Jé IS SOUND BASIS FOR FARM RENT ♦ I • THE KITCHEN __CABINET Csspar Dldia. 14 rears old. cou- s e t t l i n g i n t e r m s o f p r o d u c t I I • fessed. according to the police at — — ■ — ^ (Irand Rapids. Mich.. that he helped his mother i ltd» to .tenth Ms step - « • « « New.peecr L’aluu) father. J-«eph «<-allsu- Then he and his brother Janie». 9 years old. place<l R ead M u f T »a e » o* »»t e r void the body in a toy s i p « and raned And » little leeven uf prayer. . If to the railroad yards »here A utile bit of sunshine gold I they left it. . ptuolved in morning air; Add to jour meal eonie merriment Four t-audit- «eized a payroll of \nd a thought for kith am) kin; ' • ' inlay »hen they held up aa Ar.l men a* a prim# Ingredient. idle right a a u U r o f the b u y A unity ot work thrown In. T h e N e w * H a p p e n in g s o f I loop distri, r in Chicago an !-I uia-le a B-i .-I * 't all with ih« eeaenve of love Seven D ays P aragrap h ed T clean ge.iway. And a little wm« of play Lieutenant W D. Coney of the army Lei a »-tie old Book and a (la n c e air servi.e received prol-ably fatal in above Complete a well spent day." juries Friday »ben his airplane in t e r m o u n t a in . struck a tree while he # ) - attempt Litestoek stoleu in M»ntaua dur ing to make a lauding near Crowville. CHOICE DISHES FOR OCCASIONS ine it o » »a s \alucd at * 1 -M..ltk>. ac La., on his return transcontinental cording ro figure» nNBpileil by Frank flight fr<>m Jacksonville. Fla., to San f When entertaining, most o f the fo l I*. Lavigne. chief deputy state in»p*v- Diego. Cal. lowing dishes will be enjoyed, or tliey may suggest something tor. Bustling sai-l Lavigne. ia a ' WASHINGTON. prevalent as in the old frontier days simpler which may be ing me. I us ie President Harding announces that The Crop Yield Should Bea- a Cloae Relation to the Rent Per Acre. ib-ug-i *.« ’ «•> l--id. prepared from the mate am able to do ill g j be » i l l in futnre confine his appoint- say enough (or rial al hand. Isoui White, rumicted of the mur done more (at At: ■ " Wednesdays *nd ; by tbs United State* Depart- meet* you're »'tiling tft take the value Tongue Slices. — Beat have not paper row. der » f L«*e Lint-n. taxicab driver, » i l l F lays In orvler to hare time to ap- in corn with an additional 10 per cent meet of Agriculture l ihe jolk o f one egg much it has 4 cm £ 3 be hanged at Kverett. Wash.. May 2» *. y • --if riie w..rk of his office. Thomas Kashrent greeted his land- to cover your liabilities if the price I*ate of exe- uri.ni was fixe-l by the '4 slightly, add two table- friends. You a tj, •», | _e of M i i -htptfft- is I '■OT'J John Acreowner. In the Kashrent goes away down? Is that it? Then I-erior -s-urt. -poonfula of French you wish.” -E lzh to l.e l irtuau of -he KepuMi.-an .kitchen. The visitor took the chair I'd be renting the land from you for mustard and one-half care of A. P. Ccr*r u about 7 bushels of com for each acre’' Joseph I'oes.hl was convicted at steering .a-mmittee. - well 4 - -euate ?roffcre*i and fllled his p-pe Ability to M a ife] “Thomas." said he. when their pipes I II take you up if that * true. Why. fVrtlund of the morder of Charles J. floor leader for the majority. acv»rd teus|Hionful of curry the privilege of S. i-nabel. an attorney. I1.« '. hi 'hot ing to plans made by the Kepublb-an were well alight. " I want to get you look, man: It took nearly 11 bushels powder. Add gradually but bow our heart) i thinking over an idea that I picked up to pay the rent on an acre last ycar- the attorney at the courthouse Feb organization. ¡i few- drops o f tabasco and sickly waoeEi the other day from a bulletin sent out , hy your own figures ruary 4. claiming hi* art u a ' due t ■ «¡1 u' »*. a te:is|HM>nful o f Worcestershire daily rounds « ( hsM - - ‘tie Hughes has sari- I to me by the Tniied State. Depart S--iuial.c: failing to pre— a lawsuit «.