THE GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. LATIN NATIONS ON Proposed New Hom e for the New York Yankee* I W H. JOHNSON, ol Portland, " • Ora., who uyi no ooo oould have dona him any greater kind- oaaa than the friend who adritad him to try Tanias. — Gains fifteen pound*. ^ SALT LAKE B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R S m i, B -T* m » h ' P A N A M A R E P O R T E D T O BE R E A D Y TO BEGIN H O S TILITIE S A G A I N S T C O S T A RICA. •«. in ïïï ÏÏÏ ;vv Ä fcffSs saffi p i m P « . . . H '“ »Mil I I , . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' ' I III III ..... BOYD PARK JEWELERS BOYD PARK BLDG President Porros Declares the Entire Country Behind Him in Defense of Republic, Whiqh He Says Is Being Invaded. if* 11 » 6 MAIN STSLET THE CONTINENTAL WOOD STAVE PIPE For TWxIgaHon « » ' *en «rai farm purpose*. V i 1 Panama.—Hostilities between Pan ama and Costa Rica show possibilities F o r full ie fo r m a tio n w rite of developing into a conflict involving M O R R IS O N . M KrtRILI. GO. J s (* all of central America and Colombia. . " Leading Colombians residing in Pan How the proposed grounds of the New York American league baseball club will look when completed In 1923. ama have sent a wireless message to The Yankee stadium Is planned to seat 75,000, and will be the finest ball park In the country. The site is Just across Bogota asking the Colombian govern the Harlem river from the Polo grounds, and Is convenient to subways, elevated and street car lines. The site em ment to furnish them with arms for the purpose of enlisting against Costa braces more than ten acres, and wus purchased from the estate of William Waldorf Astor. Scientificcwëctâr? Rica. senerafMäniger of Hones! >t>tj tfjT It was learned officially Saturday ! ! II Rooms Continenti! Bann Bl¿ •Æ’f?;, ' C T that President Belisarlo Porras has t-4 ^..SAIT CAKE CirV.UTOw tj-J FRANCE’S STRONG MAN signed a proclamation declaring war W A L K E R S BEAI TY P ARLO K. against Costa Rica, but Is holding it Switch transformations worth $12 »or • temporarily In abeyance. The presi Switches worth $7.50 for $â. by m «L Lut •ampi? from center of head. 320 South aam. dent, assured that the entire country is behind him, contemplates taking CLEANEKS & DYEKS. Quality. . Service. over dictatorial powers for the defense Clothes insured. Work guaranteed. We pay of the republic, relying upon the na return poata ge. Price list on reouea*. Myers Cleaners & Dyers. 114 E. Broad vay. tional assembly to confirm his ac Dry Cleaning by Parcel Foal. Bend your suits, tion. coats, etc. to us for "Master Cleaning The presidential decree declared that dresses, and Dyeing." Saifs Lake’s lending cleaners. the country has been invaded and re We pay return charges. Regal Cleaning at cites, the necessity of expelling the Dyeing Co., 156-160 E. 2nd So. invaders. If suspends individual MONUMENTS. Writs for catalog. Standard rights, calls upon all Panamans be Marble & Granite Co., 117 W. Broadway. tween 18 and 40 years of age to reg T YPEW RIT ERS: New and rebuilt, repaired and exchanged. Ribbons and carb-ms for all ister for military service and con makes. UTAH TYPEWRITER EX. CO.. Dept F. vokes the assembly for a special ten- RUBBER STAMPS & STENCILS. S I k and day session beginning March 1. ear tags also made. Send for samples, prices, While nothing has been learned re etc. Salt Lake Stamp Co., tg W. Broadway. garding the status of hostilities in the S A L T L A K E BUSINESS CO L LE G E . Coto district, where Costa Rican forces Save lodging ; work after school; enroll anytime. occupied territory held by Panaman, S I 9 2 .0 0 and commission, at home, It was learned authentically that hur n JPPNTÇ u d i l o Dodge Vacuum Cleaner Co., salt Lake riedly gathered unorganized forces BOUGHT. Best prices. were being sent from Panama toward CREAM Western Creamery Co., 244 W. Fourth South. Bocas del Toro. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Lack of arms and muhitions to equip Daynes-Beebe. Everything known in music. government forces being organized Salt Lake City. still is proving a difficulty. The be HATS RE MADE. Write for prices. Return lief is strongly held in official circles charges prepaid. Smythe Hat Factory, llti E 2 S. that the United States government Is POULTRY BOUGHT. For best results »hip In duty bound to furnish the I'anaman poultry, esrgs and game to Fulton Mkt. Correct weight. Prompt returns. Write for prices. forces with arms, since the country disarmed after completion of the Pan OLDSMOB1LE DISTRIBUTORS. Cars & trucks. Used car bargains. A. E. Tourssen, 447 S. Main. ama canal treaty. The dual nature of the obligations Gill P isto n R in gs cure your motor troubles. Gill Piston Ring Co., 15 East Fourth South of both republics under rhe treaty is advanced as an additional argument, RUBBER HOSPITAL. We cure injured rubber articles. Boots, Shoes, especially in view of the belief that Hot Water bottlfes, Tires, Tubes, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. Return charges prepaid. Western Costa Rica is counting upon the sup Eliminating the profits of the middlemen, furriers, commission merchants, Rubber Sales Co., 134 E. Broadway, Salt I»ake. port of the recently formed union of etc., a Vermont trapper has mude a decided lilt with Boston folk by selling his ELASTIC STOCKING MFRS. Central American republics. fins to the public direct. Arriving in Boston with 41 red fox skins, he dis Manufacturers abdominal. Maternity supporters, “7 ■ posed of them so quickly, on the streets and in offices, thnt he promised to Truss fitters. S. H. Bowmar Co., Brooks Arcade. Seidinger, a French master baker, bring in his next catch. The furs were bought by stenographers, business who for exercise lifts 2,400 pounds D E N B Y I N C L U D E D IN C A B I N E T WELDING. AUTO RADIATORS & Machinery men and others at $14 a skin. of sacks containing flour. Seven men built and repaired. Beet and cheapest. Potter also add their well bt to the load. He Accepts Portfolio of Navy and Will Welding & Repairing Co., 551 South State. Have Roosevelt as Assistant. is prominent in amateur athletic cir L. D. S. BUSIN ESS C O LLEGE. St. Augustine, Fla.—Edwin Denhy, School o f Efficiency. All commercial branches. cles In his town In France. This pho Catalog free. 60 N. Main S t. Salt Lake City. tograph shows a test in strength in gunner's mute in Sampson's fleet and lifting power, and Seidinger chose sergeant of marines in the world war, KiD FITTING CORSET PARLORS. m m m m m in designing, making, fitting corsets. this unusual method, wholly within lias accepted the portfolio of the navy, Specialists Hemstitching, embroffiering, braiding, accordion the rules, of demonstrating he can ac with a pledge to maintain the naval and side pleating. Buttons made. 40 E. Bdwy. fighting machine “at the highest peak complish the feat. MABINELLO BEAUTY PARLOR. Hair goods of power, ready for battle at any and Marinello preparations. Mail orders solicited. Clift Bldg., Sait Lake City. Utah. CAME FROM COSTA RICA notice.” As his assistant he will have Theo VULCANIZING A RETREADING. Quality and dore Roosevelt, son of the former service. Standard Tire Works, 361 So. State. president, and he will begin his ad Inventors' Models Made. Key. lock and gun S .V ministration under i policy thnt calls repairing. Knudson Novelty Co.. 355 So. State. for adherence to the present naval INTER-MOUNTAIN ART CO., picture fram ■h building program until the nations may ing. china painters and artist supplies. 