Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1921)
e G ate C ity NYSSA. MALHEUR OOUNTY. OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 1. 1921 $150 PER YEAR 6c PEL COPY jg j» *<Bis ^ -# * sehve than any other g r a n except • tario and Nyssa candidates was to ex cel* rye, according to statistica on i slight tha it was hard to decide world supplies. T h e planting o f m which o f the two was entitled to barley ad other Ifeed grain does not J second place. Five contestants took offer Much good prospects ow in g to 'part in the contort. From our regular correspondent the large stocks held over from last A Brief Resume o f the Daily Events in a Live Town— The High School Baseball team srly aibout year's crop. Early potatoes will or- played the first game o f the season What Your Neighbors Are Doing. OWY'HiEE, March 29 — Mrs. Ohs*. tog : The diinarily :be more profitable than late 'against the Wilder, Idaho, team, Cook and baby, who have l>een liv (a. Thev ones, if the crop is h handled direct Friday, and won winh a score o f 11 ing at the lx>we home for the l<ast Olin Megoriien was in town from i o f it, pos- from the field and sold to be ship- to 10 after a hard fought battle o f tw o months under Mrs. Low e’s care, are platw- lied in refrigerator cars. There Nampa this week. 13 innings. were taken to the Vale Sanitarium i Barclay W ilton returned from th o f it as MhouM ibe an increase in corn pro John Straub, dean o f men at the Saturday by Dr. Brown and i-on, who they are duction iboth for grain and ensilage Kentucky Iasi week. Report for month ending March University o f Oregon, gave an inter came af (er them. W hile there Mrs. (Miss .Margaret Cowell was a week 26th: itirely on purposes for firm use. Also to esting and entertaining talk to the Cook, who is in poor hoalih, will be end vtsi o r in Nampa. ________ farm live- clover seed ¡production. student» o f the 6th, 7th and 8th under the oare o f D r. Blown. No. pupils remaining last Mo. 254 ttajr. (¿W ithout an Mr. and Mrs. J. Boydell spent N o. pupils remaining to dlate. 242 ■grades and the Higlh School. His •Mr. and (Mrs Earl Flock 'n d baby there may SOIL EXPERIMENTS' WILL Easter Sunday *n Boise. theme was "The Importance o f o f Fruitland moved onto the Over- No. pupils on regi'-tter............ 316 S T A R T A T O NCE 'Bruce Kester, a to rn e y o f Vale, W hole No. days’ attendance. 4,705 oirgh hay to Trained 'Brains,’’ or the ''Superiority street ranch, which they have rente I m ore William 'Johnston, assistant to was in the city Tuesday. i ( O H i this fa T!| W hole No. days’ absence . . . 246*4 cif Mind Over Muscle." He also em for the com ing year, l/ast w eek. Prof. W. IL. Powers o f the Depart iH. G. Monice Is in Nampa this Whole No. times la te.............. > he m et phasized the diT'erence between get 78 Messrs. T. M. Low e and John Wall ment o f 'Soils at the Oregon Agri- week preparing hjs 'and near there ent about n ’t mnoh ting a college 'education and going have been working foe roads be N o. pupils neither absent nor cu lu ra l college, arrived in Malheur for spring seeding. ion o f the a o t the through college. late ........................................... 119 tween (here and Vale lately. uice some county the first of the week to take C . W . delBoer has been ill the Average No. belonging .......... 24714 tryto* to The DeBord girl» attended the up experimental w ork on the Warm- besides Way. Alfalfa hay past week with a swollen face, due Average daily attendance . . . 235 DON D A V IS M A N A G E R Sunday school class business meet enful crop end < :um »; he eprings project in copnection with to som e kind o f poisoning. G IR L S ’ G L E E C L U B ing nnd “ wetole roast” at the K ol iPer cent o f attendance ...< ., 95 a cheap soup p of high drainage and alkali removal experi E. J. BurrOugh and Albert visited Per cent of attendance for the dif ony Friday evening. have 'been arranged with A . L. 'Roberts and Miayor P. V But there is ■ '¡m u • mental which Mrs. R. J. Davis has , ceived ferent grade»: The neighborhood was quite ex id fo r even a / : < ia s for through a ooopera: ive arrange Speer in Alpple Valley Wevitresday. Eugene that to'er son. cited aibout a fire which started from Oral He 1 .......................... 