THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA. OREGON CUT A L T L A K E tt ' * ' ' >'J& > ' " Gowns Dignified But Spirited ir B U S IN E S S DIÜECTOKŸf B O Y D PARK J E W E L -ERS E R S yfa, »0 MAIN STREET THE CONTINENTAL WOOD STAVE PIPE ^ - A ll For ir r ig a t io n ..T 7 Ä • ■ in ti all t " W U ' ■ ^ • r n ' P «»r>o*o*. •7 ^JPor Jror f u I l M a n f l o o i l m l i i e » l l i » o « n o w »aril. rit* M O H lílk O N . M I KI t l l I «fi. RED STR EAK S OF H O NESTY E X I S T IN E V E R Y B O D Y And thereby we collect more than two hun­ dred thousand «1«*liars yearly. Turn in your claims and we w ill collect some money for you. MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Francia G. Luke, General Manager Continental Nat l. Bank Hldjr. Salt l.ukeC ity "Some people don't like us" ENGRAVED WEDDING STATIONERY Ann unceuienta— Invitations— Calling Cards. Your printer is our ¡epreaentative and has complete samples and prices J fiin ir g s - G o t t s c h o ll E n g r a v in g C o. “ UTE** B R A N D R O O F C E M E N T Order by Mail. A Home Product Beautiful, Permanent, Economical, Easily Applied. For shingle, C omposition or Metal Roof* leton Bldg M O N U M ENTS. W rite for catalog. Standard Marble A Granite Co., 117 W. Broadway. F o r a real good place to eat. follow the crowds to S H A Y ’S C A F E T E R IA Opposite Post Office. Down the marble stair* RU BBER STA M PS A STENC ILS S a lt *nd ear tags also made. Send for sample*, prices, ets. Salt Lake Stamp Co.. 65 W. Broadway. (9 70 M.n *,our n»»« sales. Dodge Bros., «6 E. First South, Saltlaike. Send ue your cream. Western Creamery Co., 244 Vf. Fourth South. M U S IC A L IN S T R U M E N T S ot every description on very ea*y W rite- Daynes-Beebe, Salt Lake. term*. Confetti, Balloons, P ip e r Hats, Novelties, Etc. W rite for Prices. U S Wholesale Co. Box 2198. F O U L T it Y B O U O R . Far best rsawlta sh p poultry, eggs and game to Fulton Mkt. Correct weight. Prompt return*. W rite for prices. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria ¿ a l c o h o l similatini UicRod UnatheSinmacfcs andCj»vl:> IN n N T s ( H ll. D H t > V LA T E proteiilutlona of afternoon gowns for matronly wearers there is revealed « fine reserve In the use of deronitlotis. The management of color and style features In them is directed with cleverness toward dig­ nified hut spirited effects and has re­ sulted in models of much-desired dis­ tinction. In materials crepe de chine, geor­ gette and other crepes are mediums that all designers like to work with. Figured foulards. In tapestry patterns and others are made much of. often in combination with georgette. Lace, dotted or figured net over satin or taffetn is reckoned with in every dis­ play and favored in the darker shades, as brown and blue and in black. These over-draperies of net arc often em­ bellished with satin folds, or narrow ribbons in silk or velvet are used on them in ruffles applied in festoons or disks in graduated sizes. Two of the least pretentious of the I H IS “ G O O D r*» T H IN G CASTORIA W E L D IN G . A U TO R A D IA TO R S A Machinery built and repaired. Bent and cheapest. Potter W elding A Repairing Co., 551 South State. T V P F W P n T P V T h e B a b y F o x w eigh « 8 II a. 1 i r C l i i U l L i V J ¿|, makes rented anti .** »Id. Utah Office A School Supply, 3* W. Second South St. L . D. S. B U S IN E S S C O L L E G E . School of Efficiency. All commercial branches. Catalog free. 60 N. Main St.. Salt Lake City. K ID F IT T IN G COU8ET PA RLO RS. Specialist* in designing, making, fitting corset*. Hemstitching, embroidering, braiding, accordion and side pleating. Button* made. 40 E. Bd>vy V U L C A N IZ IN G A R ETREA D IN G . Quality and service. Standard Tire Works, 361 So. State. Inventer*’ ModeU Made. Key, lock and gun repairing. Knudaon Novelty Co., 355 So. State. SEE YO U R L O C A L PU B L IS H E R F o r loose leaf binder*, special blank*, records o f all kind*. He gives Quality Service. H O L E R BARB ER COLLEGE. Qualify a* bar­ ber in few week*. 