THE GATE CITT JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. damentai industry through the high which are the heritance o f capitalistic facilities ami designed to further the nation of social vice, and many other the advancement o f human activities, subjects, the government has already niiiong tlie coinpeuaations o f peaceful cost o f truusportatlou from farm to exploitation must he removed and exchange of messages, undertaken a considerable range of ac­ achievement. To Carry New*. murket and through the influx o f for­ labor must join munageilJT-nt in un­ eign farm products, because we offer, derstanding that the public which pays To Keep Pledge. Private monopolies tending to pre­ tivities. I assume the maternity tyll, essentially unprotected, the best mar­ is the public to he served and simple vent tiie development of needed fa­ already strongly approved, will be en­ In the national referendum to which acted promptly, thus adding tv our justice Is the right a:.d will continue cilities should he prohibited. Govern­ ket in tlie world. I have adverted we pledged our ef­ It would he better to err in protect­ to be the right of all the people. ment owued facilities wherever possi­ manifestation of human Interest. But forts toward such association, und these undertakings huv» been scat­ ing our basic food industry than para­ ble without unduly interfering with the pledge will he faithfully kept, lu Highway Building. lyze our farm activities in the world enterprise or government tered through many departments amt tlie plight of policy and performance, Transportation over tlie highways is private struggle for restored exchanges. The little less important, hut tiie problems needs, should be made available for bureaus without coordination and with we told tlie American (leople we meant maturer revision o f our tariff laws relate to construction and development generul uses. Particularly desirable much overlapping o f functions which to seek an early establishment of Declares America W ill Have should be bused ou the policy o f pro­ and deserve your most earnest inten­ is the provision o f uiuple cable and fritters energies and magnifies the peace. The United S tilm ulone umong tection, resisting thnt selfishness tion because we are laying a founda­ radio services at reasonable rates for cost. the allied and associated powers con­ No Part in the Existing Wights of States. which turns to greed, but ever con­ tion for u long time to come and the the transmission o f press matter, so tinues In m technical state of wur In creating such a department it ugalnst the central powers o f Europe. cerned with that productivity at home creation is very difficult to visualize tliut theAmerican reader may receive League of Nations. a wide range of news and the for­ should lie made pluiu that there Is no This anomalous condition ought not which is the source of ail abhUug good lu its great responsibilities. purpose to invade fields which tiie to be permitted to coutlnue. fortune. eign reuder receive full accounts of Tlie highways are not only feeders states huve occupied, lu resiiect to T o establish the state o f technical To Sell and Buy. to the railroads und afford relief from American activities. The daily press o f all countries may education for example, control and ad­ peace without further delay, I should It is agreed that we cannot sell un­ their local burdens: they are actually less we buy, but ability to sell is based lines of motor traff’.i ir. interstate well be put in position to contribute ministration have rested with the approve u declaratory resolution by commerce. They are the smaller ar­ to international understanding^ iiy tlie .'.tates, yet the federal government has congress to that effect, with the quali­ Call* Upon Congres* to Adopt rtesolu- on home development und the fostering teries o f the larger portion of our publication of interesting foreign always aided them. 'National appro fications essential to protect all our of liome markets. There is little sen­ tion Ending War With Germany and timent in the trade o f the world. Trade commerce and the motor car has be­ news. Practical experience demon- priutions in uid o f educational pur rights. Such action would be the sim­ Suggest* Measure* to Lower strutes tlie need for effective recog­ poses the last fiscal year were no less plest keeping of faith with ourselves, can and ought to be honorable, but it come an Indispensable instrument In nnd could in no sense be construed aa Taxe* and Reduce Prices of knows no syinpuihy. W bile the dele­ our political, social and industrial life. nition of both domestic und interna­ than $65,000,000. a desertion of those with whom we Halt Lynching*. tional radio operation If this newe Federal Assistance. gates of tlie nations at war were de­ Good* to Consumers. Somewhat reluted to the foregoing shared our sacrifices in war, for these bating peace terms at Paris, and There is iiegun a new era in high­ means o f intercommunication is to b * while we later debated our part in way construction, the outlay for which fully utilized. Especially needful 1 human problems is the race question. powers arc already at peace. Washington, April 12.