TUR N i w s p r in g G .4 T R (,'IT Y .ICM R N A U N V H M 4 . O W C C .O N sui ■ B ^EvefxirW , fairy Tale let Contents F o r I n f a n ts a n d C h i | ( ^ n ^ Know m a r Genuine Castora Always f* l'J ItaXe * *•!)'{ 1 »Pfir '« lo* y.i„ - [ snld I n d e » i v i i n i V h iN a r l'tfpon In ilio other inrricr |>lg<p«n*. f —-------- »— .. j-v “ Wp'tl llke in FÇASONA 8t r f QGDS a m w m o l -* / »? »*»*■ - ' “A-^^SSS Bears the / / ( $ * i4 **ì*""to > ho*r thè «to ri " I t Y^V r J ihey «Il saiil ninni [ , ' a V fV \ \ * £ - 1 l'nliieU v ii'Y V . 'Ì<> rM lly • hit i '. V \ i W 'i V tVVIX’}] «T O a i Y i , .)«V tu S Vh < A -jllK ,,. * «IU. L ■ \ *l'Mt purvnh of hrippfne^ women " hhc* been gnln»j enrrtesfl and In , (hisfrtriitsfy In tpiesi of new stiffs for whnf fv Kastei wffhottt the fnspfm 'Moti o f tiew and ghtdsomi* appari*!? Thi- fpiest ha^ readied the a etite stag« I rhtflht thi* presettt week and mor rhnnfs know what sry!« Mens have I preved most stteeessfnt T o begin Üelmoulcô. flutter a halting I with the longer dUn N finally’ ntul ht\ hi a layer «^f tart np- rmphatleallx approved b\ fashionables •d. pared and eut In rings skirts arc longer U\ mam Inches udth grdhnd nlnlonds nnd th e 'm îe being eight o r v ven sf\ Inebos from the door, ylso they are plain Pol ret fw lll trleotfne and serge an* nil well represented In suits and de« oratfv«* fea th fes appear on emits, w h ldi are mad« Ih ai least three »IN tlnef style« Indnrllng the bo\ cent, divlitu.il BiVad * opio» (V . flu- th»- strafghi !fm helf.'f’ -coat and th.- 1 -i' bnktnv di«TiPí Cm ¡ip WpnMHted ntedeN Vu i|»liiPtPrv anil H'rnnvi' nil tfic Tn tn<> m atter of d eeeritlon « braid- S.-i tin' apples In cups to rp may come ami he^ds may go hut en Il "Tulli' npplo ITTI the ppfi- broideries go oh forever, apparenti!- 111: piucos nf flç, (tnlPs or mNlti*. lo Cucii ctip nijo rpM cpoonM i of r tt:iiii> until tender Trio «¡tin i remn'Cd freni flic apple. Scry* ir c<>M tv I tli erenm nnil snenr silk thread At least nine times o, 01 ten these deenrtifldh* are In tN- «•ita»* mdhr as the salt, bin there are eyeeptlbns tn all rules, and the new suits present models with a eontrttsf he eofo «» hlriek u«e#i with the tnafeh Iti«., color M'hen* are «veasfonai models Iti whleh short eoafs nr« elahonitely emhrofdereii with man> eb lors. Ttv«» r»»presentntfve sufN, euch em befllshetl with «'tuhroMery are shown hi the picture above. rWv model tu fin* left hhflhg pdnts^tbnt prrtnnunm* ft up to »late, Pi thr fasteulng o f th«* eoa i ar the wahst line »>nl v an«I In the bell sleeves Hhmso an«} handsome neepwear ar«* much In evidence In emtfs of this kind. The skirt may N* ht ken as a criterion fn length and width, an«! erer.\ other partleular. 