97.3 word from ment between leal people iwiho are Don, who is a senior at ’ he IT. o f 0 „ a - raw S'ack on Jack McConnell's wheitovwr there is a large Mils. P. (M. Binkley visited her Grade 7 ............................................. 97 er the needs f r :v. iin. interested in the matter an'ii< the De daughter, Mrs. ¡Ben Smith, on the Grade 5 96.1 has been elected manager o f the ranch last week, therein cuing the Girls’ Glee Club o f the Univrsity. buildings on Riay Cantrell’s, owing t becom e# a -v e rv difficult partment o f Soils. It is also intend Owyhee the first o f the week. Grade 3 ......... ......................... ......... 96 arket beOanee of its toulki- ed hat a set o f fertilizer and crop Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vaihl and Grade 4 .................... 95.'i This club coni'lsts o f about 39 girls, to the hard wind. Strenuous exeh- evperiments shou’d be fam ily ing to aMfting econom ic rotation o f Niacapa, visited Harry Grade 3 .............................................95 ond they are to make a tour o f the tlons on the part o f the men pres which will determine the Shnirtp and family last Sunday the Easter vacation ent prevented any serious damage. iwhle b d ra t iput the live- started •Grade 6 .............................................94.5 sta e during out o f tomatoes s o a large value o f such practices on the bet (Henry Pieldfe moved Hhe house Grade 8 ............................................. 94.E week, com ing to Eastern Oregon as Pupils 'n Mrs. Schweiz'’ r's room Farm hold goods belonging to A . far as Baker. Don will accompany hen reacted on feed values ter type» o f irrigated soils. D. High School ..................................... 93 who were neither absent nor tardy the w hole country, and liureau committeemen on Soil Im- M orey to Nampa by truck W ednes There were n o tardinesses in Miss them on the trip. during the past month: Ruby and freight rates m • f provemene and Irrigation have been day. Don has made a very good record Alta Bradley. Orville (Bigelow, Joe iMlvk'lam’s room and only one In at the University in athletics, de Mendlola, Charlie Huffman, Nina nentta materially, all of especially active in bringing this Sheriff 'Lee Noe was in Nyssa Miss Thompson’s. ae to a year w h in th en matter to the front. Mondlay in connection with the rob iHi®h grade» in the High School bate, and student activity, but this Smith. Rowena G'enn. Laura Huff Is the greatest honor o f them all. man. Joseph Shat to, R o b e r 1 Kaylor T « w * t lu cre tse to th e bery the previous night o f Wilson and Grades: feed, b o tb ira> and grain Wilson Bros. Store Robbed Bros.’ store. ! A ’s and 3 B’s—Jenny Newby, To ibe chosen from the netire Senior and Roy Williams. class (by the girls themselves is in iB the 1 count r> nd less T. IM . Lowe. A. O. Kingman, Miss Mary Matheny. Tn Mrs. Friarls room e were: Mar X ylsa was the s-ceno o f another tal number# o f livestock, 2 LA’s anil ¡2 B’s—Tressie Lackey, deed a mark of distinction. vin a n l Albert Caper ton. Dorothy robbery Sunday u'gii*, when Wilson Florence Kingman and M 'ss Ellen Kaylor. Tomm y Gregg. Ray Bohon- Bros.’ department store was 'broken iS o It were m Nyssa from the Owy Frank R eV fg er, Frank Sherwood. C. W. DelBoer this week set out e a t surplus on hand with 1 A and 2 B’s—(Viola McCurdy. na, Della 'SctowelzeT, W erner P«utz, into 'and goods 10 the value o f about hee Wednesday. trees and otherwise improved his t totr friO N whicih were IJfos. ’4'rnma Baird and Mrs. Elira 1 A and 3 IB’s—L illie Hunt. Kenneth McDonald. .Times MWEJwan. (600 w ere stolen. city property. better b y the practice of Georgia Rust, Jesse Pullen and 5 B’ s—Irene ¡ClotSon. The burglars left no tracks that Evans are m oving into the Reece n g «a ch other to order to 4 H's—iltoyse (Bailey, Bonnie (Ma George Huffman. discl'cte any clue to their identiry. building on First street and will P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H The ne w pupils in s'-bool arc: j other than that they appeared to be otpen a laundry and pressary com th eny. Wert on F . Shields. P a s to r to standpoint o f shipping, bined. .TYiothy, Robert and Eliza!' th Kay Seventh Grade t'TTAOTX SH'RiDLU . well acquainted with the interior o f Sunday siohooi at! 10 a. m. i n o toop# to the M i then r Dick Tensen represented the Owy SEVENTR GRADE lor who