TH e G ate C ity J ournal VOL X IX NO. 37. m m , vtCHAn.t~STEto* (’ Ç , M m M A LH E U R OOUNTY. OREGON. FR ID A Y. M A Y 2«. 1921 ir ! va I'^L-F: it CLOTH! S. M M M I 'fftyssa and Vicinity ) l Ì A Brief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town- What Your Neighbors Are Doing. R. H. Mc.Vee made a buadneae trip C. W. DeBoer and family * ere On- to Vale Monday. tario visitors Sunday. D. iW. Gibeon attended the toitil (Mrs. Pearl Binghgm was Ui guest game at Huntington Sunday. at the P. IM. 'Warren homo Wednos.- Mr. and Mns. Ohbrlea Crawford day. Mrs. W. T. Ashcraft of Big Bend motored to Ontario Saturday. A Mothers’ Day Program was also visited at the home of her son, C. F. given at tlhe !M. E. chores Sunday, Ashcraft, Sunday. m m m m u m m m George Green took. 18 Nyssa fans Mrs. Albert Cook and daughter, to Huntington Sunday to the ball Dona, were at Ontario IFr'day, haw­ game in Cathey’s truck. William Fuller, of Seattle, spent ing dental work done. A large crowd, attended the Moth­ Sunday and Sunilay night visiting at ers' Day Program given at the Lat­ the Henry McNee heme. MUy 16. m H The March is on! The Straws are here! The Calendar says “go ahead” m u m AND HERE WE GO! M * m M m m n m m Roy 'Warren, who hast 'been visit­ Mrs. Dolly Nelson, also of Big ing his uncle, John Hailey, of Union, Bend,and the Clarence Zink family Ore., returned last Saturday. Mr. J. 8. Pinkston returned home aliaio visited lait the Ashcraft home. Prom a two weeks visit with rela­ A1 Horn, who is well known \n tives on the Oiwyhee, Saturday. Nyssia, was headed In the direetion Mnj. P. |M. Warren and son, Roy, of Weiser Sunday, leading his race motored to the Warren district Mon­ horse. day to visit her daughter,Mrs. Pearl b rink Newcdll left Monday for Al­ Bingham. bany to attend the Grand Dodge of Mrs. Albert Oook left Saturday for I. O. O. (P. as a delegate o f the local Albany to attend the meeting of the I. O. O. F. Hundred« of men have been waiting for Grand Lodge as la delegate of the Floyd, Hand, u u former resident of even the slightest excuse to lay aside local Retoekahs. Nyssa, Is now at Huntington. 'He their old felts. Rev. Henry Young left Monday to Is employed at concrete work, mak­ attend the meeting of the Gian'i Here ie the beet reason in the woTld. ing side walks . Lodge of 1. O. O. F., as Grand Ohap- Union Sen-ice at the iPrestoytertan Raws e f freeh new 1921 Straws --covering toln of the stMe of Oregon. church next Sunday, May 22, at 11 12$ feet are ready today for every head. 'Speaking of fish: according to a A. M. for the graduating dasa of the New braids, new bloats, n » » bands to High school. All the people are in­ story told toy a trainman, while eat­ ing his 'dinner at the Silver Grill please yon—your w ife—« ' 1 r '»nds vited. Monday, one of the largest bass ever —including yonr best friend up at Albert Cookie grandmother, M te . caught In the Northweet was taken The fir s t National. Leech, received! a had fall Monday recently from th© Buttermilk Slough and injured her knee. She has been Prices start at |!.B0 —stop at 16.00, near Weiser, and sent to an Idaho confined to her 'bed since, and Dr. taxidermist. Come in tomorrow—we’ ll be at eur IN. C. MctLafferty cabled to attend beat—and that’a wbat you want in Mr. and Mrs. Marvin 'WLrren and her at the Albert Cook horn«. n Staw Hat. Mrs. ‘P. M. Warren anldl daughter, J. S. Pinkston has been confined to Miss Grace, spent Sunday with (he his Ibed for server ail weeks with an M iRoy Hlailey family at Big Bend. attack o f Neuritis. Dr. Saxaadn is Frank IMCKniglht, of Twin Springs, attending him, and his many friends wau a IN year visitor (Monday. He will be uorry to hear that he may not reports that he f ’nished latnbing. M be able to walk for some time. Sheet» are doing fine: plenty of feed; Joe Meyers hla® a -contract cleaning and they had a heavy rain in his drainage ditch at Arcadia. IMr. vicinity. Oregon G 90D CLOTHES FOR H EN Ontario Meyers has, invented a dredge'which makes 'Hitch cleaning a more desir­ EASTERN STAR KENSINGTON able job. He hais been assisted toy Thirty five ladies enjoyed the Mrs. O. J. Ashcraft left Monday H. iB. Nedry and D ive Hawkins. Eastern Star 'Kensington at the home If your watch©» or clock* need re­ In a recent 1 ether from Adolph of Mrs, J. iBoydell on net Monday. pairing take then» to L. F. Stohdrmer. for d ig lUend to visit her mother-in- law Mrs. iW. T. Ashcraft. Sctonetter, who