;■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«?:■■■ lllllIIIIMIkl HIIIIIHIIIHI: ELLISON-WKITE o CHAUTAUQUA at Nyssa June 30-July 4-A Treat for Music Lovers E FIVE BIG DAYS FIVE BIG DAYS 27 Entertainers 27 Entertainers ■ 5 Splendid Readers and Lecturers 5 ■ Season Tickets Only $2 Nyssa, June 30-July 4 ;iBkHlKXM k(Xr (Berry Crmtee and Cupe T. Francia—A#v. 'lay. T. M. I .owe is w orking on the nhoa betw een here and V a'o nhis week. Mr. and (Mrs. C h arles B radley and fam ily and 'Mr. and Mrs. Freem an Hrud'ey m o to rtd to E m m ett Hntuniuy 4L fo r a brief v isit w ith the 'll. F. P ra tt amt i.Mathleson farn'Mea. T hey say SPECIAL OFFER On Electric Ranges Drawing to a Close $10 Down and the b a la n c e 12 m o n th ly P a y m e n ts (15 per cent off for cash) You aiust act right away. This bargain rate has a time limit and the time is near! up. Come in and look over the electric ranges—there’s one that would just fit in your kitchen —Note ihoir neetaess, clean appearancs and handy ovens Then Decide—while the purchase is easy Come in today Electric Shop Idaho Power Co. :li? P natts a re L ocated o n a n ideal fruit ranch, 'w a tern i 'by sprimgB, and .vill (hive about tw o th ird s o f a n o n u - al crop of cherrie, o-pricotfl and peach­ es, while E m m ett valley in general, though .- potted”, will probably have a third of a no rm al crop. T hey were authori .lively Inform ed th a t the fruit tre e a t Brogan a re bearing a ' cavy c rop of cherries, pears, s p ri­ ts an 1 peaches, a s w ell a s apples. They retu rn ed homo Sunday leaving grandpa (Bradley th ere fo r a visit. On th e ir way home p ast New 'Plym outh, F ruitland and O ntario, th e y n o t i c e th a t a lfa lfa field's In general a re bad­ ly dinged b y iweevil. B. I t . IMaoLafferty a tte n d e d Arivent- I1 (t i tinp-m eeting a t Caldw ell th e e a r­ ly p a rt of th e week, w hile Airs. Mao- I.utterly w ent the la tte r p a rt of th e week, re tu rn in g M onday. Bd T enhave al-o itten'Ked S a tu rd ay and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R ay H ow e a n d Mr. ind Mrs. f r nk F r'a r w ent to N ysea Viturday evening. T pupils w ho took th e eighth grade exam inations did fairly well. Some of them failed to m ake a pasBging grade hi iipelling and geog­ raphy. so will ta k e th e exam ination a g ; In next 'weelk. Mr. nd Mrs. IRen R ichardson, of •' pi aw B u tte a re 'Holing som e work on heir d e se rt claim and cam ping in the a lle y o rch ard w hile here. We a re glad to h e a r t h a t J . S. Pinkston is gaining, being able to va'.k a few ste p s now. MHMifl ■ ■ ■ ■ * * * ■ * * * * * ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ ■ * * * * * * > * * ■ : BIG R E D U C T IO N IN •i $2.75 to »0.50 »3.75 to »9 00 75c 2 pr for 2ÖC 25c pr 2 pr for 25o »1.60 to »5,00 Men’s Work Shoas Men’s Dress Shoes Men’s W#rk Shirts Men’s Black Sox Engineer and Fireman Sox lie n ’s Work Sax Dress Shirts GROCERY DEPARTMENT naw 15c 25c Crackers and Cookies, 2Cc package Laundry Soap, 6 large bars for MEN’S WORSTED SUITS Get your suit for the 4th while the assortm ent is complete» Look at these low prices $25.00, $27.50, $30.00 and $35.00 ! WILSON BROS. Nyssa, Oregon Notice of School ¡j ¡XUlIHlIXftfil XllP.aXlflXHCXXXXXXXXXXIXHXX Meeting NO TICE IS H E R E B Y GIV EN to the '.«gal voter« of School D istrict No. 26 of M alheur C oanty, S ta te of Oregon, th a t a school m eeting of «aid d istric t will he held a t school building, on the 20tb day of Ju n e , 1921, a t 2 o’clock in the p. m. noon to vote on th e proposi tion of levying a special d iatrict tax . The to ta l am ount of money needed by the d istric t during th e flscsl y ear leginning an J a n a $0, 1921, and ending an Ju n e 80, 1922, is estim ated in the following budget and includes the • m ounts to bs received from the coun ty school fund, s ta te school fund, special d ia tric t ta x , and all o th er man sys of 'h e d ia tric t BUDGET ESTIM A TED E X PE N D IT U R E S . 