live on the T. J Gordon , (he store, whion would indicate that Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. rmer. Tho^conditions now- place. Tom m y Gregg on the Henry 10 A's— Lu'cile Clement, Mary tlhe trick was turnetii by local ta ent, hee Ditch company at a meeting No preaching either morning or re probably uibout as good Page place, R ay Hohanna and Roy (Boyd ¡SWaiffed, Graham in which event it is probable that held in Ontario Thursday for he Toom bs, evening, as the pastor will be ab values ard concerned, a) protesting against ta- Young, Abram Vaughn. Williams. Sheriff L ee Noe will round them up purpose o f sent on other parts of his field, and ■a m m ■ a ported i f stati mi fcs on aver- crciased rates by the Idaho Power 9 A ’s and 4 IB’s—Robert Thornii- Mlse Vera Neeb was an in due time. in holding evangelistic mretings at guiliie for ■ ■ ■ ■ ' W hiee « r e an\ guest at the McGinnis h. -uo ¡Wed son, M orjo Convins. Entrance to ¡(he building was company Ten Davis, Idaho. J- T h e r e in fill probably be The mar'lliner\ at the Shoestring nesday SIXTH GRADE gained through the back door, a Preaching April 10th at ((he usual ba y will sell high pumping station has been thoroughly 9 A 's—(Wanda Young, Lloyd Evan M. Oaviola, who fed s h /cp on the glass ¡being broken and the lock re hour*. to ieeSfe a fair margin overhauled and is now ready to de McGinnis ranch (this winter, finished 8 A ’s—J essie Carter, Charlie leased from the inside. Presbytery o f Grande Ronde will ittg, hauling and freight liver a full head Of water as soon tar Leutok, shearing last week and left with Gfhnrles McCurdy, Nellie meet in Nyssa April 12th and .3th. rat o n th e average thts> w a y N E W BO O KS A T N Y S S A L IB R A R Y the directors 'give orders to turn on Elliott. them Sunday for Grass mountain Popular meeting to the evenings. » w » tin g cannot Ibe depended The fallowing books have arrived ¡he Juice. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Friar and EIGHTH GRADE Plan to attend these meetings. ^ I a n t e t fo r hay m st re- at the Nyssa public library and are The Odd Fellows had a big time Mrs. A. C. IDrariley were ¡meets o 8 A ’s — (Frances Klinkcnberg, Preaching ail Kingman Kolony I the (feeding o f livestock on ready for circulation: Tuesday night. Tw elve vis’ tolls were Gladys Garrison. dinner at the C. E. Schweiz,er home next Sunday, (April 3rd, at 11 s. m ,/ R 1 1 Tilda, in order to (be prof up from Ontario, who assisted in Sunday. 6 A’s—(Will Toom bs Fay Foster, AJdrMh—IH ill top on the Marne. Preaching at the Owyhee »t 2:30 1 ile for lees hay or more Halley Haley Frank LeuWk. 'Andrew McGinnis Is down from lArnim—Christopher and OoluimtbiiM giving the Mlegrees. (>. m., followed by a Communion ae anyone! w ill testify who wtas given tlhe third, and Clinton New Meadow* fo r a visit with tlhe Last ¡Friday afternoon the 5th Dairrie—Sentimental Tommy. service in which all Christians are M tncil^B 1820 alfalfa. Webb the Initiatory. The Rebekahs graile held an Easter party. Base Carleton—One Way Out. invtted to participate. (Continued on page 8) unent toward served fin e “ eatts." ball and other gam es were played Conrad—N igger o f the Narcissus. ans that there Misses Mildred and L o is Johnston and elaborate refreshments were Dunne— Mr. Dooley on Making a need and more (Will. of B o t e are visiting tbeir grand served. N EXT Y EA R there will be a mother, Mrs. L ¡Barron, in Nyssa. In the County (Declamatory contort lx)oke—Rough Road. DEPENDS ON YOU the h'ay grown X yssa’s Chinese launJrv is no held at Vale last Saturday, Vale j Mackenzie—(Poor Relations. Another church year ends March u se m ore o f it more. Fong Lee, the erstwhl’e prs- won the cup and Ontario was given j '.Marshall—S ir Marry. ^ 31. La«t year the denomination farm. Crops priefur, Tuesday folded' ih's ironing second place. T h e judges stated Marryat—(Mr. Midshipman Easy. ¿J added 173,501 rew members. The id ¡practical to O lirien —R est 'Short Stortat on board and departed for Huntington. after the decision had, been made i total lor thitycur from the 9,769 con- lal basis are 1918. Mr. and Mr?, A. D. M orey ¡who that the defference between the On- ¡cm will not ’ *c rer. ?rtcd (rr seed, corn for several month?. Lceat figures show Wlatson—(Beside the Bonnie Briar have spent the winter in