hats been «bearing Wives, mothers and daughters of Work guaranteed__lAdiv. jul3-2t sheep at 'Rock Springs, Wyoming, Mia sons were Invited guests of the he stateBi that snow fell there recent­ club. Muric and unique games fur­ ly to the depth o f two feet. They nished entertainment for the after­ were obliged to postpone the shear­ noon. Dainty refreshments were ing nt that place. served at small tables, the Eastern The Stliqe Cafe and Rainwater 'Star colors being carried out. in the M Jones Cleancdi utp tho dirtiest place flowers at each table. m m m m m m m * ter Day iSaiints cihuroh Sunday. * m m m m T o g g e r y B ill m We have decided to give our m m customers a 5 per cent dis­ m count for cash m m m m m m m m m Now is the Time to m Spray Your Trees m m m m m m Thrte-Inch Duck Hose m m m m m 5 Per Cent Off for Cash. M m m m m ROBERTS HDWE. CO., I"i m M We w ill also allow the same diacouit on all charge aceeunts if they are paid by the tenth e f the month following said purchase Don’t overlook this caah discount You make make money by paying cask ut this store. M W e have the arseaate of lead te do the work, in four-poun* packages and up. We kave just received a shipment e f This is the hose you want for irrigating your lawn ender the now irrigation system. M M Nyssa, Oregon. M Eat Eat Eat HONEY FOSTER'S HONEY No eyrug no mixture, no giocose in Only pure honey, gathered from flou $1.50 PER Y E A R SELLING ‘FARMER” SMITH WILL SPEAK AT ONTARIO "Farmer” C. L. Smith, the nation­ ally known Agriculturist of the O. R. R. & N. Company, Portland, Ore., will peak to the boys and girls In club work at 10 A. M. on Mhy 26, at the City iha'l in Ontario. Every Club member Ssi urged to toe present und every boy or girl interested in the olulb work is invited. This is an exceptionally good op­ portunity for the boys and girl* to attend a most Interesting and profit­ able meeting. Not on’y will some important phases of club work be discussed tout the opp© tunltiee and advantages to those engaged in this work will toe explained. WHY PAY MORE? Ford Radiators . . . $2.7.00 7.50 Ford Front Whe*l* . The ball game 'between Huntington and Nyssa, last Sunday;:! Hunting- ton, was won toy Huntington by a score of 3 to 2. It was ia dose game and some good playing was wttneeeed by a large crowd of Nya*» base ball fans. The first score made toy our home team with In the first half of the first lnn.ii: v and the second was made in the third in­ ning. Twelve car loads of Nyasa fans were seen at the game Among those who attended were: Mayor P. M. Warren, Blaine Boydell, Arthur Boydell, IMr. and (Mrs. Webb and family, J. IW. Crockett, J. J. Cancel- mo, George Snyder, Harry Goahert, the Misses Della d a rk and Edna Warren, C. P. Lackey. Henry Peter­ son, A. Shaffer, Roy Mobley, CL M. Nicholson, Mr. and IMr*. Cotton and daughter, Mhdellne, Arthur Servos«, the masoot of the team, the Blodgett boys, Cliff Tillman, Doug'ass McDon- anlUct, WiH McDonald, (Roy 'Wlairren, Jess Tthompeon and family, Charley Toomitos, 'MT. jtd: Mrs. Reynolds', George Green, and Elmore McLeUan. S. F. FOSTER LEAVES FOR PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY The Presbyterian General Assem­ bly, the higthent court of the Pres- byt.berlan church, meet* at Winona Lake, Indian , May 19th to 29th. There will be about 1000 delegates In attendance. The Presbytery of Grande iRonde appointed 8. IF. Fos­ Mrs. C. R. Carter suffered a sl'ght ter to represent dt us a lay delegate. relapse Tuesday night. Mr. Carter Mr. Foster left last week for Wtno- has returned home again, and Mrs.1 na, expecting to stop over Sundoy Whipple has toeen ca’led In to a«sl*t with friends atDenton, Iowa. Delegates have ail expense* palli in nursing Mrs. Carter. to the Assembly *nd return. Mr. t/XST—Ford exhaust pip*, between Foster's, long and faithful service In Xysna and Owyhee. Finder notify W. the church entitles him to this L. Schaffer, Nys*a, R. F. D. No. 1.— honor. .IKIIIIIIIHIIIUIIIIIXXIHHXX m m m ■ m m R E L IA B L E F IR E IN SU R AN CE Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, and Contracts Written. NOTARY PUBLIC Call at Residence - Pheae 77 J. H. Wolf. Nyssa. Oregon. ■ M * ti * * tires and auto accessorie* at a rapid rate indicates good buainess, and that is the aftaation with ns. You will uaually find it her*, ard for leaa. Ford 5 Wire Loom* Nyssa Loses Ball Game to HaatingtoD by Scare of 3 to 2 COMMENCEMENT EVENTS Senior O ats Play- Friday, May 20. at the Liberty theater. Baccalaureate Sermon — Sunday, May 2\ at 111 o’clock at the Presby­ terian dhiureh. The sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Henry Young. Everybody cordduilly ¡invited. Commencement Exercises—Friday, May 27, at 8 o’clock lat the Liberty theater. Address toy W. J. Boone, President of the »College of Idaho. Bverylbody is cordially Invited. Commencement Exercises—Friday, May 27th, at 8 o’clock at the Liberté' theatre. Address toy W. J. 