Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1921)
NOTICE OF BONO SALE P R O F E S S IO N A L . PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS J. J. SAF.AZIN Physician anil Surgeon Office hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m DR N. C. MacLAFFERTY PRYSICIN * SURGEON. Office and reiidence opposite Nf»ia Trailing Co. PHONB 11 DON S. NUMBERS, PBYSICl N * SURGEON Phone 40 Parma, R. R. A. MOON Chiropractic Physician. House calls mada Aceuto or chronic diseases Hours. 10 12; 1:80 5 Evenings by appointment Phono—Office, 158; Home, 41 R Oregon Ontario DENTISTS DR. C. M. TYLER DENTIST Ontario, Oregon. d r . t . o . h um ph « y * DENT iST Phone 48 Parme. I ATTORNEYS E. M. BLODGETT Attorney-at-Law | I,and and Probate work a Specialty. NfS8a, Oregon R W. SWAGLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 12, 14, 15 Wilson Bldg. OREGON ONTiMO ROBT. D. LYTLE Attorney-at Law First National Bank Building Vale Oregon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That sealed proposals will bo received by the Board of Supervisors of tbt Kingman Colony Drainage DWrlct at their offices in Nyssa Malheur County, Oregon, until the hour of 2 o’clock p. m. on Wednesday, the 4th dlay of May, 1921, and immediately thereafter pulblioly opened, for ths purchase of additional bonds of said district in tlhe b>um of Seven Thous and (87000.00) Dol'trs, author led by resolution dated January 17, 1921 said bonds to be dated March 1 1921, in denominations t Five Hun dred (8500.00) Dollars, and maturing as follows, to-wit: Maturit" Number Principal March 1, 1926..............101 8500 March 1, 1 9 2 7 ........1 0 2 500 March 1, 1928..............103 600 March 1, 1929..............104 104 March 1, 1930..............105 600 March 1, 1931............. 10« 500 ¿Hi rch J, 1932..............107 500 Maroh 1, 1933.............108 600 March 1, 1934............. 109 500 (March 1, 1935............. 110 500 Maroh 1, 1936. .........I l l 500 March 1, 1937..............112 600 March 1, 1938............. 113 600 March 1. 193».......... .<114 600 Said bonds to bear aterest at six per cent (6 per cent) per annum, payable semiannually on the first day of September and March, prin cipal and interest payable in United Gold Coin at ttoe office of the secretary of said District at Nysaa. Malheur County, Oregon, or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Ore gon in New York *City, at the op tion of the holder. Said bids must be accompanied by a certified check tor ten per cent (10 per cent) of said bid, same to be forfeited to the District as liquidated damages in the event the successful bidder fails to take up anid pay for said bonds within ten days after award. Said bids must be uncondit'onal as 'to legality .md the District will furnish the successful bidder with the approving legal opinion of Metssrs. Teal, Minor and Winfree. of Portland', Oregon. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board of Super visors of the Kingman Colony Drain age District FRANK D. HAUL, Secretary. Summons for Publication in Fore closure of Tax Lien. W. H. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregan, for Malheur County. Carl A. Fields, Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. S. A. Muagrove and John Dos Musgrova, Ontaro, U r husband and wife, and J. B. Black- law, Defendants To Mrs. S. A. Musgrova, John Doe Musgrova and J. B. Blacklaw, the i above named defendants ATTORN EY S-AT-LA W Wilson Bldg Go to the Nyssa Flour Mill for FLOUR Chopping & FEED *nd Grinding Phone 36 R. V. W. Marsden Machine Shop The list of thing* we do i*: Cylinder* rebored Motor* repuired Gaa engine* repaired Auto* of any make We do tractor work of all kinds. All Work Guaranteed now i* the time to look over yoar pump* for rrigation and have the*» ov«rhauled. I n t h e N ame o f t h e S ta te of O r e gon : You aie hereby notitied that Carl Big Bend