The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, March 03, 1922, Image 2

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¡íiM ¡!lii!!l!lii»
Taffeta Triumphs Anew;
Entrancing Millinery
>w U n c i *
Increase of 7^i Por Cent Mad# on Mis
souri Farm by Feeding Cows
on Si lags.
No man who is milking a herd of
a dozen or more cows can ever hope
to make maximum returns from bis
herd without a silo, according to K.
M Harmon, dairy extension specialist
for the Missouri College o f Agrlcul
ture. This statement was proved by
the Missouri Cow Testing associations
during the past year, as shown in the
following results:
Cows receiving silage produced an
average of 5,708 pounds o f milk, 260.8
pounds of fat and a profit above feed
cost o f 1108.60 per cow. Cows with
out silage averaged 5,180 pounds of
milk, 252.7 pounds of fat and a profit
o f $101.02 per cow. The difference
was 600 pounds of milk, 13.9 pounds
o f fat and $7.58 cents per cow in one
This means an Increase o f 7V4 per
cent In profit due to the silo. The
average man would go a long way to
market his wheat for 7V4 per cent
more. It Is worth that much to build
a silo and we must have a kit more of
them before we will reach the economy
we should In butterfat production.
S tm
f o u r M o n e y in C o n d u c t *
In g Y o u r B t is in e s s
Effective Disinfectant for Use in
Poultry House Is Easy to Maks
and Also Inexpensive.
The kerosene emulsion which Is fre-
luently used to destroy mites may
-eadlly be converted Into a dlslnfect-
,nt, according to the United States De­
partment o f Agriculture. The emulsion
a made by shaving one-half pound laun-
lry soap Into one-half gallon soft water.
Boll the mixture until soap Is dissolved
ind then, after removing It to a safe
distance from the fire, stir Into It,
while hot, 2 gallons of kerosene. This
makes the stock mixture. When It Is
to be used as a louse killer, 1 quart o f
the emulsion Is mixed with 10 quarts
?t water. When It Is to be used as a
Mslnfectant. stir well and add 2 pints
>f crude carbolic acid or crude cresol.
The compound solution o f cresol Is
me o f the best disinfectants that can
5e purchased ready to use. It con­
tains 50 per cent o f cresol, and a pint
Df It in 10 quarts o f water makes the
right solution to apply to houses or
spray over the ground. A 5 per cent
solution o f carbolic acid (1 pint car­
bolic acid, 10 quarts water) Is about
equally efficacious.
Some Convincing Comparisons of Best
and Poorest Herd Brought
Out by Expert.
here Your
Taxes Go
Success of Poultry Keeping Depends
Largely on Well-Matured, Vigor­
ous Pul lets.
______ _
K Is
T ill:U
something so unpreten-
appealing about tafTetu
silk that It comes gently rustling In
each season to triumph anew among
afternoon and evening frocks. It hu*
a certain dignity that belongs to silk
and a certain degree o f youthfulness
that belongs to Itself, but can be ac­
commodated to women of nny age. In
the frocks pictured here the styles
bespeak In the nearer something
o f youthfulness. Thl
Is a quality
that some women preserve for many
years, and It la worth recalling that
taffeta helps them to look young—
for lovely millinery. Almost every
| cne o f the new hats is In Itself thi
best possible excu»e. Besides, thert
are no better hats than the first ef-
forts of the designers und an early
choice means that one need not be
hurried and has a wide variety at
hand to make a selection from.
The newly arrived spring hats, de­
serve to be called entrancing, their
lines are beautiful and Immensely be­
coming, the colors and materials a
continuous exhibit o f splendid per­
formance on the purt o f the manu­
facturers. There is much that Is P“ 1*
Palmer as Alien
May, 1918, and was »old J
to Martin E. Kern of aji „
on Decem ber 7, 1918, for ,
Although It had been „
derstood that the InvettiJZ
Ilosch company, ordered |,7l
partment o f Justice, wla J
fined solely to Its w»r c "
was revealed that the fet
Jury In Boston will Inquire!
transfer o f the former G
ertles from the alien pn
^ ^ A S H IN G T O N ’ .—A subpoena has dlan to Howard D. Griaul
been served on Col. Thomas W. agent fo r Martin E. Kern. I
Incidentally, there has b^ l
Miller, the alien property custodian,
tlon o f charges mnde agalnnl
ordering him to appear before the fed
erwt grand Jury In Boston, with all Attorney Oenernl Palmer wb<
records hearing upon the sale by his peared before the senate
predecessor, A. Mitchell Palmer, of committee In 1919, In conn*
the vast properties o f the Bosch Mag­ hearings on hlg confirmation]
neto company, which were seized by time efforts were made to i
confirmation because of the ]
the government during the war.
The Bosch Magneto coinpuny. now which he held when the
the American Bosch Magneto com­ were sold. It was alleged t,
pany, was taken over by the United the Bosch stock was worth]
(lutes us enemy-owned property lu mately $7,000,000.
Chaplains of the U. S. War Departed
a n c e
t o
f in d
o u t
It now s bolgtgti effort la under
to find out son*» of the facts
government (M ine** and gov-
tot employing«*. The Bureau o f
Judge! has bMB organised and
operation undM the direction of
lea O. Dawes.
bouses e f coogr*M are wora-
_ the problem at reclassification
»vernroent positions and salaries.
Veterans’ bureau has been nr-
_ end has taken over the bureau
rar risk Insurance, that pari ->f
tubllc health service which had
with veterans, and all of the
of the federal board for vocu-
il education except that purt
_ had to do with the treatment o f
uni Injured In the Industries.
- e re Is also the Inquiry being made
the Joint committee on the re­
la tio n
of the administrative
:h e f the government of the two
o f congress, o f w M A I have
m. Walter F. Brown of Ohio Is
ian o f this oommlttee, represent-
..jld e u t Harding. The members
j e committee are. on the part of
senate. Senator* Smoot o f Utah,
Ison of Mississippi and Wads-
o f New Tort. The merobere on
.art of the house are Repre­
sses Beevls at Mebresks. Temple
iDsylvanla sad Meore o f Virginia.
Job o f this Joint committee Is
ke a survey at the admlnlstra-
-Icea o f the government for the
r» o f securing all pertinent facts
Jtng their powers end duties,
distribution among th» several
itlve departments, and the over-
ag and duplication o f authority.”
reporting the reaolutli* from the
lary committee te the house the
trs were told :
a matter of eemmen knowledge
Hiltons of dofiare are wssted by
.vsmmsnl by th* SI m o« endless
pud * lion of activities. Thsr* lias been
ifanaamsntal ehanc* la U>e sdmlnls-
v* activities sine* th* organisation
devised by Alexander Hamilton, and
lit la that activities satirsly out
_ * s r with «M fuasttses #« dapsrt-
havs grown with «be passing year*
■ Jm gevsmassai *f Ms United State«
became net snip th* biggest boslnss*
warM. but th* werld's worst man-
r r i HE first annual report from the
A office of chief of chaplains o f the
War department, Washington, D. C.,
<Prepared by t h . V e i t .a s t a t e . D epartm ent
written by John T. Axton, colonel,
(Prepared by th * United State« Department
o f A gricu lture. )
of A g r i c u l t u r e )
United States army, chief o f chap­
The early bird— referring to poultry j
With figures from a Virginia cow
lains. covering the fiscal year 1021,
not only gets the worm but seems to !
testing association as the basis for his
has been made public. This report
calculations a representative of the have every other advantage over the
shows a corps of 185 chaplains. In­
United States Department of Agricul­
cluding one colonel, nine lieutenant
ture has made some convincing com hatching Inrgely depends the success of
colonels, eight rnujors, 42 captains and
parlsons o f the best herd and the poor
125 first lieutenants. These chaplains
est herd, that bring out with unusual United States Department o f Agricul­
are classified as follows: Baptist, 26;
ture. Early hatched chicks, they say,
emphasis the value o f testing.
Baptist, colored, 2 ; Congregational, 9 ;
There were 511 cows owned by mem­ produce well-matured, vigorous pullets,
and good temper, energy and
Disciples of Christ, 10; Lutheran, 12;
bers of the association. The best herd which will begin laying In the fall and |
Methodist Episcopal, 41 ; Methodist slusm, and that overmastei
consisted of 10 cows, with an average
2 ;
Methodist o f service for men which u t H
o f 306 pounds of butter fat in a year. early laying pullcta that the best pro­
tini to success.”