366 Main. be brought info a definite agreement Truss**. Abdominal Support*», hospital and sick room supplies. Th* Jonw-Oxkm Co. 165 S. Main. to reduce armaments. >*£■***£ H * ,/ Boston Folk Get Fur From Trapper “ fiot In a Ion« time have I enjoyed such good health or felt so well gen erally as 1 do since taking Tanlac,” said W. H. Johnson, 310 Bast 43rd 8t., Portland, Ore., who holds a re sponsible position with the Northwest Transfer Company. “ About a year ago I began suffer ing from lack of appetite and stomach trouble and since that time— that Is, until Tanlac set me right—I have felt so poorly that 1 could hardly do my work. My food seemed to do me little good, If any, as my digestion was bad, and I lost both weight nnd strength continually. “ After every meal there was a dull, nagging pain In the pit of my stomach that kept me feellrg miserable for hours. “The gas from my sour, undigested food would bloat me up terribly and my nerves were so upset that I would lie awake half the night unable to sleep. I was constantly having blind ing dizzy spells and could not bend over and straighten up quickly but what everything seemed as dark as night to me. “ I was telling a friend one day how had I felt and he advised me to try Tnnlac and I Just wnnt to say he couldn't have done me a grenter kind ness. “ I have picked up all o f fifteen pounds Ip weight, my appetite Is fine, and although I am eating Just any thing I want my stomach never give« me a particle of trouble. My sleep Is sound and restful and my strength and energy have been so renewed that my work Is no longer a burden to me.” Tanlac Is sold hy leading druggists everywhere.—Adv. One Point of Difference. He—Hello, kid! She—How dnre you speak to me? I don't know you from Adam. He— You ought to. I’m dressed dif ferently. ASPIRIN N a m e “ B a y e r” on G e n u in « Cocker Spaniel Is the “Best Dog” M EASU RE T O S A F E G U A R D RIGHTS Senator Borah Against Search Homes W .thout Warrant. Take Aspirin only us told iu each package of genuine ltayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then yon will he following the directions and dosage workeil out by physicians during 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances with substitutes. If you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for l’aln. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mnrk of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetlcacldester of Kalleyllcacld.— Adv. Washington.-—Declaring that "the great guarantees of the federal con stitution" have been flagrantly disre gard«!. "so far as the rights o f private citizens are concerned," Senator Borah of Idaho has introduced a Dill aimed to protect all residents of America against oppression through ntnl-nd- rulnistrntion of the law. Senator Borah’s hill Is aimed espec ially t « prevent entry and search of homes and offices without search war- wants, „ whether the. occupants are American citizens or "persons within the United States." 15 For the first time In the 45 years' history of the Westminster Kennel club shows, a cocker spaniel was Judged the beat dog exhibited. The highest honor of dogdoin went to W. T. I'ayne’s Mldklff Seductive, shown lu the ! picture. ____________________________________________________________ I N D IA N Steamer Klam ath Piled on the Rocks ta. :arfSfeaxTTTj Ridiculous. « “ Mamma, Is pupa going to die and go to heaven?" “Of course not. Bobby. Whatever put such an nbsurd Idea Into your head?"—American Legion Weekly. i n n V i Arthur Appleynrd of Newton Upper Falls, Mass., with the flve-weeks-old Costq Rican deer which he has pre sented to the Boston zoo. Dull Session. Cutlcura Soap fo< the Complexion. Nothing better than Cutlcura Soap dally and Ointment now and then as needed to muke the complexion clear, scalp clean nnd hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cutlcura Talcum and you have the Cutlcuru Toilet Trio.—Adv. “ I object to the gentleman putting a motion to the chair.” "What’s the trouble?" “The chair Is asleep." “ I’m not asleep." protested the “chair" Indignantly. “I was just medi tating." “ Well .If you are going to meditate show a little more consideration for the other members of the committee and don't meditate with your head on the table.”—Birmingham Age-Herald. Ready for Hanging. "The prisoner looks Ihn picture ol dejection." "Yes, and he nay* he'» been framed." If a man la Ignorant he may learn, i but If he known too much there Is no hope for him. Night nnd Mornlag. H a m Strong, Htalthy Eym. If they Tire.Itch. 