48 S. West Temple Street A R T IS T S ' M A T E R IA L S C. R. SAV A G E CO.. 12 South Main. Fine ■•dak finishing and enlarging. Artists’ ma­ terial*. picture fram ing, kodak* and film*. A R T CO., picture fram- 366 Main. E 1 hlna pain tore an* artist supplies. P f K T f A R T K OF YOUR lows made in «mall r u j l UrtlXI/O quantities from your own picture«. S o u v e n ir N o v e lt y C o., »1 R k hards Street. I What to Take lor SICK HEADACHE “ ‘ •Veil, that depends,’ drawled the humorist. 'If a book bus a leather rover tt has magnificent value as a razor strop. A brief, concise work, such aa the French write, 1» very use­ ful to put under the short leg of a wabbly table. Large, old-fashionad books with clasps can't b* beat as mlaaUss to hurl at dog* and cats. A larg* bosk, Ilka a geography, la nearly as good as a piece at tla io salt ovor a broke* wladow poua.' ” S P E C IA L RUSH S E R V IC E ••cured if yM this p a p e r when w r i t l a g a h e v e fir m s ■ e n tfo n PBERCE*«S FOOD PRODUCTS l.i. w the boyhood of ttie feme devotees of the aad.1l« hear a mil i* country roads and city hrVJIe path» Yeung summer and -arty autamu are irreeiatttUe t« the horse­ woman and, if she ia not already titled out. now la the time la which to get ready for the greatest emjoyinotit to be got out oT the apon. If a habit ta to be bought It should be given painstaking consideration, for habit* last a long time and style* do not vary much from aeaaoo to season. It la worth while to buy them, therefore. In good materials and there are sev­ eral model* to choose from so that the matter of Itecomlngneas may he given attention. Ya Hat tons in atyl# are achieved in coats. There are the loosely lilted, belted model with narrow belt made of the material in the coat, haring two-button fastening at the front, the semlfltted. long-walated English model with one-button fastening and trim line», the paddock coat w it h skirt por­ tion set onto the body and a shorter coat with ripple aklrt. These coala are faultlessly tailored and faced up at the bottom with rubberized cloth to «« « R ig M h a p P ia th m e l f e a n e r * Am fior n e c c e 1* ■ a t o M a ll get ECONOMY. “They're to begin eoonnmlilng." “That » r “Tea. She confided In me y eater iay that ahe thought «he'd try mani- rurlng her own fingernail* and dress­ ing her hair heraelf to rut down ex- sen »es."— Petmit Free Preaa. Perir me. Life the prize o f gold. and false’* allumine gleama. ♦ben If you muat hohl. heart»' lore with THE CENTAUR CO M PAN Y. NEW YORK CITY. “ It's sure tough when u feller hns new models, as pictured above, offer j ihe matrons n choice of styles that | business ability nnd is clenn'iig up are simple and distinctly different mone” right ami left and then Ills from each other. The dress of crepe mother goes and spoils It all,“ said de chine at the left makes much of Tummy mournfully. "Why, I was Its wide sash and its long under- making more money than any kid on sleeves finished with handsome lace the block.” “ Well, how did you make your mon­ that falls partly over the I and. The vestee of tucked batiste and the lace ey and why did your mother make you collar display these two details in a quit?" the hoy was asked. Take a good dose of Carter’s Little liv e r PHI* "The fellers around here never used new treatment. On the tall model the —tnen take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. A skirt Is too short for the present to have any place to play marbles un­ few doses restore your organs to their sty's. It Is turned up In a cuff and til I thought of my back yard.” Tom­ proper functions and the Headache and the the wearer, if she he a matron, will my replied. “ 1 used to charge them three cents to come into my yard ami causes of it pass away. In the same manner he sure to turn it down. They regulate the Bowels and prevent Constipation. A brown satin dress with long side play. It really was worth the money, panels of brown lace has its under­ because in my place they had all the s“ n p u l» s “ - " D o m ; Sswll Pric. skirt laid in side plaits at the front room they wanted and, besides, they would never get chased by the cop. At and back and a long waisted bodice, Girl He W a s Looking For. of easy adjustment, that dispenses last I got about I to 35 costumers a S Y S T E M DID N O T W O R K W E L L • “ Why are you so pensive?" he with a girdle. Handsome lace forms day and my mother said she wouldn’t tlie