annual seal sale of t h e d e c e m . SEAL SALF. WILL BE "A FOR EVERY OREGONI- TO BUY SEALS.’ keynote ®K Citîi Jönctwl NYSSA, goods; 0 ¡0 r5 6 to 18 1 abilities bright is OWYHEE PROJECT tentatives Go toSaltLake mtend Irrigation Congress ENTERTAINS BOYS Gorge 'McOJbe, factotum, at tlho I 111 r-’s-tlVuninvay ranch and old lime “ .’Crt-mover” was In Wednesday and Thursday entertaining the boyi, with go res from his fund of wpeiricncee gathered in his comings and goings i bout this lltt’ i globe. MALHEUR W EAR FRIDAY. NOVEMBER^ 25. 1921. >' 50 PER to*-r Jftrd“»t«i#" IR y s s a MASS a n d W ic in ity • «i 2 £ MEETING t . „„ « ,r ":ed to attend a meeting to be L».M A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town — W hat Your Neighbors Are Doing. ^ ; ldN; , 29.30. Id.. |N KIH6M AN COLONY * * » Grea,er 1 - - 1 the lowest, rent off COUNTY. OREGON. «■ r'lUKi' T U N n C u iu t i« OUR FAITH IN OREGON F t O f U INSPIRES t h e b e l ie f that EACH WILL BUY WHIIN THE CHANCE IB GIVE* in the council room Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. Important business matter* wHl be dlscusstwl aad it ta opeii that the meeting win be well attended. «SSL ¿ r- r - * - - BIG BENO NEWS ITEMS I a - w T YEAR f FER ÇQPy « « "IMPROMISE RESULTS AT SCHOOL M E ETim Special Tax Cut From $16,8b3 ! to $10,000. Balancg to Bo Raised By Deliciency War- ------- 1 rants. , Happenings Gathered by Our Corres- y,r aa£i ,, . df'1 •'etJt. states that he | many years of hopeful and, Dondent for th. BeneJ t jQUrn,, * T _ - h ’ grated there Happenings of the Week Is end pondent for the Bene* t of Journal C. P Lackey and G. F. Hay were I waiting, the n e M * » under Mr. nnd Airs. John Jockey yçe I Around the Metropolis of the Big The school district meeting held Readr,‘ visitor# in Hoke Tuesday on tbiai- tjivLine are now beginning to Thanksgiving guess at the heme of I Bend Country, FYiday evening for tho i irpose ■ p # I n^ss. ichsnee for a bright re future. voting on the budget ae se forth y Miai Gladivs Johnson spent lad ,w . an.d Mra, A W t Cotk e;K&r. Air. and .Mrs. Pe:ry Lov e. seeniT to be pointing to Friday and Öatur uy in Boise, at- ..aineJ at 1„ attkagU,ag dJlaur Averitt Hickox spent the weak the budget comudttee. resulted In Raymond Aloxcnd. r, of Parma, was . , 1 'thanksgiving gueet ait the home fill !■ with his ]>arent8. ibilily o the ear.y construe ton(j[,|g tj.e Wyom ng Idaho fo tball , quite a reduction of tho »vociai u . guests: Apr. and Mrs. A. of his Ills sit ter. Mrs. R al,* ¡je vos . the Owyhee project, which, gaine and visiting. Miss Vereeni Bkin, a Weiser Inet- W. I* Gibson led ia the fight > I ¿ut-reiwi, otf Ontario. tructed, will lift a hep ivy ... , ^il’- and Mv\ George iCoeeoii anti itute student, wue the guest of Used have the special tax reduced. iMr. m il .Miti 'Ma arico Hut ledge, cf latives o v — J-| |-|j fnm the heart of many an ... , . , . . „ “ r - “ * Mr8' Youa«- Mr- aa" daughter and son. Irene, end liober M, Duncan .moved to have the 1 L :1. as well n .hose who own Wi.Jer, spent la t c .nday with Air. Airs. Glen Brown aai. caUdren were v Thanksgiving o-uests of Mr 1-eo Botta and Will Kekow, who ;osed special tax anusidvM o u :o and Mrs. Maurice L. Judd. Ihonikisgiving guests at the home of Mrs \V. G. Vogts, of Apple Valley. went to the hl’ la after derrick tim-1 read $10,000 in place of $10,853 aid | the strict. i f the work on LMrs. iM. M. Gree'iug and M n « . Miv. Young’s uaients, 'Air. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. A V l ook enter 1 ers last week arrived home Friday. leot U oamn.ence|d at an ear'.y to pay the amount over and above R. Overstreet attended the ir.eei'ing Brown, tained at Thanksgiving dinner the 1 -.ey rem rt the mountain roads quite 110,000 by deficiency war. ,nte. An will be, not only a welcome in Big Bend at bhe VVaJe s hool Donald B to w „ Cs'yssa, 7— , but — the — entire ------ , v „ AlcLeod, of Harper, Or., following g o its: Mr. and thlrs. C. H. rlippery from a snow which fslldur- vote bhe motion of Mr. Lv.iican eva- river valley wil 'be beulfitei 'l< UE® nJay’ 'When Mm J. tB. ¿a,s mewed in two bands of his sheep Boorman and two sons, cf Omar! ,. in the woejk. ried almost unanimously. L m for thousands o f new ~,am > Lo.inty , res. of 1J -T. A. as- .mbim» he iwill winter near Nysea. Airs. Foonmen Is i.Vrs. Cook's sister Mr. and .Mrs. Carl McCullough, who On the ballot on the budget as r , _ . „„ j sistiid at the organization of a P. -T. sa. Mrs. Charles McConnell and moth ,ve 1 een vl3lting friends in Mis- amended, there were 54 vote* cost [will be mode iosslble and ,7 ... »■ j A. circle ‘n that als ritL William iKirvvan, who has been er' Mrs. Johanna Schneiter, returned 1,ur*> icE several weeks, arrived in favor and J9 agdnot tike budgeL I— wi n find a countiy , , „ . Morgan end Vines arrived Monday undergoing treatment at the Star ^r0,n Boiiiq this wek, where Mrs. ’m® Satur.'ey night. j ________ _________. to none in '..hicih to locate with :hu.r sheep and will winter in uu!r- ' ni A 1- Oomoll »•'deon CHRISTMAS LETTERS AND ore ¡resperity. They fed on the -H. IS. ina jLetch> said to L{) ^ ^ t . ' tlsn for tl.e removal cf tensile and u” ,“11’ and ftol>ert. Peck colled on a CARDS OF UNUSUAL SIZE iBloipef, Ire.'iJ'Vit, end T. the Kolcny. t adenoids. nu t.: er of friends in the Ilend 'Sun ggett, £e.rvury of the <>wy- Burroughs place ln -t winter and are proved ia ,haaUh. new on pasture cn ti e W. E. foT The postoffice cepMftr.en>t ur 'as |st.. met early in the week in the Mrs. Glen Ha.nssn, of Ru.ert, ida.J •' r ftnd Mrs. J. Kinnai d. of Cn- f , „ ‘ I"J,ndon^ war.'t3 ranch Mrs A L, rate, a former Bend ' * -e Ml Ton, sin*; •< if Coiiinii.sioner of Irrigrii n, i.'ao has Leen visUmg ber parents, *(n > Ote., arrived in N'yssa Monda; There ,was a good attendance at reddent, was pleasantly urp eed "mall aim cars which a: common nson, in :ho ciirdtol buildint; Mr. and Mrs. George Green, tarsev- and are ? nests at ;ho hcu;e of .Mr tho si evial school meot'nig called for M'o tries lay -when a number of friends at Christinas Unio pericJ, and is e to dlscust the -.»»posed plan eral days, is rttunmag to her r o n » ' Klnnair s s -1er, Mrs. 3. D Go I k ».. last Tiucp'day nlgh-t for the purivose and neighbonv v.*nt to Parma and sonding out stLttomente to this Pi­ binlns the Gem irrigation dis- .d a y . ■ T'-cy vt'pect to leave for Boise Fri­ cf voting on the school budge*, cn nt the day with her, tricing thttu foct *'lth the "hope that t e 'a il ., day. ij:h the Owyl.eo project., and Aprs. Audie Wtlsn eute,Loaned at evei-ythlrg necessary f.r a big feed pre wl l not stock up on . anu.ll ►den toed that Govern :r Davis prepared by the budget committee. t.-nday .'inner the following guests. 1'U'Ue l.aimy uns rented the W. it noon. Those present bcelAec “ izes.' In, Com al sicn r ’3v.eeJenson. The vote was unanimous for accept­ Air. and Ana. tBob IBurrel.e anu ^ ard Place, known as the auuu ance as presented. :ve hostae were: Meedamee, E. L .' T t ® depart a ent states f at an cn- J H. iLowell, manager of tho It Is planned to have an evening w*il“ 'en. d-nd A)r. and m is . Glen ttfcar-' ^ reen » « « ‘^Wte and moved in the Tate, Miller, Holly, W. H. Sweet. *toW “ mount 7 AaKHlrieflX of the sdffhb -Ldgiii and HARY BROWN TO CAL FORNiA he re.t.e.i.bore that he was # he can .MINING MAN STIRS UP Ind detail« of survey have been ■" ^ A ‘ ^ Nveaa Free i o r tg Coa.