GATE CTT JOURNAL Things for the Farmer * M m m n u m m U BROWN BROS. Kntered at the P o-«office at Nyeea. Oregon, as »» mail matter m Sdring TootH Harrows n Drag Harrows m m RATES: .$1.60 On« yaar. In advance. . Six montile, in adeanoe. m 7* LIBRARY BOARD MEETS The regular monthly meeting of the Library board was he'd at the lib m rary Monday. Bill of librarian for evening services was allowed The librarian reported the follow ing books missing: "Heart o f the Hills,” by John Fox Jr. "Shuttle,” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. If anyone has these bookb | the library board would like to have ■ them returned to the library. ■ I The lower shelves o f the library »'ere cleaned, an!1 anyone wishing old magazines -may have them by calling at the library. m u m m m Lawn Mower» (¿araen Hose ra s a Heit« and Poultry Netting M Alfalfa Teeth H Black Hawk Corn Drills and Planters y H HARNESS OLIVER LINE SUBSCRIPTION GROCERY LINE COMPLETE m n m M PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH W astes F. Shields, Pastor. Next Sunday is mocherv' iDay ami a special service Is planned. The D service in .at ill A. IM. Special service 'by the quartette. « Duet. (Fool congregation a' binging. Sermon suited to lihe occasion. All mothers, and mothers with babies are invited and requested to be present. All the people o f the city and com munity are invited to be at the ser vice. Sabbath school at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:45 P. M .; Leader, Dora Thorn [Con. iPrayenmeeting Wednesday at 7:30 P. M. Preaching at District 47—IBigBend •ait 2:30 P. M. Preaching at the Wa(ie Scbolhouse Big Bend at 8 P. CM. fast time. .^KRSXMIIKXI HHHBHHMHHHHMH < * 4 4 ► > < > I ♦ « e e Nyssa Grain and Seed Co. FO R G R A IN . M IL E F E L D AND SEEDS OF ALL KINDS STEAMED ROLLED BARLEY A P o u ltry < > < > SPECIALTY S u p p l ie s Near Depot, Nyssa, Oregon Phone 204 ! SOLDERING DOME, Shoes Repaired, Knives and Scissors Sharpened. Ohidtens Bought. O e a m Shipped, at Larkin Bros.’ 'Produce 'Market.—Ativ. a29—2t immmtLm REPORT OF THE CONDITION Ei! OF THE BANK OF NYSSA No. 56 H m m n m N ■ ■ ■ ■ u m u m m H ■ ■ n m m m m m u F ord Garage- ■ ■ n m u ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 23 McConnon’ s P rod u cts Home Remedies Pure Extracts and Spices Toilet Articles Veterinär) Remedies Poultry Compounds ■ M M m u LIAB ILITIES. Capital stock paid in .............. $25,000.00 Surplus f u n d ...... ............. 20,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid ........ 1,895.86 Individual deposits subject to c h e c k ........................................104,948,08 Ckshier checks outstanding 2,724 75 Certified ch ecks....................... 126.00 Time and Savings deposits 68 860.27 Bills payable for borrowed ey . ................................. 49,000.00 Total $258,658.96 STATE OF OREGON I C ounty of M alheur [ “ I, Frank D. Hail, Cashier o f the above-named bank, de selemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best e f ray knowledge and belief. FRANK D. HALL. Cesbier. CORRECT—Attest FRANK D HALL E. J. BURROUGH F. E. YOU MG Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this5thday o f May, 1921 K. M. BLODGETT. Notary Public. My commission expires Dec, 7, 1924. At the regular meeting o f the city round], May 2. the following business was transacted: A motion pissed instructing the recorder to get information in regard to framing an ordinance to regulate tarns and corrals in rhe residence tection o f town. Wilson Brothers offer of a dona H tion of work In the alley in block 8 was accepted. The treasurer was instructed to rent a safety deposit box in the Bank R nf N'yssa anil also to purchase a Liberty bond for the accumulated inellpped coupons on the bonds held by the city. The marshal 'warn Instructed to o make out a list of tools and strp- >lies neded by the water department. Bills allowed were: Hall's Garage ....................... $ 8.76 Nyssa Blacksmith S h o p ...............35 N’ yasa Trailing Company . . . . 8.73 C. W. DeBoer ............................ 