Dr. James G. Atterberry Yi Mrs. Dan Holly and Mrs. W'U Gib son were the hoe essea at Thursday meeting of the ladlee aid society whiah was held at the Holly home. Twenty five ladle« were present i d »l*ent a very ipleasant afternoon. A dainty luncheon was served .y the NAMPA. IDAHO hostesses. The next meeting will be at the home otf Mrs. Jesse Johnson. Dewey-Scales .Vl'sbi McDonald, a comp anted toy Mr. Building and Mrs. Frank Miller, went to Vale Th turd lay to make final oroof on heir SPECIALIZING IN homestead on Snake River Pyorrhea and Mrs. Everett Tate Is very 111 with Prophylaxi* an acute heart trouble. A (trained nurse from (Boise Is In attendance. X- RAY DIAGNOSIS A number of Bend resident® went ' to Wilder Tueed.iy night to attend a Removsble Bridge Work niee ing of the water users otf the Nurae In Attendance Bolse-Payette project which was called to discuss the advisability of ogantzing .an Irrigation district. Ar guments pro and con were heard, but no decision wa«| raacned. There wi’l be a meeting In ttoe same place Wedneday night for further discus sion of the subjecri U tile Louise 'Loveland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LoveLaud, is critically ill i the home of her par ents. -Miss iManguerite (Purdy left Sun day for Corvallis, Oc., where the will be the guest of Mrs. Albert Gibson for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jests« Johnson were OaMwell visitors Friday. The Big Bend and Roswell ¡ball teims met In the park Sunday after noon and i«laycd a grime which result Bread i* the food that helps ed in a score of 23 to 4 In favor of you fight the high cost of Roswell. living and save on food costs The dance .at the park pavilion today. Fri'lUy night uvell attended. There’s real economy in giv Mm Will Sweet was call -d to Mer ing up home-baking and buy idian Wednesday toy are serious ill ing ness of a relative. The school in District 47 closed Fridday twir.h a picnic in the park Mr. Will Cone, the teacher, will leave ■von for l.mmetlt. like a home-made loaf. E. H. Brum'bt-ch Is hulling clover It’s all strength and nourish seed in nrena Valley. The rains ment- last (¿11 stopped the hulling about Otf1. 1, and many of the ranchers had to let their hulling go until spring. The Park association bought a pi ano for ihe pavilion last week. A A BH i, FRO*. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brunning, who recently moved' to Wilder, spent Sunday at the Pock home. Phillabaum & Allen Successors to McDowell Company, Inc. DENTIST M U LADY ASSISTANT SAKE CAFE beck of the First Nstiensl Bank s t Ontsris. i HOSPITAL AMBULANCE SERVICE No distance teo far.’ m m WILSON BROS. - Office Phone ■ na Res. Phone ^ £ 227 227 or 178 E if When You Want LUMBER COAL GLASS CEMENT Call Phone 8 Nyssa, Ortgon i GEM STATE LUMBER ! COMPANY IIIIIlMaiill IIIIIIIMIXXIV 14 ■ LAX PHARMACY PRMA, IDAHO The The ■ Nyssa Transfer ■ X ) Store NYSSA ORaaON FRANK STUBS. Prop. We have Fresh Fish EVERY FRIDAY 70 F Good Rental Property for Sale Direct from Saattle. 4 room kouss, porehss, desp wsll city water, elsstrie lights, lawn, fenced, bast residence street. Nyssa Meat M&iket 1800 will pmj to par cent on Investment See Miller-Hoxie ■ g Call Wilson Bros, day or night or call us direct at ONTARIO, OREGON. Star Boarding and Rooming House Call Phone ■ represent us at Nyssa Nyssa Barber Shop Fifer’s Jewelry Store * Beautiful Home ike Funeral Parlor* THE NYSSA BAKERY OREGON AiGRICUILTURAIL COL LEGE, April 21.