-nice two tablespoonfuls o f olive oil. bat ¿caches, headaceej "Lets hope that »a s an excepttona fie-l soviet I-ussla 1 / would be im- ment of Agriculture. It's made up | year." smiled Acreowner. “ Anyway for him. Insanity was the defense. md the Julie of half a lemon. Into almost every tarn i» -- .!e to re- .me tra.le relations un- pam. Why will sot* I by the office ••( farm management and I II come out all right in the long run." I’repnrariohs are being tua.le for an i. j.-—— - condi'. 'ns. hi* .lip the slices of boileit tongue, from women a3 osoi Its subject matter Is of Interest to us airplane meet to be held in Denver md «hen « e ll covered, roll the slices we have beeapMca» Details to Decide. We g-mg to get Berg-loll if it j both. The title I a ‘The Farm Lease Ma* là Thirty airplanes are expect- They had many questions to decide n - r'te .1 bread crumbs taken from the women that Lyii 1 « - ;— ie get'hitn.” Secretary of Contract.’ ed to be entered in the i**»nte»r«. Trf- » ■eiivr ..f a fresh loaf. Arrange In a table Compound wEta before the n.atter was finally settled. I u r Weeks declared in discussing “ Now." he continued. “ I'd be a pret- flying, mcing and parodiate jumping .veil oiled broiler and broil until the rarely aa it did hai They had to agree whether or not the case of the Philadelphia draft evader I ty poor Judge of human nature if I are included in the program. Friz*' i-ru !>s are nicely browned. Serve | :..>w ,n Germany. “ I ilon’t believe wo ! didn't know that you're feeling a little entire rent was to be settl'd in terms Will t ve:, the « • r- I n mound of hot string beans wiil recognise any - arute o f limits- blue over that rash-rent contract you of corn, or whether other crops should eveut. veil buttered and seasoned. * -i.'I. in h:> a-e if .-ne should exist." I signed with me last fall. You realize have a -hare. They decided the mat .‘ring his wife's skirt aa she Luncheon Salad.—Cut cooked car- Farm la!--r U reiatively plentiful that there are change -1 condition«, ter of the quality of the corn that Mr. - iimbe-l oM ..f g window in a Seattle « and turnip* in shoestring strips, this year, rep-vrrs t the department j since w* made out that lease, that Kishrent wa« to bring his landloed. hotel ill a suicidal attempt. Louis of justice are said to sho This will make it hard for you to pay rash and where It was to be delivered. a.l'l roast beef cut in small cubes, us Johnson - f Duluth. Minn., tried to - ■ ..•.-ion. it »a s declared, contrast* —an-l you're one of those men whose I here was a question as to whethe» or er .*ie cupful of each. Add one-half save her. The skirt ripped and Mrs. upful of string beans cut in small with a year ago. »hen the labor sup word is as good as his bond. Neither not a date should be established on in New York Gtti_ Jobn-on hurtled Five an-l a half stories of us knew when we signed that pe- ; which the tenant must declare hi* op pie« . *. .Make a dressing o f two table- ply «a s far below the demand. ney trouble 1 m tm J to the alley pavement, being fatally Early consideration Is to be given per that grain and other farm produce tion-cash or com—and wheth'-r or -p«. nfuls of vinegar and four fable- yourself to becoj injured were going to take the tumble they not the landlord should have a similar -p. «infills of oil, add one-half tea- to relations between the Co neglecting pain* _ II I. Patti-n of l*as|»er. Wyo„ is choice. Perhaps they had to recast spooufnl of salt, one-fourth tea- have taken, but It doesn't alter the : and soviet Russia, it is indicated at against this tnu>s understood to have been -elected for fact that our contract, as it stands. the whole lease to agree to the new -¡ ■■onful of pepper and pour over the «rate department. I'uited S'ate- marshal for the Wyo terms of payment and without ref- •he salad ingredients. Mix thor- Is hard on yon." oha.hah tia-dner o f Maine, who re- ming district. 11 .s nomination is ex ere nee to the -ash at all. but In the ctiglily and allow to stand an hoar or Farmer Hard Hit. pected to go to the special session of -igned from the international joint “ Prices certainly dropped." agreed end they had a contract which gave ’"iiger. Arrange on crisp leaves of tiimi.