T he G ate C ity J ournal NY88A, MAUI STIC COUNTY, VOL. XX. NO. M CartTAi Coming to Farewell Suprise for IiTOftigito tke Al­ Mr. and Mrs. I. Lax The Eastern Star lodge gave a fare­ falfa Weevil Here well surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. 1. Lax Wadnesday avening. The festiv­ ities wars held at the W. 8. Clore home, wither Mr. sad Mre. Lax bau been lured by promise of a suppar. The evening was enlivened by divert thrilling stunts, smeng which was the trial sa te who could grin tke widest, which was won by W. S. Clara, whilo Frank Miller preved to be the chans pies long distance frewner. F. E. Young distinguished land very nearly extinguished) himself by eating more cake than anyene alie present. A suaptuees feed was servad, to which all did ample justice. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hail, Mr. and Mis. Frank Miller. Mr and U ri F. K. Yooag, Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Munter, Mr, and Mrs. 8. D. Goshert, Mr. and Mrs. Kekabake, Mr. and Mrs. Crooker, Mr, aad Mrs. t rank Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gossett, Mr. and Mrs. J. tteydell. Hr, and Mrs. harazio, Mrs. C. C. Monk Mrs. J. M. wolf, Mrs. Ernest W'lsen, Mrs. Arthur Boydoll. The Canyon C c n t y Farm Uur.au la aiTanamg a tour Into Malheur couuiy to 0« Laid on June I to la- veeila.il« tne aimlia wee »11. TDtt pest uaa aot yet oeoouie ¿¡«inaral over Canyon oounty like It baa In .Mal­ heur, Pa: «Uo and Weanlngton coun- Uea, but la gaining a tootnold quluj rapidly. Toe larmara up ibat way at leaat are be Darning to woi r> aooat a a id want to know juat wbat It mean» to neve a real lnfeeieUon weevil in inmr Uelda. Also they m e iwokiog tor too beat way «0 control the peat. Toe Canyon county caravan will come by the way of Nyssa, leaving high school building at 10 a. m. stopping at points aiong the road to examine iieiua. They will go aa lar north as Ontario at which point dinner will be taken In the park near the depot. County agricul­ tural agent nrvalthanpt le assisting In arranging ashort program which will com*, Immediately alter tha lunch hour and will oovar auoa points as the m e history o f tne weevil, the rapidity oI ua increase A Le utucuau uujm i c t x t p q l u u u i - and extent 01 damage and vanoua -itn tM iu lai « ¿ «tu ie a u i n u ) , w la n in o control mcaaurtti wmch are recom­ ai ola Vaiti ti/ a »Cult* ul l i tu 0. mended. Tne field entomologist 01 im a pula ut tilt) aeau oi iut idubo u eai.evted to he present and uai, luiviii * tutti oue uui 01 luui several persona who nave bad prac­ untano una iiuiiun0 i wu tical experience in Hguung altaila «»iti tieUp navmg eacu woa two auu weevil nave oeen luviteu to give ioM bWO, Uuur views on spraying and otner luti gdiuv tìuaaay ww rnarreu uieanvoa. by an uiuouunau* acuaent uy wuicu At 1 ( . u , i spraying demonstra­ vann^ever ut ino u m luam *>ui- tion will be given at tne Hofer Ut­ iert>U a tractured ma while aiutino ley ‘ arm lust east o f town. This tu tiio noma piate. W ooiiruif ut utvmonauvsuon will be put on hy la « li ani e» team waa strucn un tiie oun wnelan o f the Idaho extension wrist by a hot one, while at tne bat service, wno is in cnange at alt alts and waa ineapaoibUed for further weevil work m that state. Tne Dewey action In the pilonar’» box. machine will b« a ta »-horse tractor Hoxle was substituted and acquittea type sprayer such Is now recom­ ‘illuseli with nonor. mended and sold by tha Iron Age Ayate will play Ontario at Untar- company lo r use on allalla, pota­ lo neat Bunaay. to«« and st‘ f r field c-icpe. It STANDING OF CLUBS coveu’s a Wide strip, using liquid L Pci W spray made of two pounds of cal­ 7bo 3 i cium arsenate to 10* gallons of Nyasa......... ............... *üU V a i»................. . 1 « water, 6uu 2 Th* farmers o f Malheur county 8 boo D u a u u g io n ......