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About The Gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1910-1937 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1921)
\ * . . ,.4 i * You W ill Always ■m V-' IP y c i . •> L Find Our Stock Complete IN ¿ . i ' : 1 agr-.y • . -V' ‘ Overalls Gloves Shoes Pants Coveralls Hats 'i* ; , ) f L> Ttl tfV '-. ■*■,•< ; 1 I Jpu ¡W wmrs.'4-' Pf?* Caps Ties Collars Shirts Underwear Hose i .*<?v 'H E R E is a given am ount o f value in a shoe, according to the quality put into th e s h o e w h e n m ade. You can’t get blood from a turnip; neither can y ou get $18 sh oe sat isfaction from a $10 shoe. i • i V- '¡¡gy Complete Line for Men -i' WILSON BROS. DEPT. STORE Nyssa, Oregon F % ,v » 01 ©ut Hi ft <* in , whto out a ten re Toggery Bill ,w Price $150, hi“ “ * * *°r . 3 , '* —L* r*® wh>t* I FOR SAWS— A 'Ford, wick.r buggy, just as (food a. new. I . , . ONTARIO. OREGON extras and For information phone 6.5 F 4 M js 11 lm for overhauling, u _____ Stella Hoover. ll8-2t license. lAipply at Journal office.— « “ • A ’ xw (Continued from page 1) Advertisement. ral¡8-2t For tale cheap—15 head o f aw e. and ers and pupils Tuesday afternoon a l ì good horses. Write box 211 or see ■ laUUCK TRU'CiK—tFor sale o r tra'Jle ; work. After a full explanation of K. F. Robarger. m lltf (tier light car or truck or good mlldb the .aims and work to be aecomplish- 9 cow. Phone 68IF4 or w rite C. L. , ed by organization o f the iboys and ■ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH., Gregg, R. l, Box 62, Nyssa.—Adv. girls into clubu for industrial ¡worn the county club leader, iMr. Wellman Weston F. Shields. Pastor a graduate o f O. A. ¡C., organized Faster sermon at M a. m., follow Everything is a!l right at the the girls sewing club with a mem ed with Communion service. bership o f six. At their next meet Reception of members by pro- ing they will select their instructor ) •V «ion. bunt ism oniJi by letter, and make preparations for work. dfreclal Raster music, The members o f the sewing club tjuartette. K flllllliaillllMIlIXMIMMMVISI are: Mildred DeiBord, president; Faster exercises by the Sunday Dorothy Parsons, vice l resident: school and Christian Endeavor at Mary McGinnis, secretary: Gladys 7: ,'to p. m. McGinnis, Lena Sfoullor, ¡Erma Shul- Sunday school at 10 a. m. ler, Cora Elliott, ¡Christina Christen Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. rn. son, Janette Martin. Preaching at Warren school house back of the First National Bank at 2:30 p. m. The attendance has been remark at Ontario. ably good in both grides. Those Wade school house, iBig Bend, at neither absent nor tardy in Miss 7:30 p. nr. ¡N'eeb's room arc: Margaret ¡.Morgan ■ Cnyder. ¡Barbara and Wilson Prieh e"t, Violet and Ruth ¡Pinkston, Vir ginia, John ai*l Glenn McGinnis, m io & Hara. Floyd and Harold El'iott, Ruby Chester und I 11 a Ree*i, James Drls*- a m/ col, Leonard Smith, Agnes Nichols Helen and LMdie tpoWell, Janette Martin, Christina Christenson, John ✓ GlsSco-Ck, Zena IMosesi, Sylvia, Dal ton, Erma, and Lena Shuler, Evelyn DeiBord. Gerald DCBord. Those neither albsent nor tardy in Mrs Prichett’s room: Dorothy Parsons Mildred DeiBord, Juanita Bigelow, Merritt Creeling, Dick Smith. Elsie ¡Elliott. KINGMON KOLONY # ti » i» « You want all that y o u ca n get for what you p a y — ev ery on e does — you want service, com fort, style — full returns for the am ou n t y o u invest P ay for quality an d y o u get it in T he F k m b e k n »Shoe.' ffiHKparar-j-'y . i f «e to T «T feed, hi tr . eat m l kw . n Ue. te « t no ■ ■ ■ n i 19 SAKE CAFE ?*« n m m m m 9 9 ■ THE GREAT OF 9 I' m m h u rtY l 3 Ays II n dyjrch l^leàc^e I m u y T ¿ç, fyàiò íifiht I Ait JurrJsy in ftìàwfj < » i.i ■Things for the Farmer M S p r in g w o rk it n o w or him ! dou b tless y eu w ill need to ■ r*pla<o l°st ®r w°rn °u$ implements with new. Look over ■ the 'ollowinp list, which w e carry in stock, and s«e if them w is anything yeu need: OLIVER LINE HARNESS S d r ln ic T o o tH H a r r o w s B a lts a n d D rag H arrow s N e ttin g : A lfa lfa T e e th B la c k H a w k C o r a P o u ltry la w n D rill« and P la n te rs G ard en M o w ers M o te h i *.«. ■ ¡ UNE COMPLETE V Nyssa Trading a l i m i ve bes House Furnishing’s Contini« 12 patterns 9x12 heavy wool and fibre Rugs (£1 7 Portland sale price, $29.75. Our price - ’ P 1 1 ’ m ^ rn m m CALL FOR BIDS The Council o f Nyssa. Malheur county. Oregon, will receive scaled Mds up to and including date of April 4, 1921, fbr constniction o f a pressure irrigation system. Sepa rate tenders are asked for (No. 1) the furnishing and laying of approx imately m m m * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1400 ¡Feet 10-inch. 200 Feet S-indh. 600 Feet 6-Inch. «000 Feet 4-inoh diameter, wood or conereate pipe, or both, together *'th joints, connections, outlet gate« e s„ and the complete open installa tion o f same ready for acceptance. 2 The furnishing o f pipe, connec tions. etc., deliver*’ ! F.O.B. Nyssa. Oregon, not laid. Bids requested on basis o f cash payment. also basis o f payment in the Issued 6 per cent bonds Of the Town. "■ Th* excavation o f apprexibateiy 10.000 lieeal feet o f trench on main line and laterals, estimate f 2000 trblc yards. 4. The concrete an 1 hr'ok work of a small pump station, wp*! sump, machinery ¡bases and concrete fc o r . 8. The pumping m ohinery for elevation at one second oot of water to height o f approximately 2<i feet Full In formation avai’abie at the ofTIre o f the CKv Clerk Net**. Ore gon. i n Furniture, Rugs aß m ■ GROCERY fiM M B V V It F. A. O A U J R L Y . Clerk P M WARREN, Mayor tapestry Brussels Rugs Portland sels price, $47.85. Our price $30J 40 pound while cotton Filled Mattres Our price Pathe & Mandle Phonogral AT THE McDowell Furniture Co. Bankrupt J.A.SCHMI Broker r, w( • Bus