1, T ea ch e rs's salaries $14,600 aoo 3. K o rm to re__________ 1. A p p aratu s and « a p ­ plies, each as maps, chalk, erasers, c u r­ tains, stoves, s is . SoO 4. L ibrary boo k s____ I » la g s ............................ 6 R epairs of school h o rse s, outbuildings 160 or fe n c e s________ . 7. Im proving groands 8. Playground Equip. 9. T ran sp o rtatio n ef pupils ____________ 1,40$ 10 T u itiee of p upils___ II J a n ito r s w ages . . . «49 I t J a n ito r's su p p lie s .. »60 13 F u e l.............................. 600 14 L i g h t .......................... 24 16 Water. ................. 24 16 C lerk'a salary ........ 10 17 P ostage and sta D e n ­ 200 ary. in cid e n ta ls____ 19 For the paym ent of bonded debt and la ­ ter*«! th ere n. Is­ sued under Saotlona 116. 162 t s 116. and 484 of the Sceool • 140 law s of O reg#n,19l4 19 P ay m en t on naw building ____ 1,000 SO P aym ent on truok 1,000 21 T elephone ___ . . . . 24 24 la s u ra n e a _________ 490 23 P r i n t in g _______ — >0 14 T otal estim atad am ount of money to be expended for all parpoaea dai ing the y ear $23.480 ESTIM A TED R E C E IP T S From county school fund d arin g the com ­ ing school yoar sad s ta te ...................... $4.440 From sta te school faad during tbo aom iag sthool y e a r m ille g e .. 2,000 Caen now in hands e f d istric t c le rk ............................. Cash now in hands of eounty tre a s u re r, be­ longing ta the d istric t ___ _ E stim a te d a m a u at to be eeived from all o th er soureas during th a coming school y e a r 6600 F o r B erry C rates and C ups see H. F o r (Berry C ra te s a n d Oxps se e H . T. F rancis.—Adv. T. F ra n c is.—Adv. IX I1IX IX IX X IIX X X H K IX IX X H II ■ San Tox and Nyal Agencies 5 m Eastman Kokaks— Brunswick Phonographs ■ T otal e stim a te d receipts, including th a money to be received from the ta x w hieh it is pro paaed to v o te ________________111,000 I ■ Mail Orders Receive g R E C A PIT U L A T IO N T otal aatim ated expenaaa for tho y e a r _________ $13,920 T atal e stim a te d receipts not inalading the ta x to ha v o te d __________ 11,000 PARMA = Prompt Attention ■ ........................* W. R. JURRIES IDAHO ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D ated this 8th day of Juno, 1921. A tte s t: W L. GIBSON, C hairm an Board of D irastors. 0 . C. H U N T, D iatrict C lark. Clean-up Sale N O TIC E OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING ■Notice is h e reb y given to th e legal votens' o i School D istrict No. 26, of M alheur Catunty. S ta te of Oregon, th a t th e ANNUAL ’S CHOOL MEETING ot sa id D istrict w ill be held a t the school building: to beg in a t th e hour of 2 o'clock P. M. o n the th ird Mon­ d a y o f Ju n e, V ing th e 20th day ot Ju n e , A. D. 1921. T h is meeting 1* called for the p u r­ pose o t electing one D irector and D istrict C lerk, and transact 'on Ot business Usual a t such m eeting. ■Dated th is 8th d a y of June. 1921. A TTEST: C. C. H unt. D istrict Clerk. \V. L G ib o n . C hairm an B oard of Director». DERRICKS FOR SA LE—S e e C. W. Reber ger Adv. tf. .....■_■ ■Jurries Drug Balaaee, am ount to ba raiaad hy d istric t t a x --------- $12,920 See th e 6 — 14 a n d 15 cent counter a« th e C andy sto re .—Adv. I ■ NO HAT OVER $10.00 This includes all our high grade Georgettes. Milan and Pattern hats—no hat reserved. If you hare one of that# high priced hats picked out now is the time. SATURDAY’, JUNE 4 and all next week, selection. Be here early so is to hava a good Beautiful assortment of hats, $3.50, *4.50, $7.50. No lust yenr’s stock to aelect from —up to the miaute styles. Other hats reduced accordingly. SUITS AND DRESSES GREATLY REDUCED ; MORRIS MILLINERY AND NOVELTY SHOP 5 “ 1 ONTARIO. OREGON. Phane 62R ■ ■ ■ ■ ! ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ *