The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937, June 10, 1921, Image 1

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    T he G ate C u t J ournal
W»L> XIX NO. 40.
■Miss Bemico Martin ha* ias liar
guest this weak, her aohool friend,
Mtiw Ella 'Waldrop, o f Parma, Idaho
Rev. Shields held communion aer-
yioe in the Kolony last Sou day. four
joining the Presbyterian church at
this time, and one child receiving
The Sunday school attendance last
Sunday was record day, 61 being
The children's iDay Program on
next Sunday, June. 12, is to he a
treat andi It is to be (hoped that at
least every Child in the community
will (be present.
The ranchers experience no diffi­
culty in securing help with the hay
this season1.
The Otis brothers began mowing
hay Tuesday, as did eery era 1 Kolony
hay growers.
Mr. G. 'W. (Reed has bis fields
shocked, and working with Oscar Sfaaif-
t - has contracted to harveet the al­
falfa on the*John Vanderpool ranch.
Mr. Vanderpool was taken to the
sanitarium at Vale IMondlay, suffering
from a severe attek of Sciatica
Mrs. lEtihel Martin o f Pendleton,
was called home last week by the ill­
ness o f her mother, Mrs. (Fred Powell.
Mr. and (Mrs. O. W. Zeerlein maliie
a business trip to Parma, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. 1H. (Neal and two
daughters of (Fruittand, Ida., will
spend the summer with their dought-
er, Mrs. Jenkins 'andi family.
Pauline (Neal of Ontario, Is also
spending a few days with her aunt,
Mrs. Zeerlein.
Mr. (Brocki met with a serious ac­
cident coming out of Nyesa, one day
last week (hie car going into the
ditch, and seriously injuring Mrs.
Fred (Powell, who, with Mr. Powell,
Miss Powell and Eddie 'Powell were
Passengers in the Brocki car.
Powell Is somewhat Improved.
Mr. andi Mis. A. G. Kingman, Miss
Florence Kingman and Miss Bertha
Shafer were Parma visitors Tuesday.
Rev. WIF. Shields was an over night
guest in the Conrad Martin home last
Word was received 'ast w ejk from
Mrs. Macbufferty, o f the death of her
brother at Aberdeen, Wa.
Mr. R. CdoCreary, wtho recently re­
turned from the sanitarium at V»le,
is reported not improved.
At the regular meeting of the King-
man Kolony P. T. A., on Friday, June
3, it was 'decided to continue the reg­
ular meetings during the summer and
during the vacation months, to m- et
at the homes or combine tih “ business
session with a picnic, or in tsoone
form make the gathering during the
vacation, on outing for the members.
The next regular meeting on ih efirs.
Friday in July is at the (homo of the
President, (Mrs. 'R. (R. Ovens lr«et, and
iwie hope to have a 160 per cent attend­
A Kingman Kolony lira image Ditit-
trict meeting ia called for Saturday,
Juno HI, 7 P.M. at tiheoc’hool under
the direction, of their class leader,
Mrs. iM. (M. Greeting.
The young
people gave one of the most success­
ful evenings o f entertainmen tithat has
been gtven In the Kolony. The rooms
and babies were 'beautifully decorate!
with greens and flowers.
The young people served, bumtiful-
ly, all present with
ioe cr«am
The musical treat
under the direction o f the class
chorister, Mies Corinne i.Maxweil, w-at1
prounounced by a man In the audi­
ence, as alone, well worth an admis­
sion o f po.
Tho Kingman Kolony
Orchestra rendered a number of pop­
ular and grand opera selection»:
Vocal quartette, "In the Garden"
Vocal solo, Thelma McCreary,
■'Fiddle and I"
(Violin obli!gata, LMrs. Joe Bruning.)
Reading, Eulalia S'hafer,
"LJJy 'Servasses’ Ride."
Vocal solo, Bernice Martin,
"RossW and Twilight.’’
(Accompanied by Ella Wiaidirop, of
The young people wish to thank
the Kingman Kolony Orchestra
Meeana Hickox and Creeling, who
donated tho ice, and all the n*o»deo<
the community who co-operated with
them to moke this effort such a (a c ­
Fish Bit Good.
(Barney and Barkley Wilson re­
Urea and auto accessorial at a rapid
turned Tuesday from a few days’
rate indicates good business, and that
ia the situation with ua. You will fishing trip at Ironside, where they
went last Sunday.
They report fine
asiall; fled it hera, and far leas.
luck; their catch of the speckled
beauties totalling ¡more than one
Barney oaiuatot forty-five
Ford Radiators . . . $25.00
in about an hour Tuesday morning.
Port Froat Wkeela . .
7.50 They were only persuaded to leave
Fard 5 Wire Looms . •
.75 their sport when signs of an ap­
Shat Lights, $5; Tail Lights 1.00 proaching thunder shower were heard,
and they remembered) that that they
I f y o u ’ a from M issou ri, had neglected to bring their chains.
wa saa ahow you where it paya to use
■area Shoe and Millar tiraa—the Horse
(Miss Tressie Lackey left Friday for
Shea big, brawn heavy tube has got Portland, where ®he will epend a tew
them all hacked off the map for quality days with friends.
Later .'he will
lid it'l aald at same price as the com« visit her cousin, Olssie Starts, wtho is
men kind.
attending ‘Mt. Angel college-
On her
gabber boats repaired.
return home, she stop« at Baker to
Sicycles repaired and auppliaa sold.
attend the commencement exercises
for pupils o f the (St. (Francis Acade­
my, where she will be accompanied
home by MJs» Violet Cox, a cousin,
AUTO AC Cl*gO ll I £•
■who will graduate from the academy
ONTARIO. ORCCON this term.
Parker’s Tire
Th« business men «f today are nlive t« th« fact
that to talis their place in th« buslneae w orld, and
t« transact their business promptly and exoctly
a sbesking account with a strong bank is imper­
If this idea hee come te you, get in touch with
.his bank to your advantage.
We will be glad to have you «pen account wi-h
this bank.
Malheur County B a n k
N yssa,
O regon
C a p ita l .......................................I ...* 2 6 ,0 0 9 .0 0
rples ....................... $26,600 90
leoesseeeeeeeeeeeee eeoeeeoeeeei
Ysu’ll Not Get Stung at
Wyssa and Vicinity
A Brief Resume of the Daily Events in a Live Town—
What Your Neighbors Are Doing.
Reynold« was an Ontario visit­
or Friday.
H. T. Francis was an Ontario visit­
or 'Saturday.
H. M. Hon fa wan In Ontario cn busi­
ness Saturday.
Frank iPhilllpo was a Welser vlaii-
ocr Saturday..
Grandma MaNee has been very «ick
the past week
Walter Allfordl returned home from
Harper Sunday.
Mr. and (Mrs. Ed Warren Were
Welser vislitons Saturday.
LMrs ® Dennis and daughter .Georgia
Were Ontario visitors (Friday.
Mrs. G. F. McCurdy wa» a Nampa
visitor during the week end.
Mre. L. W. Jones, and little grand»-
son were Ontario visitors Saturday.
(Mrs. P. M. Bfnkley aittendted camp-
meeting at Cardwell several days last
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lackey andfa
daughter. Zelma, motored to Emmett
S onUiay.
Miss Dottle James left for Baker
Saturday for a visit with; her sister.
Mrs. Alpha AnlUerson.
Mrs. Dollle Nelson, o f Big Bend,
spent Sunday visiting at the home of
her sister, Mrs. C. J. Ashcraft.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Perry Lowe,and son
left last week for Jordan. VaJley w here
they will spend the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs R. H. MdNee and
niece, Mite: Violet Oox, motored to
Piyette Wednesday evening.
Mr. .indi M m Ed Warren, of Banks
Idaho, were vigitor» at the P. iM.
Warren home Thursday and Sunday.