California, wheat, barley Bush. were in Njlssa thisweek arranging thnt twelve n ovh a w re required by beets are being one minister, one cider arid hall a to move tbeir household goods tto White—iFasa. t in the W eiser deacon to hr:; * member Nampa, where they will make tbeir Wilkins— Edgervter People. i.ito the r' crop » as head home. They are glad to get back ¡Wilkins—New England Nun. h er truck crotps to the Snake villey ami' w l'l con Zangwill—Jinny the Carrier. N r \v t. *1A I'OVFlirNT in parts of p ». h t o f r u a i i c i T * tinue to boott for Its unrivalled re 4-room houaa, porches, d<>ep » * 1'. valley. For the source#. S O C IA L C IR C L E T E A city water, eleetrie lights, lawn, is probably the The ladies’ Social Circle o f the - v a * * * ■ n a K i a jl « . ti * * * ■ * * ■ * fenced, best residence street. nting on alfalfa Presbyterian church w ill give a ,t*a es Wheat tola» in the chuich 'basement Saturday af $800 will pay 20 per cent on (g both a (bread ternoon. ¡Mrs. McCarty's division T w o men were afTetoted in On Investment ain nd there- entertains. Everybody !s invtPHl. tario last Sunday on strong evidence Sa« 1 to better ad- o f :heing the thieves «-too raided sev Edi Hillier, Ponnerlv o f Nyvsa, now eral places o f business in Nys»a last [ other ^ grain. It g at what seems a prominent merchant o f Nampa, week. They barii on tfhelr persons h it is in better mingled with friends in Nyssa Fri- and in a suit otuse, OhOes* and wear Our mechanical »quipm -nt waa install to safeguard your it is ihbld on re- .».iy. ing apparel Chat had been taken funds Further pr itaation is provided by insurance against loss. from T. J. ¡Caldwell's store They Your ous'nass and fioan ial interests are also protected. We «-ere taken to the county Jail and Then it waa reputation. try to give such r.nanrial guidance as will safeguard your present bound over to the grand jury. Now it is an established fact that and future intere ts Days Ahead • n Plow Alfalfa l Htyssa and V icin ity L OWYHEE J I NYSSA SCHOOL NOTES * Good Rental Property for Sale Suspects Arrested Miller-Hoxie S NOT ONLY DO WE SAFEGUARD YOU k MONEY ! FIRST IT WAS GOSSIP i ady Money’ liai enables one to hsve plans or work out his problems tike a bank l need arises for farm financing, building the bust- iring a home or educating the youngsters -your readily available for the purpose. the Malheur County Bank is your practical de- It is big enough to serve you and progressive W A N T TO. heur County Bank i p i t a l -------- urplus............. R D , P re s id e n t N a W A Y , Odflltl ............. $25 iX)# 00 ...............$25,000 00 JOHN RAY. Vice Pres. O. G. BAUER, Ass’t -ashier We Guantate« Our Customers KINGMAN KOLONY The cot:n4y club iealer o f boys n i girts' clulbe, Mr Wellman, was n the Colony thisweek to toe in ter- ' t o f cVtth organization. Miss Ran- lall. cpnnty liThrartan. acoommnled Mr. Wellman frrm Ontario. Miss Tandall vieiMn - oirr erhool and library. The girls' sewing Clift, with a membership f aix. has c h o '« n a* its leader and instructor, Mis.. > for- ence Kingman, who for the past few years h e assisted the girls o f the -pumunity with their firtt step# In sewing, and some most creditable — rk was shown at the Malheur county fair at Ontario las' year as a - ps ult o f this effort. W e are going tocaptirre some o f the orizes again this year 3, < THE BANK OF NYSSA Full value on th«ir money. Satisfaction on every repair jab. Usually you will find it bare for leaa money. 1 ( I Why Fay More? Ford 6 wire looms______________ 75c Ford front wheels ................ — -8 7 60 Ford coils, each ................... ......... 2 40 Ford front tubes .............. --- 2 7S Ford front casings .............. 11 fio Horse shoe Tubes tra to far the best •old and no higer than the ordinary kind. Hiller and Horseshoe tires soM and made good in our shop. Robber Boots Repairad FORD PARTS AT FORD FRICE8 I I I I I I 177 A C C R M O R IC « O N TA R IO , ORCOON I R I I I F ..$25,000 ...................$20,000 m ^ I RELIABLE FIRE ^ ^ ^ ^ ” ¡IN SU RA N CE 5 ■ )| ■ ^ Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, and Con tracia Written. N OTARY PUBLIC Call at Residence Parktr’s Tire Shop * AUTO Capital Surplus S • - Pha«e 77 J. H. Wolf. Nysea, Oregon. H M i i s i s ’Y x n a i i i i i H i i i H v n i K »