-sion in the closing days of the . «mgr»-". Ka«hrect. with a regretful sigh. 'Thev justice and protection to both parties lettuce: garnish with |>eas and slices ;«.>t administration at the request of Clyde Asbury Hammond, member of if crop prices should prove so unstable of cooked beefs. Serve very cold. Prescient Wllaou. ha* accepted reap slumped before I had a chance to haul The i ’ tah house of repre-entative» from what I intended to sell. All things as some men predict they will be. In Almond Pudding.—Cream one-half • .ntrnent the commission by ITesl- Grand county tied at Salt Lake. considered. I'd have been better oil if addirira. Mr. Kashrent has a landlord . ipful of butter and add the yolks of Tbs world'« raodairo ' f lent Harding. March Ifit. a« the result of ulcer o f the liver, blidier «ai we'd taken the farm on shares instead whom he respects and Mr Acreowner three eggs that have been beaten FOREIGN. HoUand » Nettai stomach an-I ronipliratbm« He sub has a tenant whom he ran rely upon. of on a rash basis." thick. Stir In one-fourth o f a pound - sties based upon unofficial re- mitted to three bi-M—l transfusion -Me The landlord nodded understanding- Landlords and tenants who find of almonds blanched and ground line An druggisa, thro u - from Poiish »eurcei concern.ng ly eration- in an atteiup: to save hi« life LeoA Ne the mm. Ut themselves facing a similar problem In the uut grinder. Beat In the stiffly by prey airing h.»i for a stomach oper thu Upper Silesian plebiscite indicate T in not here to tell yon that IT. ran ge- additional Information from l-eaten whites o f two eggs with one- a majority for the Pole- of oJ per cent ation. reduce your rent materially, nor am I the office of farm management and ' itirth f a cupful o f [N>wdered sugar, Hard te :n 'he .r.du'tr al di'trirt. which is the going to offer to change the present farm economics. United States Lvpart DOMESTIC. l ake In greased timbale molds in a A ruun i nay is* principal t-.ne o f contention between contract for a contract on the sharo ment of Agriculture, to aid them in pun of water In hot oven. Serve with Wt-ii cleaning wiudows *.n tie and still he a <Mr eieveutb floor of a building ¡n Chicago. Germany and Poland. The district basis, but I'm going to props.ee some making the adjustment. fruit Juke slightly thickened with ar grutitM ri’ izea. Thor . - Wahl fell to his death, the • omprt-c- at.-ut one-third of tue dis thing that Is the next thing to It. I'm row root or cornstarch. puted territory. " I m not ,-nyiag Ag' going to try to show you that I appre safety ru|e breaking Coconut lc*.—Take .«ne-half pint o f Shortswonhy. -HYtf ciate a good, honest tenant. In rase I'lan- are g considered by aa ‘‘Fighting Bob' iatfollette -tt»«l up coconut milk, one cupful o f sugar and the v« j-«.!. h ¡1 of the [ai .0 iue assembly room the caiitol American commlssiou which arrive-i grain Is up arain by fall you may he ie pint of water. Boil rhe sugar and fact rhi>t it n Pur.- fr.-m New York several days able to pay the agreed rash and • M ■ - :. V\ - ' .. - water together five mit ntes. add the «tituent- of that tot » ar n- oid w as coudenmed. three ago f..r beautifying the four perma make a fair profit. Besides, my own coconut milk and cook two minutes twenty \-are to p* >e-.«rs ago. and hurled defiance at nent Amer.ran i-etneteries in France expenditures are more or ie«* fixed longer, then cool and freeae. If a Rirm Indian ir-HrrH. and I must have cash to meet them and the one near London. those who attacked turn then. This rge quantity i* deslr»«l soak freshly Good Bits of Advice by Depart with, but I'm going to see if I ran t Pan.lemon.urn prevailed at West- -• . grate«! mconut In milk 'or : r o hours iielp you to help me by meeting you ment of Agriculture. .aiTerese - there. “ I wouldn't trade pset i m M) M. ivo . Ireiand. Saturday. half-way. nr.