Protestant, 1 ; Presbyterian, 15 ; Prot­
The poorest herd had 91 cows, aver­
The report tells of the *«
Early hatched chicks also
aging 155 pounds of butter fat in
Presbyterian, 1 ; lleformed, 2 ; Roman has been undertaken by amj|
year. The first herd made an average mean hens which grow brootly earlier
Catholic, 42; Unlversallst, 2 ; Unitarian, lalns, who In many cases
Income o f $75 per cow over the cost the next spring, and these In turn al-
few facilities have built up I
2; United Evangelical, 1.
of feed consum ed; the latter made an
Ninety-eight of these chaplains while centers o f religious anl|
average return over feed cost of only
were appointed during the war. They inspiration.
64 cents per cow.
"T here have been eligendoi
were selected from among C00 appli­
The introduction of a few variations
cants who had seen service during Bervlce that have necessititeli
on these figures will help to show Just
the World war and who had Indicated tall o f chaplains to vartogi j
how far apart were these cow's in the
a desire to enter the rcgultr army. that are extraprofesslonal," I
two herds. The average cow in the
'These men had the unqualified com­ Axton states. "They have I
best herd produced more Income above
mendation of their military command­ ttie cemetertal section of the |
Taffeta for Afternoon or Evening.
ers and were highly Indorsed by their master department, ns poet i
! If any o f them have forgotten It. The In fabrics and trimmings and design- respective denominations. They were officers, directors of educe [Id
chosen because they were found to recreation, as morale offlcere,|
I pretty dress at the left is shown In blnck j ers have found these
things Inspiring,
* f th* resolution Is to
j taffeta, and has a draped bodice fas- j Careful hand work characterizes the possess that fidelity, poise of mind, agora of Liberty theaters and i
| | fa r gif i m •ibis
1 _______
th* __.
breadth and tolerance of view, seren- lug exhibitions, school teachei
at one side, with a large Jet milliner's part In the
creation of new
w*rtagging an« «»pltaaUsa of ac-
*at( tk* view tkat numéro,is
j buckle over a long bead fringe. The headwear.
Ity of spirit, large outlook, patience as counsel fo r the defense.”
> Is«ins an« bwsaua may ha shini­
I bodice Is unusually graceful. T he j Four of the new models, as shown
es« a area* savin* «g«ct*4 la th*
neck opening allows a dainty cheml- here, disclose spirited shnpes and
„.m en tal oxp*n«tl<»*a Th* csmmlt-
| sette o f net and lace to show, and the novel materials, but the values of the
1 (sale tkat ns mme coasyuoUT« l**la-
l i la posaikl* on*»r salstlsg osn«l-
kimono sleeves will recommend It to lovely colors are lost In a picture,
_ -he- tits legislation prspossd ky
j slender women. Kuffies o f the taffeta ■ A soft, silky and pliable braid makes
been developed In the New I
reaslutlsn With tbs p ro »"' rendl-
j finish the collar, sleeves and loose side the hat at the top of the group with
states, where the capacity of tl
I #f th# nation's flnmiss* and the kur-
panels and muke a pretty adornment bordered ribbon laid In fine plaits
ths people etifTtg because *f sic**-
wheels Installed Is 1,381,0001
. taxation any législative measure
for the skirt.
about the coronet. A cluster of little,
power, and the estimated
to r**l economy should commas«
Taffeta Is sufficient unto itself In mnny-hued posies Is much at home
power at low water without i
A Good Sire Is the Beginning of a
If to th# sympathetic attention of tk*
the gay party frock in which two nguinst this brilliant background. The
la 808,000 horse power. In the ^
Good Herd; a Bad One Is the End
Is. end w* feel that tha Passat* W
Best Production and Greatest Profit colors are combined In a changeable drooplng-hrlm model below It makes
j resolution end th# work of tho **■►
of Any Herd.
coast states— Washington, 0 b
Ueo which
h* don. under Ms
Secured From Early Laying Pullets.
weave. The wide skirt Is scalloped use of silver filet lace over corn-
California— the capacity ot |
rit y will re«UIt 1« tha savlag «I M -
tne cost of feed than all o f the 91
nt the bottom and bound with a fold flower silk as a covering and has a
cows in the other herd. It would re­ low early hatching to be continued to o f the silk. The new neck line Is j facing of light crepe de chine, which
horse power and the poteatltl^H
i nan be p l l c i e l wit* osnsi«arable
greater degree when naturul methods
quire 117 cows like the average in the
finished In the same way and empha- may be chosen with reference' to the
at low water without storage“
o n ,n c that nefhlug will «etna «f
poor herd to equal in profit production o f Incubation are relied upon.