— The text of completing the peace, commercial runs fur into hundreds of millions of the provisiou of ample radio facilities Congress ought to wipe the stain of To Declare Peace. President llurding's message to con­ agents of other nations were opening dollars. Bond issues by mild districts, for those services where radio only barbaric lynching from the buimers of Such a resolution should undertake can be used, such as communication gress follows : a free and orderly, representative to do no more than thus to declare the their lines and establishing their out- counties und stutes amount to enur- posts with u forward look to the mor­ tnous figures, and the country is fac­ with ships ut son. with aircraft und democracy. W e face the fact tliut state of |>euce, which ull America Members of the Congress: with out of the way places. many millions o f people o f African de­ craves. It must add no difficulty in You have been called into extraor­ row's trade. It w as wholly proper and ing such an oullay that it is vital lliat International communication by ca­ scent are numbered among our popu­ effecting, with Just reparations, ths dinary session to give your considera­ lms been advantageous to them. Tardy every effort shall lie directed against tion to nutioual problems fur too press­ us we are, it will be safer to hold our wasted effort and unjustlflnble ex­ ble and radio requires co-operation lation. and that in a number of states restoration for which all Europe between tlie powers concerned. What­ they constitute a very large proportion yearns, und upon which the world s own markets secure und build thereon penditure. ing to be long neglected. Tlie federal government can plHce ever tlie degree o f control deemed ud- of tlie total population. It is unneces­ recovery must be founded. Neither We face our tusk o f legislation and for our trade with the world. A very important matter is the es­ no inhibition on tlie expenditure in vlsnble within tiie United States, gov­ sary to recount the difficulties incident former enemy nor ally can mistake administration amid conditions as dif­ ficult as our government ever contem­ tablishment of tlie government's busi­ several states; hut since congress lias ernment licensing of cuble landings to tills condition, nor to emphasize the America’s position, becuuse our a-tl- ness ou a business basis. There was embarked upon a policy o f assisting ami of radio stations transmitting fact that it Is a condition which can tude as to the responsibility for the plated. wur and the necessity fur Just repara­ Under our political system the peo­ toleration uml tlie easy going, unsys­ the states in highway improvement, and receiving international traffic, not be removed. tions ulreudy lias hud formal and very Appropriation Bills. ple of the United Slates have charged tematic method o f handling our fiscal wisely, I believe. It cun assert a wholly seems necessary fo r tiie protection of It Is needless to call your attention earnest expression. the new congress und the new admin­ affairs when indirect tuxution held the becoming influence in shaping policy. American interests nnd for the secur­ ing o f satisfactory reciprocal privi­ to the unfinished business inherited It would be unwise ta uudertuke to istration with the solution—the read­ public unmindful of tlie federal burden. General Supervision. leges. from the preceding congress. The up make a statement of policy with re­ justment. reconstruction and restora­ But there Is k n o w l e d g e o f tile high With the principle of federal partici­ Another Program. propriation bills for army and navy spect to European affairs In such a tion which must follow in the wake of cost of government today, and tlie high pation acceptably established, prob- declaration of u state of peace. In cor­ cost of ii\!ng- is Inseparably llnkec ahly never to be abandoned, it is im­ Aviation is inseparable from either will have your early consideration war. with high cost of government. Ther« portant to exert federal Influence in the army or tlie navy and the gov­ Neither brunch of the government recting the failure of the executive in Invite All to Join. negotiating the most important treaty It may he regretted that we were can lie no complete correction of tin developing comprehensive plans look­ ernment must, in the interests of na­ can be unmindful o f the call for re­ in the history o f the nation to recog- so illy prepared for war’s aftermath, high living cost until government’s cost ing to the promotion o f commerce nnd tional defense, encourage its develop­ duced expenditure for these depart­ apply our expenditures in the surest ment for military and civil purposes. ments of our national defense. The uize the constitutional powers of the so little made ready to return to the is nolubly reduced. senate, we would go to the other ex­ Budget System. way to guarantee a public return for Tlie encouragement o f the civil devel­ government Is in accord with the wish ways of peace, but we are not to be opment of aeronautics is especially to eliminate the burdens of heavy treme, equally objectionable, If con­ Let me most heartily commend the money expended. discouraged. Indeed, we must be the gress or the senate should assume ills Large federal outlay demands a desirable us relieving the government armament. The United States ever more firmly resolved to undertake our enactment of legislation providing for function of the executive. Our high­ work with high hope, and invite every the national budget system. Congress federal voice in the program of ex­ largely o f tile expense of development will be in harmony with such a move­ est duty is the preservation of the factor in our citizenship to join in tho lias already recorded its belief In the penditure. Congress cannot Justify a and of maintenance o f un industry, ment toward the higher attainments of constituted powers of euch, and the now almost entirely borne by the gov­ peace. effort to find our normal ouwaYd way budget. It will be a very great satis­ mere gift from the federal purse to promotion of the spirit of co-operation Need of Defense. faction to know of its early enactment, the several states, to be prorated ernment through appropriations for again. But we shall not entirely discard so essential to our common welfare. The American people have ap­ so that It may be employed in estab­ among counties for road betterment. tlie military, naval and postal uir Save Parts of Treaty. praised the situation and with that tol­ lishing tlie economies und business Such a course will Invite abuses which service. Tlie air mail service is un our agencies for defense until there is It would be idle to declare for sep­ éram e and patience which go with methods so essential to the minimum it were better to guard against in the important initial step in the direction removed the ueed to defend. We are of commercial uviution. ready to oo-operate with other nations arate treutlcs o f peace with the cen­ beginning. understanding they will give to us the of expenditure. It lias become u pressing duty of to approximate disarmament, but tral powers on tlie assumption tliut I have said to the people we meant The laws governing federal aid influence of deliberate public opinion which ultimately becomes the edict of to lmve less of government in business should lie emended and strengthened. the federal government to provide for merest prudence forbids that we dis­ these ulone would be adequate, be­ tlie regulation o f uir navigation; cause the situation Is so involved thut arm alone. i.ny popular government. They are us well us more business in govern­ Tlie federal agency o f administration The naval program, which had its our peace engagements cannot ignore measuring some o f the stern necessi­ ment. It is well to have it understood should be elevated to the importance otherwise independent and conflicting legislation will be enacted by the va­ beginning in what seemed the highest the old world relationship und the set­ ties and will join in the give and take that business bus a right to pursue its and vested with authority comparable rious states which will hamper the assurance o f peace, cun curry no threat tlements already effected, nor is it de­ which Is so esseutiul to firm reestab­ normal, legitimate and righteous way to the work before it. And congress unimpeded and it ought have no call to ought to prescribe conditions to fed­ development o f aviation. Tlie national after the latest proof o f our nntlonal sirable to do so in preserving our own lishment. meet government coutpetltlon where all eral appropriations which will neces­ advisory committee for aeronautics, in unselfishness. Tlie reasonable limita­ rights und contracting our future re­ Home Problems. sitate a consistent program of uni­ a special report on tills subject, lias tion of personnel may be combined lationships. First In mind must be the solution risk is borne by the public treasury. The wiser course would seem to be formity which will Justify the federal recommended the establishment o f a with economies o f administration to Reducing Costs. o f our problems at home, even though bureau of aeronautics in the depart­ lift the burdens of excessive outlay. the ucceptunce of the confirmation of There is no challenge to honest and outlay. some phases o f them ure inseparably ment o f commerce for tlie federal reg­ our rights und Interests ulreudy pro­ Tlie war department is reducing the Constant Repair. linked with our foreign relations. The lawful busineaa success. But govern­ ulation of air navigation, which recom­ vided and to engage under the existing I know o f nothing more shocking mendation ought to huve legislative personnel o f the army from the maxi­ treaty, assuming, of course, tliut this surest procedure in every government ment approval of fortunate, unlrnm- mum provided by law in June, 1920, to ineled business does not mean tolera­ than tlie millions of public funds wast­ Is to put Its own house In order. approval. the minimum directed by congress In a can he satisfactorily accomplished, by 1 know of no more pressing prob­ tion of restraint o f trade or of main­ ed in improved highways, wasted be­ Favors Bureau. subsequent enactment. When further such explicit reservations nnd modifi­ lem at home than to restrict our na­ tained prices by umiuturul methods. It cause there Is no policy of mainte­ I recommend tlie enuctment o f leg­ cations as will secure our absolute tional expenditures within the limits it well to have legitimate business un­ nance. Tlie neglect is not universal, islation establishing a bureau o f aero­ reduction is compatible with national freedom from inadvisable commit­ o f our nnlionul Income, und ut the derstand tlmt n just government, mind­ but it Is very near It. There is noth­ nautics in the navy department to security, it may well have the sanc­ ments and safeguard all our asseutiul same time measurably lift the burdens ful of tlie interests o f ail the people, ing congress can do more effectively to centralize the control o f naval activi­ tion o f congress, so that a system of interests. of war taxation from the shoulders has a rigid to expect the co-operation end this shocking waste than condi­ ties in aeronautics and removing tlie voluntary military training may offer For Accomplishment. to our young manhood the advantages of that legitimate business in stumping tion nil federal uid