5.06 (Nyssa Realty Co. .26 ■ Wilson IBroa ..................................60 R A. G. Long .............. 44.40 Gem State Lumber Co.............. 42.15 C. W. Reberger ........... 86.00 C. S. Gearheart .................... 4.50 F. A. Gallegly ......................... 26.55 Bank of Nyssa ........... 20.00 George Green ............... , . . . . 32.00 M. H. Warren ......................... 10.50 H. D. Holmes .......................J 00.00 C. M. Zink .......................... *100.00 $664.56 Mrs. A. R. McCarty, and 'Mrs. W. F. Shields brought In the complaint 'o the council o f the unfan' tary con- ition of some of the stables. ■ ■ ■ .VAiNTBD—To buy 2-year o!d bull Jersey preferred— Tony Broers. \dv. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Department o f the Interior, Land Office at Vale, Oregon, April 11. 1(21. Notice is hsreby given that Jehaenes ingulf Jorgenson o f Nyssa, Oregon, who, on November 10, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 03862, for WJ NW i, NW ISW J, Sec. 14, E*NE* 4EJSEL Sec. 16, Township 19 South, itange 46 la s t , Willamette Meridian, las filed notice of intention to make dnal three year proof, to establish laim to the land above described, be ore Register and Receiver, U. S, Land iffice, at Vale, Oregon, on the 18th lay o f May. 1921. Claimanant names as witnesses: George Goodrich,Charles Thompson, >oth o f Nyssa, Oregon; Charles Lend- <ren, Fred Sundquist, bo-h o f Ontario, Oregon. Thos. Jones, Register. for FLOUR & FEED Chopping and Nyssa Blacksmith Shop m Rohert Taylor, Proprietor. General Blacksmithing All Kinds o f Repair Work ■ ■ BULL DURHAM a H H a Public Patronage Solicited tobacco makas 5 0 Aood cataratta« for 10c H n * I. H. Keller, in chsu%|e ef Parma Store. Phone 50-8 SS \\Testern On« block from depot. Clean beds 60c, 76c and 11.00 Good meal*.............. 26c to 50« Rooms by week or month ALBERT FOUCH Proprietor. « R R H 3 s I H M Phone 50-SS Stores at Guhkrell and Parma, Idaho. Ford Parts Tires and Accessories Phone 43 NYSSA. OREGON H H H H H H H H H Nyssa Realty Co. REAL ESTATE and GENERAL INSURANCE Ait# Insurance covering Fire, Theft Transportation, Collision and Accident * LET US W RITE YOUR POLICY J. Boy dell, Agt. lU tidonee 33 Nyssa. Oregon When You W ant JJotel R House Furnishers and Funeral Directors. IHHHHHHUHHHH 1 a rar Peckham Furniture Co. r W t 0 « m 41 I Tell. «dVwe w - ^ G E N U IN I Oregon K a m S ervice G a ra g e Phone 86 R. ■ ■ ■ Nyaaa M I N f l l l l l l X I H M IM H M IX lld M I New and Second-hand Cars Fordson Tractors Grinding L ucky m m H m m m Nf Go to the Nyssa Flour Mill ■ IFOR SALE U. S. [H R ] m m m H oney S yru p R Two Flavors - Maple and Marshmallow stores. Guaranteed pure Honey and R Handled by all grocery Cotn. Made by the R R R R Oregon Apiary Company R R McCarty & Coward a m m J. R. HUNTER, STAR HCHEL Nyssa, Oregon ■■■«■■■■■■aIixaiiriiii NYSSA Try our new m a Sold by m m m RESOURCES. Loans and discounts________$210,171,75 Overdrafts, secured and un secured____________________ 443.04 Bonds and warrants________ 12,386.40 Banking house________ ______ 4.$80.00 Furniture and fixtures______ 2,441.46 Dus from banka (net reserve bank I ....................................... .5« Due from approved reserve b a n k s ........................... ..........17,281.*1 Checks and other cash items. 781 64 Rxehtnge far clearing hsuse ...106.05 Cash on hand________________ 10,411 78 Total $258,553.96 s We specialize on Repairing Fords in at Nyssa, in the State o f Oregon, at the close o f business April 28, 11421. ■ ■ m FORD CARS AND TRUCKS FORDSON TRACTORS GENUINE FORD PARTS u Phone * ■ ■ ■ V. B. STAPLES, Prop. Ontario. Oregon. [RH I ■ NYSSA— PRODUCT— i ■ H m m Friday Oregon, by Spring work is now on and doubtles* you will need to replace lost or worn out implements with new. Look over the following list, which we carry in stock, and see if there is anything you need: ■ m •rar? PuMiebed Meeting o f City Council LUMBER COAL GLASS CEMENT Screen Doors and Posts Call Phone 8 - Ny*sa, Oregon GEM STATE LUMBER COMPANY H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H