_____ 2 are welcome to attend this meeting and d*iEonst ration. Also Tes(p denta of the Uwna who may wlsn to do so. Parties may bring bas­ tir e oroxe out lu tne i-asumw ket lunch with them and eat In the pool nail Monday night at JU:ku park If desired. The program will and uia consiuerauie damage to start about l p. m. and the spraying stock and fixture« ueloie it was demonstration as noted at 3 p. m. exunguisnoo. Mr. i ananara who sleeps in me back odd or an adjoining room dis­ covered tne blaze and gave the alarm, which quickly brought the Mr. end Mrs. James Fogle eater fire company to ihe scene and af­ tailed the fallowing guests at dlnuar ter some fast work the boys got latarday, in hener o f their daughter me fire under control. Tue pool Faeline'i third birthday anniversary: Mrs. ffeerge Ward end ehildren. Mrs. hell was conducted by Felton Hun H. J. Ward, Miss Kats Whipple, Mrs. can wno carried some insurance on The build­ Lorens Fields end children. A dee the stock and fixtures. feast was prepared in henor o f the ee- ing la owned by Sharp brothers esslen. which wee mueh enjoyed hy ail. and will require conslderanle re­ pair work before It U ready for occupancy again. Njua Takts Anether Un« Frolli Vaie Due at I' m »um« i'uui tenit Birthday Dinner Birthday Party Mr. end Mr*. Frank Lynch enter­ tained ten smell children at their heme Moaday evening in honor o f their son Arthur's eighth birthday snnivsrssry. A delightful evening was spent hy the little folks la playing games after which delieleae refreshments were served. Skoffer-Golaeke. Friends o i Miss Allcei Ooleeke will be surprleed to learn o f ner recent marriage to Faye Stoffer a r«sl dent of Caldwell. Mies Goleeke Is a former resident o f Nyssa, a niece o Mrs. Will HaiiMU. TIM young c will make their home in Portland Turning Back the Leaves o f History May 80 wn torn back the par«» af history ta 186 1 05 aad haaar thoaa who, as young: men and boys, wrata large their aanas ia American annals. History's latest chapter gives to all of us a brosder caasoptioa of what War is and enables us te understand aara fully the deeper mealing af Mq morial Day. On that day thia institution will remain claaed ia henar of our Soldier Dead m alheur capitai , L . . . County fianh Nyaau, Oregon ms,see sc *nu»i,rs - 000.00 loow, run) a y , may 26, 1922. % Sheriff «»»»eteeeeeeee»e»»oee*»»»»»»e»eeeee»F»e»e»»e»e»e»»e»< LOCAL A N D PE R SO N A L Mrs. P. M. Binkley was a Payette visitor Monday. Mrs. Eliza Evans and family visited in Ontario Monday. E. M. Dean and Fred Marshall want to Payette on business Monday. 8tanley Dean and ehildren spent Sunday at the C. R Carter home Mra. McGee and daughter Margaret •pent several days in Beise this week. Mrs. Claude Allen and children spent the week end at Roswell with relatives. Mrs. A. R. Cook and children spent the week end at Ontario visiting her sister. Mrs. P. M. Binkley and Mrs. H. L. Sharp spent Wednesday at the John Ray home. Mra. William Sexton of Prairie City ia visiting her son, Frank Anderson, in Nysaa this week Big potato growers meeting next Tuesday evening at council room. See adv. on back page. Mayor P. M. Warren and brother, James Warren, were business visitors at Caldwell Mcnaay. Miss Mildred Forbes left Saturday for Sait Lake to make an extended visit with relatives J. P. Baxter and family this week moved into the residence recently va cated by Prof. Lustie. The ladies of St. Paul G- Id will meet at the home of Mrs. A. Boy- del on Thursday, June 1. Born - To Mr. and Mrs Pearl Bing­ ham, a tan and ena half pound baby boy, Wednesday, May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Walmesly of Par wart dinner guests at the home ef Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Francis Sunday. Archie Francia of Boise spent the day Monday visiting at thehoma of his parents, Mr and Mra. H. T. Francis Mrs. Johsnna Schnaiter returned Monday from a two months visit with her suns and daughter at Ogden. Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCarty iDent Sunday visiting bis brothers and other relatives living on the Boulevard road. Mr. and Mra. O. D. Cole and Mrs. Elmar Col* and baby of Payette spent Sunday at tbe J. W. Wills home in Nyssa. Mrs. E. M. Dean and Mra. Albert Cook attended the P. T. A. convention at Boise thia week as delegates from the Nyssa local. C. R. Carter, who is working in a construction camp near Vale, visited with hit family in Nyssa several days, returning Wednesday. If you are a potato grower don't fail to attend the meeting Tuesday eve ning at the council room. Buyers from out of town are expected to be present. Mr. Turner bis been busy this week repairing, papering and making an ad­ dition ef a naw scrasn perch to the residence of his daeghter, Mrs. Sam Blayloek. S. F. Foster went to Baker Wednes­ day t* visit with his family for a few days M.». Mattie McLellen and Miss Bliss Cartar are in charge ef the drug­ store daring his absence. Harry Sharp came home from Baker this week, where he is operating a lin otype machine on the Herald, to loek after his brick building on Main street, which wae somewhat damaged bv the pool hall lire Monday night. L F. Schirmer of Boise wae in town several days this week visiting rela­ tives. Mr. Schirmer formerly con­ ducted e jewelry store in Nyssa, but is now taking the government instruction course for ex-service men ia Boise. Mr. sod Mra. E B. Butler of Arca- dis are mourning the death o f a pet dog which rot into a mixup with an automobile Thursday c f last week and was killed instantly. Tha aaimal had bean a pet of the family for sine years and ita death w li a sad blow. A. V. Cook left the first of the week for Portland to attend an I. O. O. F convention. Ho wae accompanied as far as Baker by hie two children, who will visit with their grandparents until his return. Mrs. Cook is taking ad­ vantage of the absence ef tbe other members of tbo family to viait her par. ants at Ontario. Mrs T. J. Caldwell cams homo from Long Beach, Cal., where she spent tbe inter with her son Cecil, this week, which fact probably aceounl* for the broad emilo on T J .’■ countenance which hes been quite noticeable for tbe past few day* Mrs. Caldwell reports a most enjoyable visit to California's famous winter resert, and that Cecil is doing well, being heed of e department in one of Long Brash's large drygoodi »»tabliehment*. eorge Phillips Is on the eick list this week. Mr». J. W. Wills vleited aeverel days recently at the home of E. B. Butler, Jr., at Arcadia. g Urniy burner, wbu u»s been serious­ ly in el me uutario uuspliei, is cou siUerauiy improve« lu hceiia. tare. Sump auo Mrs truiwek V ill leu as trie beme w( mre. mouse, ikuresay Me. una mra. rioyu imnuer ex­ pect. to leave lor .Newport, Oregon w vu to speuc. tne summer uioutua. Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Dorman of Rigby, Idaho, are ¿ s eats at the home of Mr. and Mra. J. P. Baxter. Mrs. Cecils, Reynolds lewt Friday 10 join ner u us uand la Fendieton wn«re they expect to remain tor the present. Frank Phillips left Tuesday tor Midvale to take over a bunen 01 horses to pasture there this sum meg. Miss Ruth Servo so waa a visitor In Ontario Wednesday attending the commencement exorcise# to he helu there this week. Mrs. Johanna Schnelter returned to her home In Nyssa, after several weeks’ visit with ^relatives and friends In Idaho Falls, arriving Monday. Mrs. Adolph Sohndttr left Satur­ day for Boise, whore she will make an extended vlelt with her husband who is shearing sheep in that vl cinity, and with othcT relatives who are residents in that city. Business Houses to Close Memorial Day The following business bouses will elos* all day Maj- 80: Eder Hardware Co. Nyssa Meat Market. Malheur County Bank. Wilson Bros. Nyssa Trading Oo. Nyssa Barber Shop. T. J. Caldwell. Bank of Nyssa. Gam Stata Lumber Co. Boise Payette Lumber Co. Miscellaneous Shower Member» of the Kobokahs, the Ladiea Aid and friend» ef Mrs. Wm. Beam met at the lodge room Thuriday afternoon at a miaeellaaoous shower given in honor of Mrs. Beam, about thirty persons attending. The after­ noon was spent in tying a quilt