ou provisions for of the American people. restrictions on the personnel detailed of physical development, discipline and Neither congress nor the people need ‘ One cannot be unmindful that econ­ out the practices which add to unrest maintenance. to aviation in the navy. commitment to service and constitute my assurance tliut a request to nego­ Highways, no matter how generous omy is a much employed cry, most fre­ and inspire restrictive legislation. Anx­ Tlie army air service should be con­ quently stressed in pre-election up- ious as we are to restore the onward the outlay for construction, cannot lie tinued ns a coordinate combatant of tlie army reserve In return for the tiate treaties of peace would be as superfluous and unnecessary as it Is penls, but it is ours to uiuke it uu flow of business. It is fair to combine maintained without patrol and con­ tlie army and Its existing organiza­ training. technically ineffective, and I know in End of the War. outstanding and ever-impelling pur­ assurance und warning in one utter­ stant repair. Sueli conditions insisted tion utilized in co-operation with other Nearly two and a half years ago niy own heart there is none who would upon in tlie grant of federal uid will agencies o f the government In tlie pose in both legislation ami adminis­ ance. the World war came to an end, nnd yet wish to embarrass tlie executive In One condition In the business world safeguard tlie public which pays and tration. The unrestrained tendencies establishment of national trunsconti- * ments are not less impelling than our sanction by us. unbearable. There are two agencies to might speed the price readjustment to who compete with us for the carrying pealing. The aim to associate nations to pre­ part in the war itself. Tlils restora­ be employed in correction : One Is normal relationship, with helpfulness o f our own cargoes and those which This committee has recommended, tion may be wrought before the human rigid resistance In appropriation and o f both producer and consumer. A ought nuturully to come in American and I convey tlie recommend* fc»ns to vent war, preserve pence nnd promote procession can go onward agnln. We the other is the utmost economy in measuring rod of fair prices will satis­ bottoms througu trade exchanges, you with cordial approval, that all gov­ civilization our people most cordially can be helpful bemuse we are moved administration. Let us have both. I fy the country and give us a business then tlie spirit o f American fair play ernment agencies looking to tiie wel­ applauded. We yearned for this new by no hatreds and harbor no fears. have already charged department revival to end all depression and un­ will assert Itself to give American fare o f the ex-service men should be Instrument of Justice, but we can have Helpfulness does not mean entangle­ j no part in a committal to nn agency of heads with this necessity. I am sure employment curriers their equality o f opportunity placed under one directing head, so force in unknown contingencies; we ment, and participation in economic congress will agree; and both congress Rail Problem. This republic can never realize Its tlint the welfare o f these disabled sur- | adjustments does not uieiin sponsor­ can recognize no super authority. and tlie administration may safely The great interest o f both the pro­ righteous aspirations in commerce, vivors of our civilization and freedom i Manifestly the highest purpose of ship for treaty committments which count on the support o f ail right mind­ ducer and consumer— indeed, nil onr can never be worthy the traditions may have the most efficient direction. , t|)p |pn)nle of nnflons WBa (I,.f ,.*tP(1 In do not concern us and In which we ed citizens, because the burden is industrial und commercial life from j of tiie early days o f the expanding re- \ B may be well to make such an Offl- |,nlt|n)f |t wlth MlP trpnfv o f ppa,.P aml will have no part. theirs. agency of the agriculture to finance— In (lie problems public until the millions o f tons of - dal the director general o f seiAlce to mlk|M „ ....... . Advice of Senate. Thrift For All. Intprn„,|r,nal as- o f transportation will find its reflex shipping which we now possess ure j war veterans and place under his dl- j Tfptora of , hp war In an all ImjMlIing wish to do the The pressure for expenditure, swell­ In your concern to aid re-estuhllsh- coordinated with our Inland transpor­ rertion all hospitalization, vocational for pPrmancnt peace must be most and best for our own republic ing tlie flow in one locality while ment, to restore efficiency and bring - tation and our shipping lias govern­ training, war Insurance, rehabilitation ronPP|VP(I K„,p,y „ „ an instrumentality and maintain Its hlgti place among na­ draining another, is sure to defeat the transportation cost into a helpful re­ ment encouragement, not government and all pensions. ! o f Justice, nmi-soclnted with the pns- tions nnd at the same time make the Tlie immediate extension and utili­ sinns o f yesterday and not so eonstl- imposition o f just burdens and the ef­ lationship rather than continue It as j operation, in carrying our cargoes under our flag, over regularly operat­ zation o f the government’s hospital fa ­ tuted ns to attempt the dual fnne- fullest offering of Justice to them, I fect of our citizenship protesting out­ a hindrance to resumed activities. shall invite In tlie most practical way lay will he wholesome and helpfni. 