1n- clndfng tnllnrlng that ntttst m- de scribed as «nprpitslte. ' AAh " **M th* <•»'■' ni I’ ifnnnv. " v thoiurht wv wero All Ir*VP a I ' ■ f .. MM • Ah." '‘«Ili TV r ^9> "1 (Vi | r J P \ * r" 11 ihiixk x'«fl P ili A I'1 nd thi« "PIA .->f In » —^ J Ì r ^ ' r in'-rn - Tn ihp fieni plH.v il In "L iV t te H m r.’’ furoily hNrnry b(>(i rh*l I» ¡proposi ing Htway* r/i firn ftimilv «'Irose Ir ¡story I* helng givo * or rhlfi. Tlmfi yon p ili noi bhve rn |p*rh voiir fossori ff yon dop’t svuoi io Yon rtonV npnil tt> nfiiily. Aon rton’t poed fo (lo «n\ work nlroijf fi Yon rnny J itmi Ifsfpn, if yon svuoi io." "Fflsron litro rimi sviti he plOHsmit.’ ruotigli I r«*nIfy like hlstorj b isfor fhan * r»> orher lox*ori u nywny. TtV rnrhOr to hear what orborm have done. *i ^ go <*r>. Uno le Oharlle, and fell ns fix* history.’’ S<> Unch Olia rife C arrier P l ^ t i he gan : havfe boon carrying *f%: humlAvN nod humlrwK «»f years ' ‘Uraefoiis,' said one o f rlx* <»wrrfer pigeons, “ i didn't kno%\ I was that old." “ S elfh er did I,’ said another. •And neither did I. s»»ld a third ■'Ah, I Signature / / JT ' - nn ' I IV » I * ">**■ Ahelpfii »nme* « "w ^ l,o sS n r S iT ' Jhe-SImiW VriH'»"’! 1 «A"»v VQ1RF . No Roorr Much o f tl has to be i the greatest com petent« i hers o f soci T h a t’s why t on brains an produce effle liver noi mean that we, otn 'C 4RTERS T ak e a paod dnst of C & rter'* Little r ill» ' -then take 2 or 3 lor a lew mgrhts a it «-. for that length o f time, swhi Unele You wil; relnti your mnak wittinu: leni ai trnutiie to Charlie. fnllrm Millions o ' all apr* taKi their tor BiiKiUBiie*. » I T T L E Ah. said fin* Hr» eorrler pigeon, tliuinMA Sick Hcadachi. .ina* Stnmact and tor Sallow I I V E S whr had spokeii before, “ 1 didn't Pimnl-. Blotch' Skit. T*q. m tin mucTf of ^.nmilpaUnti. Imagine I eon Id bi> thin old." 'Th* same w rs true with me. wain Siwiarr'** * * * ^»«1 °«I: àm*I IhMr irnut the aeeond. ‘1 eonhln't b e lW e that I hat] been W A S t ie v . 0 N £ O il K IT C H E N E R OF C O U R S E IT W A S N ’T T R U E earryltig m onagos for that length or" flu'« either snh] tbt Militi C r* a t Brits«»! Soldi-* 8omov»hat Oil Good Illustration o- C.o-mar Chicace o f Mis E lrm rn t W h «n It Came t«r In Sminlicity Displayed by to C h aplain« Soldier ip France ÌP IL LS> Iter fs ii l^inl K ltip .n «tory loti by Ih.- «nouymniis .un> -rii Mir r-irs ni fhmnlTU Su Kit cilene i «mldler and ah*- i tu Ili- pm foaifrm. notali- mitici<t .. ip- nilln. r»t«MPti annoyed him. Ibi ritti th. cari, da o th. xvai l.lojrtl <>(«-.r- x*«-:-. t. ' ai tu u-.i ofliri1 an.] a«ki«j ♦ h. s ....intrn(*ri■ o depomlnationai chaA.I- ' fo thr vari .tu- c w r- nt thè armi K ltrh w itr h*d r... tci.roct tn ehaf. latri« M. rwrarvtod thi n : nerit «•ihl.■ fhCTttr tu th. Hi-htiii machlln . Tono M. opt.f**:**.] t h " « p s » . im i " , : fd o v ti*-.rtT' inciMM. (.