Mr. and M m Frank Btufafas took
dinner at the home of (M t . and Mrs.
Robert Elliot, of Bridge Island, Sun­
Mr. and Mrs. Roy GouJd motored
over from Payette ©und y and were
guests at the home o f Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. George Gomel*us and daught­
er. of Payette, were visiting relatives
in Nysaa Monday.
O si iStorts, son o f M m AndrueJla
StortB returned from Mt. Angel this
week, where he had been attend tag
John Vogts, Capitol News man,
passed through Nyssa Friday cn route
to Boles after spending the week in
Mrs. Waiter Alford had an unfor­
tunate accident Thursday when she
stepped on a nail which ran almost
through her foot.
Mre. O. D.
Cole, of 'Payette.spent
Sunday with) her parent», Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Wills, and enjoyed picnic
dinner on the lawn.
'Mrs. Frank Miller baa been serion­
ly ill at the .Mercy Hospital In Nam­
pa, but is now recovering and Is ex­
pected home the coming week.
Ferry Lowe and family returned to
tieir home near 'Stein’s Mountain
last week.
Their son, Wayne, at-
btided school inNysaa the paattorni
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Lackey and
daughter, Zelma, andi Mr. and (Mm
Henry Peterson and daughter, Lela.
motored to Willow Creek, near Iron-
si te, Wednesday evening on a fishing
Mre. Henry Fields and Mrs Andru-
plh Storts returned home fromlHarp-
er. Ore. Sunday where they had been
cooking for the shearing crew ait ¡H
J. Ward's camp.
The men finished
»hearing Saturday.
Henry MdNee, who started for
Wallowa county w*th his patent oil­
ers. ho» returned.
He stopped In
Baker a few days, ond owing to the
reported high waters, was forced to
abandon the idea of drt-.1ng to Wal
Iowa for the present
INham Anderson, well known, local
butcher, bought three lots on Third
Street between the new house« Jos’
being finished by P M Binkley and
Abe Frtis, and will erect a -otlageon
t hem I nth« near future.
Charlotte MdOtnniB, of the
Kolony, was visiting at the J. ®
home Wednesday
Pinkston is slowly improving, and Is
now able oo walk wltn th« aid of
crutches for the first time In wrverai
Misses Myrtle FleM* and Jennie
Newby made quite a hike last Friday
when they walked from Nyssa. to
Kingman Kolony to visit * fd r 'mote.
A llen Oreen
The diet woe 1« thorn t
twelve miles
Earl Ward earns to
their reams. fcow«ww
Nyssa Loses Ball
Lieit. W. V. Brown
Game to Parmaites Falls to His Death
in Airplane Accident
Mm. CbrL Gilmore was a Nysea
visitor Tuesday
Mrs. Adlie Wilson
visitor Wednesday.
was an Ontario
A. W. iFlaldls leaves Wednesday for
tLe shearing camp» o f Montana..
Mrs. George Green and daughter,
Choroid, were Ontario visitors Wed
Mr. Stewart, one of iNyssFa popu­
lar barbers was a Caldwell visitor
Mr. and Mm. Elmore MaLellan left
for Nampa Saturday to visit Mr. Mc-
Lellan’a parents.
Mrs. Roberta Trulock made a
short visit with friends in Glenns
Ferry lost week.
Dewey Hoxle and wife, of Ontario,
have taken rooms at the Eliz Evans
home for title summer.
Mr». Eliza Evans and children were
invited to partake of ice cream and
cake at the ham® of Mrs.G. Campbell
Little Neva Gene Thompson, who is
staying with her grandmother, Mrs.
A. S. Vaughn, visited her mother,Mrs.
Clara Thom,peon, at the Silver Grill
Mias Ruth (Filbetr, who has been at­
tending the Boise Business College,
ia visiting with Helen Hox’ e this
wee*. Ml;« Filiber and Miss Hoxie
graduated from the Nyssa 'High
school together last year.