«l drain off This u ukes a more WOMEN! USE “OL | when crown force« engaged in repris my war record with any living man,“ highly flavored ice. “What do yon think of adding a al« for a recent amhnsh near there. he thundered. Oye Old Sk rix ' 1 ere wi - .ntmuous gunfire in vari- clause to the contract whereby you Fa— e-a Re— - i t i to Da R jht Thir Coat* Stodnqx Hljtuar Johnson, messenger for die win be given the option of paying me Make i rule and pray God to heip - I'-art- o f the town for -ever.il at Proper Time ard Told Where EverytMg Hrtbh- Express comt-any. wa« riddled i --ars. you to k*«p it. never, if possible, to It* Hi-u-es ami «h--[-» were j tn terms o f bushel« of corn. •»*« or Infocmat.oc or Mary Subjects d sn At r ght without -«Ing able to » th bullets and killed by four pay- I wrecked with bombs and furniture and I wheat? This Farmers' Rulle'in I say ' have made on* iman being Fitch po. cagc if May Be Obtained. n lt hand i s. who scix**«i two package- [ other effec-s were burned. spoke of tells about similar arrar.g«- at least a little wiaer. a little happier yr a ..ttie better this o iy.” You will con'ains eas;. o.rertmi men's which southern farm owners of mone) he »a s delivering at « T i F amine. -i a - N prorino^s and tenants have put into practice. Vrepare-i by th* Utt'.ttd States twpar j find It easier than yo think and article of woeL dlk ra go. pleasanter —Charles Kir.niley. Htknnn. Shensi and Chihli im Us tr.*nt of Agrtcalture.) mixed g o la . Be» A good bit of cotton land is rented New indi m ent« have been returne-i ' *^r kt -i* “ Beware of false prophet*. Don ' rt 1 ¡‘.ii* a drvatiful on a ba*i« such that the teran- toiy* streak*, spot A fada -1 against eighteen men a> a re-iilt of \>sl, J|( THE SAP IS RUNNING. - rt - : • rta! by g-vtng tt • "t so many bales, or so many pound« of plant by the m-fjo; but get the bes ' the seeon,« investigation into the al- ihe* h»*a‘i<juarter^ of the interna- “ Diamond [Tee” mtj cotton, for the use of the land for a v e l and praiare the seed bed. the: I lege-l throwing o f the 1919 world — rie- Anyone who lias had the thrill o f Color Card —Adv. uil relñ i - ft. Ii. year The amount of the ren* is e»iw- plant when soil »nd moisture cood; ' by CUra|U White S -\ ; - K gV Keeping farm ae 1 i i - r t«. a sugar bush uben the sap A nn •n* that the Js»pane naval ly related, or should be. to the value tions are right." f»laj't*rs were indicted, the others be- U boiling and poured the ■wants never worried Adam; but h* ! progni] vft< g Th* Leooari the I o f the produce which ’ he ■ in* men who gave the bribes, gamblers «ielicitus sirup over a was ooly a gardener.” T h e owner of parpen On a or »-led Brufl mietine with the Unlt- able to raise— that’s why farmer« «“.1 no«l go-between*. pan of snow and eaten car a mother oas a.ta4 ' vy » ere d« n.-un.-ed a* landlords find difficulty In fixing the a scrub bull should have a lea the; | A heavy gale, which attained a prepo? •he waxy deliciousness, est her «ra. The hfl and absurd" by Vic* rent every year They're trying to put medal—male from the bull's hide. ! r«Mocity o f almost forty tnsles ;*n hour, t.us indeed experienced wooden :..y -lu rd h l i-aburo Kato. Japanese a value on a crop that isn't out of These hits of farm advice are con ht wn* responsible for rhe deaths of two I m ■ ne of the Joys o f early of irioe. In an .aterview at the ground yet. you see. If you agree tained in An Agricultural Alumna- “ What are all men at Low Angeles. The wind swept | j -[.ring In me North on vrar !ei*ar4 to pay me so many bushels of grain for 1921.' -sued by the United State- ib»» n a huge tree near Van Nes country. To be sure, the Gera “They « life sat ps have arrived at Instead of a fixed amount in do'Iar* Deparimect of Agriculture to remind Sluusen avenues, pinning two toissers «trap may be boiled at lightened and cents. Til be taking my chance farmers to do the right thing at the Halle. her.