1 It Is little to be wondered that ill- ed routes, to every market in the cilities in the urmy and navy will tions o f a political Instrument o f the »lie advice o f tlv* nenate, after ac­ wish it might find its reflex in econo­ considered legislation, the war strain, | world, agreeablp to American ex bring relief to the acute conditions conquerors and o f an agency o f pence. quainting it with nil the conditions to my and thrift among the people them­ government operation In heedlessness ! changes. It will strengthen Ameri- 1 most complained o f and the hospital There ran he no prosperity for the lie met nnd obligations to be dis­ selves, because therein lies quicker re­ of cost and the conflicting programs, ! enu genius and management to have | building program may he worked out fundamental purpose sought to he charged, nlong with our own rights to covery and added security for the fu­ or the lack o f them, for restoration 1 it understood that ours is an ahhl- i to meet the needs likely to lie urgent a(.f,|Pved by any such association lie safeguarded. Prudence In making ture. have brought about a most difficult | ing determination, because carrying at the time o f possible completion long ns it Is an organ of any partira the program and confident co-operation The estimates of receipts and ex­ situation, made doubly difficult by the is second only to production In es j The whole program requires the lar treaty, or committed to the at In making It effective cannot lend us penditures and the statements as to low tide o f business. Ail are so inti- j tniillshing and maintaining the flow 1 most thoughtful attention of congress, talnment o f the special alms o f any fnr astray. We can render no effect­ the condition o f the treasury which mately related that no Improvement o f commerce to which we rightfully for we are embarking on the perform­ nation or group of nations. ive service to humanity until w p prove ance o f a sacred obligation which in­ the secretary o f the treasury is pre­ will be permanent until the railwnys aspire. Association of Nationa. anew our own capacity for co-opera­ volves the expenditure of billions in Radio and Cables. pared to present to you will Indicate are operated efficiently at a cost with- j tion in the coordination o f powers con­ The American aspiration, Indeed, what revenues must be provided in in that which the traffic can bear. It Is proper to invite your atten- t the half-century before us. Congress the world aspiration, was an associa­ templated In the constitution and no must stamp out abuses in the very order to cariy on the government’s tion to the Importance o f the qws- 1 Must Reduce Rate*. covenants which Ignore onr associa­ beginning. We must strengthen tion o f nations, based upon the appli­ business and meet Its current require­ cation o f Justice and right, binding ns tions In the wsr can ho made for th* I f we can have It understood that thm o f radio communication and ca­ ment* and fixed debt cbnrgps. Unless congress has no sanction for govern- i bles. T o meet strategic commercial rattier than weaken the moral fiber In conference and ro-ofieratlon for tlie | future. More, no helpful society of there are striking cuts In tlie import­ ment ownership, that congres* does and political needs, active encourage­ o f the beneficiaries and humanize all prevention o f war and pointing the] nations can he founded on Justice and ent fields of expenditures, receipts not levy taxes upon the people to ment should be given to the extern efforts so that rehabilitation shall l>e way to a higher civilization and In­ committed to pence until the cove­ attended by respiritualization. from internal taxes cannot safely lie ternational fraternity In which all the j nants reestablishing pence are sealed cover deficits in a service which should sion o f American owned and operated Public Welfare. permitted to fall below $4.0HO,OnO.<*lU cable and radio service. Between the ! by the nations which wpre at war. world might share. be self-sustaining, there will be an During the recent political canvas* In the fiscal year 1922 and 192-1. In rejecting the league covenant and j T o such accomplishment* — to the avowed foundation on which to re- j United States and Its possessions j the proposal was made that a depart­ Cost of Living. there should he ample communication j uttering that rejection to onr people, complete re-establishment o f peace nnd build. One who values American prosper­ Freight carrying charge* have | facilities providing direct service* at ment o f public welfare should be cre­ and to the world, we make no sur- ' Its contracted relationships, to the ated. It was indorsed and commended ity and maintains American standards mounted higher End higher until com- , reasonable rate*. Between the United | render of onr hope and aim for nn realization of onr aspirations for na­ o f wage» and living can have no sym­ merce i* halted and production dis- | States and other countries not only ; so strongly that I venture to call It to association to promote peace In which i tion* associated for world helpfulness pathy with the proposal that easy en­ couraged. R ailway rates and coats of should there be adequate facilities, your attention and to suggest favor- we would most heartily Join. We wish without world government, for krorid it to he conceived In peace and ded!-! stability on which humanity’s hopes but these should be, so far as prac­ able legislative consideration. try and flood of Imports will cheapen | operation must be reduced. Maternity Bid. cated to peace, nnd Will relinquish nn are founded, we shall address our­ our