finish for the neck and sleeves. let me run my business jitiy more be­ Englishw om an Found Some Disadvan. asked. " I ’m not pensive,” she replied. Either of these models might be cause the kids made too much noise.” tages in G iving Instructions in "But you haven’t said a word for 20 chosen by tlie mother of n bride or the Sign Language. minutes.” groom at the wedding ceremony. T h e Perils In a Kiss. "W ell, l didn't have anything to An English Indy was ttilklng about “ As for Klodie— what did a kiss or sny.” two matter? If one paid all that at­ her cleverness In getting n Husalnu ‘‘Don't you ever say anything when tention to a kiss one’s life would he a servant. "She can't spenk a word of you have nothing to say?” complicated drama of a hundred English, nnil I can't speuk Ilusslun," “ No," she said. threads. *A kiss is nothing’— so rart «he finished. “ Hilt how do yon man­ “ W ill you he Illy wife?” he asked. one of her obiter dicta— 'unies you feeJ age, then?" asked her friend. “ Oh, It In your toes. Then look out.’ It’s quite simple. I lust wave my Em barrassing Questions. “ A kiss must mean either very much hands about nnd make faces, and If Now when the mortality rale o f or very little. There are maidens to «he doesn’t quite understand, she goes whom it signifies a life’s consecration. n!T and does something else, so all grandmothers, etc., Is about to reach There are men whose blood it fires the work gels done In time." I.nter Its peak, one firm, a large employer with burning passion. There are cou­ on the friend called. Imping to catch of boys, nnd evidently with some feel' ples of different sex who Jointly con­ u glimpse of the IliiKshin treasure, ing for grandmothers, has Inaugurated Idnnk sider their first kiss a matter of and found the mistress In tears. an employment nppllrnlion supreme importance, and, the tempo­ “That dreadful Bolshevik” she walled. which calls for full nnd detailed in­ rary rapture over, at once begin to “ She came up to ask what she was formation regarding the health o f discuss the possibilities of parental ap­ to do next, and I made scrubbing mo­ their relatives.—New York Evening probation and the ways and means of tions. meaning the kitchen floor, of Boat. matrimony. A kiss may be the very course, and she did It on my lovely Luck. devil of a thing, leading to two or polished dining tnble Instead, nnd It Edith— I have only two girl ene­ three dozen honorably born grandchil­ Is absolutely ruined! Ami now she's dren, or to suicide, or to celibate addic­ sulking In the kitchen, smoking my mies nnd they don’t spenk to each tion to cats, or to the fate of Abelard, elgnrettes. and I rnn't make her nn- other. Mabel— How fortunate! or to the Fall of Troy. * * * Vol­ stnnd that she's not to take them!” umes couJd be written on it.” — From Most men find It easier to get In "The Mountebank” by W. J. Locke. Must Ta k e a Present. debt than to get out, hut some are un­ The woman who used to look upon a able to get in at all. T h e Modern M ark. wedding invitation as a social victory Mayor Moore o f Philadelphia, being now has a daughter who Includes such I f a man owns street-railway stock congratulated on the success of his things In the list of monthly hills.— he never recommends walking ns an administration, laughed and observed: Dal las News. exercise. “ Good workmen are always modest about their work. A lady once said gushingly to Mark Twain : “ ‘I guess, being such a grand writer as you are, you’re awfully fond of books, aren't you?1 New Habits Enthuse Horsewomen E l a s t i c s t o c k in g m f k s . Manufacturers abdominal, Maternity supporters. Truss fitters. S. H. Bowmar Co., Brooks Arcade. aire* h4h p o r to t o Bears the For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. * * ¡ 1 1 P is to n R in gs cure your motor troubles. G ill Piston King Co., 15 Last Fourth South 4 h * w eve A e fw W M a R to g the •lare o f a m i f f i d w Mas mat ntteoa < r n 6 i They i appetto a Always Signature of Y outhful Financier W as Doing Splen­ didly U n til H is M other Butted Into the Game. OLDS MOBILE D ISTRIBU TO RS. Car* & trucks. Used car bargains. A. E. Tourssen, 447 S. Main. le k F o r Infants and Children. Salt Lake City Ur, Cleaning by Parcel Post. Send your suita. dresses, coats, etc. to us f or "M a ter Cleaning and Dyeing.” Salt's Lake’s leading cleaners. We pay return charges. K e **l Cleaning A Dyeing Co , 156-160 E. 2nd So. TER -M O U N TA JN CASTORIA [pt Content* lSFluid YORK. C L E A N E R S * DYERS. Q’i.