- ess ‘ he communist up- by beneath the heavy trunk. right time and to teii them where to home and waxed on Journal. - - . Ft: g is expected at any along with you and our go « i and bad secure :nf rmar.A on Two armed bandits held up George snow ur Ice. but the sur sgri cultural moment. The - d.ers brought artil years will run along together Wha‘ subject*. Stanley & Co., brokers, in the U«'p roundings. tiie great lery and machine guns, prepared for do you think o f the Idea?” Catarrh CaaBfJ .li.strict, at Chicago, and escaped »ith Tl.e almanac, which appears as »'■• •'« the chi«:ka..»es and the smell of “T believe we ran come to an agree an on-aught by th-usands of work Catarrh ^ a H--*; O » » in currency and EPM.th» in Jew ment. Mr Acreowner—one that win Farmers' Bulletin 1202, is published, hoi. .g sap in the open can never be •need ers from the Leuna plant. by cor etO the department say*. In response to mag.ned tf not experienced. There herefere r* ;..*<• Ur»-« tent F«>rr»s o f 1‘a’iatna ha« b* Just to both of us. I f the term« Two hours after he had expressed a large demand from farmers for a ire so many fine dishes to be pre- meat. H A T.1. 9 A are right you’ll stand a chance of get is taken tateraalty , - . .«I a «pe- ,al «*«- n of digress to the wish that his life be taken if be ting a little more than your original -aiendar of work showing the timely : para<| fr»xn maple sirup an«t sugar th* Blood on the »< *1 .w avier Panama s attitute toward the the Sv»te— HALL* H tliat the following may be enjoyed: had made a statement attributed to rent to com pen «ate for taking a share us* of new farm facts. Seasonal ad demand made by the American gov MEDICINE dermrv him by witnesses in a »uit over the In the risk that I must carry alone vice and suggestions are given on such • Map e Crearr Pudding. -S ift togeth tho disease r ' “» d* 1 , ern ir. - -hat 1 ‘anar-i ac-ept a« final sale of rattle. Mark Dil;i»n dropped now That's fair. How ran * e figure topics as the weather, farm operations, er ■ and two-:hlrds cupfuls o f flour mtprcvlcg tie y.“«t»I I :.e " ite award a- to the boundary It out»* na: -re tn i l , ib-a.| at II etch. IV Va. market.ng wild life and woods work, j « i' * o trasp--.nfuls o f baking pow AU D r.--«■• ! OrnW* t*e'ween that country and Costa K ira References to other publications of "Let s suppooe that It takes h»i F. J. Ciezey * 0a. P * The California State R ‘ g der. On ii one cupful o f sugar with Br • -h war » id ■«* are remarrying bushels of grain to pay the rash rent the department tell where detailed in Traib— council has adopted a res»*lu- tat -spoonful» o f melted fat. i-> rapidly that the chancellor. Austen under average condi “loos. Now «up. formation oo each subject ran be had. tw tb»n railing for appoiutttient of a com t 40 brat weli and add the yolk of an egg expects to be able to re- “ M • : - - yea tn > pose we add 10 per -eat to cover try mittee to worb out a plan for creat A section oo ‘ Farm Heips" discuss- j v h- 'en wo-thirds o f a cupful of p*m Jack." -I - 1 haw a f ing a bu ’ding and Iran fund under the years u«l 11 i appr-jriatinn« in this risk of a further drop in price«. We es farm laws and gives tables and - ”..a:e .v with the flour mlx- by fp'.tk» t«i sterling, can hit an average by gotr.g over “he | direct; -cs f t sudi thing* aa mixing tur» rvMinctl's dirvs-tioo. » walk." F--n' we add a little salt and More than ten thousand garmak- L records for a few years hack f z stock feed, fertilizer* and spray sniu- •' M n 'he st.ffl. “euteo white o f the Dr. John I*. Turner of TiUn.b-’ pha. ers - ru. k at Man P. L. as a pro- urteg from them Ju«t how many bush tioos: we.ghts of seed and grain and egg Pour into a shallow pen and peeaidrnt of the Natiooal Me ral a«- agar a -D per cent reductioo els had to be sold each year to brlr.g : -“her information needed by firmer- ike In m. era'e oven, tjprve with: s>. tatbo). ha* issue»! hla seveotb an- rag«»* ii h was put mto effect, In the am-.unt o f the rest in cash and their families. A limited num nual gall fi»r a Natbraal Negro he: ,t»b Map e Crear-. Sauce.