sized by two full ruffles which serve I wearer's complexion. The deep, strong
500,000 horse power.
i proposed voyage of e«wvary «W
For several years the department
one o f the cows in the top herd. To
The largest water power
i we, th# shareholders 1« the eg tew-
equal the herd o f 10 good cows a specialists have conducted early hatch- j
'C 'O R T Y per cent o f the developed ment In the world Is at Niapn|
ja. maintain a« activa, lively, sue
farmer would hove to keep 1.872 ani­ Ing campaigns. The movement has
water power o f the world Is In where the plants In operation 1
bed Interest In It. On# thing Is al­
mals like the average cow in this poor been encouraged hy state officials and .
tht United States, where water wheels capacity o f 870,000 horse
bs true of the house of repre-
county agents until now such cam­
having a capacity of 9,243.000 horse which 385,000 horse power li t
iatlve»— It !■ represent,, tire
paigns are conducted early In the j
power have been Installed, according United State* side. The eapi
i bsaeth* warmly upon It. It ftow-s.
spring over practically the entire
to a recent statement of th* United the plants at Niagara Is being 1st
COWS DURING COLD WEATHER country. Reports from poultry special- j
re are tk different It becomes cold,
States geological survey, Department by 114,500 horse power In the ^
bis Isn't the first ttm* that a plan
lsts and other sources Indicate that I
of the Interior. The leading states In States and 300,000 horse
F«yv Pound* of Com Chop Will H*lp early hatching Is being practice-1 much j
ie*n set In motion to find out
developed water power are New York, Canada. Other large plants i
to Provide Body H**t and Keep
litng shout how the government's
more generally this spring than ever '
with 1,300,000 horse power and Cali­ o f 170.000 horse power on the 1
Up Milk Flow.
nass la conducted,
before, the favorable weather con­
fornia with 1,111,000. These state totals slppl at Keokuk, Iowa, from |
ha aarllest Inquiry Into the ad-
ditions being largely responsible for
compare favorably with those for power Is transmitted to St.
During cnld weather, dairy cows this fact.
Jjstratlve method* of the executive
some o f the most progressive coun­ two plants aggregating 268.500|
should he fed a little more grain than
hrtments was made by the Ceckrell
tries in water-power developments In power on St. Maurice river In (
during milder weather. A few pounds
lion In 1887. Six year* later,
Europe, where France leads with 1,400- from which power Is transmit!
o f corn chop each day during the cold­ CURE FOR EGG-EATING HENS
__ , a Joint commission, of which
est dgvs will help to provide mors
COO horse power, Norway has 1,350.- Montreal, Quebec and other I
.esantatlve Dockery was chairman.
body heat and enable the cow to keep Profeseor Lippincott of Kansas Col­
000 horse power, Sweden, 1,200,000 Canada ranks next to the ^
r appointed to examine the status
up her milk flow even In the coldest
horse power and Switzerland 1,070,- States In water-power develd
lege Recommends Paring Off
: the laws organizing the depart- - 1
000 horse power.
weather. It Is o f course necessary that
End of Beak.
c|»t*. Preaid en t Roosevelt In lfmr,
with 2,418,000 horse power,
the row have shelter and not he ex­
The largest percentage of power has 10 per cent o f the world's total.
.»d an Interdepartmental committee,
posed to the cold winds. On real
In answer to the many inquiries for
[which O. H. Keep, assistant secre-
cold days a blanket will nsslst In keep­ a remedy for egg-entlng liens, nppenr*
fy of th* treasury, was chatman. to
ing the cow comfortable.
the following hy William A. Llppln-
balder department methods. I’resl-
cott, Kansas Slate Agriculture col­
bt Taft In torn. In 1(10, named a
O E N A T O R KENYON'S last act he-
emission on economy and efficiency
f,,rc accepting the President's nom­
which Frederick ClevMnd was
“ llpns can he cured of eating eggs
Animals Will Not Consume Needed by paring off the end o f the beak un­
til It Is very tender. It should not be
adly and generally speaking,
Amount of Water When It Is
CHIlOMr, U h W A ¡
mend to the senate a federal mediation
cut so ns to make It bleed. After
..ig cam* of these enterprises,
lb YF M U W t i i
Bitterly Cold.
board and an industrial code to govern
being cut buck until the quick Is al­
ntrr tt pyioTiP i
end I— commonly and vaguely
coal mining.