The decision o f oil the students
who are this year’s graduate® o f the
(Nyssa High school is «aid to te unan­
imous in favor of attending some Col­
lege. university, act .«my or the
state Normal school to further pursue
their education.
Mrs. Harry Francis left for Port­
land Saturday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Paul Baird, and to return her
lit tie grinidMlaughter, (Pauline, to her
Pauline came to Nysea
about two weeks ago to visit her
grandparents "ith 'Mrs. A'ath/ur Cook,
on the latter's return fro Albany
Henry MciNee on his return from
Baker City a few days ago, 'brought
hie two niece«, Miss Tressie Lackey
and Violet Oox, home with him in his
Mis» Oox had been attending
commencement exercises at 'St. Frin-
cis Academe- at Baker, o f which she
is a graduate, and Min« la ck ey had
slopped off there on her way home
from Portland.
Worrying too much in anticipation
of the game, and the fact that Bill
Lyllea was «ut with a game leg, beat
the Haymaker* In a good game oa th*
local grounds Sunday—• to 1.
Alexander pitched for Parma, and
Nyaaa got him for eight hits, Felton
Duncan making three of them. Th«
eld reliable Slim Woodruff threw for
Nyssa, and Parma found him oaly
seven times. Slight error* by Nyaaa
combined with Parma’e superior field­
ing and aggressive tactics, lost th«
gum* for Nyaaa. Th« baaaa were flllad
three times, but Parma always rallied
at tha critical moment. The aver
ready work of Woodruff ai d Diven, a*
in tha preceding games, was the bright
light of the Haymahera. With eon-
•‘«tent i«pport they would make th*
team a pennant winner.
A large crowd was out to saa the
K«m*. The boy* appreciate the aup
port which ha* been given them thia
year. Fair minded fans realize that
the bey■ are doing their beat, and that
under more favorable conditions our
team would be hard to heat.
A fxtal accident Chat pulls hard at
the 'Heart-string» of the Journal force
occured TUuroday monmi r when
Lieutenant Waiter Veniun Brown,
son of 'Win S. Brown, of the Journal,
fell to his devch in the Potomac river
near Ooloniai Beach, Virgin a.
accident occuied ¡while Lieutenant
Brown, who wan an officer of the
Marine Flying Corpa, stationed at
Quantloo, Virginia, was imntkiog a
flight In an airplane.
The body f«li
into the ilver and waa recovered only
after a prolonged search.
Buigby, (Lieut. (Brown’s assistant, was
severly injured.
The folio a in« tele
gram recedvetdl from the commander
of the poet gives the latest new« o<
the accident:
"'Deeply regret to inform yon Chat
your »on, second Lieutenant ¡Walter
V. Brown, i « u irtstantlyikilleJi at 8:32
A.M., June 9 when machine stalled in
dense fog and went Inito tail spin
five hundred feet above Potomac
river one mile from dock at Colonial
Beach, Virginia..
The remain* ore
being »hipped to m oth»-at Botro, Ida­
¡Please accept my 'heartfelt sym­
"John A. Leijune, (Major General,
OommanlJlo- L”
J. R Hunter who started to Jordan
Valley Just week had quite a serious
accident near Homedale Sunday whan
i large truck, 'n passing him on the
road, ijkidded into the wagon ana
crushed two wheels, broke out the
tongue and otherwise damaged It.
Mi. Hunter was iihrown from th« wag­
on but escaped unhurt.
He had hie
wagon taken to 'Homedale and was
compelled to send to Nysea to obtain
a tongue for it ami) spokes for the
wheels. The case hla* been placed In
Charley Crawford lo recovering
the hands o f Attorney Blodgett for satisfactorily from an operation which
se .tlement.
he underwent Mendly in a Boise
hospital, where he was taken laat
iweek for »unglcal treatment.
