üi*r**p > «v. it* — tms PROFESSIONAL. ) c it y M t uÊtn t , h yrh a . WARREN NEWS PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS J. J. SARAZIN Physician and Surgeon f t « « . u » i .« o -- SEED ER S Mrs. William Beam haa been quite *ick with the grip the past week. Moving time is here. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Kingman are moving from the .pumphouse to Nyssa and the man „ Office hour» 2 to 5 e o« and J 7 7 i tp . a 8 p. rnJtrom WeiMr wl># ^ I kir#d f r ' the summer to take charge of pumps is moving it. Orin Wallase is moving from the Oscar Pinkston place PRYSICI i & SURGEON. to the John Vandvrpoo) raesh on the Office and residence opposite Nyssa Owyhee. Trading Co. The Ckes Piekerell family made a PRONE . . - 12 trip to Fruitlaud Saturday, retim ing home Suhday. The Fred Woods family is having a DON S. NUMBERS, sisge of the grip. Mr. Woods haa boon very siek fer the past wsek or PHYSICI N a SURGEON •o H K Hicks of Unionville, Iowa, Phone 40 Parma, stopped off at Nyssa to take a look at the coantry and for a twe days visit at DR. R. A. MOON lae .1 B. Smith kerne last week. Mr. Hicks was on his way heme from Leng Chiropractic Physician. Beach, Calif. House calls made The Warren schoel gave a Washing Accute or chronic disease* Hours, 10 12; 1:20 5 ton’s Birthday entertainment at the Evenings by appointment scheol heme Friday eve. After the Phone—Office, 158; Home, 41 R. program a "pie seciai" was enjoyed Ontario . . . Oregon by the crowd present, where "cherry pie” was rnach in evidenee. Mrs. M. A. Thomason and Mrs. J. DENTISTS B. Smith spent Tuesday at the John Ray home. Mrs. Richard Mall will return to her DR. C. M. TYLER i home in billings, Mont , Saturday, uf- l ter u month s visit with her parents, DENTIST | Mr. and Mrs Chas. Pickerill. Ontario, Oregon. Rev. Shields was unable to till his appointmeat Sunday on account of evangelistio meetings beiag held in his OR. T. O. HUMPHREY« church at Myssa. - Arthur Beam ef Ironside was* visit­ DENTIST ing at his uncle William Beam’s a few Parma, Idaho Phone 43 days last week. The Stam family retarned Saturday, having spent the past ye-r in Holland. ATTORNEYS Chas. Carrison sold his cattle this week Thsy will be shipped to Port­ E. M. BLODGE1T land Friday. Attorney-at- Law- Land and Probate work a Specialty. IDANHA ORCHARD S w e e t -Q r r DR N. C. MacLAFFERTY ) , Nyssa, Oregon __ • Mr and Mrs. J J. Cam-ala;o motor­ ed A Boise Saturday, returning home W. SWAGLER Monday They ware accompanied home ATTORNEY-AT-LAW by Mrs. Cancelmo’s sister, wh» will Rooms 12, 14, 15 spend a few days visiting them. Wilson Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duin have epened OREGON ONTRIO up the boarding house at the Idanha and will ran it through the season. ROBT. D. LYTLE J. C. Hunt, the sheepman, has been Attorney-at Law having some trouble among his sheep. They are afflicted with foot rot. lie First National Bank Building Vale Oregon has several men h lping to doctor them Shearing is scheduled to begin at his camp Match 12 A srew has been ob­ Vf. H. Brooke - P. J. Gallagher tained from Fayette. ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Mrs. Dwight Smith visited at tht home of her mother, Mrs. John Ray, Saturday. Ontaro, Or Mr. and Mrs Harry Goshert visited Wilson Bldg at the John Ray home Sunday. Go to the Nyssa Flour Mill EGG* FOR H A TC H IN G -O . A. C. Lay ing strain Barred Ply mouth Recks —They lay, weigh, pay. II.Ou fer 415. F. R. Marshall, Nyssa, Or.—Adv. Farmers, bring your old harness to the Lackey repair »nop and have it repaired right f26-1£ FOR SALE -Pigs weighing from 35 te 96 lbs. Beardless seed barley and work horses. Would pay cash for second-kaad Ford. Chas. «ossett. — Advertisement flllt NOTICE TO CREDITORS FLOUR & FEED find C h o p p in g Grinding Phone 36 K. V. W. Marsden Machine Shop The list ef thing» we do is: • Cylinder» rebored Motor» repaired Gas engine» repaired Auto» of any make We do tractor work of all kind». All Work Guaranteed No w i» the time to look e w yo.tr pumP? for I" '**1»0? and IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE O* OREGON. FOR MAL­ HEUR COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate ef John Q. Whipple, Deceased. The undersigned having been sp­ linted by the County Court of Di­ la te of Oregon, for Malhenr County, administratrix of the estate of John 9 . Whipple, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the estate «f said de­ ceased, to present them, verified as re quired by law, within six months aftei the first publication of this notice to said administratrix at the office of E M. Blodgett, in Nyssa, Malhenr Coun­ ty, Oregon. Done and dated and first publication hereof this 2lst day of January, 1921. 