'rtm .iA .'wL "ft Smart or Burn, if Sow, V K iien K / r C Inflamed or T O U R t l t j (Granulated.uarMurine often. S o o t h e » . F r f r e a h e a . Safe for Infantor AdulL At all Druggtata Write for Free Eve Book. Marta* Eft ( iw 4 t C*.. Ohan of Suggest Use for War Tanks. For use purpose of clearing up thou- | sands of acres of land for Itarmers in British Columbia by means of war | tanks to be imported from England ! nnd France, a convention of farmers' * The w recked steamer Klamath Is not merely grounded, she's piled up on | Institutes held In Victoria delegated me rocks on the Pacific coast of Mendocino county. California, near Del Mar certain members to place the scheme Landing, 20 miles south of Point Arena The Klamath was hit by a hurri before the government. The conven cane. swept shoreward and tossed on the rock-bound const like driftwood. tion also Was In favor of a wholesale She carried a crew of 37. and 19 passengers; nil were saved. This picture house, to be run along the lines of the fras taker by C. K. "Jack" Frost, aerial photographer. I California system. WOMEN ON W ARPATH Pattern After White Sisters and Are Demanding Right to Vote. Old Town. Me.—Indian women of the I’enobaoot tribe have started on the warpath to obtain the right to vote In the tribal elections and share in the conduct of reservation affairs. Already some forward-looking squaws have nailed the suffrage colors to the to tem pole. wirb. the assertion that a grand lady sachem would make a wiser chief than any brave that ever wove a basket or built a canoe. The new women of ancient peoplo began rejoicing when they received a ruling from Attorney General Shaw that they could go as far as the tribe allowed, for the state would remain neutral. SEE YOUR LOCAL PUBLISHER For loose leaf binders, special blanks, records o f all kinds. He gives Quality Service. ATTEND UTAH BUSINESS COLLEGE For Practical Business Education. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Qualify aa bur- her in few week». 43 S. West Temple Street T ill EMBROIDERY SHOP. 334 Clift IlldV Hemstitching, pleating, machine and hand em broidering. buttons made, expert bead work. Right Back at Him. "Are you aware, sir,” solemnly de manded the gent whose countenance was as elongated as that of a vener able horse, "that there is three times as much money spent every year in America for tobacco us for education, nine times us much for chewing gum ami fifteen times as much for soft drinks?” "I have never taken the trouble to inquire, replied J. Fuller Gloom. "but I am convinced that there is about 800 times as much paid to reformers for hlatting about it as they are worth."__ J udge. Plan to Get Even. "Cook left, eh?" "Yes, she was too good. During the month she was with us my wife gained twenty pounds,” "Where is she now?” "My wife managed to work her off on a woman she detests."—Boston Transcript. The Philanthropist. Customer—Why. you've put your prices up again! Fishmonger—Well, mum, I ask yer ow else are we lo fight the profiteer at his own game?—Punch (Londou). Soldier Bonus Bill Attacked. Perhaps. Washington.—-Senate forces lined up for a clash over soldier bonus legisla tion when the senate finance commit tee reported Saturday the house hill favorably, after striking out the pro vision for special taxes to pay ihe cost H*“~ There are two periods in a man s life when he never understands a woman." f'ffe—"Indeed? And when are they?” He—"Before he Is married- d—and after» anl " Youthful Bank Thief Captured. Reassuring. Chicago.—It took less than forty eijfht hours for the $772,000 In Liberty bonds which William Dalton, seven- teen-year-old hank clerk, stole from the Northern Trust company to he recov ered. Dalton being captured Saturday. J ur - What if the bridge should break and the train fall into the river? Conductor—Don’t worry, sir. This road won t miss it. It has V lot of tiAiDs. Eriu Railroad Magazine.