The Journal wa» apparently in Crawford is with him
error when It staled in a recent isaue
that Ed Norris had been killed in Ne­
Manny Hatfield an uncle
of Mr. Norris states that he Is alive
and Working every day at Boris,
Mir. and Mis. Fred Greene, o f On­
tario, and 'Mrs. Gus flchiwt'.zer, and
'Mre. J. 8. Glascock and ohiMren.John
and Alice leave Wednesday for the
Rose Carnival ln Portimi
there they will go on to S* aittle to
visit Mrs. J. P. Nannory
Mre. Nan-
Mias Crystal We»t, who has been nary will be romenabe-H.d by her
teaching in tfaq Twin Fall* Public many friends on the Owyhe as Misa
Schools, returnetil home this week, Kate Schweizer
md is staying at the home of her
parents, Mir. itnd Mrs. Wm. Weet, for
•For Sale—MciCorm'clr Big Six Mow­
a '.Jhort vacation, fthe Intends to ing Machine, 1» good condi'ion, and
leave for 'Portland soon, where she team of homes. -Inquire C. A.
luaia a position.
'shall, 'Nysea, Ore__Adir. Junc8-lt.
m m
Mr. IC. W. 'Barrett, Who has been
visiting friends and re'a'ives in Ken­
tucky, for the palstt few weeks, is ex­
pected home the last of the week.
Mrs. J. T. Long, who has been vis­
iting her daughter (Mrs. B elli Golden, ■
of laden on, Oregon, returned home
2 j
last Tuesday.
Mrs. E. B. Butler aWl M-s. Charles
Cosset epent the week end In Boise.
Prank Edwards and f nily spent
Sunday with Emmett Steel of Oill-
Elbert Butler, Jr. and family were
visitors at the iBennli home Sunday
Irens Edwards has been visiting
her aunt in Caldwell the past week.
Joe Trent, o f Lewiston. Utah, is
»1 xmdlng his vacation with his sister,
Mrs. C. W. Barrett.
■Tack Barrett is overhauling his Hup
this week
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lie-key mot­
ored to Nampa Sunday, June 5.
Mrs. Clyde I Xing was visiting her
mother, Mrs Charles Bullard, lore
The farmers of this community are
beginning to cut their hay this week
Several are spraying for the weevil
before they cut
Joe Trent took dinneT w1 h Charles
Cosset and family Sunday
Mrs. Oody Butler spent iSunday » ■
wtth Codyt» parent*. Mr and Mrs E
ft Butler
Mr. and Mrs O ’ !* Bullard »pent
Buiadav with Ira Dali and family
Mia* Florence Bulla, d pent th< ■
week end with her aunt. Mr* Ohw
Strom, o f Vale.
For Bale—The Larkin Bros Pro­
durr-« Markst and Shoe Repair Shop
in Nywna.
Big xacriftoe for quirk
sale. A chOnoe for some on« to gw
Into a god bunlnens
Tnqutre *X
sod brought piaoe of 1*wines* In the La Frsnz
Son of Journal Editor Loses Life
When Airplane Drops 500 Feet
Into Potomac River.
m m
Methodist Episcopal Church
H E N R Y Y O U N G , Pastor
Services Sunday,
Sunday Sehool at 10 o'clo k. Classes for everybody.
Brotherhood Class leader, R. J. Davis.
Married Ladies class leader, Mra. J. T. Long.
Preaching Service at 11 o’clock. Subject, "Influence” —Rem. 14 7
Until further notice there will be preaching service every Sun­
day morning at 11 o'clock.
m m m
Nyua Chautaequa June 30to July 4 Come
Accumulate a fund fur futuro baainnae need* by depositing a
part of y«ur profits in our
They can be had for short or long terms, earn interest from
the day of deposit and never depredato in value.
Our Certificate Earn S per cent
for Six Months or a Year
Use AU of Our Service
Capital and Surplua, $45,000.00
* * * ■ * * * >
» * * ■ ■ * * ■
Will», Deed*, Mortge*««, endlCoetrart« Written.
Cell el Residence
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ »
Pheae 77
J . H . W o lf.
Nysea. O rar*
s ■