8 ARRAH AMANDA WHIPPLE. Administratrix of the Estate of John Q. Whipple, Deceased. * NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON EXECUTION By virtue of an Attacnment Execu­ tion duly issued by the Clerk of Ibe Circuit Court for the County of Mal­ heur, State of Oregon, in a certain action in the Circuit Court, for »aid Coenty and State, wherein J. K. Bla- k aby and Win. E. Lees, as Plaintiffs, recovered judgment against Marcus Renteria, as Defendant, for the sum of One Hundred Seveety two and 06-100 1*172 06) Dollars, ir. U. S Gold Coin, with interest thereon in like Gold Coin at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 18th day of May, 1916, and the further sum of Eleven and 20 100 ($11.20) Dol'ars for co*Cs and disbursements herein, leva the sum of Eighty-five and No-100 ($65.00) Dol­ lar* paid November let, 1919, in which CLOTHES 10 WORK IN Corduroy Clothing That Won't RipJ OU take no chances with S w cet-O rr C o rd u ro y s. Y Cloth, seams, pockets,- buttons', Seedin time is near at hand. Be­ fore buying your seeder call in and look over our stock. We can satis­ fy your wants. are mecleto withstand the hard- estTs irt of work-day strain. Ma­ teria! sp e c ia lly te s te d for fttrennth. -v. ii-O ir Om-da- ys aro r/uaranieed not to rip- n to hi ! crack or bre^k —ijut.rnn‘‘ td ■ ,'c you the longest wear you’ve ev r had in corduroys— oryi jr money back. M ’ o p iro tli d your next corduroy pant •• • r o a t are u dc by Sweet-Orr —tl— i, eat and m ostf "n>oU 8 mnni}- faet’ ors of corduroys iti the vvorlu. Oi -ale here. tf-'iAVÇ-TP, ► 7>**,. i'V * L yr- if**-'' T R Y U S P '/R S T * I T P A Y S - «• -t A '¿ ¿ ■ fé : •* • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 •i-v.-SS *5 ^ - n h ■ m « sr »st esiaa ■ H Service and Quality Toggery Bill is what you can rely on Ontario, Oregon The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Cloihea IX M ! IÄ Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä ^ M M M * judgment it was further ordered by the Court, that the property attached in said action and hereafter described, be sold for the satisfaction of said judg­ ment, in the manner provided by law whieh judgment was enrolled and docketed in the Clerk’s office of said Court on the 19th day of July, 1919. THEREFORE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That 1 will on the 15th day of March, 1921 at the hour of 2:30 o’clock in the afternoon of sauk day, at the north main entrance door of the Court House, at .Vale, in ’ said County and State, sell at public auction, to the highest bidder or bidders, for cash the following described real property, to- wit: The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWiSKJ) of Section Four (4). Township Thirty (30) South, Range Forty-five (45), E. W. M., in Malheur County, Ore­ gon. Taken and levied uppn as the prop­ erty of the said Marco; Renteria, the above named Defendant, to satisfy the said judgment in favor of J. R. Black- aby and William E. Lees and against the (aid above nam>d Defendant, with interest thereon, together with all costa and disbursements, that have or may accrue listed at Va'e. Oregon this 7th day of February, 1981. H LEE NOE, Sheflff. By C. W. Glenn. Deputy Date of first publication February 11, 1921. Date of Iasi publication March 11th, 1921. Date of salt March 15tb, 1921. at 2:80 p M. AT THE ■ RED CLOVER SEED For Sale. See a H A Tsut ck, R. F. D., Nyssa, Or A ■ ■ ■ Give me ■ II f«S tf First class shoe repairing rial. C P. Lackey. ■ * Nyssa Teat Maiket ANDERSON & BURBIDGE * a n fi n a Notice is hereby given that 1 refuse to pay any bills contracted by Mrs. Margaret Gearhart. W. F. Geerhart. FOR SALE—Five shares Owyhee ditch stock, $35 each. —Fred gback. Advertisement/ Shotas Wasted—Nyssa Meat Mar on 4 k* t ;=“ — a w lt ■ « *: * H*M IS Mf Phillabaum & Allen Siu’cesHorc to McDowell Company, Inc. m m Funeral Directors w DU PH A ft tobacco makes 5 0 ftp od cigarettes for 75 SI ares Owyhee Ditch Stock. Enough to water 150 acres. Sell all or any pai t. Easy term : Write for par (i dsrs. J, S. Fisch» r, 201 Sonna L'.i 'g , Boise Idaho. Advertisement. LAST GALL 10c