—Take one-half fai •■ ■ríes were affected. Here are some figures I worked out ber of ropira U available » eek from April 3 to 9 Health w reek Sir A Trod Peek was among those last evening— they show th* averar* t:-o by the United States for distrihu- ■ ful •<( maple «ugnr. one tsblespoom- aoi.aag the negroes »a s the ,dra o' Department fc of i rr *:rap. two tablespomfuls c the fight between a porrioo o f the even crop that w ¡» o f A mirare and may be had apra of wa-er ar.d “o il to tl>* »o ft bull |t--ker T Washington. ÌAK » ts and a f ite* o f Sinn needed to pay the rash rent «ver a iw I ■Pfdi «‘ are. P " ir Noting hot over the James Cardinal Gibbon« arriitv - — " Sti»kes-.»wn and year period " Mlffiy «eaten - hite o f an egg and beat of Baltimore, and primate of the An ier- ; Longford. Iraia He handed hi* tenant a «h-e» of i Iran Catholic church, died at the at ch- I Austin t?»tn! Add a pinch o f salt and fold figure* that looked much like -Ms CURE DEFECTS IN TQMATCES "e im. recently elected episiop»! resided ««r at Bait. in. we. j member ..f the 1 <m*-t.Vrd cupful of whipped «e of nviimons. has cream. March D4. after a prob»acv»l Hln e«s i been ap|-'in:ed E.s:k Scots May St Prtve-ttd rd of the privy Pr -• at . “ItS I »h ich mainly affected his heart Treat «5 Seed - So'ut.oe of by Mac e F 1 inj for Caka.—Take one He wnl, both posit Tear wt.ie* ha - ng been held was ia his Noth y—«r. the Corros ve Sut mata. vupfnl • f maple sugar, or sirup may the coca by Andre* IV « * r L aw -- - • be i*ed ■ if sugar, add »me cupful o f A permit to nianafaeture «Iu e out N.-aragua has begun negiwlation« tn • f stra»berries for aoa-beverog* pur- * ’ H-v-im: If sirup, 'tue ooe-thtrd It is claimed that black spots in to j MO .., Boll until waxy and fs»«»— » has been issued to the Straw «evira permission to resign ber ■ matoes may be prevente: » a con- -s. nf ,-. j;] tr t ... berahip in th* league of sat Ruis, be isn berry Growers' association o f Louis -' «tderabie extent by treating the seed* •Hr in -n* rapful « r less o f broken —— •aa by the hurra a of internal revenue I ra »—- -he ex;*-»-« attached to the mem- with a corrosive su' mate sniutloo. Me. o ryn t -“ ea 'x Brat until «moWli * ► .»ae•« __ lYov.sion is made that oo sugar «hai bvrohip i« coa* itere-J excesfUTe. say« oee-twe-itteTt of aa uara of corro ar * fi—; eno»;gh to stay on the cake. No c l » . ' « » ; — be aibled to ir -rvase the aicnhoiic con- a dispatch from Managua. It ■ « « » tat sive tuat* .* d *«-» ved in a caToc I v •"- -»d [-»per collar extending two the sa fn **^ Nicaragua M M per r o a tk and th* I -*— - teat * above the rake mey he pinned o f water TTie tomato «eed Is p',«.-»-d - flavor a* go»vran.rat now o »e s the R-ag»c Fv> ia a tittle '-ax and soaked ia this so spound f- and “he frosting or filling Mrs. Margira: tlark v u acquitted having been a member tag a year ftT Ì T » rol»-*— -> --i r, •* »eft poured on. Allow It S t r *k , J f ‘ rv «i by a Jury in w veen minutes of a l jeaa Pao! Laureo*, fa s »»«* Frao-h dhfi i*. nrr.nin* ^ ite r A» oroya .... ---- »•*; bee-“-* firai before carefully re- 1 1 a t«. Lucky charge of murdering Mrv K. zaheth artist, d e l at Par «. Riîn- î » V t M . who wa* sh-t an i killed ahilé »u s bora March 29 March 23. He “ W HL- cesrrv-d K tskru i' • f t • i■ t 0 4ry Tr toasted 1 «Of j ■nev - j • . paper. In this way a thick ’ Nhv tad fro-- - j may be pt*«*d on a rake 'op. w ^>ÍTC» «reV anting in aa autoenob le ta the down- painted many notable pictures, a t»s ic 1 P a w ' “ that pe“« the b-r»--.-«. 9 new > «Qf> r-N town buatn**» section el Sau I rao- , them T h e Surrender •>< Y . « ' . . « v ' ffeb . '- * * > t it? TV» ra-'W-v* ►oo* j m nr er»’ r J ^ • r,t% fy . j re-rowty c f mak r z -,'« i ray - 1 1 rmew 1 for the courthouse ia Ban.nan re. Ma «• ^ : H is t o r y o f Benefit, Past W e e k si <i r> ''« ¿ If NI 1 ‘I*. ••. ! .1 4 ALMANAC IS PLENARY GUIDE TO FARM WORK I *" «í J*l ILUC 5TM CIGAI 9 U jx m . __ ___ 7