«lity. Service. Clothes injured. Work guaranteed. We pay return postage. Price list on request Myers Cleaners A Dyers. 114 E. Broadway. CKEAM BOUGHT. S A P P H IR E O n ly Fragm ents Remain of Magnifi­ cent Stone T h a t W as W orth Several M illion Franca. S P O IL E D t ’T A H R O O F C E M E N T C O . Tem FAM OU S It Is a strange story, that of the Branlcki sapphire, which M. L u o m i - blez, examining magistrate, Is at present investigating. This precious stone, known as “ The King of Sap­ phires," belonged to the Itranlckl fam­ ily ; It was bought at Frankfort in 1840, weighed 291 carats, is said to have been worth several million francs, and was taken from the hip pocket of Count Xavier Branlcki at Warsaw In July, 1918, during the Ger­ man occupation. The count found himself In Paris recently, and knowing that there is an important market for precious stones in the city he thought he would *u;k the police to make Inquiries about h’.s sapphire. The police inspectors found In possession of a denier in precious stones not the sapphire hut portions of it. The dealer told how a few months ago he bought the sap­ phire for 185,000 francs from a Lithu­ anian dealer established near Kovno, i whom he knew to be an honest man. lie was aware that the stone had figured in the exhibition in Vienna in 1807 and In the Paris exhibition In 1978, and realizing that It would be difficult to get rid of it lie had it cut into fragments, some o f which were utilized In rings and necklaces. Of the 291 carats only 180 carats remain. — Paris Correspondence London Tele­ graph. G O O D S IL V E R the pride o f the ho*t«*«*and «1 liicM « I lier tfueftU. Our reasonable price* tre the e*»y way lo purchase. • O Y D PARK. BLDG UP protect them from peraplratlen of the i\ Trouser* are made In th* peg-'op i knlrter aryls and aa Innovation among them appear* In a modal that fastest* with buttons at each aid* at tbs front, 1 bur It has no advantage over the rs %■ ulatlcm model. They are reltiforced In the seat with chamois sod an th* legs with leather. The materials used for habit* In­ clude covert doth and whipcords among the higher priced models; tweeds, melton*, serges and corduroy among the moderately priced wools. k|inkl and special summer wear mate rials as linen, pongee nnd Palm Beach cloth. Colors In wools Include tans, browns, blues, mixtures, dark gray small ahepherds' checks In black and white (o f aerge or other suiting) and a few greens and purplish reds. Mum- mer habits are In the natural tin- bleached tones and blouses are usual­ ly open at the throat. / of sack eruption« aa il Katmai volcas« kt«out la June. 1*12. piango Ike earth lato anothec Ics ag* h j cadmili* th* ana’s tarn per­ nierò to a low «legro« oc oarth. Ur. ■abort K Griggos asid before the ▲ merleau Association for Advanco- mont of Helen«-« at a general se««loa la an addrosa an« night. Doctor Griggs headed the national géographie expedition to Mount Katmai. that of the Agricultural Paasimist. “Hiram.” said Mrs. Corntoaael, “the fruit Is goln' to he s failure." “W ell," replied her husband, “wo might a* well gel the news early right here on our own farm as to wait and learn (he had news from ihe commis­ sion merchants." Good at Bookkeeping. Hnh— I don’t believe yon can keep account of the money you «pend. W ife— Oh, yes, I can. It'» ihe inonoy I can’t keep. Almost as Easy as Wishing ^our breakfast cup is ready without trouble or delay when I nstant fostdm to th « table beverage. Tb a t«asp o o n fu l o f Instant Postum in the cup, add hot w«tsr. stir, and you hava a satis/yin#, comfort­ ing drink,daliffhtful in taste— and with no harm to nerves or digestion. As many cups as you like, without regret. "There’s a Reason” Y o u r g ro c e r s e l l s P o s tu m in tw o Forms, P o s t u m C e r eal (in package*) made by boiling full 2 0 I n s t a n t P o made instantly in (in tins) cup by adding hot wear s t u m the Made by Postum Cereal Co. In c.. Battle Creek.Mich.