-pany at Boise. up ids Ui-ind now that notuin UMATILLA CO. TAXPAYERS $ ^Washington to the federal examination« will be plven a'l day ,\.r. a a j ylra. \\ irreu reun, cn l .. l Harry Brown, former editor of the to come is going to satisfy him. Thu: «day, Dec. 8. lion offices for uppraitL ¿)wyhí)3, were Thanksgiving sues* t We aie realizing today :hal the The East Oregonian of November N'° 24 •» (proved and completed, the at the home of Mr. and* lAIrs. L. to. can citizen enjoyed . in 1914 10 gives Norhoin-e .P-rkeley of Pon- To» Angelo'. ‘Mr. iffoown Intend« d MANY STUDENTS WORK i project will supply water I dames. Their daugater B erm e anu u»o;» li'uerty, more coiuioit. iuor .uetun and the iliuffale mine m to go via I’ortland, stopplcq to TlnU W AY THROUGH SCHOOLi, proximate!}' . 150.000 acres c f tour of the trena boys, were amu secÜJ-,.y, U11j moie prosperity thau Grant ccujity, credit for calling u t relatives in Pend won v. i Milton, f which 100,000 acres are in uny other cum an being ever enjoyed meeting of citiz.-ns o-f I mw ilia coun­ 1 bu.t ow ing to «tonne aj'.d tie-up ot There are 531 students at the Un­ ldere' 1 county, Oregon, near Nyssa, trains, he tuck the Fait 1 : he rout a. Mrs. Ai'bert Jredale returned to in the -whole h.^cry of the vorlJ. iversity c f Oregon who get no money ty to disci».» matt ts of interest, pas- BM near Hnniedale, UMbo, from home, who make every vent, -by a I riday troni a visit wttn he-' L’onsioetiug iKL' new lawn, new t-icuiariy to Lit) taxpayers of hat Mr. e.\, octs .to * er.-1 the w'n- ■w at present known as tibe ttheiir eKl'ucat'lon is ca-'ting them, who 1 it rents at Wallowa, and -left for inn- taxes tnd new government bureau ter in California, taking a long rest ccun.jr. it ai pours from the Idas, Irization district. It are proving that it is possible for “»«W, Ida., Sunday morning. tithe inteiference, tuinga reetrioii.e, tour.'gcnlun Hue the said meeting was 'before entering I' u-iinesB again. is likely that he -vill locate In the iite selected for the storafje any young iman or woman with an- waa tacoofln;-.. uk . ii 'by iMr. and Mrs. uensume and stifling to indrustry, i. a ii.-ge sue ess. er for till« immense area orgy and determination to get a j H. T. Francis who returned to .\y is .-.ate to say that we enjoyed in Utli I u an organization is neeled in . Intlng -game down -there a« he -b e intimated -that he would like to is at Duncan'* Ferry. Tbe colege education. Undeterred by aa Lae first of the week. tney mo-re ban we will ever enjoy .am ivety . j,ner of his country —811 tor. am i» Calif..rnia his future home rn dam is to be at Mitchell ejmpty pocets, these student» student« t through , made the tr.p overiantu. —Boise Slate.-man. | ______ ______ ,----- Jllehell epapty t t 4M « » H iin J t * fqw mileei southwest of Fa'hor anti anil spare tim time jbtx) of- tNys- Nys- summer labor |ve thousand dollars set aside reclamation service and a sum that was appropriated Oregon legislature has been , conduct ng toe survey and Ig of plans for the project, i mereiai means ■" “* • 1 --------------- - — ~ ' ------------- --------- - HIGH SCHOOL NOTES STORMS TIE UP R A' L RO A D# The Nyssa nigh « hool second O A jjA V Y XVbAjJ AYAAMi.Y ifX X X . X Y X A j A X j ^ X I Y JLF ;;l lay I'a.'