—(Special)—Harry R. Wellman, county cluib leader of Shaving, Hair Cutting Malheur county, was one of the 15 ae Het and Gold Baths nior and junior stiidents of the col' lege out of 8-,8 to ,be elected to mem bership in the Forum, upper-ciat* NYS&A OREOON honor society. l\I<r. Well man *s a Umatilla county boy, his home toeing at Umaipine. Last year Mr. Wellman iwas elected to the Alpha Zata honorary agricul tural society. The requirements for membership in the A'pha Zata and the Forma are similar, the difference being one applies to the junior and senior students of the school of agri J. Hunter Proprietor culture and the other to the entire college. Meals, 60 cents To toe elected to the Forum or Al Beds, 60c and up pha Zita means that the student miusi j>e exceptionality good in his academic work and he must have those princi OPEN BAY AND N18HT ples of manhood that speak for char Three Mosto» north of Peak of Nyeea acter. Mr. Wellman finished his required work tor his bachelor of science de Watches, Clocks, Jewelry gree at the close of the second term and Diamonds of his school year. While in college he was very active in student affairs, holding many positions In various Repairing a Spssislty Indent activities. m Orgeon, Idaho, Washington G ood B re a d H O N O R E D A T 0. A. C 3 m Licensed in Bread-The Food of Economy HARRY W E L L M A N IS M Pi Funeral Directors -è A. Fields, the holder 0f Certificate of Delinquency numbered 1011, issued on the 3d day of Apr), 1916, by the Tax Collector of the County of Malheur, State of Oregon, for the amount of Eight and 95.100 Dollars, the same be ing the amount then due and delinquent for taxee for the year 1914, together with the penalty, interest and costa thereon upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated in said County ard State, and particularly bounded and described as follows to- wit: Lots 46, 46 and 47 all in Block 10, in Riverside Addition to the City of Ontario, Malheur County, Oregon. You are further notified that said Carl A. Fields has paid 'axes on said prem ises for prior or subsequent years with the rste of interest on said amounts as follows: Year's Date Tax Re- of In ceipt No. Tax Paid terest 110.72 .15 1915..Apr. 6, 1917 2238 12.55 .12 1916 Jan. 16, 1921 2072 5.76 .12 1917..Jan.15, 1921 8562 11.07 .12 1918.. Feb. 18, 1921 3604 11.57 .12 1919..Feb. 18,1921 3354 S H E E P FOR S A L E Said Mrs. 3. A. Musgrove ss the owner of the legal title of the above I have 50 head of ranch rat ed described property as the same appears of record, and each of the other per sheep for sale at ttoe going price, sons above named are hereby further yearlings and 2 year olds, mostly notified that Carl A. Fields will apply ewes, which are lambing. to tha Cfreuit Court of the County and If bought soon, .irow In wool and Stata aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing the lien against the property above lambs. Inquire of ttoe McN.iry ranch described, and mentioned in said ccr-. it the head of the Owyhee dfoh__ tiflcate. And you are hereby summon ed to appear within sixty days after Adv. the first publication of tMs summons exclusive of the day of esid first pub- licatton, and defend this action or pay FIFTEEN AORB3 adjacent to city limits of Nyssa, known as ttoe the amount due as above shown, to gether with costs and accrued interest Hansen place, for rent, hoi use not in and in case of your failure to do so a Well improved. Terms decree will be rendered forecioeing the cluded. lien of said taxes and costs against reasonable.—Adv. tha land and premises above named. This summons is published hy order of the Honorable Dalton Biggs, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of IF YOU WANT ANYTHING Oregon for the County of Malheur, and said order waa made and dated this 24th TO EAT GO TO THE day of February, 1921, and the date of tho first publication of this summons is tha 4th day of Marsh, 1921 All Drecess and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the un-1 dersigaed residing within the State of Oregon, at the address hereafter men | tinned. WM. E. I.BES. Attorney for the Plaint'ff. , Address Ontarie. Oregon. FOR SALE—1920 Orap Red Clover) seed, free of dodder, l*c per pound, not recleaned. Sow 16 lb*, et acre.—P. Teosea. Ontario, R. D. allHIHI ANDERSON * BURMBOK * MU 3 I ■ I E 3