'Boone, president o f the College of Idaho. Everybody 1« cordially Invited. SENIOR CLASS Tresste 8. Lackey, James P. Kake- beeke, Leo Don Barrett, Charles J. Newbill, William T. Klinkeniberg, Robert E. Long. Your m m Building Opportunity um Building prices are way down M and every improvement is a M good investment now. M m Time waits on no one. Next * year will be too late to build u this summer’s comfort m for profit. m and Lumber prices are from 20 u per cent to 40 per cent less u u than a year ago and all m building materials are down m OUT ■ m correspondingly. m n M m Plans Make It Easy mm In Ontbrio one day last week—the REBDKAH DISTRICT CONVENTION old Chinese toamdry. It has now been perfectly renovated and leased The 8th annual convention of for three yearn to the popular Hike District No. 26 convened ln I. O. O. Cafe, which needed more room to F. hall at Nytssa, Tuesday, May 10. care fo- Its growing patronage. The convention was called to order Manager J. A. Lakness, of the Mal­ toy the chairman, Mrs. Emma T)un heur Home Telephone Oomrpany, was can, o f Yellow Rose Retoekah lodge in Nyssa yesterday overseeing the No. '202. 'Miss lEthel 'Fletcher, Pres­ work of remodeling the local central ident of the Rebefcah Assembly of office, (which Is toeing renovated and Oregon, was absent on account of modernized in a manner that meets the death of her Gather. Beatrice with the approval of the patrons. Ixxlge No. 82 was represented by 8 A Silver tea will toe given at the sisters; Yellow Rose toy 16 sitters. ham© of Mrs. J. P. Dunaway next The session waiv devoted to instruc­ (Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 6 tion in the varied work of the oTler toy the ladies of the M. E. church. A short program was rendered A good attendance Is expected a* Miss Rhoda Mkrhllra gave a reading the ladle» are anticipating another of and Mrs. Barbara Stubbs and Mrs those pleasant social ©■rents which Winnie Diven an instrumental duet. make Syssa different from the aver­ IA vote of thanks was given Yellow age small town. Rose for their deWclou« refreshments. Convention adjourned to meet at The power wire that supplies the ■Kingman Kolon-y irrigation project Ontario In 1922. 'burned in two recently trad killed seven head of cattle. Six of them were ownekll toy F. .1. l-onr. and one toy Mr. Mose©. of the Kolooy. These cattle were th© famous Pete Teneen herd of Hols*sins All of them were tngr-h cows with young cailves. J. S'. 'Pinkston purchased them' from W. Hillman, ar^d sold hem to Mr. Long. The case has not toeen set- led and it i* not known what the Pof ver Company will allow (Mr. Long. fc PE R COPY • A t the aame time * .75 ^ The Oregon Apiary Company! local Shot Lights, $5; Tail Lights 1.00 It y o u ’ © fr o m M is s o u r i, manufacturers of a delictom* table *yrup which la meeting wit,to t h «f* v - 0 we «as show you where it pays to ute or of th© public, have deeftoed on Morse Shoe and Miller tir«* the Horse "Dulcose’’ a* a permanent name for Shoe big. brewn beany tube has got their product. This la a most, ap- them ell baekod off the map for quality propriat© name meaning according and It’* aold at asm* prlae as the com. to Webster, the natural sweet o f the men kind, flower« and plants, a * « « the syng. Rubber boot* repaired, hi eompoeed of corn synaip and honey. | Bicycle* repaired and auppliea »old. flavored with maple, the» name ex­ presses th© comtoinatjen (to a nicety. The demand fo r tbe eyrap Na* *ur- AUTO ACCCBBORIEB priaed even 1U m*ai*f*r**«rers. and 177 ONTARIO, OREGON It Kerns to All a lowg Csk wenL Boise Payette service remains at the same high standard. £ 0 jg _ ■ m v * m Parker’s Tire Shop mm Boise Payette plans sad sketches and our sales manager’s pencil make it easy for yon to choose and build the kind of im­ provement you will most enjoy. FOR COST ASK TH E SA LE S M A N A G E R ESTIMATES OF T H E Boise Payette Lumber Company H. T. Francis, Sales Maneger, Nyssa Yard 8