¡.Miri . ititi raspici tu ProBbytert» n. Kltchener finn II\ tie ir t«! *n<t T’trlrmt op hts pini. ** ' r 'K t' ' s "ve ..:i h , v a rVoBbyterin: ...... fami umit. litrta.-il hi- «rrhitis far. rrev. ir i rimi ■ i, ■ i) vn sin P 'S H r s ■cription i too, in lo Pierce’s I skin b e e brighter, purely ve alcohol. Druggis liquid, or Invalids’ l 10 cents f R ed d in i Favorite 1 wonderful this medici thru midd thing. Fi Dr. Pierce It stopped and the he any more great.” — 1 Terllurium „ iwurfjins selves, hn vM‘ i)^1' - nrryln^ messnges Tti the suit o f helge-cnlóm i poiret twill ar the right. th<* straight-line eoa i invites attention t<> ehihontte em- hroidcr> across th<* hack Small eni- h^oldermi m otifs at each s»,n* tb*> front als., hep, to enrich It. \ c Y c s s o r i o s -v e n d T V *-- POR TW O Oni AmertPup wh<> reniuiuetl ut I...I. durln^ tlu Ocrmiin iicciiptitiim n-.. lo- llnu ti atuitx iM.rtnuii etuirup- ter II. tulil Mrs CurUma H. Suncli aral l l r Oanillm U flili. nutluirs uf I íím i . Ahnv. tlu ItuilPi tu F n u ict." dic ««nn lsh lu p tbtlif; tluit lie luid iu>- ticc.. -tu. clilidisi unrmuuintuf: cuntl- deric. thai ttx. Uernmn snldiur luid tu xvfwtev»! I» ivas luid b\ las suimri- or*—«a d tu jaiv». thls oxumiilt- o f tt. -1 knf'v Uermaii ' u. euid. "uud imii - da talk<«l xvlth ti (íurntap aenrry 'iti iva stumlltip nvor aunic fro u o li iíi'i¡i«ri- i: xvur: tu n tt<«id Fie wita reiic.n. now«pHpor mui rurnmj: to p i . iu . íi I lm llzn an llv T lu ' Prondh wiy tere (1 vil tan u wnrl uciiliiat tlii'lr »111. That's nni tnu . thls (luí»- man pnper (tontos tt.’ lodkoi] at hln ti, iimuanniont uncí askiM x\ i uhai are yni: dnlug ynur- so stand.n» hen wttb yuur pup ovni- thos. i.iipr fiooplo?' " *lí uiil (»((i ’ «vas hts nutvo unswot, •rhp\ wnnkl tmn nvvay.’ *’ The M od em S to m a ch -K i Keep the vits regularly takii ard remedy bladder and v (kcoountant. Stoll - -W hat I- ho htnthurul w n rfh Y d o ll" 'TVi l dui,*- khan til« r*«- nooniont vaino. penso The National R centuriee and end mina. At all drug Fneli ^•rvR, Artist— "Mad a alone that I pair am— “Oh ! Yon Succès* I* ho when to quit, know thi*. 1>îcy^>r Tu/i in / - :rn G ia s s s - h c i.it : to r t w e n t v tt a K lc e ; o r a e t v e r a ^ '* an d o ü c .,t a a :is ir r»:u r P c ’ ¿ A n ld t w a y h e a lt h iU i i s fre e t u 1 e t e m e n u .a n c -‘ i l C o b ta in c t ó li^ h t m l fía f t U 2 TT B o stu n * L srea: h«>ut f»rb. v n t Ape yon alwaya half-aick’ Then it what ia wrong. Ki much niJTfnng f Peas, stiffnesa and if neglected brini teoablea—dropay, diaraao Don't del, net Pin*. They 1 and afeould help y bor! l ? fro m h an r fro n o m ic a ] f RS EVERYWHERE tec,**,4 c o u » I used Doan Doan' they gave me a la Cat Doas'i at Am -fT fa .o m n a n y .ln c . DOAN