.ca s s* ond tciam Truffle hit we-k 'rram the W»#t at Nyssa Tuesday, November 29. was tbadly tied 'P on ocoitnt of the Portland, Or«v,— (SPtFXdlAL.)—“ Land vrent al Oregon, according to Secre- The N ^ p e(te Game EX-SEKVICE M EN M A Y GET LAND and books and paying for their lann- dry and their board. No job is too -humble ortoo difficult. They sup- port themselves doing a multitude for every Oregon Ex-servtce man tarjr Lfuayle of th. Stare vto.u m ., of homely tasks. Study and tcil who wants i t is the keynote of tho Half of me laud is ed. and laud settlement settioment program which will will to scld to the ex-so.die.a at are linked in clcie companions hi,;. land O f these, lcf7 are freshmen, i 10 be put into operation as soon as live from i-lb to $*u per acre, T..e .-.quaw Crt)uk land is only th,- sophomores, i'l l juniors, 83 sen:o s, loans under the Oregon uonue la . 44 specials, and 42 y-ruduv, te sti.d- are available for toe ex-aoldiers, a.- liegiuring,” said Secretary Quayle. vv c ¡..-in to uave rca.y land for u e enta. Flour bundled and four tvre cording to an uunuunceineui by toe men, and 127 are women. in ad- < * * * » “ i5tatt> Chamber of Commerce ex-soldic-i* in both itoarere and W «, - ditticn. there are 429 men and 893 « • ' * * • ern u^ tt U>' «*• Uuie l“ '* T aca Pi rt- •tot, though returns front the There ia an enrollment this year features of the .azar were ot 2010 in the University. These keeping with the fishipond statistic« show, therefore* that there and bes-i e j providing a are twenty-five per vent, of theevtud evening, the bazar took in ents (»tatty sel. sniporUa*, and corn of money. thirty per cent, -partly atylf-uu.j’pcr!- ----------------- ing. This to, in a year of uaaaual Psye„ e , u school debate l' Nye- Ra :„ , t rrl„ ;iy ,by ^ t f a to 0. „ 1 ...s was ........... .. the fact .... that h« , two due to of cur back field men were laid cut in the early part o f thei game. Jim an. whose .remarkable j*a-ing had been gaining gro t yardage for > y va, was put out cf the game bj an arm dis'oeated af the shoulder ; e lust game o f the season wit* \ - a was on Thankngiving Isaac«. Motae; 1». J. ft. gueoa, Fprtlan 1; .1 W. PcM- ,r> Ogden; W. H 'Hilbert, Denver; M. 111b. tc J, -liisr *CKy; J A Glazier, - 1 . j \ aio is; J. Keefe. Itolse. K l rvie, |0 0. F. GIVE DANCE ' d Item l laho Falls; PLD SOCIAL A SUCCESS ers “ ~ ‘ l>azar last FYiday nig it given ladies cf the Bpie opal Gelid, o>ed by many p e v T r The was « winning pool and mere dines than any oth«)r t economic dc, n a d m . the loan itself, -.he ex-si og ,aud .n .a .- a n e are sere the purpose c f #co I Rnd T ‘i ” ls "o re n d7 Tl’ cre wero ’ ^ «,M pb between Htod _ .. .. ,v.,- T?ie tstile twisbjh cusuicd avverai trains to be held vip inthait (t : I the! etrell - ' r - v .«tr Ice to Portland wUl « j « » i mod today. « \ ---------------- HOTEL GUESTS TH U M E K it b. Houae rider enz The old a-tagti tiiiat where there's d.or who ie witonut or p.op r awai;ieg settlo.j.eui, and there a.u * an,l <>r’ .re is a goal worth ife, Payette. Ison Man -i vifla. Psi- ince given by the Odd Fd- a will there's a way, seem« not to -y *'il be able to take o. many soiuiera entitled to the uuna ivlng for. na and A. Teahlroga, ,S* ar 1 I f. Idry cvvening was a decided have lost its truth. hue loan in the purca-ase of land, ^,ho are anxious to get on ne son IB-port for mon h ending Novem- SENTENCED TO «CHOOL according to the plan. The hall was cro riied and *t\'e that it i logical and t'Cr 4 1921: Boy«, 138; f;lrll 1-3; BJmer iRedi Silane, wt<> » .Jou:ned TAX PAYE R S’ LEAGUE MEETS Brief y, the plan -as outlined in com men dable to settle our id land. Total, 2S7. Total enrollment for F>’ lc hoping that anrth r tee ¿tate Chattier ''Nevveleitt.' la as tile same month last year: Boys. 147; In N. v « m leverai weeks I rely, wee f occas i will not be far <|r with Oregon nreu-' * d up last Saturday night l>y James Duncan acted as chairman follows: Girl«, 140; Total W. The . -'Ics'.«rt f-'er- JOHN REECE SELLS LAMS3 I N P*ctv:r- of Orafer L-ke, selves aii ov ng unable to '¡ay and cent will be pekt .he owner of the Rivers, State Adjutant 4 uieLhg.rj f Ogden, end M -iln e’ at Thankaff vin* JinnxF. rb# J. N. Por cr. Wtoent d by Hir ks-Chhtten keep paying the ever increeoeiii* land, balance of pay menu on an ti ay When it is generally knu n Il |h rt if I>er:v<-r nnd K. D. ia- fcl'os ng r » IS Mr. t nd Mre. Jl “• Co of Portland. Ttoe burden o f high taxee. While they amotization plan idef»tic*i with toe tout ex- "h o are i h. -, cf olse. ciuesg a deal with Kianaird. of Union. f : r . Mr. srvd '* to be fitted vrfth an are are a|l ik favor of meintaining t e plan employed by the state under funds cr irope.ty can i* raud n Mrs C. W. I ’t r r t , of Arcadia, end n ilf'Ce this week for 'he * (rame .nd ie to adorn the beet school« that they can afferd, the bonus law. dvr to.a plan, I b e!.».» that a nig-er has" f irm Mr Hee-e of a band of (jumpt*- Ruft, Mrs I Iiernli. V~3. After twenty percent ia peid on -[(ertcn.age of 'ha > -i» wit. .all .or ’ke Jetvnal “ She’s they did fepl that if there ia any ay r un». Tire lairtie w 11 V “ more McLel’sn. Mine- Ge la in which the expenditures set fcr.h the land from the $3,'r00 bonus, tht,: a lo.n rather lion tho ca-h i.r. hi - ed tu b lm 'o and fel near Vi(j >;;#• r h-an Li ------------- m the toudget could 'Ire trimmed, it will be left |2,2U0. Oi Uiis au.fru irnver. | -----— -— was time to start to trim. '$1500 is to be used in the constr - the bonus. ** R e c o v e r in g - I a asospsner relsfin u-t* et. y The work of listing large tracu tion of buildings and toe pu green r» order He - ve of land suitable for settlement under HALL GARAGE CHANGES HANDS tmrriwd *f b 'f ile "P ' c H». r • • n Hoxie was called to PRESCHOOL CHILD NUTRITION of etock and implements. Mr E. R HsH has dispose.», of his <1 •e»i»t,jr manofiefor - e leavtii a uaUrn e, of t'o o to cat ry toe this plan and appraised at toe rock- CONFERENCE "e»day account o f th» goin forwsrd rap.d ;n’wrest In the UeM Gsr"--e. foe nd Ing dc*cri*4r? 'h e deist'« ftr» hlca'l V» ' h«T liter. Vre. g. R. fPem- The State efteiaicn Service v ill ex-service man until he gets n«first bottom pr. c, i- Hi r IT <■ ,uipm n’ and « c w o r b «. to Hoher* onduct a fire' irtcol child nutrition returns from h4s crops.’’ .. s^oTiing 0 *. f - - he d eesfwd. he ha 9 arc M 1.a«r - » Mr Ijawrenoe ie mov ■ ted ev n the henk ' e ^ Iw ° %m>' " “ * f umei l i n P» m - , r/nference under the dlrectle« e ( The first land to be secured for s,at« Lhan <‘r ar ¡,¡r he b "«ines« to the ferivi Inf day i^fnre «o ' ar hr lost or»r4ir«l- I r '5* “r'd her many friend v d act P * 4* ,0 “ m that she hi re- Miss Marjery Smith, the 3ta:e Kx- soldier settlement under the a ove *lat * ' er ' 'rarely oc.- pled by *he Nyssa Gar 'V nothing m hie life c*araw-e 'its Hoxl« bet umed home tension Specialist at Nyss Dec. 3 at plan ie a tract of 124« acres in the readv f Tribaee leader t , the pariah haii. Squaw creak lrrqtttioa District ia us u f E