and piecing another one to bo tied Friday evening. A delightful lunch wee served by the Rebskahs and Ladiea Aid. KINGMAN K0L0NY Miss Ruby Moses arrives this week from Ontario, where she attended high school the past year. She will spend the summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. William Meses. Friday, June 2. the regular P T. A. meeting. Several boys o f th* Kelony attended he opening game oa the New baseball field at Adrian last Sanday. T ie Kolony Pig Glub baieball nine will play th* Big Bend Corn Clab team at Adrian Wednesday aftaraoou. May 24th. Narrow Eacape from Fire. Lee Noe Primary Election Makes Successful Raid W as Quiet Affair in the Gate City The people ot Nyssa ware treated to a genuine thrill last Friday evening when Sheriff le e Noe end a deputy sheriff rode into town with a pris­ A light rote waa polled at t' v oner aad an auto load of apparatus captured 1» a raid en” a TlquoVmaae- 1 Primary election laet Friday and ! • factoring plant In tha Big Bend conn- 0 lnt®r*8t wa® iTNnlfedted W ;-t Covci try. Th* offlears parked their auto for one or two ornc**. in front o f the Silver Grill while they four vote* were e»tl, o f whloh 84 and the prieoner were at auoper. Tke were republican and 80 demoooMld. W. S. Clone wee elected lustie* auto waa quickly surrounded by an ad­ miring populace composed o f men, o f the peeee aad H. D. Holm«* eoe- women and children, who examined stfeMe. the captured paraphernalia, which con­ All three o f the Oregon congress­ sisted o f two complete 10 gallon dis­ men have been reeomluated, Repre - tilling ontfita, with kattles, copper tentative W. C Hawley for the Fir*» wire 'n everything, with much inter­ dietriet, Representative N. J. Sinnot, est. Femine curiosity was arousad to for tbe Second district, end Repre a high pitch and innumerabla ware the tentative C. N McArther for th* questions aakad by the fair spectators. Third dietriet. None e f th* represent­ The concensus of opinion, however, ative* bed the indorsement of tbs fed­ was that tha apparatus was too dirty erated patriotic societies, which astiv- and they wouldn’t drink the nasty ely opposed Sinnot and McArthur. stuff made by it, while the male por Candidates nominated on the Repub­ tion o f the audience cast longing lican state ticket a-o: fiances at it and surreptitiously National commit teemen—Ralph Will- searched for any samples that might lama. he lurking around in the vicinity. Treasurer -O . P. Hoff. The priaener’a name waa Gabino Justieeiof supreme court—Georg* Oaaoica, who was taken to Vale, where H. Burnett, John McCourt, John L. he pleaded guilty and waa sentenced Rend to 30 day* in jail and to pay a fine of School superintendent—J. A. Church­ $850 ill. Whan the man’s house was entered Labor Commissioner— H. Cram. two still of 10 gallon capacity each Candidaiaa nominated by the dem­ were found, together with 22 gallons ocrats are: of moonshine, 100 gallons of fig mash, Netinnal committeeman — Will R. 700 pounds ef figs aad 900 pouads ef King. sugar. Governor—Walter M. Pierce. In e recall elestion held simultan­ eously with th* primaries Fred G. Butchtai aad Fred A. Williams were recall*« frees office as atat* public service eommisaloaera and Nawten Mc­ Coy and T. M. Kerrigan, both e f Pert- Rav. G. E. Wharton, writing to tha land, were sleeted to euoeeed them. Journal from Glasgow, Montana, any a: “ Wa are very nicely settled in this Warren District te Give Play. city and are being well received and The Warren acuuol Uuirlct and wall cared for. While I am oet a pas­ the Parent-Tear u«r Aaeociatloa will tor of an? regular work, not a Sunday givj a play at the Liberty Theatre passes but thut I preach at laaat once on Friday, June i. The asm ot in one or other o f the several churches the play la Deacon Dubbe" and ef the city. Have preached twice for wUl be rend »red uy tne following tbe Holinesa people, twice for our own aU-ctar cast: Methodist church and am te preach for Mint Phllipeua— Mrs. U. O. Oar- them