The recommendations
own as the public—were not m-
Do not permit your cows to drink most exposed, give the birds some
»•ere the result of the Investigation by
As a usunl thing
and neither was congress,
Ice water, is the admonition o f E. A. china eggs to pick at.
Acaiïïsr cv«M£>>
the senate committee on education and
Hanson, dairy extension specialist at they soon get over their desire to
ed K.
w p
, r of trout.,* between operators and
University farm. “ Cow* will not drink pick nt anything hard and, hy the time
But Just now, at this moment, we
union miners In West Virginia, which
the needed amount o f water when It Is the beaks are grown out, have gotten
l th* treat chance w# ever had to
cold,” says Mr. Hanson. " I f the stall*
eut about our common business
are not provided with water buckets,
how to Improve It and lessen Its
out o f federal troops.
place a tank heater In your tank. It DUST BATH SHOULD BE HANDY
jgt to us. The burden of supporting
era to bargain collectively
The mediation board proposed by
la far cheaper to heat the water with
i I* heavier than ever before.
coal and corn cobs In the tank heater Good Place Is In Sun Where It WIN
[ You will perhaps notice all througl,
choosing Is recognized and afl
representatives o f
the employees,
than with com fed to the c o w , ”
lese article* that the Information
The miners who are not
Keep Warm and Dry— Change
Four of tho New Models In Hats.
three of the employers and three o f
applied me shout the general facts
of a union have the right
Loam Occasionally.
a » to be appointed by the
Winter Dairying Profltabla.
also to call attention to the short, blue is becoming to every one.
r government employment snd govern-
without Interference by fellow ^
President. It would be operated like
Winter dairying Is profitable with
ent business are in terms <>f
The dust hnth should be where th* sleeves. Tnffefn flowers and taffeta- I very new trimming appears on the 1
United States railroad labor men who may belong to the unioM
good care and good cows. Better test oun will shine on It In order that It cevered cord, hanging In loops and hat o f braid and silk a t'th » «t^h. ,11 hoard no
itlreate* and approximations. Thi*
men who belong to a union
K ■ " ..... " ™
your cows, weighing the milk night may be kept dry and warm as may e n d , maintain tha, nothing more Is 1. called
£ £ , 1
on# Of th* defect* of government
right to work without being h*1
end morning for a week or so, and be. On almost all sunny days, one needed to complete a dress fortified resemblance to matches and i. . I
wnlntlon. It Is so large and so
Amon* th« h ..i
I‘>* operators who do not b«IH
using the Babcock test to find out how or more hen* will he seen filling their by «be fact tha, 1« cheys fashion's In many clever C * T" .
brmless, and Its parts to unrelated.
b * ,^
> h o 5 ? ‘b o ^ t i . b , £ * £ Z * ”
rich the milk Is.
St « s e t and precise Information
- - -
an m(,us
plumage with the soft earth and that latest edicts In four particulars; they Its soft, up-turned brim covered . i l
SI* days shall be the >
trial code for the guidance o f such
ut th* whole la virtually unob-
will do much toward keeping down are the neck line, the waist line th* folds of crepe de chine and is a ,
work week with one day’*
I *ith
___ ribbon.
.. !s "raped
lice and assuring the health o f th* hip line and the hem line.
seven. The standard work du|
with wide and handsome
There la no doubt that women are
la of tbs greatest urgency and
A high-sided box should be
not exceed eight hours a day.
used to prevent the fow ls from throw­ Inclined to rush the season when
J that th* people shall know
'Mien a dispute or controversy J
ing the dirt out when using Ih* hath. the first spring hata make their ap-
ut their government, bat they will
operators and mine *<*
T ” rl, M
- [ » n t —i »„,] m ,n. between
(>earanre. They buy them while the
It difficult to learn until th* gov-
there should be no strike or
anow Is flying, but there are several
nt knows shoot Itoelf.
« r m « . 07" " ' ”
“ ■ " » • «
■»< pending a conference or a hear!
good axcusaa fur this small weakness
The right of operatori and min- determination
puffiLtc rrcNOORAPMcn
t « vn-su. s w * * ,
principles involved.
Water Power Development in Ar
I !
Iw m m
ik \
Industrial Code to Govern Coal