank Is to promote prosperity. To help you get your share of it and to use that share with wisdom. N EW CITY OFFICERS I TAKE OVER REINS Return lo College— Miss Vina Mueller left Saturday for O. A. C to resume her course in i that college. Cleo Slaght, another 0. A. C. student, left Sunday. UCNAU Vi «MEUDLU A BUUCU) o f a u o a e « "d s iB * To Leave Saturday— Miss Dottie I. Crummett will leave this afternoon for Eugene to continue her work at the University of Oregon. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. ! Charter No. 168. STATEMENT OF THE MICKIE SAYS Vale O F Capital stock paid in $ .. Surplus fund (a) Undivided prsfits.... .............................................. $18,9! (b) Less current expenses, interest and taxes paid.. 13,193.31 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than banks, subject to reserve: Individual deposits subject to cehck, including deposits due the State of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payable on de mand _____ ________________________ _____ ________ ______ Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits subject to reserve, items 23. 24, 25, 26 ......$86,651.28 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and payable on demand or subject to notice: Time certificates of deposit outstanding ........ .................... Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27 and 28 $31 817.99 Bills payable with federal reserve bank or with other banks or trust companies ................ ....... ............................... Advances from War Finance Corporation .......................... 25 .000.00 15, (100.00 77,989.72 8,661.5« ! come in and look it over before buping your spring outfit. I have ne\ t, taken tl - statement contrary, ler include advertiser gation dist the attenti Oregon Ii kirities Cor I was a kroper adv t the Seci its author! I unde ratal low this se in ques [erteements |This statei I made whi 1 and until brtunity to pn giving 1 the above I frank eno ■ated ‘one i that were 1 to hear I [t seems t< Ings’ shout 3 3 f Eder H dw e. Co. ■ ■ ■ 31.817.92 18 658 "c 21,176 28 Total ....... ................... ............................. ................ *1*8,204.■( $361,203.70 STATE OF OREGON, County of Malheur, ss. STATE OF OREGON, County of Malheur, ss. I, J. P. Dunaway, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly I. Frank D. Hall, cashier of the above named bank, do solemn!” swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge an ' m . J. P. DUNAWAY, Cashier. belief FRANK D. HALL, Cashier. CORRECT— Attest: H. J. Ward, Geo, L. Phillips, J. J. Sarazin, Directors. CORRF.CT— Attest: H. Wallers, F. E. Young, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of January, 1923. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd H'v of January. 1993 J. BOYDELL, Notary Public. E. M. BLODGETT, Notary Puh'.:- My commission expires Dec. 6, 1923. My commission expires D-c. 7. » 9 "’ Nyssa, Oregon. -'iaa¡SRBRRBRB«RRRKBBBRaBRRaBRBRRBRBRBBRE? H i i ’ s of th ^ Rrrig atio n ■ t me whe all Ami nor than the “ j| feel this e irrigatu jr that ur ^ ile s s of uld greater ( 2