next Senday, "W e are wall, and ainoe we have re­ men; Deacon Dubbs— Mrs. B. Flock; ceived cur goods are beginning to feel Ames Coleman— Chaa. N. ’n o m a - son; Rose Raleigh— M i V. Flock; at home. "W e are hoping that by this time a Emily Dale— Anona D. German; pastor hat been appointed for our zDei teronomy Jones— Lu 1 te Stem; Yeneen— Oeneve W ood»; Methodist church that t e good work Y m ule begun by Bro Kendall's assistance will Major Mos** McNutt— Klaus Stem; not be lost. Rendon Crawley— Lultn Stem: "Weather here is fine. More rain­ Trixie Coleman— Helen M. arman. fall has been experienced already thia ■pring than in the total period of flva Will Play Benefit Ball Game. years past. Farmers are as busy as bees gatting in crops and all are happy The Nyssa ball team will go to in tba fine prospect of excellent crop».’ ’ Vole May 30th to take part In a benefit ball game for the Veld ball player who got his leg broken laet Sunday In the game. A goodly The dance given last Friday evening number of rooter* will ncoompanr at the h- me of Mr. and Mra. Tom th< team to cheer up the boys In Johnson was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. their arduous task of heating the Clinton Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Va'e team. Lauck and children, who took their de­ picture the following day for Darkae, between Huntington and Baker, where they will be employed at read cen- I. Lex ha* disposed ef hi* interest In struction work. About seventy people the Lae Pharmacy te I. F. Fester and attended and report a fine tira*. ex poets to loevo next week with his family for Portland. A farewell dance was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holmes in I am leaving Myna, All my ee- honor of Mr. and Mra. Parry Lowe cornata ere payable te S. F. Foster. Monday oxening. Mr. and Mra. Laws I. LAX. ar* leaving this week for Harper, Or., where they will be employed by tne McCloud Shetp Co. Dairy Cattle Netd Grain. Rev. Wharton Writes From His New Home Farewell Dances Baaineaa Chang*. High producing dairy tattle need grain even when on good paitur*. Bar- . lay or earn mixed with equal parts of 1 Buick Six, 1920. , oat* or mill run make* a good mlxters. 1 dtudebaker Six. 1 Saxon Six. i If cewa on naatnre tone weight it is a 2 Fordes, priced for quick salo. sign that grain Is needed, Ordinarily NYSSA GARAGE. *n* pound of grain to six t* eight lbs. of milk I* required, bet when pasture LOST—Pair of glassai Finder please deliver to Journal office and reeeiva I* short more le needed.- O. A. O. Ex­ reward. periment s t a t i o n ____________ ___ FOR SALE. J. R. Hunter returned th* first of the week from s viait iato the Jordan volley aelling the famous Me- Connee Remedies. His return was celebrated by a family dinner te which a few friends were levited. He re­ port* crop* In that neek of the woods very backward. While at Jordan Val­ ♦♦« U M 4 » t 4 4 4 4 » » » t M t t » t t t t t t t t t » t » M t t M t t t t t M t M » > lar Mr. Hanter had a narrow escape from losing his outfit, including 8600 worth of stock, by fire. The barn in which his horses and wagon worn put up for the night caught fire in the eve­ ning end waa buraed to the ground, but not until horses and wagons bed Teu see people come to the Bank of Nyaga evary day. Do been removed therefrom. you know their purpose? A Friendly Interest in Your Daily Work Ker Sale. Chieken or turkey ranch for sale { mil* above Mitchell Butt* on Owyhoe river, H miles west of Adrien, 18x14 bungalow type, three-room bouse, on* half basement, hoes* nearly finished, and othei buildings. Tw# 6 bp gas engines and two 4-ineh pumps included. Price 8100Q for qeick sale, ml* Ed Tea Have. \ It is not merely en the matter af gafefaarding their fu'ds. Our patrons value our point of view en their ¡plans and prospects, which they discuss with us privately. We iavite you to do thu sane. BANK OF NYSSA H. W eitert, President. Dick Tenaea, Vien Pros Freak D. Hell, Cashier. F. E. Youug. A sst Ceshli I